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by Maria Eliseeva
What is the Dead Sea?
The Dead Sea is located at the lowest point on earth,
which is thought to be the result of volcanic processes
leading to a continuous dropping of land.
You may already know that it is
one of the four saltiest bodies of
water in the world. These special
conditions are an outcome of its
extreme geomorphological
structure alongside a harsh desert
climate. These create constant
dramatic changes that form a
landscape that is different from
any other in the world.
The unique mineral content of the air, land, and water
in the area is globally renowned for its therapeutic
qualities, as is evident in that it has been a health
resort for thousands of years.
The Dead Sea is a popular
international destination for the
medical tourism industry. The rich
concentration of minerals in its
water and mud, zinc, and oxygen-
rich air has been clinically proven in
the treatment of psoriasis and other
skin diseases, asthma, rheumatism,
high blood pressure, and more.
The Dead Sea’s geography has The Dead Sea is located in
altered slightly throughout the southwestern Asia, on the border
years, and it is currently 50 between Israel and Jordan. It is
kilometers long and 15 situated between the hills of
kilometers wide at its widest Judea to the west and the
point. It is about 380 meters Transjordanian plateaus to the
deep and contains about 40 east.
billion gallons of water.
The Dead Sea drying up

The water level of the Dead Sea has been

receding gradually, at an average annual rate of
about 110 cm. This causes some concern about
whether the Dead Sea is drying up.

The natural recession is caused mainly by

evaporation under the harsh desert sun, but also
because water is no longer being pumped into
the Dead Sea from former sources like the
Jordan River.
Rivers, which feeds
the Dead Sea
Today, the only incoming source of
water is from sulfur springs and waste
water, along with rare drizzles and
flash floods.
I hope you find the
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