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MEDICOLEGAL CASE No, 2oylas | kiic Tayhal_ Khan ge HELE sou lhetle pane ame Khan san ot cue Zila —_—__-Carupaiton et, Wop 'mosiaence ital Name or reialive.ot ine inpres 400 Munaramad = ; ester No. and name of constable _ { (a) Date ot admission admiiied Nadeiied | (p) Date of discharge ————— ee ‘poe and hour of arrival DS 32075 3 _ no, and date ot police docket Inam_vllah Date of reper sentto police — > 23 icontification Mark 7 : 1. Black mole O:3%03cm an the RE side of the neck , bcm : . helps th right ear 2 PARTICULARS OF INJURIES/SYMPTOMS OF POISONS Citeat Conaition: «Stable GP = 120/80 mom Ha Pulse = 80 bern cat ce: patickt Was Wearing white shame, qyamees, no sign f wiclence Partcutars r °f Injuries / Symptoms. 2 Polsons : ieihaoa gA oe ft fa sen pdm and oi Ulstst Yorks outtag 4m Som area, Specimens Calveted /invasiigalia? Advised > ReExomination Noles son of Ta bal Yan Lat Satoh lath Fel, A ig Years was nue fued fesulled! 9m mn om } eff Ciren CONCLUSIONS / OPINION . (a) Nawiectanites Dh Gage faifah Darah (0) Kind of Weapon-used / poison suspected Bunt weapan {c) Probable duration of the Injutie: ? 5-03-3025 re | ; Syd Sey MEDICOLEGAL CASE No. LN TRAA ( a ITKAA bo fon or Aftial Khar : tae nis Vig cote A ccupetion atti = Rowden halle Toa Naina of tativa ot to injures 2a al paleratniiel erie 2E7S sas enccuin ten boone za ——— to. ana namo ot canstatie AA Fam 4 foo A ea Kh (49) Date of admission 9! cu dmviticd 10) Date 6t cise’prge Wedmitod nie at ropon sont to pdtie@ PARTICULARS OF INJURIES/SYMPTOMS OF POISONS: Cliatea! Condition : WN amare fe) space cmd thre ef ficanm Siby ar medial calf nidicl of ey beg - Als exft Condition of Clothes : Vict wuesuhag wihtle Shatevar Semmes. Clethy é Go AP Takin tothe Cab were cheanges 4 ETO AE NORE ONES of Polsons: Vw Pot ‘eet pReam one 4 ieund ar Prstels spapdiie) as RY Cah I Oem fr size, bem below te @ ae phe aud 3-2¢in above dS ankle sean cael blush isc olouradion a7 RP eatecd do eek Ten repent mk oth a Specimens Ci vation Adviaed ? Rey of AP! lots Vat any fractcere. shncteacieeen mith opinfont) *eg ocd ag C d Re-Examination Notes} ool > jake op ag wie freviege 1 Raiy Shouws 20) feteeunee apie 54 ‘sadtoloy lorie tees meporked by 2 aol i kT CONCLUSIONS / OPINION : - ‘ ap arth Gha j, L Mulalerhbimah [@) Nature of injuries wi C Bdlowd) (b) Kind of Weapon usad / poison suspected _/7% {c), Probable duration of the injuses Checked By: Sued gadeeq 92-§- Jor bie el MEDICOLEGAL CASE No.2! Gul Shey Son ot non 25 wa, Wile —Abghas main ——_— pine —dabid Na Olativo of the injured pate and havent arfival £2 04-233 (9200 te Kio, andidato'ol polles socket ee aa No. andiname of consiamia “Ye AViajn Gy, ({0) Date of admission 19-04% 2023 ( (0) Oato otatischarpe 904 Doo ~ (F-67023 Hacmitiod Data ct 5/ 4 hIc Rye MeN eyeot — Mtoe Khas 1 Neate cone Aegan __occupation Mouse IW sesitance © Z Namo of rolativo of the injured Alcye horas ee —_— a nour of arrival L2-S— 24 C1208 0X0. ana dato ot police oockel ——No. and namo of constania Guncis Wire, Daik a (3) Data of admission“ inagmitied a) Date ot discharge Dato of repon sont to police. jwentitcation Mark - 1, Bleck bass rote an She RF syle oy, meak.. 5, fem on “the ead OS x 3 em in she cbove The felt PARTICULARS OF INJURIES SYMPTOMS OF POISONS o oon Clinical Condition > Crsueus and well oneded % Space BrP = 0/5 rms Hy palse= FP o esp Rake : mo tines [rnin Condition of Clothes: The ppemsan tues tearing black Shab wor Qamees, Chott, tuere chanagd *articulars of Injuries / Symptoms of Polsons : 2 Seaperficiad byetse below th hee fy ae 1 Advised + Spacimons Coltected / investigate No igpectnnen Collecte?, lias Ray f, nese xcuels A Ao-Examination Noles: a fracduct %- Peay shows ne , Jo font copaatinent pakent % vese rieel CONCLUSIONS / OPINION ; @) natu otinuvies__Sbajjah_Kheftfek_ Blond a (b) Kind of Weapon used / poison suspected 2 402" _OF —= 2 =2) bes (€) Probable duration of the injuries 2 5 Us 2 LI Gs 7 Tame!) sonot Hhushrang Age 2S sox Mall, Tamil Conupation LabadSE. .pesienen Teh Ka. conte Lome lehKal Namo of rolative of the injured Yenueridin a a eS ET iii "OG pate and nour of arrival 02-01-23 (PQ) No, ana dato al palice cocker No. and name at constable Loe dy IP al, ees bbeidy bp, {(2) Dato of admission _O2 6+ 2 4 keane { (b) Dato of discharge On -O1-27 Dala’of roport sant to paleo _O2 02529 neation Mark . Mettatk nenalay encle on tippes Cp O's x.Stm mn S00, Leen 7 fem the i trdthe treet PARTICULARS OF INJURIES / SYMPTOMS OF POISONS fabk Ciinkcal Gondttion: Conse/aus anel allort BiP = I25/K¢ in Hs temp. Fat pal = 12 Howa/ mon eee ; Pelion! fs wearc Ohl bla shale yamees The clothes ere blend sland Cbother inne changed. d a Particulare of Injuries / Symptoms of Pols: © An lbiphial double e AUDLEM z RY sy @) lf t ombax vealon ,% weve ‘Nell enc dhol tie it ti fen #oG are © Moran Sem > " _ = ae dvined : tion A mone canwcted /investiae acimons © : ahafanes 7 ols Uthasbochep 4 natin Notes? Sie ~} flosicl fr pe Yomecl caus raffle che’ gial unit 4 ds Sus red G CONCLUSIONS / OPINION ; lay Naviworinuies Xe lor Jats © a ag Khohifal Ck ee Sa (0) Kind of Weapon used / poiwon suspected on CARS COREL 1 0 (c), Provable duration ot the Injuries Checked By: syed Sade, 02-07-73 Kine TO sibond MEDICOLEGAL CASE No,, 263/24) KN Rak Sen of Hiclyat albert tlh sae 32 hae Wrall ils ea AL VAtthe raoiesd Namo ot olative 8tthe injured —_ aby Plea _ —Eebhy thay ag emi osinano nai ot arivah SLEDS EI 2, wns te fp soc No. and Aamo of constable Faarael t { fa) Date of admission Sf 2S it admitted ’ {Qb) Oate of ischarpe St 2 Dato ctrepon-sonttopdica 5/6 23 kfentification Mark lack hay mole above the Je weet) curd PARTICULARS OF INJUTIES/ SYMPTOMS OF POISONS Cinta Conamton: Pachew was ‘well oriented tm fo, place, space ond posftian Pulse - Bo bpm Resp syade ; 14 bye frbs 170/30 rambg Temp, 99% Condition of Clothes : Pastel wes manag wht Shalwas Qameess Yvc cllothes were ftom and awit, Wood te cLother Gners and setil te fad Fer Feamipahien: a eae Particulars of Injuries / Symptoms of Polsons : Dincied wounds on palrn of RY hand and 1x a.3¢m and Sem Primal ts base of thumb 2) Wwredbed wound « en dorsem i pees - % nob & NI Wale @ See Spacimons Coltected /Investigation Advised + Re-Examinatian Notes: Hidayatefiah eas treed! on sun of Lr thumb, on palm of CONCLUSIONS / OPINION: {a)- Nature of injuries ? p weapen | Muda bhinale {b) | Kind of Weapon used / poison suspected (DLL TD She {c) Probable duration ol the Injurles__2 — 2 Nous “ pepue « N7HO ony bg, earch v5'0 ie be an Popyy7y (c * prsoches: ol qi podew year) Wo pap spunea ~poyrrey (a Od JO SWOJdUIAS /EoLIN[Yy JO BIBLIO ‘ 4 Dye tof nw, ah rg pro Jd 24207 ery91 -Zourvly vompoys mel Caner pt aa Seoyoig 40 vonipue9 / ypu frou 29) ad jaye pra one aqui b SNOSIOd 4O SNOJdWAS/S3INPNI JO GYVINOLUYE i 4 ; eae ua uonwoyRveP! ‘eojjod 0} ues WOde: jo #18 (t-l¢ t (2 yea (a) } =F i ae odusyvsip 19 Ved ( catee TEs Tae voissiupe jo 8180 (e)) ee 04 jon Peery @1Q818U09 jo eweU pue “oN e490 edij0d jo B1ep PUB “ON wen Pel ecitce ON BSVO IWOsTOOIOSN Tenn bight, 17 yield Rabfmotah se eared was need lac abe wWeuividelen of ft ave a7 th was nol a tn eng eupecd war ne ache blee dhue eid wound “d lateral we ee of forte neax RI Eyebvow Eat Os” Supufievaureun hh 3 (Sharp (2) anal = Gar pial Lit: 73 pa maaan CONCLUSIONS / OPINION: ) shay (a). Nature of injuries Kind of Weapon used / poison suspecto {c) Probable duration of the Injurios Checked By: MEDICOLEGAL CASE No. wane Saleh Rahm son oi Fazal Ratha cose Uemaar Lael: occupation jo. and date of police docket 5 No. and namo of constable imu oh (Ass= 26m) {{a) Dato of admission _/S = 3 = 23 Wedmnied (0) Date ot decharpe I= 3- 23 Date of repon sent to police: Identification Mark Mol on the forehead above waht ‘ ze Weite versed and blade tn ite PARTICULARS OF INJURIES / SYMPTOMS OF POISONS | Clinieal Condition : CLenicably Stable , achive § alent - Bp =(20/80 mm i Ppuse> 10 /min Resp Rate = 14 mes /nfin Condition of Clothes: ~~ Patient ulas Wear 4 chal wor yameer. His clothes were Lo ea Mined. Clohhos Were fort? dy lab for Particulars of Injuries / Symptoms of Fire arm Enby tassund 0.5% of um %\H Sine : PoxoeyD aoues Uy vai oY Sg Sepnfuy eys 19 VoEINP aiqeqorg redo) a UD SELF Perpedsns uosiod / posn vodeem 10 pun qoury ap Pew) Pheer F saunfurjo omen (e) u ! NOINIdO / SNOISNTISNOO Segre pape nage mypre Yh “— i Prem 7} -4 mm ogroyeu a apy us i pura hog are? appre pet f vaypien P Neg 2 a/% ywouyerx Y2/P5 3” pre] OE te cones p 0m wpwyer) og su0wijodS pesipy voiediseaui / Pe) ¥ “My ona nef vay us " Ligeia) FSUOEIOd 10 SWOIdUS / seysn/uy Jo ese;nopLI04 “P94 12 pos oB Wamp s ae hows td eb F BOYIOID 40 UoNpucD ) ‘fe 2 Jo-upog APPS HO pod by sx0 “94S: uompucs rong OU 42 Crue Ab MQ erat e4 a *ho iq mepes 40 SWOLAWAS/ SAINPNI 4O SUVINOLLUYE Uy pray SIPs work a9), P25 ap 0 0 PIPL Pg moprqand 3 yx) O aaq> 7 Ow Pesan pope yitetha es 9 by XO PID FY ae pow aT @0110d 0} 1U08 odes jo 018g Tet ae OCUBUPSI 19 e180 (9) } pouwpe it Sepaeners ‘Uojssyupe jo o1eq (2) } #1a818U09 jo eweu pue “on YeN20P eoH10d Jo B1ep PUB ‘of; —S—_____ —_—__ fe 01e0 TY ETAT E lenny anou pu 19 wey << VOROA TT eoveproy Jonednooq————— e188 Tp PUay 8a C ee mL A, ese —$—ayq_saey em Wet] We eN BSVO IvEaTOOIGaW Spacimens Collected / Investigation advised: : of Bran eT z real v Re-Examination Notes; . Bb do Muhommag Tas (4) Come with hfdery of assault Utdth oy, raisers k ef wl < CONCLUSIONS / OPINION ; ab Khafi Pat hed (2) Natura of injuries £ (8) Kind of Weapon used / poison suspected if. (c)) Provable duration of the Injuries MEDICOLEGAL CASE No, !14 /23/' nije Shak Laman Khan, senor Taheen Khar ————— th ne iite ges Male cone Abghss _____oecipation Lalsaiitet — Renigonce eh Kon ake Name 6f ratative of the Injuroct Lak cen Wahsaoy ~ No. and date of potice dockt No. and name ot constabjo Sans AU; Vadminag (2) Date ef aamision tel addled {() Date 6t discharge Bho le 2s Date ol report sent to police" I (dentiestion Mark. 1m Gval_seax Cold) on Left am 2x lisam, Gem above tual JP below 2 1 2, Atrun fraed hairy oole on hae STRAIN, OSKO Lem By Size Bom above wash fa : oO PARTICULARS OF INJURIES / SYMPTOMS OF POISONS aq.tD Date ang hour of arrivol = Clinleat Conattion: Gonscious aud welt onlinted Pulse. 42 bpm Temp - Fa-y t Hetght= (62 com BP aK mm He egies #2 0 Resp Rale- 92 tinses {rif Condition of Clothes : Whee Shalwar Qameez , while niared coat, clethes are stained with blood. / Particulars of Injuries / Symptoms of Polasons ; A lacttaty oe a idle hee det W above Lt eye, tn Shape tolout « Spacimens Collected Jinvestigation Advised e ; 2 a No Spe dimen © alle Ex: b Notes: _ RosBxamingtion Notes? 4 tel treatment * fre € padicud b Na fact © Baie alisehevr CONCLUSIONS / OPINION Shafpah-e— Miadthal, {9} Nature of injuries [o) Kind of Weapon used / poison suspected Blut Keaper {- > bes (6) Probable duration of the injuries Checked By: — Eo MEDICOLEGAL CASE NO, ~ kre lrm|ag MEDICAL CERTIFICATE FOR ESTIMATION OF AGE. mitte . nome Rukhsand son BebSerat_Meorul: Mec Eerrale Caste Occupation. late 1 ‘Sex - ah Aue: - o. : Lehel Tahoe Destefel Saanabi | “e ese | angle_off Fam: 36) Sem toe abeve the OBSERVATIONS a MS cm Holgnt Woight re 1 sxriendec crew ae ey a awd Purally Toul Gey = SECONDARY SEX CHARAGTEES | Hel Disitbution Normal rAftudieon pattern with +Krek Bhs pubic aud allay he halt. 3 dfrar and Space, aftue Sex Organa (Giage of development) 2ECeY DENTAL DATA; Upper Jaw : (Number £6 tet ] ti) Eston ot erupson all fll eszuplec ii) Motat tooth enipkd i Lower Jaw () Number 16 teeth (ii) 3rd Molar tooth Se eee RADIOLOGICAL DATA : cenitar by: Registiak Rodiela, Dept. KTH Peshaniar Slernum pout:modem’ Gass Novi Gaon yi ¢ rathore/Husmande name Noo Ahmad a Neer 8 age Lt Yes sox Make Casta f oe Residence Asya Grake Peshawar Boar ented by” | Nbaul Vameee 30 Umay ‘fh wnenee brought vilage: Thana, Distict otheun ass, Chambant, Poshawes fe) Date and hour of death {e))Oatw and hour o! etaminaiion 88-63-2093 (Gi1G0 Pe) Information Fumished : un? {a) Symptoms etc., before death Ws (b) Other intormation RT Extemal Examination : (6) Condition of the subject, stout, emaciated, decomposed etc, a Young man of shang buslt Le (0) Clothes ete. Mud stalued chaluiar Qa {c) Features / condition as 10 post-mortem. PM Drurdtty awed (d) Wounds, hruises, position, sire 3) Cats: toys 4 etleionly Oud” 3 2) Multiple brufees; On fio! of ; 1s on Rigi 3B) Freaenm: 44 of Special Examination : a) 6) (4) Neck, marks of ligature et 1c. and dissection notes. Nil Cranium and spinal cord + (a) Scalp Enfived (o) Shull eres j (c) Mombranes TH {lve a) Brain “Healthe 5 Vartebrae and spacial cord, Mealy Thorax : {e) Walls, ribs and cartilages, 21 urea (b) Plourae. Tunjuve (6) Larynx and trachea, Health (@). Lungs: Rig ht Lung F mA nn {e) Pericardium oe heart. thy (Blood vessels. Tujure Abdomen : (2) Walls, Tosjured (0) Paritonaum. Healt (c) Mouth, Pharynx and eso; (4) Diaphragm. broldlayy mas healthy (e) Stomach, health, () Pancreas, Healt! (9) Small intestines. (h) (iy) 0 tk) a) Bladder. Heal [,, (m) Organs and ganorktion () External, Hen) Hh QW) Internal. | t Ys Limbs, Muscles, Bones, Joints (a) Injures, "1 (b}. Disease or dalormity. * (©) Distucations, Net Fe) ured (0) Frdcture. Specimens collected, and where sont. Results / Reports of- the laborstory. Conclusions / Opinion : (4) Cause of death 7 Spins Death orclired t ne ty Puy to the head and neok + Yad Kaeccvoted (Olvcd iueicl Wratia a blond A * {b) Probable time that elapsed ; () Between injuries and death. ? ~~ frompeclztle ) (il) Between death and post-mortem examination ~~ 48 round Oe ee Post-Mortem Case No. 30$ /22/ [M4 fab Khon ee ALAR BS __mcnaincaicrnyssinis name Hebb s— ; ‘ath Proxy poe SL sex SMa Cane aha as ebkel Fethauax a Ghia beg seep wove: hey Abad ————————___ Body identified by LEnimod Whence drought village, Thana, District _TehKal Peshaulan {a) Oate and hour of death 2 Cl tip) (®) Bate and nour of examination C2 02 —J 5 C$: dope) dnformation Fumished : {a) Symptoms etc,, belore death ni (©) Other information _= Bie _aamn_tajunea ‘External Examination ; (a) Condition of the subject, stout, emaciated, decomposed eic, 23-24 eas old man of goed burt Leese Pabenthas blile dhaliacaqal be ost axe chal ned Pil bta0< “ound hes Pye arg, ch. (c}-Features / condition as to post-mortem Rigor Marks aud PM coe Bpienn Ot wud soln Sn Uppe. body beod. sem Grom the Ue he aes cmpbetk of ohoue nfiple Hae wabdlte ytem advice theng beleul shove Sem aliove Sn Ska, Sen Fyearm. Special Examination: Neck, marks of ligature etc, and dissection notes. Nil o (2) Cranium and spinal cord : (a), Scalp tb) Shui (e) Mombranes (9) Brain 23 (0) Wenstrae sand apeaal oon, Nat Fajuwedd @) — Thorex ; fa). Walls, ribs and cal os, eujured >) Pleuras. * "yf wre, J (6) Laryne ang tachea. igh Sijulved huured {e) Pericardium and heart. (9) ~ Lungs, 7 g () Blood vesseis, ) J a (4) Abdomen : (2) Walls. . (0) Partionéum. 3 1 wy red (€) — Moutn, Pharynx and Dome, ee dot fuiaaed s ES Tejared Ut sem) sede fad @ ‘Small intestings, Large intestines. ) Uver, Not Ing rel © Spleen. 1) eneys and supra renal glanda, df ) . Bladder. No} Fu (=) Organs and gonoraiidn, — Extarnat, (i) internat, (5) Limbs, Musctos, Bones, Joints : (a) Injurios. fs po Sea (0) Disease or datormity, {c) Dislocations, i NiO () — Frdcture, ) Spacimens collected, and whore sont, Results / Reports of-the laboratory, Conclusions / Opinion ; \+) Cause of death Tn Mi inion The decececd died becauce of Pope to dhe brain, both lungs, Frdeathes, ond assoclakd olaod yee, due to Prreavns Pofuries (0) Probable time that elapsed: () — Betwoan injuries and death, Tramedtade (i) Between death and post-mor': oxamination 4- ac fours Post-Mortem Case No, 2706/2") bie Rehman Gul ame chman Ciel _ Fathers itusuane's annie ) Clotnes: atc, Maroon thalwar Bsmesy cond Whe Wed whieh ore botood cher () Features ‘condition as to post-mortem Rips Mot Shaded oe LT eax, Fem ng $xKtom Special Examination (1) Nock, marks of ligature ete. and dissection notes. nif (2) Cranium and spinal cord: (0) Scalp 1 {o) Sui {c) Mambranes (@) Brain (8) Venebrae and spacial cord. (9) Thorex: (2) Walls, ribs and cartilages. = (>) Plourae. (c) Larynx and trachea. hea Ubhy (0) Lungs: md (e) Pericardium and hean. () Blood vessels, v (#) Abdomen : (2) Walls. (0) Peritoneum, (€) Mouth, Pharynx and i) Dis esophagus, hea lttey @) si 1 Giles fait stm: diaestedd food P) tage cians sero Aaaseled “teal i ic gene feud = cally © Spleen. J (h) Kidneys and supra renal Wy. Binader. Healthy (m) Organs and goneratio~ ( Extemal, 4 hea Lith: (i) Internal, si (5) Limbs, Muscles, Bonos, Joints : (3) Injuros. ls pen fi uy Sheed (0) Disoase ot daformity, — “tf & Distocations. 3 ‘ (0) Frdcture, Sel! Spocimens collected, and whore sent. ™N Resuite/ Reports of the laboratory. Concluslona/ Opinion ; i) Cause of death Tio ™y Opinion Dus 4s f, nf ides fo the brety and ene became of fica (>) Probable time that clapsed : 5 ’ © Betwaer injurios and death, Lanmeduiale PP (i) Betwoan death and post-monem examination = O- 8 Checked by: Syed Sadeeq (04-04-9923 ] Post-Mortem Case No, 224% /25| Hiv ERE RIM Me Unaty Fathor's (Husband's name _“Kehnion Z| caste Af IaH nescence Eadh aly” ’ re — Mainar ah Nagar (0) to) tjo junds Booy idantites by Seoh 810 \udas Ga © 3 gallon Muhasirn Whence brought village. Thana, District {a} Date and hour of doath (0) Date and hour of examination. Information Furnished : {a} Symptoms etc, belore (0) Omar information HP%p" Extemal Examination : {a) Condition of the subject, stou!, emaciated, decomposed etc, Dead bedy x a avellge Cell Gran (0) Clothes etc. % Whtle Shalwarx ames stained with bled (c) Features / condition as to post-mortem changes, Riger Merf¥s has chanteck L An midline te Fank be 36ein Plo shoul Bi chet, Bow sacred From the midline “| Ororerated pound Greavien ed Pveai wound Special Exominati 0) (2) ®) (3) “f tw oy fr Ar ts : expel a > puler aspecl of LT a7 Yet Or ck, orks pl ligatuw ete. and dissection notes, eid Cranium and spinal cord + (a) e (ch (oy ie The toy (eh (o) @ Mombranes Brain Vortubrae and. spacial cord mt Healy oraK : Wot. sano eats. 4 ty ee eeces } Vojae Larne and trachos Head tha Lungs, Sef lin etd, RT lung Poricardium and (the Blood vessel, Sy; jared ens rentcawam 1 Uejured Moth. Pharynx and esophagus. iapragm, Stomach. — wiht, e Pancreas, Smal (ntestings, Large intestines, Liver, Spleen, Wgneys. and Me ty (0. ladder, Neat tha Am), Organs and ghnoration Emam, Ly (i) tmtornat jee ) Limbs, Musclos, Bonos, Joints » (a) Anjunos, As pan x {a viet Areat (b) Disease or dolgtmity, » (6) Dislocations. 7 wil © Fracture, J Specimens collected, and where went. Reauite/ Reporta ofthe Iaboratory, Conclustons / Opinion : +) Cause of doatt in My opin : Mickinn died i ry rear Gnfurtes 44 LT Lan, Flee and odich Ted vessels i} (©) Probable time {hat lapsed : t () — Betwoen injurios and death. wept ped ; 4 & Fyeuans (i), Between death and post-manam examin; Post-Mortam Case No, 204/35 / k na, Weare 7 tome Hist24 rua anand sing Nahi age S18 Yoo sex Male Casig Rifai recency Sacha! Mihalls Gulead, () Syaj -v)- nin a = "y Body brought by to) —Zihe fa) i idoniinad rae aot eae 6 AU Ghivan Whence drought village, Thana, ener LR Abana M attra (a) Date and hour of doain (0) Date and hour of examination. {- Jo (7,4 Information Furnishod : {a) Symptoms otc., betore death (b) Other information Fireaory ree oe ee LS External Examination : fa) Condition of the subject, stout, ane decomposed oc, Young average butt Pacty {0) Clothes otc. z Yettow shabwat aa meer s med! wit (blue (¢) Features ‘condition as to post-mortem changes, (8) Wounds, bruises, © Biearm ents weu Spocial Examination + 4) (2) @ (4) « of figaturs ete. ene dissection notes, Nock, mark: Nid Cronium and spinal cords = fa) Scalp (0) Skull | Vea Mos {c) Membranes (6) Brain Vartsbrae and spacial cord, Thorax : (a) Walls, ibs ard cartilages. ~) {) Piouraa, | (©) Larynx and wachea, ¢ () Lungs. Neal 4 (0) Paricardium and hean, J () Blood vasse, Abdomen : (a) Walis. eit Inj ie | j % (bo) Peritoneum, {e) Mouth, Phatynx and (2) Diaphragm, ‘wonhaaue: (8) Stomach, Heal Abe () Pancreas, (9) Small intestines, . (bh) Large intestines. Vtujured O Liver, . W Spleen. (K) Kidneys and: supra’ renal wy . Boater, Healthy (eo) Organs and ganaration (External, 1 Healthy (i) Internal, (5) Limbs, Muscles, Bonas, Joints : (a) Injurins. As pe fajuries Shect (@) Disease or doldrmity, (@) Dislocations, \ wi (od) Fracture. Specimens collected, and whore sont. \ Fosults/ Reports ofthe laboratory. = Conclusions / Opinion : (a) Cause of death Ty my en Death eccuved due to in to the left commons thiac wessels curd tse due ts Ahan : {b) _Probabie time thai wiapeed : {) Between Injias and death, HOSP tained, (il) Betwoan death and post-moriem sanaion Y-8 hota, 04-09-2023 anfmal blood [Examination of wounds and injuries. ECHNIQUE OF GROUPING THE Te!s= cooler Vveties ‘Ins Cone continous structure ANALYSIS ON MEDULLA: FipRE Evi DENCE + texte! 4p and type _¢ fbvéc_construc- Significance bre agseciahion. thts becomes vesy important where these _ fs possf bee, ftbe transhes between suspect and vicki during la_crvime - |Mathing “unique fibves on clothing ‘bres on _susped’s clething can be ver tnveshqahion- . discover cx0ss_tran o ° ulctim te helpf ° and multiple O AcTICAL 2 LPR GASTRIC LAVAGE The process Of cleanfng out the _ stomach - Tpurrose/ LNDICATION: Fe xemove Substances before _absorphion- fo emply_the stomach before _endosco Te gash hemorshage. oF \corresstue _subshance ingestion dyecaibons _‘ingeshon {Gat aforahion —xfsk PROCEDURE: -|Passoge oP tube through the _mauth. Vadmeatshation and vemwel of Liqgud. | Aty_trflation . PH testing, x- Reng to make Sure that the tube fs not tn the ai | trtbate unconscious pat a si SF TT ECHNIQUE OF fantinnwee = : . ———— PRACTICAL Exam NATION of mMloUMbs AWD INJURIES EXAMINATION OF AAI INJURED | MeDIcoLe AL 4.| Nature of injury oe — .| causahve _agent/ weapon ‘| 3-[Duration of “en jur y.] Manner of _inflichon | PRE-REQUISITES: 4- Authority _ 2- Informed wrtten consent 3. Tdenhfrahion 4~ Biodata STEPS: | Examination of

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