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Reaching Consensus about Proficiency

Read the assessment prompt and/or rubric and explain:
o  What are the students expected to do?

Research a city in India, look at it in present times, look at its historical claims to fames,
then analyze, and write their findings into a short story.

Research and analyze the impacts of the history of colonizers and conquerors in India.

o  Which standards (CCSS or content standards) or curriculum expectations are

being assessed?

History 2.1

History 2.2

o  What do you consider to be a proficient response on this assessment? Exactly

what do students need to say or write for you to consider their work proficient?

Title: "Shadows of the Peepal Tree"

What Im looking for:

I am looking for students to: name an Indian city, research it in a geographical context,
look at what makes the city famous, what it was like in the 1700’s, and write a short
creative story involving the city and the British empire.


Once upon a time, in the late 19th century, the British Empire cast its imperial gaze upon
the rich and diverse tapestry of India. Among the myriad stories woven into the
subcontinent's history, one tale unfolded in the quaint village of Chandrapur.

Naina, a spirited young woman with an insatiable curiosity, lived under the spreading
branches of the ancient peepal tree. The village thrived on its age-old traditions, and
Naina reveled in the stories passed down through generations. Life was peaceful until the
arrival of Captain Arthur Harcourt, a British officer tasked with overseeing the village and
its surroundings.

Captain Harcourt was not the typical colonial oppressor; he was a man of intellect,
genuinely fascinated by the culture and people he encountered. Naina, however, viewed
him with suspicion, fearing that his seemingly benign demeanor might mask a more
insidious agenda.

As the British influence seeped into Chandrapur, changes were inevitable. Captain
Harcourt initiated projects to modernize the village, introducing new farming techniques
and building a school. The villagers, torn between tradition and progress, found
themselves at a crossroads.

Naina, torn between loyalty to her heritage and a growing respect for Captain Harcourt's
genuine attempts at positive change, became a bridge between the two worlds. She
attended the school, learning English and the ways of the British, all the while keeping
alive the stories of her ancestors.

As the years passed, a unique synthesis of cultures emerged in Chandrapur. The peepal
tree, a silent witness to the transformation, became a symbol of unity, its shadows
embracing both old and new.

Tensions rose as whispers of a growing independence movement reached the village.

Captain Harcourt, torn between his duty and affection for the people, faced a moral
dilemma. Naina, now a symbol of the cultural amalgamation, found herself at the heart of
the conflict.

One fateful day, as the cry for independence echoed through the nation, Chandrapur too
experienced its moment of reckoning. The villagers, with Naina at the forefront,
peacefully but resolutely demanded their right to self-determination.

In a surprising turn of events, Captain Harcourt, moved by the villagers' resolve and
understanding the depth of their connection to the land, made a bold decision. He
pledged support for their cause, recognizing that true progress could only come through
mutual respect and collaboration.

And so, under the shade of the peepal tree, a pact was sealed—a testament to the power
of understanding, empathy, and the shared desire for a better future. The people of
Chandrapur, with their unique blend of traditions and modernity, embarked on a journey
towards a harmonious coexistence, leaving behind the shadows of colonialism and
embracing the dawn of a new era.

 Did the assessment give students a good opportunity to demonstrate what they know?
Yes it did! It also expanded knowledge because they got to do a more in depth research of the

High Expected Low

James ,Kassidy, Jordan, Bella Cyle, Jody, Brody, K, Emily, Adam, Kate, Luke, Drew,
Malissa, Annika, Greg, Suellen Maggie, Migo, Anne, Jackson,
% of class: 20 % of class: 40 % of class: 40

High Expected Low

 Indian British colonization left a The British just went in and
Nationalism: The lasting impact on India the blowed stuff up.
experience of British effects were not uniformly -Stevie
colonization played negative or positive.
a crucial role in -Jody
fostering a sense of
national identity
and unity among
Indians. The
struggle for
independence, led
by figures like
Mahatma Gandhi,
was a response to
the political and
exploitation by the

High Expected Low

James gave a solid response. There were certainly negative There is just very little effort
He summarized Indian outcomes. Like the famines here and Stevie does not give
nationalism and incorporated or loss of wealth from the any examples and could’ve
into his assignment well. British, plus they were given a better example
exploited. altogether.

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