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Name : Ainan Wahaab N. A.

Student ID: 09912922


1. Harlow, Harlow & Meyer, 1950 – Learning Motivated by a Manipulation Drive

4 monkeys were left in their cages with a lock puzzle for 12 days. If they solve the
puzzle, the puzzle will be reset. On day 13, the results were recorded both success and
failure. On day 14 the results were recorded too, but there is raisins under the puzzle,
if they success to open it, they get the raisins. After that event, the success results is
worse than before. They were focused to get the food rather than open the puzzle first,
they chose to attack the hasp rather than open it. Their motivations were changed
since the food reward introduced.

2. Deci, 1971 – Effects of Externally Mediated Rewards on Intrinsic Motivation

24 college students joined 3 session of 3 different days, half of them is experimental
group and the other half is control group. They were given a puzzle with some
magazine and a list of how to solve the puzzle. Also, they need to count how many
times they were success to solve the puzzle. The 2 nd day the experimental group were
given $1 when they solve the puzzle, but no reward for control group. 3 rd session were
the same event with the 1 st one. As a result, the experimental group get lower score at
the end of the session. But control group has a better score at the end of the session.
Experimental group lost their motivation after they know they wouldn’t get the
reward, however the control group motivations increases after they know that last
session, the other group were given a reward.

3. Ariely et al., 2009 – Large Stakes and Big Mistakes

87 people from India joined a games. They separated into 3 groups based on their
incentives, 4 Rupees, 40 Rupees and 400 Rupees. The game was consist of 6 mini
games, if they were success, they got full payment, if they got somehow success, they
got half, if they fail they got nothing. Games were played and the results came out.
People who joined the 400 Rupees has a lower scores rather than the other 2 groups.
Based on the experiment, people who bet big number will get bigger pressure than the
one who bet lower. So they cannot maximize their performance on the games.
4. Lepper & Greene, 1975 – Turning Play into Work : Effects of Adult Surveillance
and Extrinsic Rewards on Children’s Intrinsic Motivation
80 kids brought into different tables to solve a puzzle. They separated to 4 groups,
group with surveillance and expected rewards, group with surveillance and
unexpected reward, group with no surveillance with expected rewards and group with
no surveillance with unexpected rewards. 1st day results is some kids knew they were
recorded, some didn’t. some kids get the reward and some of them didn’t. 2 weeks
later, they were came to the same place and told that they can play with the puzzle if
they wanted to. As a result, kids with no surveillance are tends to get higher score
than the surveillance one. The reason is because the kids with no surveillance were
played the games because they like it, but the kids with surveillance get some pressure
because they knew they were watched. Then the kids with unexpected rewards are
tends to get higher score than the kids with expected rewards. It happen because the
kids with unexpected rewards has a motivation that they would get the rewards if they
solve the puzzle, just like the kids with expected rewards.

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