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mee MEDICOLEGAL CASE No,. 0? Nome 2@war_ Khan son ot Difax than Ape 2 Bay tale costo Aston Occupation Driver Residence __ (Madar Namo of relative othe injured Asap fears No, and date of police docket No, and name of constabie 7477 Ahn 12/ ate and hour of arrival { (@) Date of admission 23-01-9024 edited en 10) Date ot tee'arge =O) = 2624 Dato of ropor sont to paca. Identification Mark 7 An of Beste in ierisdon present om the 2 Dex the umbbel you~ PARTICULARS OF INJURIES / SYMPTOMS OF POISONS: tinea! Canattion : Patend 1s cbowrg, tl foot in Shrees brongl te ee a contend horpital Garde shan Seah Condition of Ctothes : ele ee ard Clix Thal dein eee ee Bio” ‘Symptoms of Potsons : Blk oh Serer Bowlers, hey or ppostertor— lates! aL Hh. opall Witlifle wrjentes or both eek eangl ae Pantcutars ot winter ~Lerw eae Njeestes. Ss Collected / Investigation Advised : er Scan eta f fond pret Ro-Examination Notes ; Spacimor: CONCLUSIONS / OPINION : (3) Nature otinjuries__Lacevetion (©) Kind ot Weapon usod / poison suspected Bex {¢) Provable duration of the eee hoe or le MEDICOLEGAL CASE No. .—————_____ Ntame_—Karmsan_Khan sonot —_~aih_ wal age! Sex__L@at caste__-A'a____ Occupation De#e_ Residence fie Le _ Gaudr Shee __ Name of relative of the injured hafig No. and date of police docket lo. nd namo of constabto. 120° fasalben {{2) Date of admission __23- 06 004 it admitted SO ae {(b) Date ot discharge Date and hour of arrival Date of report sent to pelle ———___________— Identification Mark if complet abowne f the Nails of tte the 2 Confeon b the Crest PARTICULARS OF INJURIES / SYMPTOMS OF POISONS: Clinical Condition : he De patient is presented with Known fustory ¢ wake peisnng ~ arp epephcke- by paterd | bomsily fe eas braugh fo Casually 3B fous early, Condition of Clothes : while Zhalwar Gagner, 61 perifatlor - Crate cepherel Tifa 13 Spacimons Collected / Investigation Advised ; omack conte Lendl fo fowrsi + (nustiga tio Ao-Examination Notes : Klot — Needed. CONCLUSIONS / OPINION : (8) Nature of injuries. Zine Phespherores (0) Kind of Weapon used / poison suspected {c)_ Probable duration of the injuries MEDICOLEGAL CASE No. O04 ame Aslam Son ot Tower Aliae rge_2¢ sax_Male este A814 Occupation l/) Residence —_Zardan.. Name 0 rotative of the injured fate and nour of aixival Shr fort -toe0m No, and date of police docket No. and name of constable chaviat ( (0) Kind of Weapon used / poison suspected ——knife (¢)_ Provable duration of the injurlos Checkod By: MEDICOLEGAL CASE No. Q6 women Kon _ sno _Lyban Age_2S_ sox__ (dale Caste __Asia, Occupation Lab, Residence _ Stal Name of rolative of the injured __SA lho Date and hour of arrival BI-LO Wo, anc dato of police docket —_ SOW _— No. and namo of constable Shah fehas ~50/ {{@) Date of admission __ 2 So [— 2-6 YL { (0) Date ét discharge 25% 6-| bore Date of report sent to police. admitted eo Idenufication Mark ae fil 2 PARTICULARS OF INJURIES / SYMPTOMS OF POISONS Ciinteat Conattton : ashe ao of Daa Ke hid is proenteel wolth ee ro y amet q a oy Ome Condition of Clothes : Cloth. woe pom w fhat ar Particulars of Injuries / Symptoms of Polsons : ushers atineds of Bi . Ey > len at Collected / investigation Advised: Goren collected fom Gur Specimens Re-Examination Notes : > Not (eeded! CONCLUSIONS / OPINION : (2), Nature of injuries Buu ———Aer (nd ot Weapon ste pon pai Mi (©) Probable duration of the injuries. — a | Checkers MEDICOLEGAL, CASE Nowe) ommeennL vame—Araon gud of ot bach gull. Casto__ rts. Age20__ sox femal» Sccupation Assit Residence wed = Namo ofrolative ofthe injured __ S000 kha, "0. and date of potice docnat__ a Se No in ner cf cont Ak BIS tednitiog (2) Pate of admission__/F-04, ~2.02/ (() Date 6t echarye AC —I4— Boa) Beemer sent to polig fe ‘dentification Mark ri ello havrs 2 lack Soh om ¢ Date and hour of arrival PARTICULARS OF INJURIES / SYMPTOMS OF POISONS Clinical Condition : Vornafin: Diz3! fsearn cares Poe hooters, leulars of Injurles / Symptoms of Polsons : he pation wes addinckd wth Sever and was Suspedt % 12. On Komuct Bu war wld con color — : ee a Specimens Collected / Investigation Advised : Gleredt. content Sent te Fumie Sab foe investigation Re-Examination Notes ? pes otanal pv panel” (ove! art feoles beat 3 look for frets Peed (abive > bry Abnecmidehy th Placonton 5 Airmoi fi < a CONCLUSIONS / OPINION ; (a). Nature of injuries. Sen (>) Kind of Weapon used / Poison Suspecied: (2) Probable duration othe injuries St Peeters Spacimons Collected / Invest; ie Advised: Oe 7a ans —Qrmach content A investigation - Re-Examination Notes : 9 Stomach eontect Examination Se c/T scane CONCLUSIONS / OPINION ; , (2). Nature of injuries tsa (©) Kind of Weapon used / poison suspected {e) Probable duration of the injurios Checked ay: igatlon Advised ¢ cted / Invest! eT Seam eer. Roy ci lef (ene Ro-Examination Notes + > fre ~exeonination Ca peep thructure I pees d (ual Spacimons Colle = patere f Sfesnum laa Moxtor 5 Shaler Obslocection CONCLUSIONS / OPINION: (2). Nature of injuries _ Brees (8) ind ot Weapon uted /poltonsuepacins_SHieie [dye i pected, Kk Joyel chou (c) Probable duration of the Injurles. Checked By: pare Specimens Collectad / Investigation “simak. center Bor {0 foensin Dab ¢ nesta Ro-Examination Notes : 3 Not needed. CONCLUSIONS / OPINION oe wines ntl [ofeey (9) Kind ot w 69000 vs0d / poteg meuspecied Food Por somré (@) Probable duration &t ino injuries Bed “Potsorirs oe AC Checked ay, Spacimons Collected /: ment fare i wnt j cr Far Re-Examination Notes? aT &an CONCLUSIONS / OPINION ; (a Naw otinites (nisl [(accrakon [con [este {b) Kind of We 7” Japon used / poison wu : speted_knife a Peertase duron the aa horns ott () Bladder. infacl- (m) Organs and ganoration. (n far () External. i) Internal. (5) Limbs, Muscles, Bones, Joints : {a) Injuries, Yes present (b). Disease or deformity. {c) Dislocations. () — Frécture. No Spocimens collected, and where sent. Results / Reports of-the laboratory. Conciustons / Optnion : ™ (4) Cause of death >, Excessive eae >) bore Injutes om deft - {b) Probable time thet-olapsed : ; () Between injuries and death: Alert 1 haw s Oy Between death and post-monem examination fox! I~ has ———————— a Post-Mortem Case No. oa ame___félam Khon __ Fetnor's Wosboncts ame Sd a eager Age 1 sex Male caste Arran Ranceice see to) Rese. Ambien Body brought by 7 TE>T—-—— Eee (a) Mam Khar. j () Whence brought village, Thana, District (@) Dato ‘and hour of death 14 log [>t 2 OD (&) Date and hour of examination &cp — to: @ bry Body identified by Information Furnished : (a) Symptoms etc., before death re {b) Other information ———___ 21 ‘External Examination : \ 7 (@) Condition of the subject, stout, emaciated, decomposed tc. Glad — Fresh Booly (0) Clothes ote. pax Black Calouveol Clothes anol whik vest (c) Features / condition: as to post-mortem changes. Ne Pest onerlom, vebby No Wger zonerlit {0) Wounds, bruises, position, size ete 2 Beale! wound 9m just below ft oye size vertcal and magn I axdom is 6 ; rau pall fetes on uid sf : a ‘Special Examination : (1) Neck, marks of ligature etc. and dissection notes. nid Cranium and spinal cord ; . eae aie reghd. ard by! herneplen. (©) Skull {c) Membranes (Brain lhenineyes are feared anol danag (0) Vertebrae and special cont, — lenrol tester. ae Nosed’ § intact: {2). Walls, ris and cartilages, | (0) Pleurae, ~(C)” Larynx and trachea, @) 3 () . Bladder, — fecal (m) Organs and generation. (Gxt , (ii). Internal, Limbs, Muscles, Bones, (a) Injuries. 4 ae aa ‘ (6) Dislocations. p/ (0) Frécture, Post-Mortem Case No, __O@ Name—Zuhath Khan eathers / Husopna's name —_(s(aom Khan Age 20 __Sex __Male “caste __ilan___ Residence Body brought by : Body identified by : 5 (b) Whence brought village, Thana, District {a) Date and hour of death (®) Date and hour of examination Informotion Furnished : (2) Symptoms etc., before death (0) Other information special Examination : (1) Nock, mark: 2 Nowe (2) Cranium and spinal cord: A/o (a) ) () (@ (e) ¢ of ligature ete. and dissection notes. nil 4 Scalp uy Skolt Membranes | | Brain [/ Vertebrae and special cord; () Thorax: Nomad (a) © () @ (e) 0 (Abdomen; (a) } @ 6 ( o @ hy 0 o (sy Walls, ribs-sind cantitages. (/ Plourae: |) Larynx and-rachea:// chee wn) Lar Pert este P Pericardium and: heart: Blood vessels, fowm wate: N° Ptitoneum, «] Mouth, 0 a etn, «/ vay Sm Full Sto ec. enticed Send for ee ce Pancreas, teenies: ies ic ‘ ; Spleen, Bm sent th. the ipa _ ey oo TPA Glands, () . Bladder. J (m) Organs and gonoration Alon. () External. a (i) Internal. Pr (5) Limbs, Muscles, Bones, Joints : (a) Injuries. (Me olene, © Disease or deformity. \lo- chiens (c) Dislocations. (6) Fracture. Specimens collected, and where sent. Lure stumewl, wer, inlesh~ Rosults/ Reports of-the laboratory. Pescdf wath 5 Conclusions / Opinion : is) Cause: of death Alot knewr (0) Probable timé that elapsed : () Between injuries and death, of Knew- O) Between death examination D4 hcur Chocked by: Post-Mortem Case No. Oo” Name 24K Meera Fathor's / Husband's name age —22___ Sex £2 ~ Caste __ Aslan Resderonel (a) elite A Body brought by : 7 () 7 (a) Altaf identified by : coy ) : ‘Whence brought village, Thana, District {a) Date and hour of death (0) Date and hour of examination 04 £ O8/ {a) Symptoms etc., before death (b) Other information Special Examination : (1) Nock, marks of ligature etc. end dissection notes, Nile i (2) Cranium and $pinal cord; woe (a) Scalp " (b) Skull i (6) Membranes (9) Brain {e) Vertebrae and special cord. | (3) Thorax ; lume ; () Walls, ribs and cartilages. i (>) Pleurae, (€) Larynx and’ trachea, © Lungs, (¢) Pericardium and ean, () Blood vessels, Abdomon ; Alem (2) Walls, Blagdon. eampt Organs and goneration Kloymal () External, (i) Intornat, Limbs, Muscles, Bones, Joints 1 Useles, Bon (a) Injuries. . {b) Disease or deformity, (c) Dislocations, (8) Fracture, eimens collected, and where seni. ae Quer, Smell mbsbn — Serd Results / Reporte 20 mao _ Conclusions / Opinion i ‘4 Post-Mortem Case No.6 A Nomo—Alarmal Al” Fatners Husbans name —Hikins Ale ago —l2___Sex Male “caste duc __ Residence Su Body brought by: Javed Khan. a Body identified by : Whence brought village, Thana, District TRO S (a) Date and hour of death___ae/og/07" HE £9 cre arc new. arora Ua “a Information Furnished ; (a) Symptoms etc., belore death 7443 - Coleen eXplassen {b) Other information Extemal Examination : (a) Condition of the subject, stout, emaciated, decomposed etc, Grid» Fed 1008, / (>) Clothes etc. Pe Blowk Shid — with Khaké jean. (©) Features / condition as to enna changes. Ne Lwide 1 ie () Wounds, bruises, oosition, size etc igen Mord6 « a 3 ; c 5e(9)) ‘Special Examination 3 Neck, marks of ligature ete. and dissection notos, Wek Cranium and spinal egrd : (a) Scalp injesce (b) Skull (©) MombranesPuplen (8) Brain a Wy () Vertebrae-and spoliat cord. i) Useol Thorax; * {a) Walls, ribs and cantlages.:c1 fact (>) Pleurae, ingered (c) Larynx and trachea. (@) Lungs. 17 ‘ Pericardium and heart, (/ Blood vessels. (). Bladdor. eomphy (m) Organs and generation ame | (0 External, (ii) Internal, | (5) Limbs, Muscles, Bones, Joints : (a) Injuries, (>) Disease or detormity. | () Dislocations, (0) Frdcture, Fracture Specimens collected, and where sont. | Lora 5 inkestine Send fo FSt Results / Reports of-the laboratory. Conclusions / Opinion : i) Cause of death Gass Cylerde explosion {b) Probable time that olapsac () Between injuries and death. on ite Seat (i) Betwoon death and’ post-monem examination 2 A. av Checked by : 75 Gas Order eX stan, oss [sc] rox Hf 2/2620 RLT4 Py 76 nn | — Tees 2F Gout = Shortat Court oH ors fo administration anol establishment 4 identifiqna, a __pexsor tha oF | dad = Of refers fe th. complet information Ec; son anc __adlminitialin 0 exact lace the _Crmrn __ Seen. Aas 6 on A Dad Ay 9 x fo Qdminu tration acs en ee ee re a re Parameters Personal olentify > Kace 4 ebision > Height > Han > benteh State 2 _Diseas ~~ Tattos — > Pretosrep Metheck ef (dlentificoficn in AAfA:. = phystcal Feadurs 2 Seconda sgexuel chazicters fairs oer pat a= Chott Oe » pe mmottem examination | ‘ V |__>ceseatin of Kespretion, 2 cessation o Oreulation.

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