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Journal of Asian Midwives (JAM)

Volume 5 Issue 2 Article 3


The politics of abortion and maternal health: A discussion paper

Ihsan Ullah
Khyber medical university, Institute of public health and social sciences

Ayaz Ayub
Khyber medical university, Institute of public health and social sciences

Edwin van Teijlingen

Bournemouth University, United Kingdom

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Ullah, I, Ayub, A, & Teijlingen, E v. The politics of abortion and maternal health: A discussion paper. Journal
of Asian Midwives. 2018;5(2):16–23.
Journal of Asian Midwives (JAM), Vol. 5, Iss. 2 [2018]

The Politics of Abortion and Maternal Health: A Discussion Paper

Ihsan Ullah1*, Ayaz Ayub2, Edwin van Teijlingen3


Abortion should be legally allowed for women because it can save mothers from childbirth-
related complications and death. Legal abortion is one of the safest methods to terminate a
pregnancy when there is a risk to the mother’s health by childbirth or severe deformity of the
fetus or it is unwanted. Unfortunately, approximately half of all abortions worldwide mostly in
nations where abortion is severely restricted and are performed in dangerous settings. These
risky abortions are a significant contributor to maternal morbidity and disability. Limiting a
woman's access to an abortion does not stop abortion; rather, it just encourages more risky
procedures. There are various obstacles to safe abortion, but a few of them are the law, restrictive
health regulations, a lack of qualified medical personnel, and the stigma associated with the
procedure. For the sake of public health, abortion should be accessible, and any legal framework
should be as tolerant as feasible to encourage access. Both medical and surgical methods of
abortion are safe and effective (in the first trimester, via manual or electric vacuum aspiration).
Even though induced abortion is still widely practiced in countries such as Kenya, it is severely
controlled. Having an illegal abortion puts women at risk of serious complications or even death.
Briefly, abortion is a legal right for a woman to take place if there is a risk to the health of a
pregnant woman or is a severe deformity or intended conception

Keywords: Abortion, policy, safety, laws, termination of pregnancy, maternal mortality

1 Khyber medical university, Institute of public health and social sciences.

2 Khyber medical university, Institute of public health and social sciences.
3 Professor, Bournemouth University, United Kingdom

1* Corresponding author: Khyber medical university, Institute of public health and social sciences,

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Journal of Asian Midwives (JAM), Vol. 5, Iss. 2 [2018]

developed world abortion laws often

consider it the right of a woman.4 In
Norway, abortion is considered a human
Abortion means ending the
natural right for mothers, in 1978
pregnancy before the child is born. It
women were allowed to decide whether
may take place naturally or intentionally.
to terminate their pregnancies up until
Abortion is one of the harmless
the end of the 12th week, whilst induced
processes when childbirth causes severe
abortions between week 13-22 need
injuries to the mother’s health.1 In the
approval by a commission.5 Abortion is
literature, miscarriage is used for
effective when done through safe
spontaneous abortion while induced
methods and precautions; however, risk
abortion is referred to as a purposeful
will be developed when done with
abortion or medical termination.
unsafe precautions.3
Abortion as an intervention is either a
medical or asurgical invasive procedure. Often religious people and men are
According to one survey, 88% percent, against abortion. They think abortion is
10 %, and 1.1% of abortions have the killing of the human fetus.
undergone in the first, second, and third According to the anti-abortion standard
trimesters respectively.2 According to fetus is a human in nature and a human
the World Health Organization (WHO), has the right to live, therefore a fetus has
globally about 56 million abortions the right to life. A woman cannot decide
happen every year. In Iran, abortion is to override the life of a fetus hence
legally allowed in clinics and hospitals abortion is wrong.6 While science
and is considered as referrals for safe dictates that abortion is not murder
abortion, about 64% of abortions take because a fertilized egg is a group of
place in hospitals, and 24% of abortions cells lacking anatomical structure, it has
take place in homes.3 According to the no capacity to survive outside the womb,
USA’s (United States of America) and may not have the capacity to feel,
reproductive health survey, the abortion hence it can’t be human. We do not
rate is 37 per 1,000 people in countries, know that this fertilized egg will produce
which forbid abortion; it is 34 per 1000 one or more individuals, we cannot call a
in those legally allowing it. In the 17
Journal of Asian Midwives (JAM), Vol. 5, Iss. 2 [2018]

fertilized egg or embryo a “child”, so According to science, a fertilized

abortion should be legal.7 egg is a group of cells lacking
anatomical structure and may not be a
The Global Stance on Abortion
human. According to Columbian social
protection law, abortion should not be
Globally in 2008, some 86 million out of
labeled as a crime and would no longer
208 million pregnancies were
be a criminal offense in three situations,
unintentional and one-fifth of the
uncertainty pregnancy causes a risk to
pregnancy were terminated with
the mother’s health, if the fetus or
abortion.8 In June 2016, the supreme
embryo had severe deformities, or if the
court of the USA approved a
pregnancy was the consequence of rape,
revolutionary bill on the availability of
or undesirable conception.10 Canada is
abortion facilities, which stipulated that
the first country, which completely
hurdles should not be enforced to
decriminalizes abortion in 1988, but
pregnant women looking for an abortion.
abortion in rural areas is not available,
The Bombay high court in India
therefore women seeking an abortion
considered abortion as the women’s
must travel to the USA. Abortions based
basic right, to decide whether not to get
on mental health were made legal in the
pregnant or stay pregnant.9 The court in
UK in 1938, became more freely
India set a panel of doctors to decide
available after the 1967 Abortion Act,
about termination of pregnancy after 20
while in China, abortion is legal and free
weeks if required to save the mothers
upon request making it is one of the
health and allow other auxiliary staff
freest abortion policies in the world.11
including nurses to handle abortion in
the immediate situation. According to The Position of Abortion in Pakistan
the WHO, unavailability of safe,
appropriate, and cheap abortion, care is a Most healthcare professionals in
serious public health issue. Abortion is Pakistan, as well as the public and
considered to be safe and effective if it policymakers, are unaware of the shift in
has done following WHO guidelines. the legal status of abortion. Up until
1997, a woman could only get an

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abortion to save her own life. This was child whose extremities have developed
changed in 1997 to bring the law into for any additional cause the mother's life
compliance with Islamic law as is subject to paying Dyad (blood money)
prescribed by the Holy Quran and and may receive a sentence of up to
Sunnah. As a result of legal revision, seven years in jail.14 This statement
abortion is now permitted early in a specifies that if the abortion carried out
pregnancy, not just to protect the with the woman's consensus, a sentence
woman's life but also to provide required of three years is possible; otherwise, a
care. Few people are aware of the punishment of up to ten years will be
change in the law that has made it easier contemplated.13 If done to offer medical
to perform an abortion in the first therapy, abortion during the earliest
trimester of pregnancy.12 The right of stages of pregnancy is legal.
women to have an abortion of her
About two-thirds of all women
choosing throughout the first 120 days of
worldwide currently live in nations that
pregnancy is a legal right, according to
allow abortion on demand or for a
the charge of inquiry for women, which
variety of societal, financial, or causes.
was established in 1997 to observe laws
Nonetheless, the greater part of women
to close injustices against women and
who look for abortions continues to do
was presided over by a Supreme Court
so under concealed conditions.

Religious Aspect on Abortion

Laws for Abortion in Pakistan

The Penal Code of Pakistan takes

Abortion is illegal after the fetus has
into account two stages of pregnancy
fully developed and been endowed with
when deciding whether to consider
a soul, according to all Muslim jurists.
abortion illegal. It covers the subject of
Additionally, it is an offense against a
causing miscarriage (abortion) in
whole, alive human being, with the
sections 338, 338A, 338B, and 338C.
exception of the life of the mother being
These two violations called isqaṭ-ḥamal
at risk; this is based on the legal precepts
and isqaṭ-janīn. According to Sections
that "the mother is the origin or root,
338 B and C, anybody who aborts a
whereas the embryo is a branch," and 19
Journal of Asian Midwives (JAM), Vol. 5, Iss. 2 [2018]

that "a greater evil (in this case, the a form of birth control. A minority of
death of the mother) should be warded judges permit abortion up to 80 days into
off by the lesser evil (the death of her the pregnancy, whereas the majority
fetus".13 only approve it during the first 40 days.10

Lesser judges permit abortions when Conclusion

"expert" doctors believe the fetus is Briefly, safe abortion should be
seriously malformed or is unlikely to encouraged. Awareness and education
live after birth. Imam al-Ghazali states regarding abortion is important because
abortion is unlawful and draws a clear most woman fear the procedure, whilst
line between abortion and contraception. every woman has the right to decide
The severity of offence is getting worse whether have a child or not.9
as the pregnancy progresses. According Implications of abortion in society need
to the Hanafi thought, abortion is legal to be assembled within socio-historical
before 120 days if there are good reasons and gendered spaces and established
for it. A tiny percentage of judges have through many dialogs that impact the
argued that abortion is legal if both awareness and treatment of the issue in
spouses seek it; a smaller number permit that society. In societies with influential
it with the wife's consent only for repressive anti-abortion customs, the
remedial causes but favor consent from adult population knows little as to how
both partners.15 these norms are counter-attacked.
Sometimes feminist approach is
Acceptable justifications include
effective in the opposition of religious
the mother's poor health, the possibility
and patriarchal norms that can be
of a difficult or obstructed delivery,
substituted through adult community
previous challenging pregnancies
abortion education.
needing a Caesarean Section, and the
possibility that the mother is presently This discussion paper suggests that
nursing a baby and is unable to provide awareness-raising efforts need to be
milk for another child. The majority of addressed at all levels so that people can
jurists do not support financial abortions, establish their own "thought opinions" as
and everyone opposes using abortion as opposed to simply copying what others

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say. The open debate of bioethical policymakers, etc. While creating

concerns through seminars, conferences, legislation or rules and regulations about
and workshops is necessary to promote bioethical issues, ethicists, scholars, and
contact between professionals, religious experts should be asked for
academics, researchers, students, their views.

Competing interests

The authors declare that they have no competing interests.


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