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(A New AI Based Fashion Revolution)

Submitted in
Partial Fulfillment of requirements for the Award of Degree of
Bachelor of Technology
Computer Science and Engineering

(Project Id: 23_CS_3C_4 )

Gautam Gupta (2101640100111)

Mitali Sharma (2101640100159)
Kashish Khan (2101640100137)
Muskan Gupta (2101640100167)
Keshav Sharma (2101640100139)

Under the supervision of

Richa Mishra
(Assistant Professor)

Pranveer Singh Institute of Technology.

Kanpur - Agra - Delhi National Highway - 19 Bhauti
-Kanpur - 209305.
(Affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University)
1. Introduction :
In a world where e-commerce has made fashion accessible to all, there is still a significant gap
when it comes to finding clothing that truly suits and flatters our individual body types. We
understand that personalization is the key to a satisfying shopping experience, which is why our
app is dedicated to deciphering body types comprehensively and providing tailored clothing
recommendations. In our app, you can finally say goodbye to the frustrating process of sifting
through endless options that don't quite fit or flatter your unique physique. By leveraging
advanced algorithms and cutting-edge technology, we analyze the intricate nuances of body types
to generate accurate assessments. Whether you have an hourglass figure, a pear shape, an athletic
build, or any other body type, our app will provide you with personalized clothing suggestions
that enhance your natural features.

2. Project Objective :
Our objective is to empower individuals with the confidence to explore their personal style,
knowing that their clothing choices are specifically curated to suit their body type and provide
experience that prioritizes your individuality and celebrates your uniqueness.
While e-commerce has made fashion more accessible, the issue of personalized shopping
experiences based on individual body types has remained largely unaddressed. The objective is
to develop an e-commerce shopping app that can comprehensively decipher body types and
provide tailored clothing recommendations. The ultimate goal is to empower users with the
confidence to explore their personal style, knowing that their clothing choices are specifically
curated to suit their body type. The project seeks to redefine personalized online shopping,
making it more inclusive, accessible, and enjoyable for everyone involved.

The project strives to continuously improve the accuracy and precision of the algorithms used to
decipher body types and make clothing recommendations. This includes refining the assessment
process, considering various body metrics, and incorporating user feedback to enhance the
efficacy of the app.
3. Feasibility Study:
The objective of this feasibility study is to assess the viability of developing a
personalized fashion e-commerce website. The website aims to empower users
with the confidence to explore their personal style, curating clothing choices that
suit their body type. It seeks to redefine personalized online shopping, making it
inclusive, accessible, and enjoyable.

1. Technical Feasibility:

Website Development: Website development tools and technologies are readily

available. Building a website with body type analysis and tailored clothing
recommendations is technically feasible. It may involve front-end technologies
(HTML, CSS, JavaScript) and back-end technologies (databases, server-side

Performance: The website's performance can be optimized for responsiveness and

scalability, ensuring it functions well under various user loads.

Hardware and Software: Users can access the website using standard web
browsers on devices like PCs, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. The required
hardware and software resources are accessible.

2. Operational Feasibility:

User-Friendliness: The website can be designed to be user-friendly and intuitive.

Emphasis on user experience (UX) and user interface (UI) design can enhance

Cross-Platform Compatibility: Ensuring the website works well across different

web browsers and platforms is feasible through thorough testing and development
best practices.

Training: Users typically require minimal training to navigate and use a website.
Clear instructions and an intuitive design can facilitate user understanding.

3. Economic Feasibility:
Cost Analysis: Developing and maintaining a website is generally cost-effective
compared to mobile app development. Costs may include domain registration,
hosting fees, development expenses, and marketing. These costs should align with
available resources.

Revenue Model: Depending on objectives, the website can generate revenue

through subscription models, affiliate marketing, or advertising partnerships.
Monetization strategies should be considered if revenue generation is a goal.

4. Schedule Feasibility:

Timeline: Creating a personalized fashion e-commerce website should have a

realistic timeline that considers development, testing, content creation, and launch
phases. Adherence to the timeline is crucial to meet project deadlines.

5. Legal Feasibility:

Data Privacy: Compliance with data privacy laws and regulations is essential,
especially if collecting user data for assessments. Implement proper data
protection measures and user consent mechanisms.

Start Date: 05-sep-2023 End Date: 30-Nov-2023.

SEP05-SEP15 SEP 15- SEP30 OCT 02- OCT 20 OCT 18 - NOV 5 NOV 05 -NOV 30
Task 1
Task 2
Design Pages
Review Design
Task 3
Task 4
Final Updates

4. Methodology/ Planning of work

Our Project mainly includes 5 steps to achieve the objective of our project.

Step 1- Outfit Generation : The goal of this task is , given a fashion item X (eg. Shirt)
representing the user’s current interest then we find the best item or the fashion outfit that goes
well with input query.

Step 2- Outfit Recommendation : This goal is related to the fashion and outfit
recommendation task , where a set of objects is recommend to the user at once , by
maximizing a utility function that measures the suitability of recommending a fashion outfit to
a specific user .

Step 3- Pair Recommendation : This goal is simplification of our previous goal i.e. outfit
recommendation goal. In this task , given clothes related to the upper part of the body , the aim
is to predict the possible lower part and vice versa.

Step 4- Fill In The Blank : This goal is used in a setting where we are given an incomplete
outfit X (eg. Shirt , pants ) with a missing item (eg. Shoes) and the method must find the best
missing fashion item from multiple choices of fashion items which are compatible visually .

Step 5- Outfit Compatibility prediction : This goal is focused on , given a complete outfit ,
predicting a compatibility score that best describes the composition of an outfit. This task is
helpful since users may create their own outfits and wish to decide if they are compatible and
5. Tools/Technology Used:
5.1 Minimum Hardware Requirements
Hardware required for the development of the project.
• CPU: 1.6 GHz
• RAM: 4 GB
• Processor: i3
• HDD: 4 GB

5.2 Minimum Software Requirements

Software required for the development of the project.
• OS : Windows 7/8/10/11
• Python 3.10
• React 18
• Node JS
• Visual Studio Code

6. References: [IEEE format]:

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