KS3 World of Work Jobs (1) GUIDED VOCABU

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Les métiers (1) Activity 1: Learn the French vocabulary below

1. archéologue an archeologist
2. chef-cuisinier a chef
The key to learning and retaining 3. chirurgien a surgeon
vocabulary is to practice it daily. 4. coiffeur a hairdresser
Complete one activity each day. Use a 5. infirmier a nurse
post-it note to cover up the vocab grid to 6. journaliste a journalist
7. médecin a doctor
the right when completing the
8. photographe a photographer
comprehension activities. 9. réalisateur a film director
10. vétérinaire a vet

Activity 2: Match up the vocabulary Activity 3: Fill in the missing vowels

archéologue A surgeon
1. _rch_ _l_g_ _
chef-cuisinier A doctor
2. ch_f-c_ _s_n_ _r
chirurgien A nurse 3. ch_r_rg_ _n
coiffeur A photographer 4. c_ _ff_ _r
infirmier A vet 5. _nf_rm_ _r
journaliste An archeologist 6. j_ _rn_l_st_
médecin A film director 7. m_d_c_n
photographe A hairdresser 8. ph_t_gr_ph_
réalisateur A journalist 9. r_ _l_s_t_ _r
vétérinaire A chef 10. v_t_r_n_ _r_

Activity 5: Look, cover, write,check Activity 6: Write the French

an archeologist
a chef
a surgeon
a hairdresser
a nurse
a journalist
a doctor
a photographer
a film director
a vet

world of work © we teach mfl

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