Session Plan

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Session Plan

By: Amanda Wilson, Caylin Salmon, and Lily Eby

Goal: To inform and improve people's awareness of positive thinking.

Learning Objective: By the end of this activity group members will be able to state one thing
they can change to improve their positive thinking on a daily basis.

Learning Methods: We will watch a 2 minute video to start the activity portion of the session
off. Then they will thoroughly answer the series of questions revolving around positive thinking.
1. Write down the name of someone you think typically has a good attitude. Why do you think
2.Write down the name of someone you think typically has a lousy or bad attitude. How do you
know they have a bad attitude?
3.When you think of the person with a bad attitude, what things/who does the person usually
point to as the reason for their bad mood?
4. Do you think you can have a bad attitude one day and good one the next? Why or why not?
What influences that?
5. Do you have to have a bad attitude if things aren't going your way or do you think it's possible
to have a good attitude even when bad stuff is happening? Why?
6. Are there things in your life you'd like to change to help you have a more positive attitude?
7. If negative stuff is happening to you, are there things you can do to keep your outlook
positive? Name a few of them.

They will then meet in groups of two to three individuals and discuss their answers.

Group Selections:
Caprea & Amy
Dawn & Meredith
Daylin & Jasmine & Maddy
Jenny & Sierra
Jannea & Macie
Amanda & Caylin & Lily
Evaluation: We believe that the group went well, everyone seemed to enjoy it. One thing I
would change is to give a little bit more time for the questions during Lily’s section. And to have
the questions up on the board during that entire portion of the activity so they were easily visible
at all times.

Results: Most students recognized they were not as positive thinking as they had originally
thought that they were. Each participant stated what they learned about themself and then
something they were going to try and work on as a goal to improve their positive thinking.

Materials Needed: pen and brain paper

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