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Produced by and for autistic people Asperger 7 SThited EDT MOE Asperger United “Arp United 2 seagarine ean by and for ‘utc adoles alkhough some parents subseribe ‘on behalf of their unde-sxtens). The magazine alms to put people who have the condition in toch with each other ano share ifoeration so that they can lead more independent ives. Please note that AU receives over 200 ters ‘eich quitters itis not posible to respond tw everyone, noe fr every contribution to be ‘rine, Discussions on eto choices will ‘ot be entered ito, AU protects the identity of ‘onteibutors by not printing fell names unless the swrer as for his o her full ame wo be use Arpansr United fee, To suber you, ‘we ned your postal address, We atk fora oatebution of £9 per year from overseas readers snd £15 from profesional and institutions 0 ‘over postage costs, Plate make cheques papsbe tathe NAS, Organisations requiring mkiple copies no ext fe, please ge ia touch. editor the Goth ‘National Autistic Society produetion support: ‘the Publications Team [NAS phone support: the Supporter Care Tex Arpersr Unite as founded in 1993 by Parma ‘Yues and Pavicia Howlin, a association with the Maadsley Hospital, nd Mark Bebbington and Judy Lach ofthe Nasional Autistic Society. This was in response © 2 recognised deatth ‘of services for people with Asperger syndeome and the potential fr sel help and networking fsa means of suppor forth group, “The prosisions for edkor’s and sub-editor’s ost was to develop a puliation that was truly the voice of che people was aimed at "This pos also provided the posit of work ‘experience and responsi and has benefited thore who have held the postion. These are Richard Exley, David Wrehr, Martin Coppola, Ta Reynold, joha Jojee andthe current editor, the Goth (who does noe wear black) Pamela Yates provided support and advice to the editors unl the pubistion was handed ‘over tothe National Autisie Society i 2000 “The name Ayer Und was chosen by the proup of original readers a the most “appropiate ame” for tke publication. "This was suggested by Anna Kezyaski, formerly Cohen lease send all correspondence and subscription requests: Eni aspatd@nas.orguke Aspen Unite ‘/o"The National Autistic Sociery 393 City Road London ECIV ING "Te 0808 8001050 (ze feom most landlines) or “Te 020 7923 5779 (goographicl charges spp) Allwe need is your nameand address and we ‘will add you to the ning list — fee of charge “Thank you to Graeme Lawson for producing the AU loge, Please note that the visws expressed ia _Aapersr Unite ce not necessarily tho ofthe ‘editor the National Autre Soczt or those involved inthe publication ofthe magazine, Aspen Unie saab in La PTiMt on 43 sheets (double the size ofthis page. HFyou ced age prin, plese ets know using the email addres or postal adceess above CContribatons forthe next sue should each AU by 13 February 2017 editorial Welcome wh: Jmasy ction of Apes Und As his the creativity sue eshaps I should tell you about the gia ravens that sted me recently. They were scaly insistnt about getting imo the hou, but they ought Scones ana, so it would have been churlsh ofme torr them sro, 1 chink will eke my collection of Mokkanese tenes long time to seco Ieappeated that ees come to discus my ideas about che work of Calabi and Yau, which comers socks i the ely universe at ast when described using infinitely difeaiable Riemannian ‘manifolds, In not sure, though as cey kepe cigs close thee brass. Tm noteven sure what the things were, but ‘they were clea intelligent ad had prchensie tis ‘which seemed abc edundanegiven they had six Dace a wel Angee, when you read this AutSpeae (alerted ast issue) may hae already happened, oI wil ope ta have sen some of you there, yous, the Editor the creativity edition — suggestion for next issue on page 11 Contents Photograph (the Red Arrows by Ashley over Ape pups eat 4 feature by Ale Cocke Cat. costes feature by Ysa by aii bing h? 6 aie by N {eter about being yourself 6 from Michael Pen pals cee sT ong and tring clued aber 9 ail by Ae Lees to the Bator... 10.1 ‘one about random kindaess from Glenn, ‘one abot lost penpals fom Natale, sed fe abost feeling low from Jacq, and ‘wide-ranging one fom Tony Letra response to the Lineln mp... ftom Matthew Price “Thee leer in esponse to Oly 213 from (name not pated), Nal, ad Sam Notice bout the esabscription projet... 13, “Lewer in response to Nathan ....s.0+. 18 from Maurice Cartoon by Tony B Catareshac— sey by Tony 14s nativity — atic by Dai 15 Te promt ne. 1618 stony by Mark “The rules of Arp Unie ce Vint sapie bck cover poem by Daniel feature Asperger's people can’t create? Asperger's people dont do creative. We ean’ do poetry. ‘Wedortt understand are and swe don like noise, x0 86 Shoaldn be exposed wo musi. ‘This was che manta given cout in eacher trining twelve years ago and uni ee the Profession last year, was rill being preached from the highese pulps tha stupidiey ‘could find, The good news, of ‘course, i that apparently were allexcllet at maths! While there maybe a ogee of difelty experienced by those with forms of seal when i cones 10 Uaderstanding poetry and what gets referred to a “imaginative Tanguage” in my experience, this is because chose teaching & oat cally understand what it is they are dealing with — both J the subject and the children they are teaching, The sehool sytem is great at subjects like ‘maths because mathe is als, {and if theres one thing we like in schoo ts long list of harsh and inflexible rules) Creativity, fon the other hand, sthat thing you know, and here you have to imagine a hand vagvely fffing aroun in the ai to indicate something deeply fneangible and imposible to explain, “The dificuley that many of shave with creativity (Goth those on the spectrum by Alfie Cooke and those ffi is that by the ‘ge of tx, cools had old us ‘0 sop imagining (uses it was fora story and to think. instead, Throughout out cares years, we were tained to cease oar cestivity unless inwas specially called for in the subject music (where ‘on-maicans taught ws ast ‘hat anasc was ell hac, ar (where non-artsts taught ‘ea ony the really gifted ids could draw) and leency (where non-wrters taught ns hata story neds fall stops, capital errs and must have some speech in itto make it fealy geod Dating ny caces tea teacher, I've even bad Asperger’ children taken out of elas ducing att and music Jn order wo do “something ess creative” athe headteacher explained i. [Beeryone has the capacity to be cteative, Despite ay Asperger's and despite having an edeation that was far of from the derricion Ue given abo, Pve taught myself to ‘play musi (which I do semi- professional, I've caught myself to wrt creatively (getting variate things published here and ther), sand taoghe myself to paine and some of ay weitd act ‘occasionally sels! Asperger's fant defined by a cppling luck of creativity that means swe will only eversueced as scconntnts, What we all aced less we want the struggle of teaching ourselves — is someone to show us the wa. ‘Acie most basi musi just ound pt together in away swe lik, artist visuals pat ‘ogee: in away we like and creative writing s ust words pt together in away we ket ‘And when something we do toucies our hear or our ‘mind — or better atl those of others — then we are being Filly, for those not convineed tha they can be 1, its take yous forename, corte name ofa town oF country (what we teachers Tike to ell proper nouns) 2. Neat pretend it's verb snndsick “ing” on the end ‘far me this would make “alfsing” (ve ean’ dispense wth the spelling cules just we), 3. Thea, give your word sameaning stick in Sentence snd see how it feel, for example: Gavin the Bear wa lying atthe rivet, wating for salmon, 4, Wht you have dome is brooghta new wort into your word. You have creed. second feature Creativity by Lis Both my sisters and I dew alot as children and Mam encouraged us tobe “culate vultures, taking us to galleries and exhibitions i places as far afield as Florence and Paris. My eldest sister shetched immaculate drawings and rach to my amusement used me as one of her moses Likewise my mile sister deesed me up and photogephed me. She also wrote and ead profusely and played the guitar. Asa teenager iewasfirsta velvec backed diary and finally» musi cette which saved me from the complete absence of eyo identi, so commen I belive Ja people with Asperger’ who cin mould themselves to St so expertly other peoples assumptions and expectations. Iesaddens me therefore to heat anyone, young, old or indifereat, denigrate their's ‘another’ ceaiiiye Given te skill and patience anyone’ aw experience can be sculpted Ingo vome form of expression, whether the simple act of tapping afoot to dipping tap or the ‘more complex task of paiatingin oil, Creativity must be alowed to be mundane, par of everyday life, jst for those witha special cextcate, although they too ean be hell. Look at any house ae garden even the most sterile of paces will hide Some glimmer of energy whethe in the ‘matching ofthe rot rll holder with the loo seat cover or the twist ofa handmade spiral stsireate, Seiondsts are aow ecogaisng that artis ‘tool which can noe only enance a already suceesfl lif bur also ease asulfed one, and etn in there cary with children gives you the best chance to foster the imagination, Chin ‘vino are allowed wo sake what might taditionally be viewed as “mistakes” of “mses” will gow up with thei daydreams intact and therefore ‘more chance of trusting their instinct a adults, Tay gave up my childhood camera when I eventually found the pen was just as absorbing. Had it aot been foe sich grea invisible friende these could ave ended up i howpitl. 1 turned my site" fvour sed joie what we called che “mutual adoration oct”, snapping them from the window of my room a8 they lay ‘onthe carpet ia the ganden wth thee boyfriends ‘or nided che dessag-up drawer. Thus we grew vp with sense of out own watehabilty and a Dealthy interest in viewing others as subjects. The extent o which my sisters many interpretations fof me may have altered my seas of self I cannot say, Iewas other? attentions tat generally irae, such a che boyfie of my ant who Photographed me on holiday, aged 12 oF 13, ‘We ad pets too, which encouraged play and ‘sense of belonging. And ou: parents moved Jn at citls. Particuatyfsinating to me were the sereen-prine musa of giafes and zebras printed bp one such frend and we mete llinspred by vasious teacher. I will ever forget the day I won a peie fer ay weaving nor the momeat of my beloved teicher’ whispered “Well done” when Tstepped atin front of an adult audience co improvise dung ahol-up in {primary school pantomime. These landmarks, heer, were insufficient to instil me with confidence, ict can only pt down tothe strict rules society placed upon my parents" {generation and their lack of avarenes of thie fowa Asperger syndrome, laring thera feeling like fish oa of water and trying 0 compensate {or their unhappy mareage by ashing their chdeen to over achieve, So there are no guarantecsin this creativity smalarky 0 obvious corrlten between child ‘who ses thei own drawing d splayed in the [Ktchen and i able, in later li, to overcome an everday problem sich a ting loet ia sn unfamiliar cy. However, an individals unique vision i valued forall at iis, they are ‘more likely to fee way home eventual, as 1 dd even thoogh it ook al of ¢8 years. an arficle and a letter What's my point in being here? byN “Twenty-three pound and Bry pence a day — thats how mack spa foe met live ese, to hi, 1 was living bere fr years before he came along! 1 doa’ have mac lefts he has busines, oo! 1s money agin: it get inthe wy, I don ke i will people not do anything oaess they gc where's cate in the woeld? 1 desire to work woh, lead get money for not working, and with what others may lke to call ay daily, would be dificult ro work in ‘employment and I woulda get paid ete, I eel, 1 sce peopl in giant ears I gues they need these 1 motivate selves —I do not have che capacity to do what che do, the functality © ‘workin jobs where I can be as good at them 1 can only semain a small useless person, 1 feel, doing s0 very litle! 1 gave another £5 toa homeless mathe other day's one of my pleases of ie wo ee the sil, rather, dlight, oa his face; he seems so sie, so thankful, why does he thank me? —ies ‘0 my money, I dda earn tin ajo — i was ‘only given to mel "Then agai, iit was given to me it may Ihave been given to somenee else who wouldatt give it tothe deserving ice man living onthe cet — pethaps tha’ cne good point for me being here: know £5 doesnt take much generosity, ie doesnt male me very good — I sill ‘dont work fora wage! “Those people in big care will have 20 much more money: I fed they wil be abe to give so uch more away to help people than I can, Lean never be as good a as worthwhile as ther! 1 dd get pu beping te ede, when the ‘woman was sik on the foor and on me. just Cleaned itp. When the ad lady showted abuse st me I ast took te hut, but I deserved i, as don't work fora wagel When the man defeated fon the for, [leaned it You may think T sound good for doing i bur 200 gave that ob wp aftr use six weeks asthe anxiety became bad and also had some days {could not face up going in! Tell me what you think, am I bad ot do I Fave a purpose? I chink lots of you have a purpose — maybe I do too, lecme know? Pethape ac entire Asprger Unied theme could be “our pumps”? Hello to all individuals with autism, refer othe feature by Emma, October 2015 “The Fis fve wonds chat Emma writes, "As an individual with Asperger's ies my inerest. 1 Am also an individaal with Aspergers Lam now going to pay Emma the best compliment I eo payt0 any humaa being, Emma has che sme attitude to her hile as fy mother had 10 me ‘My mocher never interfered with my atu way of being — she recognised that I was diffrent bu alo fat differences (er Einma would cooeut, in se) were not the manifestation ofan ness ofa disease. 1 ‘was fortnate wa suited tomy autism, ny lyon need od is send our adver long wth our nae a ares deal es you an toe Und. ouch oye Mall or ema The net penal umber wl be fren to our ade when es Please ote that AU doesnot print dating adverts, asicis unable wo provide suitable suppor. > Those under the age of sateen must have parental permission before placing renal advertisement 1 Asperger Unita. ‘Ifyou get no replies pense don ke his personally, How to reply to pen pals > Plaeremember oe sk the name aed sumberof the penon whom your keer sf. Al perp tember by theo mt he pone ‘Sho eas in the adver) > Please remember op your aes on your keer > To contact pen pl please send your lee to Asp Uni oT Natl titi Soiey, 593 Cy Rou, Londo, BCIY ING, or ema ssp. nasonple > We wills your te n tthe person yu wish tocomats However, cant guaran the person wii py as that ety todo Please note that ll pen palletes sent via Aiperer Und are opened before being pasted on. "Important notice — please read™* Asporyr United happy to publish pen pal Advertisements ue we must eres that we ate not ‘pen-pal or insoduction organistion, We do noe match people up and we ean monitor letters (other chan the Fst ete, that sete vit ws) 0 please be cautious whea releasing personal details ia your letters. The National Aus Society /-Arpergr Uni cannot ineervene or be held responsible for any ensuing corespoadence berweenleter-wiites more pen pals “ny al adverts ave ben bl over for ition in te net fe iss, Elie Pen pal number 234 ‘My name is Claire, 'm 32 yeas old, gor diagnosed with ‘Asperger's when Iwas 10. My hobbies include crf, theatre both ‘on-and offstage, the outdoors — sralking, camping and swimming. help Rsinbowe, the youngest members of ging and T esoy ‘nals out an tenpia bowing, T ‘would Hike to heat from those the Same age who enjoy Some of the ‘ame hobbies. I woud like people ‘who dont ive too far as. {have found it dificult ro hold down a jab becane sombody will say or do something that I ake the wrong way and then, put itlghty al el bres loose. 1 Ihave been unemployed for years and because of my work gxp most employers turned me down. Some ‘ida even interview me. [now havea jobs they gave me the job ‘because ofthe gap and the fac that they could se that Iwas ring snd nog ust watching TV all day long Think it’s the pevfeccjob ‘cause everybody is understanding snd although i’ mainly males that ‘work thet, that esa’ mater ‘cause women can do anything aman ean do, eno longer the ‘Victorian times when women ae just hossewies. Think anybody fan do any job and, 0 long as there ae n9 misunderstanding and everybody understands, then theres no eason why a job cant last. Fim hoping stay where Tam row a i perfect Pen pal number 235 Hi, Lam Matthew aod am 25 years old, Tm curently in prtoa, fora minke T made, ‘bur Tim facing up 0 ic Las lixgnoaed with Aspergers slog with aucsm and ADHD when Iwas 10. Pan very keen writer, {write a lot of poetry and short stories, ve been ‘writing poetry for about ‘ight months now and have had some published Tima qualified chef and slko love be in the kitchen, Tove misc, pecBcally the _muse of Elvis Presley, asT (grew up with his mate, bur 1 do like modern stuff too: particlal ke Talo Swift tnd Ea Sheeran, Hove t sng alehough T ‘ant hold a note or rane! Lol Tm an ourgoing and bbl person and get oa swell with al, I just hope people can sgetover the fact that Tim in prton and get over the stigma attached Tin jut like anyone else, Tm a oman being and have made smistaes and unfortunately ‘sled meio jail. Tm just Tooking for someone to rite to, 0 alent ay Feelings of loneliness. wcleome anyone 19 ‘write and Took forwazd to Tati fom you! Pen pal number 236 “Helle, my name is Sarah, 1 am 18 yeas old. [found ost 1 had Asperger’ when Twas Ms ove books, especially classi terarue and sometimes enjoy tasy pis Tike learning, ‘watching TED (Technology, Engineering, Design, working ia Phososhop, sachin films, crocheting tnd making things with my nan have lots of eats, dogs and horses at home —1 doce them all and always havelots of funny stories about what mischief they getep tol ride horses fand am doing my British Hone Society exams and af ean nish ther Twill be ualfed wo teach riding and ‘poull ike to help thes ike ‘ye benefi from horses. (Mp fvourite discipline i dresage have been home: sebcoed since I vas 1¢ tnd hope to do an OU Segre. help in my fly phorogeaphy studio business ‘but am quit isolated 0 T ‘woul ike to havea pen pal [find socal siwtions Aiea. T would like tea fom people with ‘mar ineests or qualities, ‘who are kind, elm, pote tad paps, ike me, quite faolited and aoc social beings. Hook forward to hein from you Twisting and turning coloured cubes by Ati have Asperger syndrome, and I experience ‘hese thinking states in waiting am going to write in to Arpensr Unite to ‘atk about whatit means to me when I spend an allocated amount of time ona systernate bass, ‘what daoss of creativity this activity bring #0 nny senses doing Rubiks cubes. How it hinders ‘motivation fr watiows et goals nd how t gives both false and eee perception of what I could he good at I belive thi his model of puzzle acts measores sil, But when I question hone itmeasures ay sil, dhe engaged active peron cubing, I come toa reasonable caaclason and say Skills also determined by time and memory. IRL, D2, B, U,R LF, Dy Bo) XY,¥Z,Z,8,SIM2_M EP, ancidockwise, ‘locks alge, prime, permrations, ‘orientation, frst ewo layers, cube-solving, speed cubing, mind, memory, perseverance, restore order to chaos afte sola) ksow a bieabout computing, and know a biabout coding, and know dings about the ‘world, know wht light means, [ kno, I know —do | understand wit Thao? I confuse ‘understanding with knowing, and at tmes I distinguish them. Look above, Ise let, symbols, numbers, L, B2' ete. Is thie the wold Tam in? orisita world fll of pictorial visu objects? What isthe word? Ie whats hen from sght and what's vse to sight, Told my ‘abe ia my hand, and thin that wh thinks i a ueasumble resource, not the respected Rubik’ cube but the wholeness ofthe human bein. As eum the eube, match then Ido ‘not match, and I coatinue wo form unity, and Avision; ee who I truly am; I see who T woul ‘want tobe; see what sands in my way Le achievements; [see distress; ee moods Ise my time in if; I solve partial parts and fee! joyed and cr; eel excitement clos, confssion, competion, alleviation, Many of these teribtes come in ides, and sometimes appear one by ane. ‘Lean goon and on... rally Ihave wo. Whatever I dol get input and ootpat messages that morph into unexplained symbols, that say you excet time to bea wannabes. 1 live life with no esape from this perplexing, coafosing, bewildering wore can eeate music jn my hea, expand upon my ideas, rlsh my {hiking Bor what doa thse achievements ‘mean to me, because [am me, 1am who awakes ‘vith challenges that mater to me, and ofen ‘choose being involved in othe asks that have no goals forme. T seek conezete opportunities that ‘matter to me, and endeavour avoid rindomly ‘aking decisions that mater es to, Ina nutshell cis ate iadirecty ‘emphasises my decision-making in correlation ‘vith suengihs/weaknestes that are related to petsonal skills, but chesestrengths/sreakmeses ate not constant. They en improve or worsen. Tam puzie actives co-ordinator Iran Rubik's cube puzzle workshops in Liverpool at both the Beain Charity and st publ irae, have reached an orgaiston in Liverpool for blind and partially sighted people, using the Rubik's TouchCube, badbueyfeld. orgie ‘Lam passionate about populrsing cis retro poze wo people fom all walks oF i | would ike other organintions to work with ‘me w expand upoa this throughowt the county, thank you, letters 4o the Editor 10 Dear Goth “Thereis noting bet than performing a random ac of kindness for someone. Ihave aay been of the belief hae jou should help ‘other people whenever you ean. Ivey well remember the time when Ts in a pos offic in central Manchester some years ago. Twas there fo ill our my plasip for he lottery. Before T had a chance eo do that an elderly lady came wp to me ad asked me 1 ‘would il outer playslip se she didnt have her lasses with her did eT wis asked. The lady in question thanked me Ae der alip sane. Téled ou ny playlip ‘Minutes acer the Indy in question eame over tome and handed me a Icky dip icker tae she Jnad bought for meas 2 thankeyou foe helping har, Ive never forgotten that mocaent and I never will Noe only do random scts of kindness help others by way of bringing happiness into thee ives, they ako bring happiness to those who perform ‘hem. ‘This is just one ‘of many random aes ‘of indaess that have regulary taken place in syle Yours futhflly Gten Hello, 1 a aoc ue if you can pt this in Ape United maging bat hope you cn. Hello all ade of hi magazine. Does anyone remember the empl elub for people wth learning disabilities known as to this cab, Unfortunately, 1 Tost contct with people whom [me though thie cub, Not ‘only tha, Tost contact with people wom I mer through to penal magazines, Pro © perme ae Dest internation 1 hope there ae some readers of “Asponer United magne who can help me. IF50 I would be very rate. Write Away? They were based in Kind segurds London, Tused to be a member and had some pen pals thanks Natalie iGo, favour. Ieseems 1 be working at 1 was feling purtiolaly Jw and in desperte of some “encouragement. I find Tam in ‘0 places itis sometimes useful to read the difficulties people suffer borane wea alli it together, however sometimes it makes me so angry and sid when pope hart othe living things ‘When Lam in “ark” place ‘lp to speak to someone who is “funny” or positive irene my batteries emotional, 1 wsed tobe able wo insert anyselfia a book so that Leould ‘ac in a completely different world ‘Unfortunately for alms en eats Thave had the worst noisy neighbours cre, the last one swat evited — butt was such 2 Jong process of having wo collect the evidence via the cousel’s noise team. The new neighbour fs quiet. Ihave had to force the landlord via the Honing ‘Orbea to Force them Jer me have wht I signed for on my tenancy agreement — and T Messed Tam aot aking for aay the moment. Noie makes me £0 stresed end tired, 1 illshare afew jokes with you. Maybe one oft will make sou laugh, NT ell ay jokes, Soeny. HS what [find Banay Incense they create pierre in sy mind What do you call camel with 20 ump? *Viamphrey — ie cases a slic in miy mid Tee a camel with no ‘hump, but the man whose name is Humphre. ‘What’ the definition of wil? se dead” give away Dia you bear about the cxoss-eyed teacher? se solder’ contol het pope Hope you havea nie day! equ fuio letters and a notice ‘You will be relieved that I have nothing for the next ise. Except fora few oda Siler comments fom ‘he las ese, Lincola np — actualy the picture i the aliens saying you-to-us are eveything (apes and pnning series agai), Fellow Cynosore — they dont ike that we stand out at they want evezyone to bend ito theie wodd (be ao theeat to thei idea of ‘normality, leanor — questions ate a burden to others, 1 they si in Parc McGoohan's TV series The prio eis dstzessing wo be oti the limelight ‘ss though you are under interrogation, “Tom, Teclops, Angela, Tacey — we have need for silence and stiles (meditation through nature ete) to recover from the aise, motion tn emotion ofthis world. (Pikachu — gobbledygook i how things appear when we need to zone aut fora tao such input, Emotion is fr lying dramatists, who ‘vant to manipulate others chrough negacivity (allowing spit, which snot 9, Professor Jaan Panksepp in America has come to the conchsion chat we should reat depression by accentuating the positive, aot ‘renting the negative — in other woeds sympathy will dag you into the word ofthe negative where ‘empathy will encourage oe alow people to come ‘out oftheir misery, aot join -hem though eling ei Lay can smell differences in people Dbeause of thie det. (have ideas for scientific esearch to prove this bu am not a sceatist, 80 may not get anyone interested in als wo test, hiss face eather than appearance, theory rather than tet) Tony an om fren dt, aT experimented (tingid, 0, Th det fr a fo eck — they ton th anal of ha dt. [fad it pres aia thsi, gan and psp ho et «ot fh Ei Tfeaicene mareral went, the heme foe Ape wil be aniety and coping with anxiety. We all manage at hase some ofthe ime: how do you manage? What calms you? Ho much ime do you nee ( prevent oF sccaves? Vote wit your contibtions: the moe submissions on subject seat in om sitferent people the more likely that chat, abject wil be the theme. Waiting onary subjects sil welcome, asa idss foe new hemes, and artwork, Remember, ro see diferent content in change itis send somethi Dear Me imp, 1 would very much ike to thankyou even though Ido noe see the resemblance to my ‘unig lien picture to a uterus "This drawing eame into my head one dy and out sraight on paper, after going through a troublesome time with my dlasosis of bipolar Aisorder After looking a the pi ofthe urerus Tean sce parts which resemble my lie, aply sumed Spunky, but fyou ask anyone what ts they will al] 100% say a alia, 1 don think ter wil spring to mind, However, thankyou fr your comment! Take care, Matthew Price " a letter in response to Olly 12 Tes along story... | cant remember how many lesons had —Palong lee cunt — only that Fl had fous different instructors ad two filed attempts Defore I passed atthe age of 9, round 1990, “This was hefore the theory test was introduce My ist instructor (bo was assigned to me foro better reason than tha hel aught sy Drothet) made me a nervous wreck. A typical, blast fom him would be, “Dida you know you ‘were supposed to change down a gea before ‘ming? which pot me on the spot. If sid “Yes” hed yell “Then why the hell didn't you?” Le said “No” hel yell “Why the bel didnt you know?" On the thirtieth eon my mother Sarin dhe back ofthe ca (the instroctor's feques) and realised that change would do te good, ro we wed the excuse of wanting & female instructor. So I switched, bt eventally instructor #2 had to give up deving because of a hysterectomy so I was moved to the man who isnow her husband, Tide ake the test until ‘over a yeat alter starting lessons, nd despite my instructor opting forthe Barnet test route ‘because i was easier shan Hendoa, 1 fale. 1 ida resume lessons until my second term at St ‘Andkew's Un, where I took the tet twice. Bven after I passed I remained nervous tbehind the whee. Things were made worse at my Sst graduate ob, when I had minor acident driving one ofthe company’s cas. 1 feel nervous just writing about that inciden, because I soon learnt that other people found this inexplicably fanay —I guess alot of humous relies on sechadenfresde. There ses tobe this bli tht ‘once you have passed the text you should Sel ‘comfortable driving any mode! of ea, yet seem to be the exception Tee never had my own ent, In some cites Tin oe ure where I would have parked one. Iewoald have been mote ofan advantage when I wocked in Skipton, as the publeranspore route tthe ‘ouvoF own business park waka est iresome, st worst nightmarish (im sfering specially to crossing the AS9 ona dark evening and then Finding thatthe bus drivrs cout see me 19 stop). When [lost ee o> ae five months there Aid seem any point in buying a ca ‘Bar how do you oversome diving nerves if you don own aca? Somcane once sugested the advanced driving cour, bt, when I contacted the JAM, I found they expected you to have your own cx otherwise I guess it ‘would be like going fora piano exam without an instrument to practise on. Iwas further confused ‘shen Tlenmt that RoSPA alo docs an advanced Aving est — whichis ber? In 2009 Idi Pass Phs, and earned praise fom my parents when [next drove their cx. ‘Als, a 2012. as Iwas ding with ny father the passenger seat I filed to slow down coon enough a I pulled of the motorway and hie the ‘rash batir on the oundabout, Thanks to the sichags we survived me wth bruising othe knee ad clavicle, my poor dad with extensive brssing ta the ribcage and hip, though aac enough to need hospital treatment Iwas charged with ving without don care snd attention, bt given the chance to avoid the sx points on my licence by doings police-endored driving course. I did the course — actually a day woskshop comprising both classroom sessions and driving, The larer ‘was diester for me — a8 coon st | got nto the delving seat and saw he word "siehag” 1 panicked. Iwas as if were twenty yeats younger, n bad way —1 felt more nervous than TU fl since T was aleaenee, so much $0 thae I could barely sense where the pedals were hada told the onganies that Ubi Asperger’ woud ihave made any difference if had? Despite all chat, I passed the driver alertness cour satisfactory. Another thing —which may a aot be selevant — was that Thad dislocated my shoulder Jina bike acidnt five meaths pio o the ee sccdent. In the former ese I bred too sharply ‘whereas on the slip road asthe reverse scenario, Having previously been «competent els, Ihave yet to regain the knack (Rare noe printed, as requested) three more letters, A notice and a cartoon Dear Goth, Resubscription project Purter to Olly’ leter in AU etn c : notice by the Goth Congratulations on passing your diving tess! People with AS can have |More of you have received a fer with this magazine lifes with this de taney and in| asking you to resbscribe, ease respond in one ofthe partcule dpe. ‘was listed onthe fet. People who lone respond wil be Seat fies the ines, and arta their subscrpion Readers might real a BBC will od programme afew yeas back called Atsc ding al which featured Bac please dont wore if you want to continue to Jolla Malkin, MBE, Not only does she | receive AU, just respond have the highest level of instruction ‘qualications, but she has AS herself Ifyou have aot rceveda ler there is no aced fd specialises in teaching newrodverse | € fespond,chough fi puts your mind at est please Student. She also designed the Rewgoar | fel fe to Tet me know you want your subscription to living instruction course specially concine. for Aspes, which a number of diving schools have rolled out She can be contacted through Excel Driver Tisining, | Pet Gothy ee ee responding to Nathaniel in sue 88, the October cation. Experience ofthe wider Asie commit, Re wie both online and real life, soon shows tha we are jt as a capable of backtabhing at everyone sls. We are iply Swed humans, we age not the Tomerrow People of XM. on Maurice am writing in response to Olly (eicion 88. Turned 17 in October and received 5 9 7 The rules of Asperger United {contact information for AU is on page 2 and again on page 20) Arperer Unie fvned bythe NAS and ‘ade’ donations, and is independent ofthe NAS. Although itis ealled “Arp Unie” it aims tobe for the whole of the eating) autism spectrum, Thats, the concerns aad joys of any autistic subseiber canbe printed, not ost Asperger's _Aporgr Unies fre ans artery, published in January, Api, July and October. you do aoe receive a copy when you expect to, plate contact AU. Pieces that peas in Ager Unit ate credited using the author's Best name only, unless the author requests something Allferat. Tass done to protect your privacy. _Aaparer United abinisters the copyright of ‘eveything that appears and it doce this on behalf of the author, Aspengr Unite doesnot wse your contact ‘eral for anything other thaa administering ‘AU. Yous details ate not pasted oa ta NAS. Marketing, NAS Fundnsing or anyother ‘organisation without your writen permission. Please consider getting invoived withthe NAS campaigns and evens fou move house, pleas inform Aspens Uniad and include your oll addres a8 well your new address. [Bven if you've paid forthe Royal Mail forwarding service (or another forwarding service if you live ose Gret Brisn and Northeen Ireland, you sill sed to inform Asporer United that you have moved addres. [Ifyou phone and lave a message on the machine, plese speak slow and casa pl uuscomatan wor, a the line int wry cleat. Please give any phone number you leave twice forthe same reason, Remember to give your postal adsess so shat we ean find yor record, 9) You do not have to bea member ofthe NAS tw subscribe to Aspe Unie 10) The cuzren edition of Aer Unit is sible a worwautism.orguk/aspergerunited You need! sero down © the middle of tae pige where cheze sa link to the PDF. 11) You cae sign up for an email notifying you ‘whenever anew eition ef Arps Unite is posted onthe webpage above, Etna aspatd@nas.orguke asking fr the notification by email and pease include your fll name, postcode and let us know whether you waa the paper ein ro, 12)1f you want wo unsubscribe From the paper vetson, inform Apene Unie and inchide sour poral adres. Ort unsubetibe from the email nufcation, indie your ema adres, 13) Ifyou wan wo sesabserbe (or subscribe for he Fist time infoem Ape Unidad include our posal addres oe the paper ‘version or email addres forthe email notation), 1) Book reviews are the mos poplae thing in “Apr Uni, please consider submiing ‘ne. They ean be shost any book, at jst books about autism. Also they do aot have to bbe shor he Goth heeps most of hie eviews short wo leave moe space ‘or ache writer) 1f you do not want your review o pear in ‘other NAS publicity shou that book, please rake tis lear, 15) though each issue is themed, submissions fon any subject are welcome, Only some of the Jeter and aticles i each sue wil follow the theme. All submissions may be edited, especial for privacy, ibe, snd for fiting the space available. 19 . oe Asperger United re =", The National Autistic Society Vimto vampires by Danie! stand by as Vimeo varpires bleed us though (ur ad pak wll 0 foo stay with you through igh and dark ‘And when the moon sft “The wohes will how! “Then bat ‘Well be in bubbles Bat they wll burst As he vampites guenc thei these ‘We wl i dead before he Fil daw “The last ct Blooded and tora Aree indo Vo Nato Atti Sis, 398 Cy Roa Landon CLV ING “leone 0808 8401080 (ee ct ins) ot Teephone 020 7923579 rogue) Ema agpatd@annorgale ‘Website wareautam ogb/espergernied scp wre nl teri © The Non Aitie Soy 27

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