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A system for traffic sign detection, tracking, and recognition using color, shape,
and motion information

Conference Paper · July 2005

DOI: 10.1109/IVS.2005.1505111 · Source: IEEE Xplore


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5 authors, including:

Claus Bahlmann Ying Zhu

Siemens Siemens


Visvanathan Ramesh Thorsten Köhler

Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main Continental AG


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A System for Traffic Sign Detection, Tracking, and
Recognition Using Color, Shape, and Motion
Claus Bahlmann∗ , Ying Zhu∗ , Visvanathan Ramesh∗ Martin Pellkofer† , Thorsten Koehler†
∗ Siemens
Corporate Research, Inc. † Siemens VDO Automotive AG
755 College Road East Osterhofener Str. 19, Business Park
Princeton, NJ 08540, USA 93055 Regensburg, Germany
{claus.bahlmann,yingzhu,visvanathan.ramesh} {martin.pellkofer,thorsten.koehler}

Abstract— This paper describes a computer vision based sys-

tem for real-time robust traffic sign detection, tracking, and
recognition. Such a framework is of major interest for driver
assistance in an intelligent automotive cockpit environment. The
proposed approach consists of two components. First, signs are Figure 1: Examples of traffic signs. Note that data are available
detected using a set of Haar wavelet features obtained from Ada- in color.
Boost training. Compared to previously published approaches,
our solution offers a generic, joint modeling of color and
shape information without the need of tuning free parameters.
Once detected, objects are efficiently tracked within a temporal
positioned relative to the environment (contrary to vehicles),
information propagation framework. Second, classification is and are often set up in clear sight to the driver.
performed using Bayesian generative modeling. Making use of the Nevertheless, a number of challenges remain for a success-
tracking information, hypotheses are fused over multiple frames. ful recognition. First, weather and lighting conditions vary sig-
Experiments show high detection and recognition accuracy and a nificantly in traffic environments, diminishing the advantage of
frame rate of approximately 10 frames per second on a standard
the above claimed object uniqueness. Additionally, as the cam-
era is moving, additional image distortions, such as, motion
I. I NTRODUCTION blur and abrupt contrast changes, occur frequently. Further,
the sign installation and surface material can physically change
In traffic environments, signs regulate traffic, warn the over time, influenced by accidents and weather, hence resulting
driver, and command or prohibit certain actions. A real-time in rotated signs and degenerated colors. Finally, the constraints
and robust automatic traffic sign recognition can support and given by the area of application require inexpensive systems
disburden the driver, and thus, significantly increase driving (i.e., low-quality sensor, slow hardware), high accuracy and
safety and comfort. For instance, it can remind the driver of the real-time computation.
current speed limit, prevent him from performing inappropriate
actions such as entering a one-way street, passing another car II. R ELATED WORK
in a no passing zone, unwanted speeding, etc. Further, it can Related work can be found in machine learning, general
be integrated into an adaptive cruise control (ACC) for a less object detection and intelligent vehicle literature.
stressful driving. In a more global context, it can contribute
to the scene understanding of traffic context (e.g., if the car is A. Machine learning and object detection
driving in a city or on a freeway). In recent years, the performance of many object detection
In this contribution, we describe a real-time system for applications has received a boost by the “Viola-Jones” detec-
vision based traffic sign detection and recognition. We focus tor [11], an approach that discriminates object from non-object
on an important and practically relevant subset of (German) image patches with help of machine learning techniques. Its
traffic signs, namely speed-signs and no-passing-signs, and main idea is to generate an over-complete set of (up to 100000)
their corresponding end-signs, respectively. A few sign ex- efficiently computable Haar wavelet features, combine them
amples from our dataset are shown in Figure 1. with simple threshold classifiers, and utilize AdaBoost [9] to
The problem of traffic sign recognition has some beneficial select and weight the most discriminative subset of wavelet
characteristics. First, the design of traffic signs is unique, thus, features and threshold classifiers. Supported by an efficient
object variations are small. Further, sign colors often contrast wavelet feature computation with help of the so-called integral
very well against the environment. Moreover, signs are rigidly image and a cascaded classifier setup, those systems were
shown to be able to solve many practical problems in real-
time [12, 14].
B. Traffic sign recognition

The vast majority of published traffic sign recognition w

approaches utilizes at least two steps, one aiming at detection,

the other one at classification, that is, the task of mapping the
detected sign image into its semantic category.
Regarding the detection problem, several different ap- Figure 3: Example of a Haar wavelet.
proaches have been proposed. Among those, a few rely solely
on gray-scale data. Gavrila [5] employs a template based
approach in combination with a distance transform. Barnes
detection applications, without the need of manually tuning
and Zelinsky [1] utilize a measure of “radial symmetry”
thresholds, and, based on this, (ii) a system for a robust and
and apply it as a pre-segmentation within their framework.
real-time traffic sign detection and recognition.
Since radial symmetry corresponds to a simplified (i.e., fast)
circular Hough transform, it is particularly applicable for III. T RAFFIC S IGN R ECOGNITION S YSTEM
detecting possible occurrences of circular signs. A hypothesis A RCHITECTURE
verification is integrated within the classification. The authors
The proposed sign recognition system is founded on a com-
report very fast processing with this method.
bination of two components. This includes (i) a detection and
The majority of recently published sign detection ap-
tracking framework, based on AdaBoost, color sensitive Haar
proaches make use of color information [2, 3, 6, 7, 10,
wavelet features, and a temporal information propagation, and
13]. They share a common two-step strategy. First, a pre-
(ii) a Bayesian classification with temporal hypothesis fusion.
segmentation is employed by a thresholding operation on the
The architecture of this system is illustrated in Figure 2, and
individual author’s favorite color representation. Some authors
its details are given in the following.
perform this directly in RGB space, others apply linear or
nonlinear transformations of it. Subsequently, a final detection A. AdaBoost detection and tracking with joint color and shape
decision is obtained from shape based features, applied only modeling
to the pre-segmented regions. Researchers use, for instance, The detection is addressed by a patch based approach, which
corner [3] or edge [13] features, genetic algorithms [2], or is motivated by the work of Viola and Jones [11]. Their
template matching [10]. An active vision strategy is pursued approach assigns an image patch xi (taken as a vector) into
by Miura et al. [6], where a second camera is used to get a one of the two classes “object” (yi ≥ 0) and “non-object”
high resolution image of the pre-segmented region. (yi < 0) by evaluating
The drawback of this sequential appliance of color and !
shape detection is as follows. Regions that have falsely been X
rejected by the color segmentation, cannot be recovered in yi = sign αt sign (hft , xi i − θt ) , (1)
the further processing. A joint modeling of color and shape
can overcome this problem. Additionally, color segmentation with h·, ·i the inner product. The filter masks ft (taken as a
requires the fixation of thresholds, mostly obtained from a time vector) usually describe an over-complete set of Haar wavelet
consuming and error prone manual tuning. filters, which are generated by varying particular geometric
A joint treatment of color and shape has been proposed by parameters, such as, their relative position (a, b), width w and
Fang et al. [4]. The authors compute a feature map of the entire height h (see Figure 3 for an example). An optimal subset of
image frame, based on color and gradient information, while those wavelets, as well as the weights αt and classifier thresh-
incorporating a geometry model of signs. Still, their approach olds θt are obtained from the AdaBoost training algorithm [9].
requires a manual threshold tuning, and it is reported to be Details are given in the above mentioned references.
computationally rather expensive. Novel contribution of the proposed approach is a joint color
For the classification task, most systems utilize techniques and shape modeling within the AdaBoost framework, as will
from the inventory of well studied classification schemes, such be described as follows.
as, template matching [1, 6], multi-layer perceptrons [3, 10], For the application of traffic sign recognition, color repre-
radial basis function networks [5], Laplace kernel classifiers sents valuable information, as most of the object color is not
[7], etc. observed in typical background patterns (e.g., trees, houses,
A few approaches employ a temporal fusion of frame based asphalt, etc.).
detections to obtain a more robust overall detection [8]. This, In fact, AdaBoost provides a simple but very effective lever-
however, requires some sort of tracking framework. age for this issue, when it is interpreted as a feature selection:
The contribution of this paper in the context of the above Previously, AdaBoost has been used to select (and weight)
reviewed literature is two-fold. It describes (i) an integrated a set of wavelet features, parameterized by their geometric
approach for color and shape modeling for general object properties, such as, position (a, b), width w, or height h. Those
Detection & Tracking

t t+1 t




Figure 2: Architecture for the proposed traffic sign recognition system: An algorithm based on AdaBoost and color sensitive
Haar wavelet features detects appearances of signs at each frame t. Once detected, objects are tracked, and individual detections
from frames (t − t0 , . . . , t) are temporally fused for a robust overall detection. In the figure, this is indicated by the cross-
linked arrows. Following, the sign is circularly masked and normalized with respect to position, scale and brightness. Finally,
classification is performed based on the Bayesian paradigm, including another temporal hypotheses fusion.

wavelets have been typically applied to patches of gray-scale

In situations, where color instead of gray-scale information
is available, no general guidance exists for choosing, which Figure 4: Top six Haar wavelets of a sign detector from left
color representation should be used, or how they could be to right. The pixels below the white areas are weighted by
optimally combined within a linear or nonlinear color trans- +1, the black area by −1. The here illustrated filter masks
formation. This not only applies to AdaBoost, but is a general are parameterized by their width w, the height h, and relative
matter of disagreement among researchers. coordinates a and b. The background “coloring” indicates the
At this point, one contribution of this paper applies: If we color channel the individual features are computed on, in this
regard the color representation to be operated on as a free example corresponding to r, R, G, r, S/3, g.
wavelet parameter, side by side to a, b, w, and h, we can
achieve a fully automatic color selection within the AdaBoost
framework. extractors most significant for the present application. One
The variety of the color representations to be integrated conclusion is very notable for this example. The most valuable
are not limited to R, G, and B. We can incorporate prior information is selected from the color representations, in this
domain knowledge by adopting linear or non-linear color case, r, R, and G, corresponding to the frequently observed red
transformations. One beneficial property of this modeling is ring in the positive and trees in the negative sample set. This
that these transformations are only “proposals” to the Ada- underlines the usefulness of color in the present application.
Boost training. In principle, each combination in color and We conclude this section about the detection with a few
geometric space can be proposed. The AdaBoost framework is remarks. As the pursued patch based detection is not scale
designed to select the most effective and disregard ineffective invariant, different detectors are trained for a number of
ones. The variety of the “proposals” is solely limited by the discrete scales. After detection, an estimate of detected sign
computational and memory resources. parameters (i.e., position (a0 , b0 ) and scale r0 ) can be obtained
For our particular application of traffic sign detection, we from the maxima in the response map of respective detectors.
propose the following seven color representations: Once detected, a sign is tracked using a simple motion
1) the plain channels R, G, and B, model and temporal information propagation. For a more
2) the normalized channels r = R/S, g = G/S, and b = robust detection, we fuse the results of the individual frame
B/S with S = R + G + B, and based detections to a combined score. More details are given
3) the gray-scale channel S/3. by Zhu et al. [14] in the context of vehicle detection.
A result of the AdaBoost training for the traffic signs (the
setup will be described in Section IV) is illustrated in Figure 4 B. Normalization
by means of the top six (i.e., maximum weighted) wavelets. Based on the estimated sign parameters from the detection,
In other words, those six wavelets correspond to the feature (a0 , b0 , r0 ), the following normalization steps are pursued (cf.
also Figure 2): Probabilistic confidence measures for the classification are
1) A circular region with diameter 2r0 is extracted from provided by means of the posterior probability for each class
the sign patch. l′ ,
p x(t) |l′ P (l′ )

2) The image is converted to gray-scale, its brightness is 
′ (t)

p l |x =P . (8)
normalized by histogram equalization.

l p x |l P (l)
3) The resulting image is scaled to a normalized resolution,
in order to be compatible to the classifier. The priors P (l) can be taken uniformly, or could be chosen to
reflect known information about the traffic environment (e.g.,
C. Classifier design city or freeway situation).
The classification framework is based on the generative
paradigm, employing unimodal Gaussian probability densities. IV. E XPERIMENTS AND R ESULTS
Prior to the probabilistic modeling, a feature transformation is
performed, using standard linear discriminant analysis (LDA). We have performed extensive benchmarking on the above
In this respect, a feature vector x ∈ R25 of the sign pattern described system, based on 30 minutes of traffic sign video
comprises the first 25 most discriminative basis vectors of the material. The frame resolution in the videos is 384 × 288,
LDA. typical signs appear in 10–55 pixels diameter. The scenario
1) Training: For each class l ∈ {1, . . . , L}, a probability in the videos includes urban, highway, and freeway traffic,
density function p (x|l) is estimated based on a unimodal taken during both day and night time. Weather conditions are
multivariate Gaussian cloudy and sunny. It should be stated that the data is very
difficult as most of the signs appear only in small resolution,
p (x|l) = Nµ(l) ,Σ(l) (x) , (2) that is, smaller than 20 pixels diameter.
x x

thus the entire

 classifier  is determined by L pairs of mean and A. Individual detection and classification performance
(l) (l)
covariance µx , Σx .
In a first experimental setup, we separately evaluate the
2) Classification: Given a feature vector x(t) from the test detection and classification modules, as described in Sec-
sequence at frame t, a maximum likelihood (ML) approach tions III-A and III-C, respectively. For this, we labeled ap-
implies a classification decision ˆl, which is defined by proximately 4000 positive (out of 23 sign classes) and 4000
negative samples out of the videos. The amount of positive
n   o
ˆl = argmin d x(t) , µ(l) , Σ(l) (3)
x x
l training samples per class varies from 30 to 600. Detectors
and       have been trained on five discrete scales, corresponding to a
d x(t) , µ(l) (l)
= − ln p x(t) |l sign diameter of 14, 20, 28, 40, and 54 pixels. The test data set
x , Σx (4)
comprises approximately 1700 positives and 40000 negatives,
The classification performance can further be improved by and is disjoint to the training set. A summary of the results is
taking into account the temporal dependencies. Given a feature given in Table I.
sequence X(t0 ) = x(1) , . . . , x(t0 ) , obtained from the above

1) Detection: The system described above has been evalu-
depicted tracking, the classifier decision can be combined ated to 1.4 % false negative rate (DFNR, i.e., miss detections)
from the observations so far seen. Assuming the statistical and 0.03 % false positive rate (DFPR, i.e., false alarms). These
independence of x(1) , . . . , x(t0 ) , a combined classification rates are the mean values of experiments for the five different
distance is given by scales.
An interesting question concerns the impact of the proposed
(t0 ) (l) (l) (t)
d X , µx , Σx = − ln p x |l color modeling. In this respect, we performed the correspond-
t=1 ing experiment, as described above, using only the plain
X    gray-scale color representation (i.e., using only the gray-scale
= d x(t) , µ(l) (l)
x , Σx (5) channel S/3). There, a false negative rate 1.6 % was achieved,
similar to the color based detection. However, the false positive
From a practical point of view, it can be worthwhile to weight rate increased to 0.3 %, which is one magnitude higher. This
the impact of the individual frames differently, that is, result can be interpreted as a clear indicator for the usefulness
   Xt0    of color in traffic sign detection.
d X(t0 ) , µ(l)
x , Σ(l)
x = π t d x (t)
, µ (l)
x , Σ(l)
x .
(6) 2) Classification: For the evaluation of the classification
t=1 method we used the same disjoint (positive) data sets as
In our preliminary experiments we have chosen described above, scaled to a normalized resolution. Within this
framework, the classification error rate (CER) has been eval-
πt = at0 −t (7)
uated to 6%. Most classification errors result from confusions
with a < 1. This is motivated from the fact that the traffic between similar classes (e.g., “speed limit 60” vs. “speed limit
signs get bigger in later frames, resulting in a more accurate 80”, “speed limit 100” vs. “speed limit 120”) and from low
frame based classification. resolution test samples.
Haar wavelet features, and a classifier, based on a Gaussian
Proposed System 1.4 % 0.03 % 6% 15 %
Proposed System probability density modeling.
1.6 % 0.3 %
only gray-scale The main contribution of this paper is a joint modeling
of color and shape within the AdaBoost framework. Beside
Table I: Summary of the detection false negative rate (DFNR), the benefit of the integrated modeling, this approach has the
false positive rate (DFPR), classification error rate (CER), and additional advantage that no free parameters have to be tuned
the system recognition error rate (SRER). We compare the manually. The proposed modeling is a generic concept and
proposed system (upper row) with a variation of it, where can find its application in many additional detection problems
detection is solely based on gray-scale data (lower row). The that are based on color data.
DFNR are comparable, however, the color based approach In addition, the detection and classification have been aug-
leads to 10 times less DFPR. The CER in a patch based mented by temporal information fusion. By this modeling,
classification is 6 % for the proposed system. While the first the robustness of the recognition system could further be
three error rates are measured from isolated patches and on improved.
predefined object scales, the SRER evaluates the whole system Experiments have shown an accurate sign detection and
performance in the context of entire video sequences including classification performance with near real-time processing. Fur-
tracking and temporal fusion. ther, the impact of the proposed color modeling has been
demonstrated in a comparative study.
In future work, we want to tackle a number of challenges
B. Overall system performance for further improvement in computational speed and the recog-
In a second evaluation setup, we tested the performance of nition accuracy. In this respect, we are planning to address
the entire detection, tracking, and recognition system, as de- the following issues: The incorporation of scene and motion
scribed in Section III. For the notation of “system recognition modeling, in combination with projective geometry, can both
error rate” (SRER), we count the fraction of traffic signs, that reduce the computational cost and detection errors.
have been misclassified at their last detected appearance in the Experiments have shown inferior performance for the de-
entire image sequence, or have been missed in the detection. tection and classification of objects, the size of which is not
With this convention, we measured 15 % SRER on a video exactly covered by one of the detectors. In this sense, we plan
test set disjoint to the training videos, allowing only very few to study a fusion in scale space, where detector responses are
false positive detections (approximately 1 every 600 frames). combined from different scales in a systematic way.
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