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Late Reustratign of irthhApplcation Form

The Raver Divlional Oficar,
Respeciod Sir.

Sub: - Kequesi for lssue of the Birth Cenificae of my

years, ocoupaticm: Ag ctnbH. HNa. -/27 Near ataalli
nebdtu Mandal, Sp st nDia. Andhra Pradèsth subrmit the follaoring few me
for your káhd perusal and sy1npathetic favorable consideration please.
Th¡t rny wig 's ame isÆ AAve euakg Age40yeas and ony sontdaughté

Andhra Pradieh, The intormation regurding birth of my sonydaughier was not iaforned tu the
local Birhs nod Desthe Registraion Authorty of AnadmgkndaVbMunicipaliy. Hence ihe
pame of y son Jdeugbter is not recorácd in the Sinh & Death Registey of
Aiadagt Mandal/Muoicigality.
That roy osdauer requires birti cenificale for further eöucation urgently.

teoclosad hese with Non availabiity cuntitaie uEJ by the GP nr husi<p d

Commiesioner, Ration card copy. SSC marke roemo on Selr Afidavi!

Therefore I roguest you kindly to issuc necesuy orders to Comm1ssioRer, iuncipai

Council to Rcord date of brth riy sordaughter and isue Birth Centiçnte
above at the cadiest.

Landline Nunber: Yours fahtutiy,
Mobile No:
E-Mail iD:

1) Phyical boune t
No vlabiäey carticate laued by the Gp or Munlcipat Commissionars
3) Ration card cory
4)$SC arcs setiho
S) Set Affidavit
mda tory ny ome of them

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