United Nations

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United Nations (UN) peacekeeping or development and

humanitarian work.
The United Nations was established in 1945 as a Possible Questions:
successor to the League of Nations. Its primary 1. What were the primary areas of demand for
objective is to prevent international conflicts and reforms within the UN post-Cold War?
foster cooperation among member states. 2. Explain the perspectives on the Security
Council's composition and the proposed
Key Points changes.
• Structure: Includes the General Assembly
and Security Council with five permanent Important Dates:
members and non-permanent members. • 1992: UN General Assembly resolution on
• Significant Agencies: WHO, UNDP, UNHRC, reforms in the Security Council.
UNHCR, among others, working on various • 1997: Inquiry initiated by Secretary-General
social, economic, and humanitarian issues. Kofi Annan into UN reforms.

Possible Questions:
1. What was the primary objective behind the
establishment of the United Nations?
2. Name at least three significant agencies or
bodies under the UN and their respective
India and the UN Reforms
areas of focus.
India's Position and Aspirations
India has been a proponent of UN restructuring,
Important Dates:
advocating for increased representation in the
• 1945: Establishment of the United Nations.
Security Council, citing its democratic values,
• 1945: Signing of the UN Charter.
economic emergence, and contributions to the UN.
• 1997: Initiation of inquiry into UN reforms by
Secretary-General Kofi Annan. Key Points
• Indian Stance: Support for a more
representative Security Council.
• Challenges: Concerns raised by other
countries regarding India's inclusion due to
Reform of the United Nations after the its relationship with Pakistan and nuclear
Cold War
Possible Questions:
Reforms and Challenges
1. Why does India advocate for reforms in the
The post-Cold War era brought demands for
UN's Security Council?
structural reforms and jurisdictional reviews within
2. What are the concerns raised by some
the UN. These included changes in the Security
countries regarding India's inclusion in the
Council's composition and its role in peace and
Security Council?
security missions.
Important Dates:
Key Points
• 1945: India joins the United Nations.
• Reform of Structures: Discussions on
• 1997: Inquiry initiated by Secretary-General
Security Council membership expansion,
Kofi Annan into UN reforms.
including both permanent and non-
permanent members.
• Jurisdictional Review: Divergent views on
whether the UN should focus on
The UN in a Unipolar World Important Dates:
• 1944: Creation of the World Bank.
UN's Role Amidst US Dominance • 1995: Establishment of the World Trade
In a unipolar world with the US as the sole Organization (WTO).
superpower, the UN's effectiveness as a
counterbalance is debated. The US holds significant
influence within the UN due to financial

Key Points UN's Significant Agencies and UN

• US Dominance: Financial power and Secretaries-General
influence within the UN.
• UN's Role: Serving as a platform for global Agencies and Leaders
discussions despite limitations in countering WHO, UNICEF, UNESCO, among others, work under
US dominance. the UN umbrella, while various Secretaries-General
have led the organization with their distinct
Possible Questions: contributions.
1. How does the UN function in the context of a
unipolar world dominated by the US? Key Points
2. Discuss the influence and limitations of the • Agencies: WHO focuses on health, UNESCO
US within the UN. on education and culture.
• Secretaries-General: Varied contributions
Important Dates: and roles of different leaders.
• 1945: Establishment of the United Nations.
• 1997: Inquiry initiated by Secretary-General Possible Questions:
Kofi Annan into UN reforms. 1. Name two UN agencies and their respective
areas of focus.
2. Discuss the contributions of at least two UN
Secretaries-General to the organization.

Important Dates:
Other International Organizations • 1945: Signing of the UN Charter.
• 1997: Inquiry initiated by Secretary-General
Overview and Significance Kofi Annan into UN reforms.
Several international organizations like IMF, World
Bank, WTO, IAEA, Amnesty International, and Human
Rights Watch play crucial roles in various global

Key Points
• IMF and World Bank: Focus on finance and
• WTO: Sets global trade rules.
• IAEA: Promotes peaceful nuclear energy use.

Possible Questions:
1. Explain the roles of IMF, World Bank, and WTO
in the global scenario.
2. Discuss the significance of IAEA and its
primary objectives.

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