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Lab Manual: Computer Architecture and Logic Design

Lab Manual for

Computer Architecture & Logic Design
Lab No. 9

Software Engineering Department
Bahria University (Karachi Campus)
Lab Manual: Computer Architecture and Logic Design


Department of Software Engineering



Multisim Tutorial and Logic Implementation

This lab aims to provide a clear grasp of MultiSim software and practical implementation of
digital logic equations, enabling participants to adeptly simulate circuits and apply logic
equations effectively in real-world scenarios.

Introduction to MultiSim
MultiSim stands as a powerful and versatile software tool within the realm of electrical and
electronic circuit design. It serves as an essential platform for simulating, testing, and analyzing
circuits, offering a user-friendly interface and a wide array of functionalities. With MultiSim,
users can design both analog and digital circuits, employing various components and
instruments to visualize and validate their designs in a virtual environment. Its simulation
capabilities extend to real-time analysis, enabling users to predict and understand circuit
behavior accurately. MultiSim's significance lies in its ability to bridge theoretical concepts
with practical application, providing engineers, students, and professionals a platform to
explore, experiment, and optimize electronic circuits before physical implementation. As a
result, MultiSim stands as a fundamental tool for anyone involved in electrical engineering,
electronics, or related fields, facilitating innovation and problem-solving in circuit design

Figure 1 MultiSim 10.0 Runtime Process Window

Software Engineering Department
Bahria University (Karachi Campus)
Lab Manual: Computer Architecture and Logic Design

a. Menus & Toolbars:

The following points outline the key features and functionalities of MultiSim, a software
integral to electronic circuit design and simulation.
- Menu: Menus within MultiSim serve as repositories for accessing a comprehensive array
of commands essential for executing various functions and operations within the software

- Standard Toolbar: The Standard Toolbar in MultiSim encompasses an assortment of

buttons designed to facilitate quick access to frequently used functions, streamlining the
user experience.

- Simulation Toolbar: Contained within the Simulation Toolbar are buttons specifically
dedicated to initiating, pausing, stopping, and managing other simulation-related functions
within MultiSim.

- Instruments Toolbar: The Instruments Toolbar houses a collection of buttons

representing diverse electronic instruments available for utilization within MultiSim's
schematic environment.

Figure 2 MultiSim – Working Environment

- Component Toolbar: MultiSim's Component Toolbar offers a selection of buttons

enabling users to choose and place components from the Multisim databases onto their
circuit schematic with ease.

- Circuit Window (Workspace): The Circuit Window, also known as the workspace,
provides users with the primary area for assembling and constructing circuit designs within

- Design Toolbox: MultiSim's Design Toolbox offers navigation through various project file
types, hierarchical schematic views, and options to manipulate layers within the software

Software Engineering Department
Bahria University (Karachi Campus)
Lab Manual: Computer Architecture and Logic Design

- Spreadsheet View: The Spreadsheet View feature in MultiSim facilitates advanced

viewing and editing of component parameters, allowing swift modifications across
individual or multiple components.

The Component Toolbar in MultiSim holds significant importance, being a widely used and
pivotal interface element. It enables quick access, selection, and placement of electronic
components from Multisim databases onto circuit schematics. This toolbar expedites circuit
design by offering a diverse range of components, simplifying the creation and assembly of
complex circuits within the MultiSim platform.

b. Components Toolbar:
The buttons featured within the Components toolbar are delineated as follows: Each individual
button serves as a trigger to initiate the Place Component browser (also known as the Select a
Component browser) within MultiSim. Upon clicking each button, the browser will open with
the designated group already pre-selected, streamlining the user experience by providing direct
access to specific component categories.

Figure 3 MultiSim – Component Toolbar

Software Engineering Department
Bahria University (Karachi Campus)
Lab Manual: Computer Architecture and Logic Design

Procedure of Designing and Stimulating Circuit in MultiSim

Below are instructions detailing the process of circuit design and simulation within MultiSim.

a. Open/Create Schematic:
The procedure of designing circuit in MultiSim begins by creating or accessing a schematic
circuit. Below are instructions for creating new schematic circuits:
1. Upon initialization, a new schematic circuit, named circuit 1, is generated automatically.
2. To begin crafting new schematic circuits, navigate to File  New  Schematic Capture.
3. Prior to saving the schematic, proceed by clicking File  Save As.
4. For accessing pre-existing files, utilize the File  Open option within the toolbar.

5. Place Components and Design a Circuit

The next step is to incorporate necessary components for the experiment, whose steps are
defined below:

1. To Place Components right click on circuit window and then select Place Components,
(Ctrl + w).

Figure 4 MultiSim Environment depicting “How to Place Component”

2. On the Select Component window click on Group and then select the Family in which the
particular component is.

Software Engineering Department
Bahria University (Karachi Campus)
Lab Manual: Computer Architecture and Logic Design

Let suppose if VCC is needed to be placed, select the following:

- Group  Sources
- Family  Power Sources
- Component  VCC

Figure 5 MultiSim – Component Library

3. Then Click OK, now component is on your mouse tip clip anywhere on circuit window to
place the component on the schematic.

Figure 6 MultiSim Environment depicting component placed on Grid

Software Engineering Department
Bahria University (Karachi Campus)
Lab Manual: Computer Architecture and Logic Design

4. After placing all the required components, connect them together as per the circuit design
requirements by clicking the mouse on one component's end and extending the connection
to the endpoint of another component.

Example of designing circuit for AND Gate:

For designing the circuit of AND gate, the steps are described below:
 Firstly, place the components essential for conducting the experiment. These components
comprise the AND-gate, power supply (VCC), switch (SPDT), and indicator (PROBE or
LED). Their respective descriptions for locating them within the components are outlined
below in the form of a table.







Figure 7 MultiSim Environment depicting components placed on Grid

Software Engineering Department
Bahria University (Karachi Campus)
Lab Manual: Computer Architecture and Logic Design

 Next step is to connect all the component and then starts simulation.

Figure 8 MultiSim Environment depicting designed Circuit

6. Simulation:
To simulate the operational behavior of the circuit, you can initiate the process by selecting the
"Simulate/Run" option or simply pressing the F5 key. This functionality can also be accessed
conveniently via the toolbar, as illustrated in Figure 10 below, allowing users to replicate the
circuit's functionality within the simulation environment.

Figure 9 MultiSim Simulation Toolbar

Similarly, Multisim offers the flexibility to create various circuit designs and simulate their
functionality. Users can construct diverse circuit configurations using different components
and connections within the software interface.

Software Engineering Department
Bahria University (Karachi Campus)
Lab Manual: Computer Architecture and Logic Design

Digital Logic Equation Implementation:

A Logic Equation represents a unique functionality achieved through a combination of
fundamental, universal, and/or exclusive gates within digital circuits. These equations are
validated using a Truth Table, confirming the behavior of the circuit. To implement such
equations practically, the corresponding gates must be interconnected as specified by the
equation. The resultant circuit should accurately correspond to the associated Truth Table,
ensuring that the implemented circuit behaves in accordance with the intended functionality as
described by the equation.

Example 1:

A B C Output
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 1 0 0
0 1 1 1
1 0 0 1
1 0 1 1
1 1 0 1
1 1 1 1
Figure 10 Circuit Diagram – Example 1
Table 1 Truth Table – Example 1

Example 2:
(A + B) (C) + A’. (B + C’) + ABC

A B C Output
0 0 0 1
0 0 1 0
0 1 0 1
0 1 1 1
1 0 0 0
1 0 1 1
1 1 0 0
1 1 1 1

Table 2 Truth Table – Example 2

Figure 11 Circuit Diagram – Example 2

Software Engineering Department
Bahria University (Karachi Campus)
Lab Manual: Computer Architecture and Logic Design

Example 3:

A’ BC + AB’C + A’B’ (B + C) B’C

A B C Output
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 0
0 1 1 1
1 0 0 0
1 0 1 1
1 1 0 0
1 1 1 0
Figure 12 : Circuit Diagram – Example 3 Table 3 Truth Table – Example 3

Lab Tasks

1. Verify the functionality of NOT, AND, OR, XOR, NAND, NOR, and XNOR Gates using
MultiSim by designing the gates and creating their associated Truth Tables. Attach circuit
snapshots and Truth Table illustrations for verification.

2. Implement the following equations on MultiSim and verify through Truth Table. (Attach
the circuit snapshots)

a. (A + B) . (A . C)
b. A + B + B.C .(B+C)
c. AB’CD + A (B + C) + BC’D + ABD + BC’
d. (A + B’ + C ) . (A’ + C’ + D) . (B + C + D’)
e. (A’) . (A + B) + (B + A) . (A + B’)

Software Engineering Department
Bahria University (Karachi Campus)

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