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MBBN 3rd Prof S3011

Notel Fitn the single beit edics in the rspnse sbee pievidadTm

Q All of the fotlowing drugs ay elyms t a d s s E

A Griseofhalvin
C Rinpcin
0.1 A3ar-nld woman hn had a hreir tough wih l e ad veight es o the pi
scid fat baciti which ef the follesing etlo ie the ment ipertaet e ths dendlgaent er heg
ihrohles EPai
Neroph DMat

Nocosis D Ma Drai
C Cailioalon
of f o jeas. Ce tonc
enaatos it
lons of p e oer perd
94AN RDyarsald female preseots
to (0PD ith gradusl
h e he ara of ppil The mos fakely fiegnssie 9
ASomal DVe here
Chedphkia sith dhick posieir aple Bics f ihe
9 2 0 mg ef drg Apreduves sams anslgesie sespense as d0 mg of drvg

0 a

in harbiturate poissning the doeter ssed potassim permangeel

Mhile proring gastrie lavags
This adots it an caample
masological idoe EPsigii i
Mochauical antid and sombustible ste iets ispie e i m

O A 30 years eld male aher having a spiey meal desloped pn

Pole s
esptar block
have mas e aveilebit
a iauy
0 hich aong the fulawing ruuie

route rasaliriial siiide

10 Potency of drugs relfers tot

Ahility efa drug to bind io recepto 4Ability of s drg to tind so r s e g

scua 2
C Dose thaf is required to produce respe n f e s p e thal a drug cats osE of Org t h
produce uletitt
o 1 A26 years old male with the complaints of dysuris and yetowish penite dischargs. Gram staining of thie sreiral sautzne
ram negative diplococela. f e was diagnosed as a case of gonorrhea. What is the most appropriwle trtwimat
A Tab NMetonidazole
C Tab, Apcok

12 Which of the follo wingt drugs are not meluded n dangeruus drug att
Indian Hemp . Opium anid derivativ
Barbiturates D Coca derivatives
ECamabis indics
13 Which of the following statements regarding diphtheria toxin is not correct

dphiheriae ysogenized bycondition

and and
hacteriophuge will produce txin B Bacteriophage must heve tox gene im its t A
cidic h
quired for
toxin production
DToxin inhibits peotein synthesis
are Bound soxin catinos te nesn
A ears ol women recently dingaoseid with urinary tract infection, staried a therapy with a trimsthupritm sulfas
combination. Both trimethoprim and sullamethaxaznle are bacteriostatic drugs when ven alont. Jowet
bactericidal. Which of the following term best defines this drug interaction
itve cifects B SynergIs
TSe toicrance D Potentiation E Surmmation
Leaving a swab or instrument in the abdomen after
laparotomy example of
is an
osite negligence
3 Doctrine of avoidable cosequence rule
ne of Res judicata D Novus actus intcrvenicns
Therapeutic misadventure
45 years old patient is suffering from severe
chemotherapy induced vomiting, Which among the
following, wi
control of vomiting"
ydramine 1B Ondansctron
MBRS Srd Prul 2
Paper G

All ef the follewing drug

A Ce are shyela
C Rifamp
9. 2 A thestepdl
w o m a n has had a ehrwnie se wh Brver Bnd welph A sputum eaple fez A
w 4 e m in sle seme of shich demntr co e p m e n t her lung besa
ae Whigh af the fllawjng eria a
Ibroh Plaelets
CNeutrophi fio re al fratar

a r swetlingpyhesis dwr upted plstm em br anr

A Ne
Morplad D a
CCaleiflesiien to F D w h radust tos uf vtelos
ever &pPrsd
af ew yeers.

a he mo
BL ERetina
white in
he area ef papil

caply D r
eakyhakta wtlh thics poster er

alla y than r s 15
Nc of
the abovE
D T n g A s g
potun then Drug
l a ic betie rg permanganate


pooin, he docter used

g e Chemical antidote antidote

macologcal antideote E. Physiologca natter

C tidote waste inte inorganic incombt

anic combustable
rature dry asidat nie d weight is

ults in s very signihcant H ncrtization

a n t a c .

His friend gave
oms w e r e rel
oeere depsn ef the dru
i s 5y mptoms
spicy meal developed ymptoms
ly m
s old male
male after having Spicy
relieved. which kind
virtue of wi
A 30 years NChemical antaB Potentiatio
D Receptor block
gical antagonism
which among the
Tollo wing
route have
mas Bio

s 1/V uu hcltancous oute

D l a t u l u r a a l roule
A ermal roule
B. Ability of a drug to bind to r e e p o
refers to:
0. 10 Potency of drugs that is
W i ofa drug to bind to rec E. Dose of drugE
that a drug can

DMaximum popua h r a l ex
Dose that is required to produce respo the
and yellowish penile
stainin discharge. Gram tment?

old male w the complaints of dysuria

s with gonorrhea. What is the most approp
A0n 01d e was diagnosed aas ca
te was dagnosea a *

ram neatve oplococcla. B. Ini Cett l n Sreplomy

A. Tab. Metronidaloe
C Tab. Ampiclox
are not ineluded
in dangerous druk aOpium
0. 12 Which of the tollowig drugs B and derivatives
E Cannabis indica
A Indian Hemp
D Coca derivatives
C. Barbilurates correct
toxin is not
13 Which of the following
statements regarding diphtheria gene in its
Q. must have toN
will produce txin Ductcophage ne
A Cdiphtheriae lysogenized by
a thucteriophage 5ound toxin canniot be
c o n d i l O arc ToKn inhibits protein synmesis
and anaero0ic antiox
roquired Tor toxin production
with a
women recently diagnosed with urinary tract infection,
started a therapy trimeop
Q. 14A
45 years old a r e bacteriostatic drugs when gIven alone.
combination. Both trimethoprim and sulfamethaxazole
bactericidal. Which of the tollowing term best defines this drug interacton
B yncES
A Additive effects
D. Potentiation E. Summation
C. Reverse tolerance
is of:
instrument in the abdomen after laparotomy an example
15 Leaving a swab or rule
B. Doctrine of avoidable consequence
Composite negligence
Doctrine ol Res judicata D Novs actus intervenicns E.Therapeutic misadven
induced vomiting. Which among the followin-
16 years old patient is suffering
A 45 from severe chemotherapy
the control of vomitin B. Ondansetron
MBBS Snd Prul 5-2011
Roll Noc Paper G
Et cholce in the respense shet prvidedTi3

9 A o e toowing drug are c e - n d u c e r s p

A Unuu Clarep
D Isuiaaod

0. 1 A-year-old wuman has had a chrenic cewgh i t h e h e pper l b e a

nedules ro i s t in the desdlapa
A. Fibre
D Mas c c
C. Neutrophil infemmstin s a e

E a r
S n Pyhnosis, idisrupted plase
EDyplaid e s s m i n s l i w n

D Maaplad lew yeers
p e r i e d ol
c Calcification less ef

to OPD with gradual

Q. 4 An 80-years-old feemale presents
while in the ares of pupil. 1he most a7 a

Corncal opacilhcation

20mg ef
drug Pr e
Tollewin f ne 1 : 1 o s o l a t i o n

rug B is hetler drug for pain permsngonete

the dod tar
DrugA a
while per nysiolngcal w n t s
ida thes sm

A aical atdi
o High tempe a redt nl waite vubo

i s trieed
Mavosay indialn #popepsia
& AJ0 years elal male f are
A e d e l mechao sf ecs
af &ind ef
mechsnm sfes
eteved. By viote w
P e*

Bio soilebliny
have mas
follawing ruute
hi n g the
GThtalrmal fute

Patency reler
Q 10 ef drwgs
A Abilio ofa drug te h
be resp
c Doe that ix reguired se produe rep s dng cas D f drg
f th o

Gram t a i a i n g
ef dyseris sed yelewishpenile dincherg
a heteeemplsints as c f g e n e s whot
the moet sporepriese rem
was dingsoned
tive dplncoecia
Tah Metronila
Tah Ampicls
2 h i h e f the fellen ing d r w g are a t t w a d ba d a g w e s da

indan Hem
Which e f the follewing staiements regsrding g i k h e r e tesie i e t carres

dgheriar bsopeniznd hy a haconphe e

odie 1h and and anaemothu cemiee g
heg rethogro
A45yar ald women receetls dingesed
ih el ard &

oth trimechagtim
and saltametha sasile b a r i a drsgs wes are iw
bactericdal of the fallowing term best oefines h i drg
etlocts Sea
N nerane D hu
eving s awab or instrament in the alhdemen aher laparshemy a n esmie s

mit negligon
eol Ro judicata
years oil patient a sufering frum aevere chemacesgs ilacnd vomling, h n a g he Sdie
cwndral of vomding


Clutdum bnu
develog severs
slahe cirrssis of or
f put
dasls with surmal r foection Ths Dede D m e d lplams pr
A. Decaed ny of unidey d d a
C Decnseed t o r t y f y c m e P 0
r ese set m
se Zms
ieft hund snd rsgrd sotar
hat dmeped
18ptar-eld mas lacerated hie
As rained, sodular
923 dnfigurnd by*prominest
Became Zmsen perod
e t the site
best the prscms
deseribes durieg hn ar
D Keieid formaie
E Semary
A dae t e the
e s l t i e

sn lang-term
wits severs
arthritin i
9.24 Amair patianf
foliowieg drug
h i c h of fhe
it most saitabile

A Dicotenac
for DD
organiam reponsibie
9. 2 Most common
Coeridim detficit DCoridiam borulinum a sests
C Costrdium tetani
serieas side effect sf Grry Baby Syndrume
antibiotics is anssciated witha very
. 24 which
of the following B Cimdamycm
A Cavulmic cid D Claeeyct
o Chiaraptienical
sentence mesms pes ef n e
27 Professional death
trom metial E Rgoro
A Capitail punshme D Tempoeay ue

from medical tegpiter

c Permanet erasure

N-acetyimaramic acid
and N.-aceryl placsamise
comtaims wall composed of
28 Which
of the
D Sphepiet
Ecoll met acrurase
sf the following
leishmaniasit, which
19 Regarding arge dmceic s ach as o

i greventing discasc cacd Lente

Mefioqunc is criective
donova D. Maried enlargomenef the heaton
Both visceral and cutancous ieishmaasis
ches X-ay is& 9pca findimg ef prsece
aretramsemed by the bite of
in renal failare?
does not nerd dese adjustment
Which of the foliowing floroquino lones B Gemleac
30 E Norfioa
Ciprofloxaci Movifiotace
of oral roste of administration
Iwhich among the following points is disadvantage
B Can be se- st
afer Puiess
more first pass D. Cheapc
an be subjected to
eubolism attacks of migraine This
time the atack a

experiences the will be

A30 yean sld patient repestedly rather than orally. Which among
the faliowing Triptans

decides to pive Triptans sabcutaneously

D Dimeydrinaie
CDomperidone E
coase esrly neurslogical sigs ef tosicity
E c h
ef he follewing peisoes, B Parcetaro E None of the abov
A Augrin D Opoids desired therapeulie

CAopine produce the

indicate the ability of
a drug to
parameters is wsed to
h e

tevie efieet
A D hicay
CTerpe agona
ues oppeOe c h o

B Binds to reccpu r
99 Trve sotement regarding i e Bind to receptor and produce ncta
A Pde ceptor md casts ca
no sction D. Hinds to reccptor ana
Rnde sw reoepor md cases suhmaxin

follewing is not true aboat

telana h a s dramstigk a p p e a r a n c e
Felcc l innihilnr
of the biocks

or p
rspensie BClostrndium pertege
Moor c o m m e E Clostridiurn baran
0 31 D. Clostridium botanu that are not
toxic to
doses of acetaminophen
hepatotoxicity after
sensitity to
ar stores of glutatn
Ths inereased
lwer f a n c t i o n . B Decrea Decreased plasma prote
wih normal
msed avatag D Increased liver hi
Wound healing
D r a s d a i t y of cy1och weck
of the
r c m o v e d
sutures were Zmonths.
The the next
sutures. over
requircd developed
anu sear that
aceraled en hand edular

A ite became disfigureu erred during this ze
iewing t e r e best describes the PIDE Dehiscence E. Secondary union

gastrointestinal ulceratio
D Ked Toa
Crganizt the risk of
S A D . i n d u e e d

due to
on lang-term

934Am in drug is most suitahle t prenp
Ccleci Diphcnhydranme

Mosf eommon organmTOpa B Clostridium pertetringens

E. Clostridium baratit
D Clostridium botulinum.
strid detni in neconates

effect of Grey Baby Syndrome

cClosdiur tetam antabrotREs
a50Eiated wth a very serious side
whieh of the follow ing B Clindamy cin
E. Co-amoxiciav

Clvutad D Clarithromycin
0 Chlornphenico means;
7 Professio nal B. Imposition of fine
A Capital pun from medical Ragorous imprisonmen
reRstecr DTemporary erasure
C Permanent erasure Trom medicAl
contains wall composed ofN-acetylmuramic acid and N- acetyl glucosamine?
18 Whieh of the follo wing B. Amocha
E Plasmodium
D. Splhieroplast
o n e of the following is most accurate?
Hegarding leish maniasis, which are the principa
1arge demestic animals such
preventing diocasc causcd hy Tcshinania
efloquine st cttective donovani
ovan Pathologists examining a specin
ral and cutancous leishmaniasis D Mfarked enlargcment of the heart on
tranimitted by the bite of sandfiies chest X-ray 15 a typical finding of prescnce of L.. donovani shoul
at cosinophils in the pieripherau
visceral leishmaniasis
Which of fhe following floroquinolones does not need dose adjustment in renal failure

B. Gemifloxacin
ocacin YMoxifloxacin E Norfoxacin
of ad ministration?
hich among the following points is disadvantage of oral

B Can be self-administered

ubyected to more first pass Cheaper E. Painless

ycars old patient repeatedly experiences the attacks of migraine. This time the attack is extremely severe
es to give Triptans subcutanecously rather than orally. Which among the following Triptans will be thebe

mentioned patient?
DSepitnptan Riuta
e meha

M n he cetzets alian ef alcehul asesd esend 19p in the blod thes isestaat eseaed if it ls oflminasd frum t h e y
T h i s ie Feferred ts
Sld fhe isestal

Fada ai aspidenlefied e i sbetaes le mass

ae e Pr Soe
ety inhibitud

atnene h4 Bloterieain
C Thronbosar

A Combination fN B C e n a of f h agonist antagons

C Cemhination af an agonist with its recepos D Conts wih is recepos

iecludes sll she folem ing
of sub-linguel route of grieg drugs
Advantagr acEiO
A has s pid onaet af acrian iptung ut tensive first-pas a a t
e e is enniy lionited se ile lical v hs wartarin mea
problems of the becal caity micrseomal P a s rsponsible
inhibit the bepstie
E e follewg drugs shane Ritapu
A Cmetdine
D P r o a m a m i d e

C Phont
he besle patogenesis r u
Decreasc in retracte na

C Eye hall
scsording to 1udood ordlnane ars fer female, 1 ya male
isge femaie, Th years for
E 16 years for
emale. 18 year for ta 16 years for male work
D. 7ysars for female.
14years lor fenale, 15 years for a l
carefulness tewards
the paten E Pro
to e s e r e n e
h e competence
Applcaton o B.Medicalpracl LMedical practitioner's oblipation
a c
D Patient s obligation
moles and scars coor
arw praris ef human body.
o" measurement
n Ae
h EEdwards hen9 7
1 a
C Galhon 5y
feature of which of ing disease?
following disease?
Thalaeria ta E Hereditory sppeto
CSiCNIeuel diseaae
D. G6PD deficiency
gs thatt
Q. 44 A loading dose may be initially required
for he
oru hat B Have a large therapeutie n o e

Trom the hody t a v e wcak pharmacologn
AAreraproy excreted v e shon falf f e
CTave ealchsive binding o issue protcins distance visual acuity is
6/'6. The most probable diagnoss
decrease near vnion. 1lis
A 49-years-old male feacher presents with
.45 B. Astigmats
A Anisonetopia E Presbyopia
C. Hypermetropia
transmission refers to
46 The ferm vertical client
9. B. Transmission froma sex worker
to a

insect vector from reservoir to patient w

A Transmission by DTranarmission from onc child to ransmission
person to person
CTransmission from mother to child
anither at school

to the of palicnt comes under thv heading olt

11 sypuuse
. 47
n furming disease
A. Privileged comnunicatio E. All of above
ndue D Medical nicgigence
Prolessionai misconduct of death with their medicolegal significance
is called:
with morbid anatomy and different aspects
48 Science which deals
B Forensic anthropology
Forcnsic anatomy Medical jurisprudence
Forensic medicine D. Forensic pathology
the following route of t r a n s m i s s i o n
49 Covid-19 infection is spread by
B Vector-borne
1 Dircct contact Fonites
An important Teature of congestive heart lailure(CF) regarding drug action is
B Increased protein binding of various drugs
mpaired blood flow to the intestine
D. Increased drug elimination E. Altered drug kinetics
creased volume of distribution
will b
have been asked to formulate a health related research synopsis. What
A group of Srd year medical students
in the conduction of Health System Research?
bicm identification B. Statement of the problem
ling of aim and objectives D. 1iterature scarch E Affordability
the synthesis of essential
The most effective antifungal drugs, amphotericin
B and the various
aznles. inhibit an
Carton Pepighy
u n g a l e n b r n e s

D Poysahrie

Chitn irus is
Eirgasteri E Uleh hads
he maa e e

Dnlet infection shas al

than yrs of Age Duzzines
Children yewnger
D Can c a e a
veE sk the basis of part
of body
invaved n

of hurt when
E Suicid
D. Poisen
Homc 1the drut
C Neglg will be grEs
be g r s t e r wll
t s admins high molecilal
The velume
ef of drug distribution

Q 56
o. 56
eade cells than ih pr ave

D l e pe b r o n c h e o c o n s i r i c t o n you
A din plasma anaphylactic

gn old man presenied
to yon
n example of:
Q. ycarn cal antagonism
0. S7 nire the eflect

of histatn t
D Physical antagonism
A Allosteric antajonism
antagonsmm infection i
Functional acquired
C Physiological the spread of asks
E All of the a

The best the
Q. S8 D Imfecton c o l achieve the goals
of F A by
A Hand was in 1975 to
the PliC appruach
and it adopted mind the health o
Keeping in
Isolation of concept
C l e a l t h for All inducted.
a signator for3l
Q 59 Pakistan was
ear 2008. n
ructure was developcd
achieving t ired objective health
the most criticalnin achie
Compul Rescarcn
Pakis er Moncy
A Co
in health care D l e s h m a n i a s s

auses Ntu Lcishmania

u c o c u t a n c o u s

CLeadersihip causes
Lenhmania species
Which of the tollowing ctshmania MExicA
Q 60
LciNTanil hnraeiicrsi
A Le ionica
C Leishmania au

rostaglandins are
generated B From pholipids
Q. 61
Arachodaic acid trom poo yE p hadonic acid through
E From braly s
A D Fru e pathw ay wants to expand the
C Leukotriens Cyc offhce. The

fealth retarding
in the Directorate Ceneral advise will you g e
tn senior position a fer a
new Bit.
w hat
.Q. 66Suppase areinworking
ork rural areas. Yo
yuu re

which a BHU
should be present
the popuat
30 km
aximum radius in E. Lss than 2 km
40 km D. 09- 10 Am
of HIV infection
froma pregnant

A0-50 km have shown significant

results in reducing
the transmission

Q. 63 Which of the following B. Zidovudine
to her baby E Cyclofosfamide
A ACycOi D Rifampicin
C Ceftriaxone deses of drugs is called
deals with
of Pharmacology that rmacody namics
64 The branch B
Q. Therapeutics
D Posolngs
C. Clinical pharmacooR
include all except:
full term fetus
the features of
Just before birth, circumference SOcm
Q. 65 B. Head
the above
48-52 cm b o d y E N o n e of
A Crown-heal length is about D Lanugo the wnole
1s visibie on
C Weight is 25 to 3.Kg to have
Tuberculosis. The physi
night fever diagnosed
a history of
weight loss jaundice. What underlying
Q. 66 A 25 year old patient presenting with however. presents days later
te the physician
with severe

prescribes him anti 1TB drugs
for this state
related to lsonizzid
mechanism can be the explanation B Tst acCya

Slow acetylation Sultato

D Methy latinn
Which amor-
C Conjugation to be having herpes simplex
with recurrent red painful eye is diagnoscd used ant-viral drugs
Q. 67 A patient présenting the possibility of
resistance 1or the commonly
is a suitable
choice given B. Sultacctamioe
A Trifluridine D. Ganciclovir
E. Zidovudine
defence council, the o
C. Chlorampheicol
court of law doctor was asked questions by the
the medicolegal case in
of evidence is known as:
68 While giving evidence in was il-founded.
This part
were inaccurate
and his opinion
show that his details B Examination-in-cni
A Leading question D. Cross Ciminaio
Hostile witness examination
associated with
colitis is a side effect
69 Pseudomembranous
course of narrow spectrum antibiotiC
B. Prolonged
use of broad spectt
course ot narrow spcctrum Prolonged
D. Recommended course
of drug w h e n E
Combination of drugs

e d i e m nlaeue is

Tdpet unid

ete a
0 4 Aa iahaam ypretn ih asko i n l a a
Mab pheigias jrseed s r i m . ioeioske ley doE s sge

otetori lereuloei ilaie lankiid

e faflaeing as foelases if inotos catara aatag

csnplaleli f fooe nf inng
ing birl
Nhich ae nf the fsliowing iutetiuns is ast gsuliably ahe coi f


f ge

hemotbersprutiesgent which esults a e lons f iedividvl opieet t e

A N veurs ald n ght mediral care for low goade fover, wsighd lns a s je na
tbacilli. Biopey of hilar ymph node reeoled g r s u l o s t e e s i e f e m m p t tertos

his particolar sase

pprupriate identiñaile Dading in
A Amorphologicaly entnale gh
CMullinucleated glail cells
tes of e p t d Pos t gpi
i l i s oiaile b
a benken arm Ales ber t
is scoved 6 weeks lotar, her hesling ar

A a t lrI has
he mechanim of atrugihy ln ths tae
A Seia
D Derervai atogy
A c e rug r E fniged ati

by he d g e ahieee slasdy Male tsmtnilr gtiueT

. uw many
hal ves

C4+S hallalivis hiut
degr ade lipids and alestae ar e h

ln those with aucher'y diease. the lysonomes fail to

0. 84
A i s inheritod as a autostnal receetive trat it

C 8 nherited as an X-lined trait D ts lened m i i esa

Which of the following protein synthesis inhibiter antibiofies, when usnd ost duted iesd to tanidics salied a n s n s eside
0. 85
A Macrolides
Q. 80 Which of the follew ings is t h e s m a l e s t f r e lv g s fpof gah

A Mycoplasma
D Staphy locoe
CSureplocDeci af the ie
tropical regien of Indis came to thehospital with bietary sf iside s e t e iewer pam
Q 87 A 19-year-old male living in a
and the nlerion wa diogoet
around week
ogs. shisa A biopsy test w erformed.
according to him first appeared
he bte af ale
parasilic infection. Which of the follow ing is a vector borse dincase that cas be tratom tad ta hamats ty
sed y Yersinis entesocalitia
8Colire of aigirate from buboes should be dens
anliges is tie capile onnfets D D50 1000 orgis
far ldertioation
andiphisgoeyas property
9 SAI grnerslly can he ased simutasly can sel
su salenic, antipyretic sed aati-in flam matory, Which af the
ete sed sat.- ennama fallowing
a edache whes used as
anaigeie e

A Inidotethi
suliadae S5pir
97 smmonest methods of
A. Ohjeative method
identificatiss of dead body for
B. Suboctive mt
C Third perty metbod E Dactylograpn
9. Carpors-basal indes is impertant in determining the bas
8 Rac
amalsry proeess that bas continued for 3 mesthe inclades the transfarmation of t s e t r
y n preseat. Uwer me. fbreblastn lay duwn collagen as the focus or tnammatu
a B5 80 50flammatary F p o s e ta w h i c of the lo

E Steptococcus T y o n
9 Alef the felwing srE leatares o BPearly whiie in c o l o u

is E Sinking ot lens nucieus

erc dechon A
aimal ad paramelers before the clinical
in humans druE
r ne h e v a t o s pharmacological s e r u m protein bindingWhich
0T he tolo w i n g w De ne

traseneusly into a laboratory animal It is noted to have high

mest fikely ineressed clnical applicatis af thi aruE
B. Dstnbu ssue siles
bolism toxicity
of fever, cough and lung opacities for the last one mont
rhing in bird mark
c ene af the fatlowing infeetioms is most prebably the cause of this condition?
Anthraconis Hagesssis
By sinosss
In eell njary clumping, of nuriear chramatin is due to

C i n c r a d aid i the cell D
B increased intlux of calcium
creased cihun of
pocassum Eall of the above
0 7 A 4ear- a n n mphma oving lymph nodes in the para-aortic region. she is treated w
ehemothee tddual nesplastic cells through tragmentatton oT naou ce
p m a decreases in sie, as documented on abdominal CT scans. By whieh or the
opjaaprimarily repended to therapy
Caagulatieg necrosis
Milochatidrial poisnin
Phagoyt D Acute inflammation
E Apoptosis
80 A 40 years old man sought
medical care for low
grade fever, weight loss and
persistent cough. Sputum examination revealed
fast bacilli. Biopsy oT hilar ymph node fevealed granulomatous on revealed
aous inflammation that invariabi ie
that invariably includes
ppropriate identifiable finding in this Dartiel which ot the
morphologcaly identifiable etiological agent
B. Cascous necrosi
fultinucleated giant cell D Clusters of epitheloid cels
E. Prominent granulation tissue
A4year girl has a broken arm. ATter her cast is removed 6 weeks later, her
07 atrophy in this case is: healing arm is
markedly smaller than ber norn
e troph m
B Pressure atrophy
of endocrine stimulatio D. Denervation atrophy
Acidic drug is more ionized at: E. Disuse atrophy
ne pt

pi Acidic pH
E At all pH
wmany half-lives are
required by the drug to achieve
ves steady state concentration?
55-3 talf fives
Dhul-lvo E 7half ives
Ose with Gaucher's daease, the
lysosomes fail to
ed as aft aulosomal rocessive trait
dezrade lipids and steatosis arises from
accumulation of glycol
ed as an X-lined trait Itis inherited as an autosomal dominant trait
D Itis inherited
mitochondria E tis
non-inherited disorder
of the following protein synthesis inhibitor
antibiotics, when used out dated, lead to
condition called fanconi's
B Sireptogramins
D Gientamyc
the following is the smalest free- L Tctacycline
living microorganism
B Mycobacteria

d male living in a troniral resien afi

D. Stuphylococci
0 0s ch sne ef the
A Lchincoccus raos lollewing tpe werm
species lrm hpiated eretb in beaas pad A
C. Tuna solium
pprepriate time ef
probing in csses sf estgesRe) eseeteralds
m a sith ehind whose r g o s tove e t been foremed, to mlsrry skiot p d fath far e p p

E CEsiary frestment ie
Crimial ahorticn

arieria Waieh efthe Folhewing is the min prepty tasP
ety bson chorbed peniihi Boc o 1 e
L a s po
e thse crll all m comp epran s
pig hac eceptors ) e s s e t its herwpeati

gsted ien hannels( ionetrpie

hich hinds is Ligend
t r u a Sridgr sbstmet Sets
f he lef ste sf the ieer

blunt tau
A g e e l d bos sestained
eeA emaperiteneum, an nesriy regsined t sie belan
at the lieer bor
the jurs Several weeks lats,
antbioties are
far which parenteral
e afhecteremis y P
hta a
s ahe had a severe t evere respiraty Dut
wwal s thet urtiea e
. Ceftriaxone Ticarcillim plas clavzlatad

C Atepeneih teeth h hamAn Jjaw is

mumber ef Decidusue
u 2 T h e tutal

A Which ef the foflewing lab tests mu

s presEribed
terhinafine fur onychomycoses

Q 13 AS0 years el diabetic patient

an monthty basass RITS
also known as:
headed persons are
o. 114 Short B. Mesaticephalic
E None of the above
A. DolioOcepainc D All ol above
C. Bracthyvchcphalic urethritis due

antibiotiCs is curative in most patients of non-specific

Anpe use
he otwing B. Aziutomy
E Ampicillin
D. Co-trimoxazolc
is your lezal
You a r e working as CMO. You come across
a case of suicidal attempt of poisoning What du
B. Inform magistrate
Do not inform police D. Do not document the case E Send samples to laboratory
Consult psychtatrist after tirst aid

that it readily undergoes hydroly
sis by dehydropeptidase lenty D
rate limiting lactor of imepenem is to overcome t h s
7The It is co-lormulateil with which of the follow ing drugs
Dorocrs 01 The rCnal t u b u l a r cels.

B. lazobactam
ilastatin E Carbidopa
D. Sulabuctam
lavulanic acid the
of the Monophosphate form of Bactoprenol
interferes with the regeneration
Which of the following B. Bacitracin
mpicillin E vancomy cin
D. cycloserine
hemochromatusis W hich of the tollowing
of a recent diagnosis of hereditary
A 45-year-old man is referred because
statement about this disorder"
cithoais diabetes tmellius.

depoOSition of lcad 1 i can progres lo liver

to organs results Irom ahnormal
nage pigmentation
is due fo E The T1BC (Total Iron Bindis
Cases are due to spontancous D Skin hyperpigmentation characteristicaly tncreascd
bilirubin accumulation
tions the bloc
He repeatedly gets anti-malarial drugs

of fever for the last 2 months.

An 18-year-old boy has
him on radical cure. The prescrit
a case of lHypnozoital relapse
with P'ViVAx, you plan to start
wIVax. Suspecting tests turn out to be
of the following
tarted after which BG-6-P-D- Time
ic fragility test
D. Reliculocyte count emogiebin clectrophores
g Test

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