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THULE elcome back to the savage age of Thule! In this fierce land, bold heroes face dangers ranging from sub-human beastmen to saber-tooth cats to elder horrors sleeping in jungle-covered temples. Doom draws near as the eternal snows advance southward with each passing yeas, but for this one bright moment, Thule still lives—and it is a fierce, intense, and marvelous moment indeed. ‘This supplement expands the range of tools and threats the Gamemaster can use to bring the Primeval Thule campaign to life, In this book you will find: New rules for Fame, Power, and Sanity Raid and small battle mass combat rules; Anew campaign are and a new adventure site 5 Two nev villainous organizations; 14 new Thulean monster and villain entries, including the Great Old One Yga-Ygo;, Encounter tables for each region of Thule. Adventure in a savage age awaits you! oe Richard Baker, Steve Townshend Development: Stephen Schubert © Cover Art: Lee Moyer and Patricia Smich ~ Interior Illustrators: Micah Epstein, ee Klaus Pillon Cartography: Corey Macourck Art Direction: Richard Baker Graphic Design: Corey Macourek Production Specialist: Nissa McCormack Paneevat. Thue Gememeers Companion ix pubis by Saogustch Game Studion LLC, ander the Open Carne Liceae version L.0a Copyight 2000 Wizards of che Coa, lnc. Sasoaich Game Studio LEC, the Swqutch log, and Pana TuoLe are ctademarks of Sasquatch Game Stadio, LIC. All chaacts ad the Aisin tenes thexof ae propery of Sasguateh Game Sto ULG. This ater s protected under the copytight Ines of the ‘United Sates of America. © 2015 Sasquatch Game Sudo, LLC. Fert diy Ue ore ada rode Mentiy a defined in che Open Game Licnae win 10a, : au are aot Open Content Alltademark, proper names, diabgue, lt storyline location, character, rework, and ade drew ‘Open Game Concent: All game mechanic wet Gating the ‘ames, sts and eles text of new monster) is exey deignated a ‘Open Game Content. ‘ Rab eC avaed 2 ase Et ? Ad ty is ALLL T AT ay & SASQUATCH Susgustch Game Sie, LLC CONTENTS Fame, Power, And Sanity. Follower Combat .. Invaders from Beyond. Bestiary of Thule Chimera, Thulean « ‘The Pride of Nergal ‘Teho-Teho. ‘Yga-Ygo, The Dweller in Dream Encounter Tables ‘come to Thule! Ths isa world of bold barbarians and cs, forbidding glaciers and steaming jungles haunted by prehistoric beasts. In this lost age, terrible monstresties from prehuman times linger in the wild places, and mankind isa young and supersti- tious race. Adventure lies just beyond the next hill or down the next shadowed alleyways heroes are latg certhan-life freebooters and sellswords, carving their names into the annals of a doomed land “his booklet supplements the Prasevat.Tinu eign Sering hardcover, providing you, th ‘with additional material wo breathe life Gamemaster, o your Tl lean campaign, In these pages you'l ind new systems for handling the player characters’ personal fame, power, and sanicy, aswell as adjudicating bates between bands of follower ‘expanded source material introducing new villainous fictions, a new campaign arc, and a new adventure site you can use as ingeedients in creating ‘your own Thulean adventures a selection of never-be fore detailed Thulea 5s, including the Great Old ‘One Yg-Ygo; and, last but not eas, a set of random ‘encounter tables covering the primeval eoninent. Think. ‘of this booklet as a“ ing new toys wo introduce into your PRimevat-THuLe ‘campaign, Use as many of as few as you like, Ifyou ate not familiar with the Priwevas. THute setting, you'l find that much of this information is. perfectly usable in any Se game. New monsters or villain groups ar¢ naturally useful in any game, while systems such as fame and power provide you with Before the great glaciers covered the northern world for the last rime, there was an age of legends now forgotten in the modern world. This is the doomed land of Thule, savage and spectacular, fierce and cruel, a world of wonders and terrors. Sages say this is a doomed age—but for one splendid moment, the villains and heroes of this dying. | land strive and slay, fighting back against the coming of the night. : now set of tools to desribe the player characters) influcnce in your campaign world. [Fyou'd like to know mote about Thule, we recommend dwnl ing the Prantevat Thus Travelers Guide available at )- tsa ffee PDE accessory that gives you a great overview ofthis savage and intense setting. Ability scores area good measure ofa character's basic strengths and weaknesses, bat they don't address some important components of a character’ makeup. Gamemasters ae o ated with si uations in whieh a character's natural talents should be overshadowed by other elements of identity. For example, a high-ranking noble wich a very ordinary Charisma score might rely on his social stats to overawe a common Footman and gai mittance to a banquet. Likewise, a pit fighter famed fora hundred bloody kills in the arena might be soft-spoken or unassuming in personal interactions, but stret thugs who recognize himm or ber might lee the encounter on sight. presented here as additional “ability scores.” Likewise, a characters mental stability is not easily measured by any other ability score. Chapter 4 of the Prinervat. Tre Campaign Setting presents a asic set ‘of guidelines for using the sanity options in the core rulebooks. you find that yo! would prefera more sme and Power are therefore + ~ detailed alternative, you can incorporate the Sanity ‘cote system presented hte. Initial Scores: Determine Fame, Power, and Sanity scores the same way you determine other ability scores. If you use an ability array, add 13, 11, and 9 to the scores to be assigned. Ifyou use a point-buy system, ad use Fame and Power but not Sanity, instead add two 11'st0 the aray of 5 to the nuraber of points co spend) Modify the scoves as shown in Table 2. (nil ehar- acter level refers to what level your character's wien you begin the campaign) Table 2: Level and Narrative Modifiers Situation Fame, Power, and Sanity Adjustments ‘Tnital Character Level is “Ziame, 2 Power 10th orhigher $2 Fame, +2 Power +2 Sanity ‘Narrative ‘Atlantean Noble ¥2 Tame, +2 Power Escaped Slave “Ziame, 2 Power ‘Guardian ofthe Nine [ +2 Sanity Katagian Piighter [+2 Fave Panjandrum 42 Power Tubal Outcast +2 Fane 2 Power FAMe Every day, some barbarian warrior or another roaming the wilderness slays fearsome beast or cuts 2 band of savers to pices, a clever rogue pulls off a theft that eaves a whole city talking, or a myster scatters a street gang with magic. Tales of great deeds, ‘both dark and heroic, spread like wildfire through the marketplaces and winesinks of Thule—and when the ‘same names turn up again and again in these rales, the ‘owners of those names find that they are known by people they've never met in places they have never een. ‘A characters Fame seore measures the extent to es sora by sranges, x goon! sc ec ill A character with a low Fame is known only by his ‘or her family and immediate neighbors. An average Fame score means that the characteris known by ‘most people ina neighborhood or good-sized tribe. A hnigh Fame score (14 or 15) means thar people in other ‘communities or nearby cities are likely to have heard ‘of the character, expecially if they havea reason to be interested in the characters trade or doings. Finally, the name of a character with an exceptional Fame score is known in all bt the most isolated or backwards places. ‘A beginning character with an unusually hi ‘score probably has a well-known parent or family Fame is useil for opening doors and establishing ‘credibility in the right area. A noble who needs a diff ‘altrival removed might seek out a renowned assassin for the jobs a jungle trader who discovers a strange Fame 10 to the number of points ehey can spend. (you only IGN artifact might bring i to the doorstep ofa famous ‘wizard. Unfortunately, fame means that a character «ean sonietimes be recognized or found more easly than others, y Gaining and Losing Fame: Fame can't be improved swith normal ability score increases. Instead, Fame improves with specific events, a shown below: + The character is publicly acknowledged or con demned by authority figures for a heroic or vill ‘ous deed (+1 Fame, no more than thre times ‘haracte’s cared. + The character gains followers (+1 Fame) + The character gains the ability to launch a raid (41 Fame). + The character gains a bonus to imeraction checks from his or her narrative (the 6th-level benefit in ‘many cases) (42 Fam) + The character gains a tite (+2 Fame) + The firs time a character calls a horde or raises an army (+4 Fame). ‘A characters maximum Fame score is 20. Time isthe only thing that dims fame (after all, spectacular failure is just as noteworthy as succes) ‘Characters who end their adventuring careers or other ‘wise drop out of ight ose 1 Fame per yeas, 0 a maxi- ‘mum loss of 5 Fame frou their highest total score. Fame Checks: Typically, a Fame check arises in a social situation when a character attemprs to make use of his or her reputation to gain a NPC’ help. Examples, Jude Gaining an audience with a busy ability for Fame/Lntimidation checks). + NPCs attempting to locate ot lan something about famous character can make a FamiélHistory, Fame/ Investigation, or Fame/Persiasion check, using the targets Fame score asthe base ability. Fame Saving Throws: A Fame save shoult be a rare ‘event, but you can use a Fame save to see ifa PC is ree- ‘ognized unexpectedly. In general, recogni normal setting isa DC-10 save, recognition in nearby <= settings isa DC 15 save, and recognition ina distant. x city o isolated aca isa DC 20 sve FAMe ANO Power Vs. = CHARISMA Soe The new ates presented here are most use when intetacing with NPCS hich means that they sometimesreplace Carma checks. Thats okaypleny of extemely dangeroushighievel fighters cant make an intimation check'o save tek Ives, Decaube | they simply don'thave a good Charisma score. Fameand Powerlet {you separate a characters authority and reputation from his or her personal charm. because they shouldn't always be the same thing ' Ssleeraitg Stier ra nee 2 + Invimidaing foes (you ean use ame as the base | | ! } POWER Pomcr measure character's authority, rank, influence, and social status, Characters with low Poser ate nobod- {es—they might beable 1 appeal to city authorities ot wribal leaders pessoal persuasion, bu they cant use theie place in society to fore orhers to take aon they desi, Characters with average Power scores are generally accorded the privileges any citizen in good standing might expect, but are sil sibject tothe whims ‘ofthe mighty Character with high Powcr scores can use theirsocal rank or inflacnce co direct significa sources wo thei di purposes, while characters with ex teemely high Powet scores (18 or mote) te great pines ‘important chiefs, or the powers behind the throve. Gaining and Losing Power: Just like Fame, Power cantt be improved with normal ability sore inereass. Instead, Power improves with specific events, as shown bhelow. Characters can also “buy” Power by spending time and moncy to sct up networks ofhirelings, infor: “ants, oF valuable contacts “+ The character spends 1,000 gp and 10 days offre ime buying influence (1 Power, one time onl). + The characte gains a ttle or postion of minor authority (+1 Power) + The character builds a stronighold or gains a posi: tion of moderate authority (62 Power) + "The character gains followers (62 Powe?) + The character spends 5,000 gp and 30 days of free Lime buying influence (<2 Powe, one time onl). + The character gains the ability to calla horde ‘or army, of gains postion of reat authority (13 Powe + The character spends 25,000 gp and 90 days ‘offre time buying influence (13 Power, one time only. A characters maximum Power score is 20. Charae- ters lose Power if they ose positions tiles, or strong- holds that granted increases of Power Power Checks: Ability checks against Power are useful for testing whether a character can get some- thing done purely through the weight of his or her title and the reach of his of her family of organization Examples inelude: + Directing local authorities to guard a location (or leave it unguarded). Arranging the release ofa prisones. Getting 2 royal councilor to propose a favorable law. Banishing a rival or malefactor from one’s tribe. Getting distanc tribe to search thei lands fora fugitive + Using your position to gain someone's cooperation (you can use Power asthe base ability for Power! Intimidation or Power/Persuasion checks) ‘Power Saving Throws: Like Fame saving throws, Power saves are rare, Most uses of Power ate applications of skill and training, not the sort of. 7 we , - jn-the-moment test a saving theow represents, You "igh cal fora Power save when circumstances do not allow a character to prepare for the test—for example, ‘when the character suddenly needs to defy an arrest ‘order or resist aNPC's use of Power. ALTERNATIVE RULE: THE SANITY ABILITY You may decide to track Sanity asa score instead of using the Madness rules described in Chapter 4 of the Printevat. THuLe Cempaign Sersing. This approach _models sanity asa resource that is gradually eroded by repeated exposures to unnatural threats, aslip- ery slope that grows steeper as a character nears the breaking point. Experienced adventurers build up a formidable reserve of inner strength against madn but even warriors with nerves of steel can be briefly ‘overwhelmed by a sudden shock. Gaining and Losing Sanity: Characters nate ‘of stern stuf and a lifetime of daring es victories over savage foes helps to prepare ‘the day when they meet something ho mal. Sanity cannot be improved with score increases, ana like other seoress Unlike other scores, Sanity ean sometimy 1scharacters at O Sanity are insane. Sanity lost forthe following: ‘ + Gain a level or go one year without toa Sanity save (gain 12-1 Sanity) Faila Sanity save (1,144, the first, second, or third failed Sa same day). A resarasion spell of 2nd level ot hi Sanity lose within the last day. A restorasion spell of Sth level or higher restores 2dé4 lost Sanity (but cannot increase Sanity above the character's previous maximum), ees Sanity Checks: Characters rately makeabiity ‘checks against theit Sanity scores. The Sanity scores purely 2 measure of resistance tomadness. Sanity Saving Throws: Characters who encounter profound shocks to ther sense of what istight and. ‘normal in the world may be tequited to make a Sanity save, Siuations calling fora Sanity save include: Encountering an abitaton, undead, or extrater- rene ereaure for the iste (DC 8). «Seeing an ally defeated by/an aberration, undead, ‘or extraterrene creature (DC 8). + Being charmed by an aberration, undead, or extra terrene creature (DC 8). + Witnessing alien or unwholesome magic (DC 5 + spel evel. + Exposure to an alien environment (DC 10). DO FB GO2: a $C Table 3: Madness Effects “Shortaerm Madness 7a Rol | Effect ass 1410 minutes or unt succesful se) (01-20 | Badly unsettled. The characters frightened. IL 21-40 | Senses reeling, The character has tactical disadvantage on ablity checks and atack lls, 141-55 | Paniekeck The characters Fightenéd and mustfee, as per the fee spell ‘56-60 | Berserk The character Heals all teatyres a5 hostile, He must move towald the dosest creature each round and make & melee attack, {61-80 | Fight of reason, The charatterbabbles, scieanis, Nughs. or weeps, and is incapacitated, 81-90 | Overwhelmed: The characteris paralyzed 181-100 | Merciful obvi. The character falls unconscious Persistent Madness Fe Roll | Eee (01-20 | bisturoing behavior. Tactical disadvantage on Charisma checks 21-40 | Amnesia, Tactical disadvantage on Inteligence checks, and the character recalls nothing of what happened for Fd100 day's around the time he or she fell t0 0 Sanity. “1-55 | Shaky. The character must make a Sanity save (DC 5) at the beginning of each encounter or begin fightened, as pe fear spell The character can attempt a new save atthe end of each turn to act normally forthe rest ofthe encounter. 56-65 | Severe hallucinations. Tactical dsadvantage on abiliy checks and atack rolls 166-80 | Maniac. Arthe end of each turn In combat. the character must make a Sanity save (DC 10) or go Berserk, as described Above. The character and anyone attacking the character gain tactical advantage on attack rolls. The character can atrempta save atthe end of each round to recover, and only goes berserk once per encounter TOOLS I-90 | Unable to cope. fe character loses the ability to speak. He or she begins each encounter Incapackated, but can atempe ' 1 Sanity save (DC 10) at the end of each turn to shake It off anc act normally forthe est ofthe encounter ‘91-100 | Stupor. The characters paralyzed and loses al volition, but can walk fled by another * Hearing or secing a Great Old One at a distance (DC 10). * Exposure 10a profoundly abnormal alien environ ‘ment (DC 15) * Encountering a Great Old One (DC 15, double Sanity loss on failure) Failed Sanity Save: When a character fils Sanity save, he or she loses 1 Sanity and gains a temporary sadness effect (se the Madness effects below). The Kemporary madness lasts 1410 nc the char deter ean atempc anew Sanity save (DC 10) to recover atthe end ofeach of is or her twins. (Failing saves to ”) Ifa characteris exposed to multiple shocks in the same day, the effecs of addtional failures worsen; a char acter who fils second Sanity save in the same day loses 1d4 Sanity, and a tied (r subsequent) Filed save costs 1d6 Sanity. When a character fails a Sanity save and ist to 0 Sanity or lss, he o she gains a persistent mad- ness effect. Ar the beginning ofeach day, the charac ter ean attempt nev Sanity save (DC. 10) to rain 1 Sanity and end the persistent effect. Ifthe character fails three Sanity saves to recover from persistent madness, the duration extends to one month, after which he or she attempts anew save once per month to end the eect. recover from madness does not east additional Sani FOLLOWER COMBAT Thule isa warlike land. Heroes often find themselves in the middle of pitched batles between barbarian ‘war parties, crews of bloodthirsty corstirs, or 393 ‘of grim legionaris. This is especially true when PC. with the appropriate character narratives reach a level at which they can sinimon raids of command the services ofan lite company of followers. So what happens when a group of PCS leading sixty sev- cnty screaming Nimothan barbarians atcack’ saver ‘outpost manned bya hundred mercenary guards? This section presents a quick-and-dirty mass combat system that ean help you decide STEP |; OETERMING SICES ANO SURPRISE Decide which force is attacking and which is defen ing, Ifit's not clear, both sides are attacking, and ni ther side gains any benefit from defensive terrainsThe GM also determines if one side gains surprise STEP 2: COMBAT POWER ANO BASE OAMAGE ‘To determine the combat power of aside, add up the toral Challenge Rating of the combatants, Count _ CAMPAIGN TOOLS H anything less than ¥S as ¥ and round fractions down, Do not include the PCs, Challenge Rating is a good ‘measure of an individual creature's ability to both absorb damage and dish it our, so the total CR of a formation isa reasonable estimate of ts strength For nple, fa PC is leading a raid of 75 tribal warriors 1/8) with «tame tyrannosancus, the war party has a combat power of 37 for the warriors and 8 for the tyrannosaurus, for @ total of 4. The base dasnage inflicted by a warband each round is equal to 20 percent ofits current combat power, rounding dawn so.the nearest whole number (mint mum 1). In the example above, che base damage for a ‘war party of 75 tribal warriors and their T Rex is 9 (45 times 20 percent) STEP 3: RESOLVING COMBAT At the end ofeach round of combat, after you have d any monsters or ¥illains they'e handling in person, resolve one round resolved the actions of the PC ‘of follower combat. The attacking and defending forces make an opposed battle coll (420); the side with the higher resule “wins” chat round, and deals their base ‘damage to the combat power ofthe losing side. The losing side deals ¥4 of is base damage to the win- ning side. Ifthe resue is tie, neither side takes any ‘damage—the fighting was inconclusive Command: Ifa force has a clear commander and that commander spends his or her wen directing the battle, the commander can substitute a Charisma/ Intimidation skill check forthe battle roll, (Intimidate isa good way to measure how good a character Isat de manding. ters who can easily gain training in Intimidation tention in a stressful situation, and char nple, fighters, free blades, orice reavers—tend to be the sort of characters you'd want to see as compe rent bate leaders.) Terr Good defensive terrain —simple field fortifications or anything that impedes the attackers’ movement or provides defenders with cover—gives the defending side tactical advantage on its battle roll. Superior defensive terrain, such as fighting from fortress walls, not only gives the defending side tactical advantage on its check, but also reduces the damage the defenders take to half the attackers’ base damage (ifehe attacking side wins that round) oF nome (the defending side wins) Surpris advantage on its bate toll. The benefit of surprise lasts until che side wich the advantage of surprise fails to-win a batce rll, so it’s possible thar surprise might persist throughout a battle ‘one side gains surprise, it has tactical STEP &: MORALE ANO VICTORY Fewe forees manage to stick it out to the biter Each time side loses a battle rll whil or les its original combat power, make a morale check. Roll a 420: on a roll of 10 or bette, che force succeeds. Ona failue, the force’s motale fails and icbreaks Gee below). A commander may substitute a ‘Charisma/Intimidation check fr the morale check Elite followers (for example, the elite companies many character narratives provide) do not need to make morale checks. They do not retreat or surreider aslong asthe PC to whom they ae loyal itil fight ing. ln fact, a PC can order them to remain bebind and cover a retreat ifnecessary. When a force fils 2 morale check it loses dhe battle. If posible, the force retreats. IFretrea isnot pos sible, the force surrenders. In rare cases when its clear thar surender means certain death a broken force stands its grounel and keeps fighting, but its bal rll from that point forward are made with tactical disadvantage. “Total Defeat: When a warband is reduesd 100 combat power, tis completely defeated and the batle ends. Some members ofthe force may stil ive Gee Tal Iving Losses), buc they are scattered, badly wounded, dis atmed, exhausted, or otherwise unable to keep fighting ide is at half Divide loses in asides combat power proportionally among all participating groups of followers: In the ear lier example, the tyrannosaurus accounted for 8/45 (or about 20 percent of the PC raid’s combat power, That means 80 percent of the losses hit the tribal wastiors If che raid sustained 16 damage to its combat power in winning its batl, 12 points of combat power loss ‘goes tothe tribal warriors, and 4 points o the dino” ‘aur. Twenty-four tribal warriors are casualties, andl the tyrannosaurus is about halfdead sae Casualties: Nor all casualties are Watelefield Aéaths. (Of the individuals represditél by “lose” combar power after a battle, you can assume that one-third are dead, ‘one-third are badly wounded (half hit points), and ‘one-third are unhurt but scattered, Ifone sie retreats, halfof the badly wounded and scattered casualties are left behind on the battlefield. Ther fate is determined by the vitor. PLAYER CHARACTERS In general, PCs do not participate in mass combat resolution. The best way to provide the players with the opportunity co participate in a bigger bate sto ‘eteate one oF more encounters forthe PCs that take | place within the battle. These encounters might be enemy leader groups, champions, or even batches of ‘ordinary enemy combatants that the PC party ean ‘engage in normal combat. Build these “in-batle™ ‘encounters using the normal guidelines for encounter construction. “There are three exceptions co ths rule of thumb: A character who uses his or her action to command followers can serve asthe force's commander, and make a Charisma/Intimidation check for the wa ‘band’s batle roll. The character must be ina position to dircet the battle (visible to mos followers, for example) Character who direct their actions athe enemy force instead oftheir own immediate opponents may inflice casualties that reduce the enemy's combat power before the fighting for the round is resolved. For exam- ple, ifa wizard u ‘warriors engaged in the surrounding battle, the enemy force immediately loses 4 combat power. Ifthe PCs defeat an enemy whose CR is atleast Se eaet ee parsy love, thet de pzins a +1 on tus battle rll this round. Ifa PC is reduced to 0 hp. the ‘enemy side pains. a+1 to its battle roll this turn, a IGN INVAOERS FROM BEYOND New Campaign Arc 4 In Thule, invasions march on the sandaled fet of. okdien Gr tty arive bythe atnis Ot slaved pita BC ‘ours of warships. No one suspects that as each day passes an invasion of another kind silently cteeps over Thule from the remote world of Yuggoth. Attracted to Thule by its magic and abundanc resources, the mi-g0 have watched the world for countless ages. Perhaps the might of the Thule’ frst empires deterred them from ‘expansion in the past, but that time is over. With the fey extinguished and Atlantis fallen, Yuggoth longs to colonize and dominate all of Thule. ‘The mi-go constructed an artifact on their faraway homeworld of Yuggoth that allows them to project their minds into Thulean bodies. In order o do this, imi-go agents first remove the brains ofthe Thulean hosts and replace them with a receptor fungus from ‘Yuggoth. The artifuee does the rest, projecting mi-go colonists into these second skins. To complete the deception, the mi-go transfer each ‘Thulean’s memories into the fungal brain and cover up the surgery. Their ultimate goal isto replace the leaders of Thule’s most powerful eity-states and gradually control the world This eampaign arc is composed of a series of standalone adventures along the theme of the mi-go invasion. Each episode of the are describes the mi-g0 goal followed by a potential hook to draw the PCs in, and the general scope of what each episode might ‘ental. Prior to the conclusion the adventures ean occur ‘whenever you se fit, in the order you choose. They are presented below as a series of escalating threats. Since the mi-go invasion ereeps steadily aeross Thule, this ‘campaign are wotks well interspersed amon venttites of a8 series of related side quests that grows mote urgent as the campaign vnfolds. Furthermore, the mi-go don't invade from.a single points bu seater their invasion across the face of Thule. Therefore, the