Product Finishing - Nov 2023

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Automated Powder Coating Improves Efficiency
Anode Solutions for Hard
PLATING Chrome Plating – 24

Common Racking Problems

RACKING for Platers – 28

Surface Preparation for

POWDER Improved Adhesion – 39

Optimizing Your Electrostatic

LIQUID System – 41

A property of Gardner Business Media NOVEMBER 2023 / VOLUME 88 / NO. 2

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Surface finishing technology designed for ConAg
We offer a comprehensive product portfolio of surface finishing technology for Wear Resistant Coatings
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VOLUME 88 / NO. 2 / NOVEMBER 2023



Architectural products company credits automated
powder coating in helping transform its business.

24 Platinized Titanium Anodes 28 30

An alternative anode solution for hard chrome plating.

28 Troubleshooting Racking
Addressing five common racking problems for platers.

30 Parts Cleaning
The latest cleaning technologies and processes.


38 Powder Coating / Kevin Biller, ChemQuest 6 From the Editor / Scott Francis
Surface Preparation for Best Adhesion; The Time is Now
Proper Sieve Size for Smooth Results
8 On the Line
40 Plating / Christian Kissig, Columbia Chemical An Interview with John Mulder, Master Finish
The Role of Cobalt in Trivalent Passivates
10 Top Shops Insider
41 Liquid / John Owed, Carlisle Fluid Technologies Attentive Employees Support Large Customer Base
Optimizing Your Liquid Electrostatic System
12 Finishing Industry News
PFAS Test Method for Contamination Detection

44 Never Finished / Matthew Kirchner

Good Advice? Ask 5 Questions

45 Gardner Business Index / Jan Schafer

Finishing Activity Contracts in September, Closes at 44.4

48 Photo Finish
Electroless Nickel On the Rise

The latest in paint and powder coating
application equipment.

PRODUCTS FINISHING (ISSN 0032-9940) is published monthly and copyright The information presented in this edition of Products Finishing is believed to be
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2 NOVEMBER 2023 —

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4 NOVEMBER 2023 —



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The Time is Now

Products Finishing Editor-in-Chief Scott Francis discusses takeaways
from recent industry events and recounts observations about the
growing interest in mobility applications.
My adventures over the past month have taken me to several Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where EN
conferences touching on various areas of manufacturing, experts, suppliers
all with a common thread seeming to run through them — and applicators were SCOTT FRANCIS / EDITOR-IN-CHIEF
mobility. Whenever I talk about this topic, I feel a bit like I’m talking about the
walking on eggshells. So many plating operations have dedi- growing use of EN in
cated programs that make up a large part of their business that EVs and new energy vehicles (NEVs), particularly for enabling
are based on components for traditional internal combustion conductivity in parts. Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles were also on
engine (ICE) vehicles. And I get it. When we look at some of the minds of many in attendance.
the megatrends in manufacturing, it’s often easier to see the And what about other mobility sectors? The big mobility
challenges and the obstacles than the potential. The capital puzzle is about much more than cars — it’s about solving
investments and the implications of reinventing of processes the growing transportation problems that are facing our
are the immediate impacts of reimagining any business. It’s society. The emerging applications that are out there, from
much easier to see the impact of such things than to forecast battery-powered EVs to hydrogen fuel cell technology, are all
what the opportunities really look like or what they will yield. being researched as potential solutions for decongestion of
Just a few years ago, the idea of a large segment of the traffic and reducing emissions. From drone-powered delivery
driving population embracing electric vehicles (EVs) seemed services to autonomous freight transportation to flying cars
— the way we transport products and move people in our
world is changing, and we are quickly finding ourselves at an
inflection point.
I recently attended an Advanced Air Mobility Forum and
ribbon cutting for the new National Advanced Air Mobility
Center of Excellence (NAAMCE) in Springfield, Ohio. The
location was selected to facilitate collaboration between the Air
Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), the Ohio Unmanned Aircraft
Systems Center, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
(NASA), and industry and academia in support of advanced
air mobility (AAM) projects, including the development of new
electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) aircraft. The
ultimate goal is to make the area, which is in close proximity to
unrealistic. Most of the facility owners I would visit would say, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and the AFRL, a hub for AAM
“It’ll never happen.” And the reasons why it couldn’t happen R&D activity. The forum’s presentations and panels focused not
were indeed daunting — concerns over the range of battery- so much on manufacturing flying cars, freight delivery drones,
powered EVs and the lack of infrastructure to support them eVTOLs and air taxis, but instead around building the infrastruc-
remain an obstacle. Yet today, more conversations center ture and creating operations procedures, air traffic guidelines
around not if EVs will be successful, but instead how to make and training programs for this new class of aircraft.
them successful and how to build the infrastructure to better Perhaps if you’re working in manufacturing, you’re already
support them. In 2020, EVs made up 4% of the automotive paying attention to this trend and the prototype vehicles that
market share. In 2022, that number jumped to 14%. EVs are are currently working toward flight certifications. But, to
expected to surpass 2⁄3 of global car sales by 2030. many in the general public, flying cars are still the stuff of
During my early days with PF, I’d ask people about the The Jetsons or Bladerunner. But this new class of aircraft does
role they thought coatings and finishes would play in the exist and the Department of Defense and federal and state
production of EVs. Many raised a skeptical eyebrow. Today, regulatory agencies are all participating in ways to make the
the conversation is taken quite a bit more seriously. The technology a real part of our world. How will finishers be
role finishing technologies play in enabling the evolution of involved in the components and electrical systems for these
vehicles is an important one, yet the number of engine and aircraft as well as the supporting infrastructure?
powertrain components that EVs need are fewer than those of We’re living in a time filled with collaboration and innova-
ICE vehicles. So what will the true impacts be for finishers? tion — now is the time to get involved with these applications
I recently attended the Electroless Nickel Conference in if you haven’t already. The “future” is now.

6 NOVEMBER 2023 —

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An Interview with … John Mulder, Master Finish

One of the biggest issues in the metal finishing industry is the

move away from hexavalent chromium-based finishing tech-
nologies. While trivalent chromium alternatives have existed for
decades, hexavalent has been favored by many in the industry.
Today, as trivalent chemistries improve and regulations tighten,
more platers are compelled to make the switch. In this install-
ment of On the Line, PF had the opportunity to speak with John
Mulder, president of Master Finish (Grand Rapids, Mich.). Master
Finish has a long history in chrome plating for decorative applica-
tions and has been using trivalent chromium for years. In the
interview below, Mulder speaks about his experience with tri
chrome and his advice for platers who are planning for the future
by transitioning their current chromium processes or adding
trivalent chromium capabilities.

PF: When did Master Finish get its start? I recommend if you’re new to trivalent chromium to make
JM: My grandfather started the business in 1959 with tumbling sure you’re working well with a chemical supplier. They have
and deburring and then added plating in the 1960s. lots of information on how to set up the baths, what equip-
ment auxiliaries you’ll need. Oftentimes, you’ll need ion
PF: Master Finish has a long history in chrome processing exchange filters, and there are different chemical titration
for decorative applications. Can you talk a little bit about requirements than you would have with the hexavalent chro-
what you have done in the past and what you’re thinking mium. You’ll want to plan for it in your budget — it’s a little bit
about as regulations tighten regarding the use of hex more expensive to get started and maintain. There are some
chrome? bath options that have expensive anodes and some equipment
JM: Sure, it’s regulatory, but it’s also the demands of what the for ion exchange units and other auxiliaries for filtration. You
industry is sending out. So we see a lot more requirements and will need to plan for some capital expenses when converting.
demand for the trivalent chromes. In the past, we’ve offered Ultimately, the processing of the trivalent chrome is very
bright trivalent chromes for about 15 years, and there was a similar to hexavalent chrome. It doesn’t require as much elec-
point where we had to obsolete the bath because there was just trical current, so you can get more energy efficiency out of the
no demand for it. trivalent chrome bath and you have a wider range of ability to
I’m super pleased to say that nowadays, we’re seeing a lot cover parts so you can get throwing deeper into recesses and
more demand for that trivalent chrome and it’s been a great holes and other places on the surface of the part than you can
move for not only the environment in a larger sense, but also for with the hexavalent chromium. So there are some benefits in
the environment inside of our building and everywhere around. the processing side as well to using trivalent chromium.
We leave a much lower footprint on the world when we use I think you’ll see that the marketplace that is accepting
ecologically friendly chemistry. hexavalent chromium is pretty open to trivalent chemistry be-
The other trend that we see is toward dark chromes and ing used as an alternative for them. And you’ll find that there
dark finishes, and those are really only achieved in the chrome are opportunities in places you couldn’t get in the door when
process using trivalent technologies. It’s an important trend for you were just using the hex chrome. There’s opportunity out
us because we offer the dark trivalent and the smoked trivalent there and I look forward to seeing that continue to grow.
chrome finishes. I think there are a lot of new regulatory requirements and
especially in certain states in the U.S. They’re now banning the
PF: What advice do you have for platers as they prepare for use of hexavalent chromium for decorative applications. So the
what they may need to do from a regulatory standpoint time is now to do that change so that your processing doesn’t
and to meet some of this growing demand for tri-chrome? become obsolete. If there are other plating companies out there
JM: From a regulatory standpoint, trivalent chrome has less interested in a discussion on trivalent chemistry they can reach
requirements than you’ll find with traditional hexavalent out to me via our website
chromium. You’re not required to meet MACT standards and Listen to the complete interview with John Mulder in an
PEL (permissible exposure limit) standards are also eliminat- episode of PF’s On the Line podcast:
ed since trivalent chrome does not contain a carcinogen. OTL37

8 NOVEMBER 2023 —

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Attentive Employees Support

Large Customer Base
As a Products Finishing Top Shop, this company’s success
with offering a variety of finishing services would not be
possible without its employee dedication and the pride
that’s been instilled in them to produce quality products
for its long list of customers.


Metal finishing, zinc plating, nickel chrome plating, electro- that spend only a couple thousand dollars a year with the metal
less nickel plating, electrocoating, and powder coating: these finisher, to large-volume suppliers to the automotive industry.
finishing technologies are often individually offered by compa-
nies with the capabilities and skillset to handle each service. Never finished growing
However, there are some established facilities in the industry In its beginnings, the company’s one “mom and pop” shop
that have grown to offer multiple finishing services success- tumbled stampings to remove burrs and smooth the surface
fully. Microfinish is one of these companies. With four facilities finish of parts, improving the product’s “microfinish.” Then
totaling 240,000 square feet in the St. Louis, Missouri, metro- in the 1970s, company ownership decided to get “serious”
politan area, it does all the processes mentioned above with about zinc plating.
quality and efficiency to its 475-plus customers. “The company was doing electroless nickel, deburring, zinc
The business has been a Products Finishing Top Shop for the plating and CAD plating, but with small tanks,” Stock explains.
past nine consecutive years, which Bill Stock, president, attri- “So, they went out and bought a large return-style plating
butes to its employees who take pride in the company’s service machine, and that’s how we really got into the plating market.”
to its customers. By the mid-80s, the company expanded to add another
“Our people are very attentive to the needs of our plating machine as well as a wastewater system. In 1996,
customers; they understand customer pressures and the need Microfinish decided to enter the powder coating business,
to get deliveries for their parts (quickly),” he says. adding capabilities for that technology. Then in 2005, it
Microfinish, established in 1959, has gradually added bought a mechanical finishing house, and in 2009 it acquired
processes and facilities through expansion and acquisition to its largest facility where nickel chrome plating is done, as well
meet the needs of its customers throughout the Midwest. Its as e-coating and large, zinc-plated parts. In 2016, it acquired
customers include companies in the automotive, appliance, an electroless nickel line.
agriculture, lawn and garden, furniture and hardware indus- “We are four companies blended into one,” Stock explains.
tries. They are businesses that range from small machine shops Although he continues to look for growth opportuni-
ties, Stock says there are no immediate plans for expansion.
Microfinish, established in 1959, has gradually added However, he is keeping an open mind to the possibilities.
processes and facilities in the St. Louis area through
expansion and acquisition to meet the needs of its Outlook on the workforce
customers throughout the Midwest. Once at 90 employees, Microfinish has 72 currently. Stock says
All photos courtesy of Microfinish. he would like to get that number closer to 100, but it is difficult

10 NOVEMBER 2023 —


This Microfinish employee

to find people who commit
unracks parts that were
to the job. However, he has
nickel chrome plated. The
found ways to focus on reten- company’s customers
tion for his loyal workers, and include those in the automo-
as a result, the company has tive, appliance, agriculture,
many long-time employees. lawn and garden, furniture
“To keep our good and hardware industries.
employees, we have bonus
In 1996, Microfinish decided
programs in place that seem
to enter the powder coating
to be fairly effective,” Stock
business, adding capabilities
says. “One thing we’ve tried to for that technology. Currently,
do to recruit people is instead the company also special-
of paying a new employee a izes in metal finishing, zinc
finder’s fee for them coming plating, nickel chrome plating,
on, we try to pay our employees electroless nickel plating and
for finding someone to bring electrocoating.
in.” Stock has strategically used
the money he was paying for
temp services over a 90-day
period and has given it to the
employees who referred the
new employees.
Although he desires to
build his workforce, Stock
believes in keeping the
company at less than 100
people. He says it provides
an atmosphere of a small
company. “The most we
have is 35 or so in one shop,”
he explains. “I think it keeps
it more on a personal level,
and everyone knows each
other better.” These tubes run on a zinc plating line at Microfinish.
When asked why he believes the industry is not seeing loyalty
from candidates for employment, Stock says he thinks many
companies have been “ghosting” employees for years, so now it and trying to hire employees and find new customers to have
is coming back to haunt employers. Employers are shocked when time to reflect on how to improve and the aspects of the business
people ghost them (accept a job offer and then do not show up that are done well.
on the first day of work), but when a person interviews with a
company and the company never gets back to them to tell them Networking and industry engagement
they filled the position, that is ghosting as well, he explains. As a professional who has been in the finishing industry for a long
time, Stock has learned the importance of immersing himself in
Recognition’s influence the industry via trade associations and other opportunities for
Being recognized by PF’s Top Shops program year after year networking with colleagues from outside of his company.
has certainly boosted Microfinish’s employees’ confidence. “I’m on the board of directors for the National Association
“It makes them feel good about what they are doing,” Stock for Surface Finishing (NASF),” he says. “I think it is very impor-
explains. “I think the benefits of our people knowing that tant for us to be involved in our industry because we help mold
we’re a Top Shop is even more significant than trying to sell the future, and we get first-hand knowledge of what’s going on
it to our customers.” He adds that it is nice to have someone in the industry.”
from the outside saying, “You’re doing pretty good.” Meeting and socializing with people who share the same
The detailed reports provided by the benchmarking survey struggles and can offer advice is invaluable. For instance, Stock
give shops the opportunity to see their strengths as well as says during the COVID-19 pandemic, there were many issues
their deficiencies. According to Stock, the information is coming out quickly that the NASF funneled through its brain
helpful because often management is too busy putting out fires, trust to work together.



Pace Offers PFAS Test Method

for Contamination Detection
The PFAS contamination testing method provides reliable results faster and at a lower cost.
Pace Analytical Services, a provider of regulatory testing and
analytical laboratory services, has made the PFAS Test Method
ASTM D8421/EPA 8327 available to the public. The test method
applies to aqueous and solid sample material.
ASTM D8421/EPA 8327 uses isotope dilution and liquid
chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) to
analyze for as many as 44 PFAS compounds in both aqueous
and solid sample material. The test method offers a number of
advantages over other PFAS test methods, Pace says. The test
requires only a 5 mL sample, helping to reduce waste, and the
results can be delivered faster and at a lower price. The result
of isotope dilution calibration and quantification is greater
reliability of results. In addition, the method offers method
detection limits (MDLs) that meet the EPA’s proposed drinking
water standards and regional screening levels (RSLs).
“With the increasing focus on PFAS contamination of our en-
vironment, Pace is seeing greater demand than ever for reliable,
fast testing services for complex matrices, including soil, ground
and surface water, landfill leachate and more,” says Paul Jackson,
Pace program manager, environmental compliance and emerging
contaminants. “We are excited to be able to offer customers the
ability to get results faster for important decision-making and/or
to comply with increasing regulatory requirements.”
Pace is able to cite method ASTM D8421 or EPA 8327
because of the similarities of the methods. The company com-
bined the two into the same service offering and, therefore,
can cite either method depending on a customer’s regulatory
jurisdiction and data quality objectives.

Saint-Gobain Abrasives Announces New Partnership with Dedeco Abrasive Products

Saint-Gobain Abrasives announces a partnership with Dede- Baliva, executive sales director, North America, Norton | Saint-
co, a manufacturer of specialty abrasives since 1937. Saint- Gobain Abrasives.
Gobain will market Dedeco’s Sunburst line of thermoplastic- “Dedeco is proud to enter into this strategic collaboration
bonded abrasives. A synergistic partnership, the addition of with Saint-Gobain Abrasives,” says Steven M. Antler, chairman
the Sunburst product portfolio of Dedeco International Inc. “Our product focus, combined with
from Dedeco to the Saint- Saint-Gobain’s extensive network of experienced and trusted
Gobain Abrasives distributor solution providers, and both companies’ focus on delivering
sales organization in North quality, value and service, will enable manufacturers and tech-
America provides customers nicians throughout North America to achieve superior results
with an even wider range of more efficiently than ever before.”
abrasives across industrial The Sunburst line includes radial bristle discs and brushes for
markets, the company says. deburring, cleaning, finishing and polishing metals, plastics, com-
“Partnering with Dedeco posites, wood and many other surfaces. From heavy-duty removal
on their abrasive product line to blending and mirror-like polishing, in both manufacturing and
aligns with our vision to deliver maintenance operations, this product line covers virtually all ap-
the most comprehensive abra- plications in industries such as general metalworking, welding, 3D
sives solutions,” says Patrick printing, aerospace, automotive and medical.

12 NOVEMBER 2023 —


Demonstration Environment Displays Software Capabilities

The Steelhead Hatchery from Steelhead Technologies is a dem-
onstration environment that showcases the capabilities of its job
shop software. Steelhead Hatchery aims to present a paradigm
shift in how the industry approaches manufacturing solutions.
Similar to how a hatchery nurtures steelhead trout from
eggs to smolts, the Steelhead Hatchery nurtures individuals
and businesses from initial curiosity to complete mastery of
the Steelhead platform. By experiencing the entire manufac-
turing process within the Steelhead ecosystem, metal finishing
experts can experience the benefit of modern software and
how it will apply to their processes and raise their efficiency
standards. The experience is designed to enable Steelhead
operators to deploy systems faster and stronger.
Unlike traditional ERP demos and sandbox environments
that provide a glimpse into capabilities, the Steelhead Hatch- “Steelhead is not a small change for the job shop manufac-
ery offers a full-scale playground where employees, prospects turing industry,” says Aaron Halonen, president of Steelhead
and potential customers can immerse themselves in the Technologies. “It takes many hours to fully understand the
manufacturing ERP platform. It simulates the real-life experi- true power of running your plant on a fully digital, automa-
ence that job shops across the country will have with the job tion-intensive platform. The Steelhead Hatchery provides a
shop software, promoting a better understanding of its power. hands-on immersive experience to accelerate the paradigm
“We are excited to open the doors to our Steelhead Hatchery and shift of what next-generation systems can do to drive busi-
invite the industry to explore the future of manufacturing with us,” nesses to the next level.”
says Jeff Halonen, chief executive officer at Steelhead Technolo- Steelhead Technologies continues to put effort into
gies. “Just as a hatchery fosters the growth of steelhead trout, our increasing the value of the U.S. surface finishing and heat
Hatchery nurtures the growth of knowledge and expertise within treat industry. Steelhead’s vision includes providing job shop
the Steelhead ecosystem. We believe this initiative will revolution- management with the tools needed to provide quality output,
ize how businesses perceive and leverage ERP solutions.” improved production speed and profitability margins that pro-
The Hatchery is comprised of nine stations that mimic the vide direction to increased growth. The Hatchery assists in this
various steps of typical metal finishing plant processes. This aspiration by providing surface finishers with knowledge of the
gives the operator an opportunity to gain an understanding capabilities the Steelhead platform has to offer.
of the physical application and software execution of each The first Hatchery training session took place in September
process. Steelhead has improved the training experience by 2023 with a group of seven guests. The hands-on environment
providing a realistic demonstration of the capabilities of each was said to be impactful and enabled an accelerated, more com-
feature to support visual, physical and social learning styles. plete understanding of the software features and capabilities.




Curtis Widerholdt, an employee of Gema,

ON THE MOVE is celebrating 30 years of service with the
Edward P. Salek, executive director of the Widerholdt has achieved numerous sales leader-
Society of Tribologists and Lubrication ship awards and been recognized for his contribu-
Engineers (STLE), is retiring effective Jan. 2, tions and sales success. He has a clear passion for
2024, after serving the organization for the last his work and the company, Gema says. Widerholdt
27 years. Rebecca Lintow will succeed Salek.
As Lintow fills the STLE executive director role, Carlisle Fluid Technologies has announced
Salek Salek’s title will transition to outgoing execu- two additions to its team, Renny Fritz and
tive director. Michael Weitzel. Fritz joins the company as a
Salek joined STLE in September 1996 and technical sales specialist while Weitzel will be
has been the organization’s executive director working as an account manager.
since May 1997. Fritz’s role will see him selling capital equip-
Lintow joined STLE’s staff in October 2021 ment and systems in the Northeast territory. He Fritz
as director of professional development. has 20-plus years of experience in the industry. His
“I’m pleased to have been selected to serve years of experience quoting and selling custom
Lintow as STLE’s next executive director,” Lintow says. automated turnkey systems will help grow the
“It’s an honor to follow Ed in this role and con- Northeast territory. Fritz's knowledge of the
tinue the organization’s mission of ‘perfecting motion.’ ” products and processes, and his relationships will
create growth opportunities and sales success.
Meanwhile, Weitzel will serve as an account
manager for the Northwest territory. He has Weitzel
years of coatings industry experience and has
built many strong relationships.

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14 NOVEMBER 2023 —


Lanxess, Tennants Partner to Provide

Integrated Solutions
Lanxess, a supplier of antimicrobial protection products, and
Tennants GmbH are collaborating on integrated solutions in
the field of industrial plant hygiene. The collaboration will see
the partners combining Lanxess’ biocide portfolio and Ten-
nants’ adenosine triphosphate (ATP) technology. ATP tech-
nology can be used to quickly and reliably detect a possible
contamination with microorganisms. The collaboration will
impact not only the paints and polymer manufacturing, but
also processing industries such as chemicals for inks, adhe-
sives, plastics, textiles, leather, metalworking fluids, lubricants
and building materials.
Inadequate industrial plant hygiene can lead to microbial
disruptions or contamination of raw materials, production
water and equipment as well as end products. Contaminated
materials, which can lead to equipment failure and loss of pro-
ductivity, are counter-productive. Therefore, proper industrial
plant hygiene, preservation with appropriate biocide formu-
lations and efficient, real-time and quantitative microbial
control mechanisms, such as ATP technology, are essential for
sustainable production.
“Plant hygiene is a key element of a proper preservation,
especially in our ever tighter regulatory environment,” says
Philipp Seidenstuecker, global marketing manager, Paints &
Coatings at Lanxess. “The ATP technology from Tennants is an
excellent way to monitor the hygiene level in the factory and
to support a most efficient use of biocides. Customers of both
companies benefit equally from this cooperation.”
ATP technology can reliably quantify microbial content in any
sample, such as water, chemically complex samples and solids
as well as on surfaces. It provides results within minutes. The test
can be performed both in the laboratory and directly on-site at the
plant. ATP technology can be used to determine the concentra-
tion of total biomass — including bacteria, yeasts and molds. The
emphasis in using the tests is on prevention, not post-treatment.
“No microorganism goes undetected in quantitative analy-
ses using second-generation ATP technology,” says Jasper
Stegeman, general manager, ATP Technology at Tennants.
“There are no false positive/false negative results compared to
conventional methods.”



Diamond Vogel Hosts Ribbon Cutting Ceremony, Tours

Diamond Vogel held a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the
opening of its Innovation Center in Orange City, Iowa. The
Innovation Center is part of the company’s Building on Suc-
cess Initiative that started in 2018, which includes several
improvements to its Orange City campus.
The Innovation Center adds 36,000 square feet of labora-
tory and office space, enabling up to 60 research and de-
velopment scientists to collaborate on improvements and ad-
vancements to Diamond Vogel’s line of paints and coatings.
Leading the ribbon-cutting ceremony were Diamond
Vogel’s Chairman of the Board, Drew Vogel, and President
and CEO, Jeff Powell. IEDA Director Debbie Durham, Ameri-
can Coatings Association President and CEO Andy Doyle,
and Orange City City Administrator Earl Woudstra provided
additional remarks at the ceremony. Diamond Vogel employ- selected Hoogendoorn Construction from Canton, South Da-
ees and community members joined the celebration and took kota, to manage the project’s construction. Union Bank from
tours of the new facility. Lincoln, Nebraska, financed the project, and the Iowa Eco-
“The Innovation Center provides our technical staff with nomic Development Authority (IEDA) partnered with Diamond
the space and resources to develop innovative and relevant Vogel on the project as part of the High-Quality Jobs Program.
products to meet our customers’ needs and requirements,” “Our company’s first research lab was no bigger than a
Powell says. “Continued innovation is a requirement for Dia- closet,” Vogel says. “Now, with the Innovation Center, we have
mond Vogel’s long-term sustainability and success. a cutting-edge facility able to support our research and devel-
Diamond Vogel partnered with the architectural firm CMBA opment team in Orange City. We are thankful to have a facility
Architects based in Sioux City, Iowa, to design the project and that measures up to the people working in it.”

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16 NOVEMBER 2023 —


NASF Palmetto Chapter Hosts Fall Conference

The Palmetto Southeast Chapter (Greenville, S.C.) of the
National Association for Surface Finishing (Washington, D.C.)
recently held its 15th annual fall technical conference. After
several years of holding the conference at Myrtle Beach, the
conference was held at Folly Beach, South Carolina, near
The location wasn’t the only change for this year’s confer-
ence. The change in venue brought with it a focus on facility
management and leadership. The programming for the 2023
installment of the event was geared toward business topics
and understanding regulatory issues affecting the surface
finishing community.
Presentations included a look at “The Economics of Plant
Software” from Aaron Halonen of Steelhead Technologies,
insights for “Preparing for Agency Inspections” from Heather BE A PART OF THE
Brinerhoff of All4 Inc., a discussion of “EPA Information Col- FINISHING STORY
lection” with regard to the chrome finishing industry from
Ethan Ware of William Mullen Law Firm, and an update on
Washington D.C. policies affecting the finishing community Interested in contributing
from Christian Richter of the Policy Group. content to Products Finishing?
Palmetto Chapter president Staci Sorgee, general man- We want to hear from you!
ager of Palmetto Plating Co. Inc. and conference educational
director Adam Blakeley CEF, director of technical services for
MacDermid Enthone Industrial Solutions, indicated the event
may return to the Folly Beach location in 2024. Email Scott Francis at: SFRANCIS@PFONLINE.COM

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AkzoNobel Invests in Automated Coatings

Inspection Technology
AkzoNobel has acquired a minority stake in Donecle, the
automated inspections business whose drone technology is
central to AkzoNobel’s new Aerofleet Coatings Management
service that is helping airline operators to optimize their
aerospace coatings replacement and maintenance schedules
for individual aircraft in their fleet.
Donecle’s technology was originally developed to auto-
mate and increase the efficiency of aircraft general visual
inspections (GVIs), including the detection and identification
of lightning strikes. It has now evolved to be able to detect
paint flaws, scratches and other coating issues such as rivet
rash exactly the same way, every time. The findings are then Management service and will be working closely with their
analyzed to determine the overall health of the coating and teams in evolving this and other services to help keep our
whether/when a new coating might be required. aerospace customers one step ahead of the competition,” the
Patrick Bourguignon, BU director, AkzoNobel Automo- company says.
tive and Specialty Coatings, says the investment reflects the As part of the Aerofleet Coatings Management solution,
company’s strategy of partnering with best-in-class technolo- drones fly in a set grid over the plane’s surface, taking up to
gies. “It matches our commitment to developing new and 1,000 HD photos. These are then analyzed by Donecle’s be-
ever more innovative services and solutions that help our spoke machine learning algorithm based on a two-stage Deep
aerospace customers to reduce costs, improve efficiency, and Neural Network to identify issues on the paint surface.
support a significantly more sustainable operation,” he says. Drones can reach parts of an aircraft more quickly than a
Matthieu Claybrough, CEO of Donecle, is excited to have the person can, while their laser positioning technology makes the
backing of such a prestigious global brand. “We have already flights fully automated. Navigation sensors enable the drone
been collaborating to develop the new Aerofleet Coatings to fly and land safely.

18 NOVEMBER 2023 —


NASF Technical Papers

Edited by Dr. James Lindsay, NASF Technical Editor

Nanostructure of Nanoparticles, Self-assembled Inorganic NASF/AESF Foundation Research Project #121:

Nanopatterns and Hybrid Sol-Gel Coatings in Surface Engineering Development of a Sustainability Metrics System
by Dr. Xavier Albort Ventura, Laboratory Electrochemical R&D, and a Technical Solution Method for Sustainable
University Politecnic of Catalonia, Tecnocrom Industrial Cabrera de Mar, Metal Finishing — 13th Quarterly Report
Barcelona, Spain Prof. Yinlun Huang, Department of Chemical Engineering
Aluminum and its alloys and ceramic nanopatterns are widely used and Materials Science, Wayne State University,
in the fields of engineering, aerospace and machine manufacturing. Detroit, Michigan, USA
Sol-gel chemistry offers a flexible approach to obtain a diverse range of This NASF-AESF Foundation research project report
materials. It allows different chemistries to be achieved and offers the covers the 13th quarter of project work (April-June,
ability to produce a wide range of nanostructures. Ceramic nanopat- 2023) at Wayne State University in Detroit. In this
terns have been prepared on various substrates through a simple, fast, period, our main effort concentrated on continued de-
cheap, reproducible and easy to scale-up (bottom-up) approach, involv- velopment of a computer-aided tool, namely the ISAE
ing sol-gel dip coating, block copolymer self-assembly and thermal treat- (Industrial Sustainability Assessment and Enhance-
ment. This paper discusses this approach, offering unique possibilities ment) tool, implementing a technology assessment
to process large-scale nanostructured surfaces, finding applications in and selection methodology, and testing it through a
many domains of nanotechnology and nanofabrication. The full report case study. The full paper on this work can be accessed
can be accessed and printed at and printed at

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Forms+Surfaces Expands
from Humble Beginnings
to Global Market Leader
Originally founded in Santa Barbara, California, the company
now manufactures in multiple U.S. locations and in India.

High-end indoor architectural products, as well as outdoor finished outside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, at the company’s
products for commercial and municipal installations, require global headquarters. In Phoenix, Arizona, and Pune, India,
finesse and endurance in their finishes, as they need to stand indoor architectural elements such as doors and door pulls,
up to the rigors of constant human interaction, as well as elevator panels, and wall cladding, are produced. And across
environmental stressors of weather. Forms+Surfaces has built the world, a sales force sells all these products to a variety of
an incredible business, spanning the globe, as a full-service architects and designers for projects that require not just func-
design and manufacturing company for outdoor products tional, but beautifully formed furniture and finishes.
that include: park benches; trash receptacles; light poles; Founded in Santa Barbara nearly 50 years ago,
parking and pathway bollards; planters, and much more Forms+Surfaces has continued to grow its footprint and
for outdoor installation. These products are fabricated and expand its capabilities. A few members of the Products
Finishing team were fortunate to visit the Pittsburgh facility
ABOVE: From decorative wall panels to elevator doors and earlier this year during the Chemical Coaters Association
ceiling panels, Forms+Surfaces offers high-end finished International (CCAI) Women In Finishing (WIF) conference
products to designers and builders around the world. held nearby. To say the facility was impressive would be an
Photo Credit: Forms+Surfaces understatement.

20 NOVEMBER 2023 —


Full-service fab and finishing Suspended parts after finishing final curing in automated
The fabrication side of the Pittsburgh shop includes a fiber powder coating line. Photo Credit: Products Finishing
laser, punch press, brake press and small machine shop, as
well as robotic welding stations. With about 120 produc- of manufacturing and finishing to create just about anything.
tion employees in the facility, they also run a fully integrated Standard product delivery is eight weeks, but because several
wood shop where they cut and process lumber from raw of their landscape architecture and municipal customers often
materials — particularly environmentally friendly Brazilian order products well in advance of when it’s needed, they have
hardwoods — into slats for benches and receptacles. a large storage facility where all inventory is RFID tagged
Forms+Surfaces’ Pittsburgh operation started as a much and stored until needed. And with its excellent reputation,
smaller organization, but as the business grew, they were Forms+Surfaces is the global supplier of signage and wall
able to justify the purchase of more equipment and grow cladding for the retail outlets of one of the world’s most famous
their shop footprint. Just over two years ago, the shop made consumer product brands. They supply icons and logos that have
a significant capital investment in an automated powder been fabricated from sheet metal, painted and finished to be
coating line, a major upgrade from its previous 12-ft by 12-ft shipped out to retail outlets around the world.
electrostatic booth and oven. Prior to this purchase, the shop At the Phoenix operation, Forms+Surfaces focuses on interior
moved from two smaller buildings to a brand-new facility that products. This location primarily works with metals, glass and
would accommodate all of its operations under one roof. veneers, and doesn’t have a wood fabrication shop like Pittsburgh
The automated powder coating line has changed their
business substantially. “Before the robotic line, powder Looking into the automated powder coating line booth at the
coating was a very manual process for us,” the company says. Pittsburgh location. Photo Credit: Products Finishing
“We used to meet almost every day to discuss how to powder
coat various parts the most efficiently and effectively.” Today,
the line can run continuously if there is work. The line doesn’t
have a prewash setup, so an outside company does chromate
dip pretreatment when needed. With 16 standard colors,
color changeouts are now extremely easy, taking from 15-17
minutes to changeover colors, with 6-7 color changes per
shift. The company can accommodate custom colors and use
manual spray guns for challenging projects or unique shapes
or small runs. They also recycle all the powder overspray,
saving up to 30% of what used to be wasted with their manual
processing. The quality department inspects all final parts
and cleans them up as needed, ensuring that customers are
receiving the very best products.
Known for its innovation, quality, ability to deliver and
exceptional in-house capabilities, F+S can perform an array



F+S offers both metal and glass finished materials for interior Texturized and coated elevator wall panels.
functional and purely design elements. Photo Credit: Forms+Surfaces
Photo Credit: Forms+Surfaces
does. There is also a “twin” facility in Pune, India, with the same plant’s operations manager says while the shop works with
capabilities as the Phoenix plant, that manufactures and supplies standard colors and patterns, they also produce a lot of
products across Asia and Europe to keep shipping costs more custom materials, and can even match their glass products
controlled and prices lower for customers. to standard paint colors and finishes. While they don’t do
In addition to welding booths, brake presses and other powder coating in Phoenix, they do other finishing and
equipment the Pittsburgh shop has, Phoenix also has wide coating operations, and developed a proprietary product
format printers, water jet cutters and glass kilns, as well called Ceramiloc+, a final finishing treatment offering
as specialty glass processing equipment, to create cast and an invisible protective coating that increases fingerprint
patterned glass panels for interior spaces. The Phoenix resistance and makes maintenance easier on stainless steel

22 NOVEMBER 2023 —


products. Because so many of their final

products are in high-touch environments like
elevator walls, this finish allows customers
to maintain mark-free walls without showing
every fingerprint or accidental touchpoint
that would typically leave a smear or mark on
the walls.

Atypical staffing needs

Because most of the products manufactured
by Forms+Surfaces are their own designs, the
company employs a variety of staff with archi-
tectural, design and engineering experience,
including some sales staff that are accredited by
the American Institute of Architects (AIA) and RID (Residential View of a few of the finishing assembly stations at the
Interior Design). But Forms+Surfaces doesn’t hire employees Pittsburgh facility. Photo Credit: Products Finishing
just based on what they see on their resumes — having the right
attitude and motivation are just a few things they look for. With some of the top interior designers for commercial
Process engineers are also seen walking the shop floor, projects as their key customers, Forms+Surfaces plans
observing different work areas as they try to create new to remain a market leader. The company states on the
processes and procedures for more efficient workflows. following in its promotions: “No matter what the size
The robotic welding stations are a key focus for them in or scope of a job, we embrace our role as an innovative,
Pittsburgh, trying to create programs that eliminate steps and responsive partner that architects and designers can rely
additional operations through automation. The leadership on and trust.” With a focus on unique, high-end products,
team allows its diverse staff to all contribute ideas for better the company is poised for continued global growth in all
production, workflow and even new products. its operations.

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Anode Answers for

Hard Chrome Plating
While problems continue to rise with
using lead anodes for hard chrome
plating, some manufacturers are
discovering platinized titanium anodes
as a much-improved alternative with
a long list of advantages.

The use of platinized titanium or niobium anodes in hard The customized and dimensionally stable Platinode
chrome plating has many benefits over its counterpart, lead achieves high-quality coating results. The platinized
anodes. According to Umicore Metal Deposition Solutions, a titanium or niobium electrodes enable a uniform coating
manufacturer of platinized titanium anodes, this product not thickness distribution on the workpiece, which does not
require any postprocessing. Added to this is a long service
only results in a more uniform and higher quality deposition
life. All photos courtesy of Umicore Metal Deposition
but also significantly reduces investment costs compared to
using lead anodes and without any additional effort from the dimensional stability of platinized titanium anodes and the
user. Energy savings, higher quality and longer service life are high-temperature electrolysis (better than aqueous deposi-
some other advantages. Looming lead-processing regulations tion). The high-temperature electrolysis enables a 99.99%
is another argument to replace lead anodes with platinized pure platinum layer as well as high adhesive strength and
titanium anodes. ductility.
Specially developed for hard chrome processes, Platinode The Umicore product in all versions has a high adhesive
HC, platinized titanium or niobium anode from Umicore, is strength, corrosion resistance and ductility and thus an
designed using high-quality electrocatalytic coating processes above average service life. According to the company, it
(high-temperature electrolysis). Because the product is more has about five times the service life than that of a commer-
environmentally friendly, it is classified for government subsi- cial lead anode. The investment pays for itself after about
dies in Germany. The company offers the application for the three years, but in the case of energy-intensive hard
subsidy as a free service and is working to offer this service in chrome plating, return on investment (ROI) would be
all other relevant European countries. likely in the second year because of the possible govern-
ment subsidy, the energy savings and the elimination of
High quality coating lead chromate disposal.
With Platinode HC’s tailor-made electrodes, high-quality The engineering firm, Delta Engineering and Chemistry
coating results are achieved, according to the company. Its GmbH, has investigated and performed a comparative
design enables a uniform coating thickness on the workpiece, analysis of Platinode HC and lead anodes in terms of
which does not require any postprocessing because of the energy efficiency and savings in laboratory conditions. It

24 NOVEMBER 2023 —


The investment in the

Platinode HC pays for
itself in the second year
because of the govern-
ment subsidy, the energy
savings and the elimina-
tion of lead chromate
disposal. The reusability
of the individually
manufactured electrode
design, which can simply
be replatinated after an
average of five years when
the platinum layer wears
off, has a positive effect on
the overall calculation.

was found that a 1-to-1 replacement of lead anodes by the Hard chromium plating with lead anodes produces lead
platinized titanium anode produced energy savings of at chromate, which is highly hazardous to water, carcinogenic
least 2.7% because of improved electricity conduction of and toxic to reproduction. Reducing the distance between
the platinum coating. anode and cathode and thus saving energy is not possible
with conventional lead anodes due to deformation.
Factors that are more difficult to measure, such as a
more efficient workflow, the reduction of maintenance
measures and the resulting production downtimes are
other considerations. The same goes for the reusability
of the customized electrode design, which can simply be
replatinated after the platinum layer wears out. ROI does
not include the cost and time incurred by official require-
ments for lead anodes.

Lead-processing regulations
These benefits, paired with problematic use of lead anodes
in hard chrome plating for suppliers, make platinized
titanium anodes a more desirable choice. In fact, the lead
chromate produced during hard chrome plating is classi-
fied in Germany as “highly hazardous to water” (the highest
possible classification) and can even trigger natural disas-
ters. In addition, the waste product is classified as carcino-
genic and toxic to reproduction. The European Chemicals
Agency has included lead chromate in the candidate list of
Substances of Very High Concern.
These and other assessments are leading to increasing
regulations of lead-processing companies worldwide.
There are already time-consuming and costly hurdles in the
procurement of lead for further processing, for example,
through registration with the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA). Conversely, there are often numerous obsta-
cles in the disposal of waste — quantitative levy regulations
or the associated costs. The procurement of lead and the



Case In Point A few years ago, Wilhelm Bauer GmbH and Co. KG, which
has specialized in the finishing of metallic surfaces since
1945, decided to replace the lead anodes in a small hard
chrome bath with a custom-made Platinode HC.
The investment has paid off, reports Jan Bauer,
managing director of the Hannover-based company. The
experience with the platinized titanium anodes has been
very positive, and the savings of about 10% in energy costs
and our more positive carbon dioxide balance speak for
Since energy costs have risen steadily in recent years, the
decision was made in 2022 to retrofit the significantly larger
baths. The goal is to gradually replace the more than 200
lead anodes with Platinode HC. An application for funding
was submitted to the BAFA through its energy consultant.
At the beginning of 2023, the first 24 customized anodes
with an impressive length of over six meters were installed at
the facility and production was successfully started. The effect
of the replacement stage is just as impressive: Wilhelm Bauer
consumes 87,121 kWh less electricity per year as a result. Also,
the company reduces its carbon footprint by 63.8 metric tons.
By comparison, well over 5,000 mature beech trees would be
needed for an equivalent carbon dioxide offset.
Based on the amount of carbon dioxide saved, the company
can also count on a grant from BAFA of around 57,500 euros.
This would put the investment costs of just under 275,000
euros into perspective, or around 36% of the total is expected
to be financed by energy savings and subsidies.
“From an economic point of view alone, an end to the
use of lead anodes in hard chrome plating can already be
expected in the medium term, says Christian Kurrle from
the Umicore sales team. Durability, efficiency, energy-
Wilhelm Bauer GmbH could reduce its investment costs for saving potential and now the anticipated subsidy for
Umicore’s platinized titanium anodes by around 36% because Platinode HC bring monetary competitive advantages that
of energy savings and government subsidies. cannot be compensated for by users of lead anodes.

disposal of the resulting waste products such as lead chromate to the lower electricity demand compared to lead anodes,
sludge is likely to become increasingly complicated and as much as 40% of the investment in the product can be
expensive until a possible ban. subsidized in Germany by the Federal Office for Economic
Also, because of health hazards, stricter regulations are also Affairs and Export Control (BAFA). This includes a maximum
becoming important to occupational safety, as can be seen of 300,000 euros over a period of three years. Corporate
from the reaction of the U.S. Occupational Health and Safety groups can reduce their investment by 700 euros and small
Association (OSHA). The requirements for the protection of and medium-sized companies by 900 euros per metric ton of
employees (cleaning equipment, protective clothing, medical carbon dioxide.
check-ups and so on) are becoming more extensive and thus The fact that Umicore mediates the application process
more costly. The long-term goal of all measures is to eliminate without additional costs saves the time of applying for the
lead from industrial processes through concerted global efforts. subsidy, saves mediation of an independent energy consultant
to submit the subsidy application, and saves time, energy and
Conditions for subsidies costs that are necessary when using a verification procedure
Because Platinode HC avoids carbon dioxide emissions due for carbon dioxide savings confirmation.

26 NOVEMBER 2023 —


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Current flow can be inhibited by

unclean current carrying joints such
as flight bars or rack heads because of
oxidation, oils or dirt. Unclean work
areas like this one should be addressed
prior to plating to ensure proper
plating thickness. Photo Credits: EPSI

5 Common Racking
Problems for Platers
Being aware of usual issues that might occur during the plating process
will prepare platers by helping them know how to avoid them altogether
or how to fix them if they happen.

The plating process is a complex operation that is heavily reliant Contacts Failing Prematurely. One potential cause
on various factors, ranging from part design to the finishing of contacts failing prematurely is an improper grade of
stage. Paying meticulous attention to every step of the process material used in the contacts or the contacts were not
and possessing a thorough knowledge of different metals and designed to carry enough current based on the plating process.
techniques can be instrumental in avoiding issues that may arise. Acquiring knowledge of the types of materials and sizes used
Certain problems may originate from processes that precede when designing contacts, including current capacities and
plating, such as design, cutting and contamination during manu- chemical resistances, can solve the problem. It is recommended
facturing, while others may occur post-manufacturing. that you apply this knowledge while designing the rack you’ll
To circumvent these issues, it is imperative to collaborate with use for processing your parts. By using the proper bending
experts who possess a proven track record in the industry. It is radius on spring-tempered material, microfractures in the
essential to ensure that the supplier has an established reputa- manufacturing process can be eliminated.
tion and expertise. Such a partnership will help avoid potential

pitfalls and ensure a smooth plating process. Burning of Parts. Potential causes for burn spots
These five common problems that occur during the plating during the plating process include: a part or portion of
process have been identified by Engineered Products and a part that is too close to the anodes; a part design that
Services Inc. (EPSI), as well as the solutions to address each includes sharp corners or ends; and too much current flow
potential cause. into the part. One solution is to adjust the part orientation by
turning sharp corners on the part that burn toward each other
so that they rob from each other. Also, orienting parts so there

28 NOVEMBER 2023 —


are no sharp points toward the tank anodes can help. Shaders geometries of some parts may cause them to nest together,
can also provide a barrier between the anodes in the tank and making them more prone to damage during handling. It is also
the part being plated. Robbers can draw plating toward itself, possible that the contacts were not engineered with the ergo-
away from potential over-plated/burned areas of the part. nomics of the loading and unloading process in mind, which can
Rack design is another potential solution, with framework contribute to the problem.
material and size enabling more equitable current flow to all A full redesign of the rack and contacts may be a necessary
parts. Contact material and size can better balance current solution. Creative use of part orientation to blend production
flow to hard-to-plate areas and away from potential over- needs, plating quality and ergonomic factors can also be solutions.
plated/burned areas of a part. Finally, parts designed with It might be beneficial to design additional components into the
built-in “break off” robbers (plastic parts only) can also help contact to release the part, alleviating the ergonomic strain on the
prevent burn spots. loader/unloader.

3 5
Low Plating Thicknesses on Parts. Some causes that Peeling or Cracked Plastisol Coating. One possible
can lead to insufficient current flow to a part include: cause of this is an under-designed rack in terms of
not enough current supplied to the part; parts being too current-carrying capacity, which can lead to resistance
far from the anodes; low current density areas of the rack; or and heat buildup. Another potential cause is improper applica-
current flow being inhibited by unclean current carrying joints tion and/or curing of the plastisol coating, which can result
(such as flight bars or rack heads because of oxidation, oils in incomplete fusion of the coating’s polymers and/or a more
or dirt). It is important to identify and address these issues to brittle coating. Finally, contact stress areas may be pulling
ensure proper plating thickness. against the plastisol and contributing to the problem.
One solution to this problem is to verify that the amps/square Proper selection of frame and contact materials and sizes is crucial
footage of parts being run are adequate for the process. Copper to ensure the correct current flow. It is critical to understand the
mounted as close as possible to the contact can boost current. application process of plastisol and apply it to coating racks, varying
Also, it is crucial to ensure there is ample rectification to run the it depending on the materials and sizes in the rack, contact designs,
amperage required for the number of parts being run. As part of and the process in which the rack will be used. If the coating applica-
preventive maintenance, flight bars and rack heads should be tion is too thin, it can cause problems; if the coating is too thick, it
cleaned regularly. The framework and contact material and size can also cause problems. Similarly, curing plastisol too little or too
should also be considered to provide enough amperage to the much can also lead to issues. It is essential to design contacts that
part. The contact design is also impor- stress against fasteners in the rack rather
It might be beneficial to design additional
tant in order to place parts in the proper than the plastisol. It is also important to
components into the contact to release the
location of the tank to optimize plating. part, alleviating the ergonomic strain on the extend the spring portion of the contact
Adding auxiliary anodes to enhance loader/unloader. away from the framework, where plastisol
plating to the part should be consid- “webbing” can occur.
ered. Designing the rack to increase The plating process is highly intricate
amperage flow to the low current and requires astute attention to detail and a
density area of the rack is recom- thorough understanding of various metals
mended, as well as designing contacts and techniques. By partnering with an
in the low current density area to experienced supplier and exercising vigi-
position the parts closer to the anodes lance throughout the process, you can avoid
than the other parts on the rack. Last, issues and achieve optimal results.
it is a good idea to space out the parts
more in the low current density area ABOUT THE AUTHORS
than the other parts on the rack.
Kyle Faulman

Parts Are Hard to Rack — Technical Racking Sales Specialist, EPSI
Take Too Long to Rack —
Doug Campbell
Parts Are Scratched While
Senior Racking Engineer, EPSI
Loading and Unloading. There are
several potential causes for these Bill Lloyd
issues. Parts may have been designed Racking Design Engineer, EPSI
without easy racking methods, which Sarah McKenzie
can make loading and unloading Marketing Specialist, EPSI
more difficult and increase the
likelihood of scratches. Also, the



Clean Technology Lasers

for Coating Adhesion
Laser cleaning systems remove corrosion, grease, residue and existing coatings from
metal surfaces quickly, with less preparation and mess than traditional techniques.
Most manufacturers understand the value of beam that leaves the substrate unaffected. Preparation
pretreating metal surfaces of parts to remove corrosion, and cleanup time are minimal, and the low-maintenance
grease, residue, old coatings, or to roughen the surface equipment can last decades.
of metals prior to coating. By ensuring the items are According to Vincent Galiardi, owner of Galiardi Laser
cleaned down to bare metal, manufacturers can avoid Clean, a surface cleaning operator based in St. Charles
costly warranty issues that result when coatings peel, flake, County, Missouri, many people are surprised to learn that
bubble or otherwise fail prematurely. clean technology lasers are one of the most cost-effective,
The traditional techniques used for this purpose — such efficient and safe methods of industrial surface preparation.
as sandblasting, dry ice blasting and chemical stripping The company has implemented laser systems made by
— are messy and require expensive consumables, as well Laser Photonics, a provider of industrial-grade CleanTech
as substantial time for preparation and cleanup. These laser systems for cleaning and surface conditioning. The
methods are also drawing scrutiny from regulators such American-made systems function either as mobile stand-
as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the alone units or can be integrated into production lines.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) since Given their effectiveness in pretreating metal surfaces,
they can pose risks to the environment and applicators. these laser systems are increasingly being used in
A more effective alternative is using industrial-grade, manufacturing facilities. The systems can be integrated
precision laser-based systems that can remove paint, into automated processing lines or technicians can use
contaminants, rust and residues with a high-energy laser mobile handheld units. With significant advantages in
safety and efficiency, laser cleaning is poised to disrupt the
Laser systems remove corrosion, grease, residue and surface pretreatment market across more sectors.
existing coatings from metal surfaces quickly and without
the mess. Photos courtesy of Laser Photonics Conventional cleaning limitations
Many applications in manufacturing require pretreatment
of metal surfaces prior to coating. To improve coating
adhesion, residue, oil or grease must be removed before
coating. In some cases, a manufacturer may seek to further
enhance coating adhesion by roughening the surface.
When defective metal parts are produced, instead of
discarding the product, manufacturers can strip the paint
and re-coat the component. To refurbish existing metal parts
or recoat industrial infrastructure, removing the previous
coating along with any corrosion is usually required to facili-
tate the new coating’s adhesion to the surface.
To pretreat metal surfaces, sandblasting, dry ice blasting
or chemical stripping are traditionally used as industrial
cleaning processes.
Sandblasting. Abrasive sandblasting involves force-
fully projecting a stream of abrasive particles onto a
surface, usually with compressed air or steam. The silica

30 • November 2023 • Parts Cleaning Section ..............................................................................................................................................................................

Clean Technology Lasers for Coating Adhesion

sand used in abrasive blasting typically fractures into fine also be time-consuming to prepare the proper chemical bath,
particles and becomes airborne, which can cause serious achieve the required level of cleaning, and dispose of the
or fatal respiratory disease. waste. In addition, disposing of toxic chemicals is costly and
When workers inhale crystalline silica, the lung tissue closely regulated by agencies like OSHA and the EPA.
reacts by developing fibrotic nodules and scarring around
the trapped silica particles, causing a fibrotic lung condition A clean, safe and fast approach
called silicosis. Estimates indicate that more than one million Laser-based systems have significant advantages over these
U.S. workers are at risk of developing silicosis and that more traditional methods, including ease of use in which an
than 100,000 of these workers are employed as sandblasters. operator simply points and clicks a high-energy laser beam
In addition, particles are generated during abrasive at the surface. The substrate is not affected by the laser,
blasting that further contribute to respiratory problems and and the systems do not create any mess or byproducts. The
other harmful health effects. approach is eco-friendly, energy-efficient and completes
“Industry has needed a cleaner, the job in half the time of traditional
safer surface pre-treatment solution CleanTech laser systems are methods when preparation and
for a very long time,” Galiardi says. available in portable and stationary cleanup are considered.
“Sandblasting is inherently unsafe models ranging from 50 watts to “In our experience, laser cleaning is
for operators. The silica glass used 3,000 watts with chamber sizes from as fast at removing rust or old coatings
in sandblasting is toxic. An operator 3 ft. x 3 ft. to 6 ft. x 12 ft. The systems as other methods, but without the
must wear a full HEPA suit when can also be installed in manufactur- same amount of cleanup,” Galiardi
sandblasting to avoid breathing in ing lines in cabinets or operated by a explains. “When we treat a surface with
particulates.” robotic arm. The units have a touch- lasers, any fumes or dislodged particu-
Sandblasting is also time-con- screen that enables simple customiza- late is extracted into a HEPA filter and
suming to clean up since the sand tion of several laser profiles to meet the job is done. There is no media to
scatters everywhere, even though it the needs of any project. replenish or clean up.”
is usually considered a “fast” CleanTech laser systems are avail-
cleaning method. able in portable and stationary models
Dry ice blasting. With dry ranging from 50 watts to 3,000 watts (a
ice blasting, dry ice pellets 4,000-watt version is in development)
are used as the abrasive. with chamber sizes from 3 ft. x 3 ft. to 6 ft.
The challenge is that dry x 12 ft. The systems can also be installed
ice blasting is often not in manufacturing lines in cabinets or
abrasive enough to suffi- operated by a robotic arm. The units
ciently remove paint or have a touchscreen that enables simple
corrosion from the surface customization of several laser profiles to
of metals. Since dry ice is meet the needs of any project.
an expensive consumable,
the costs can escalate Corrosion and oil removal
when cleaning metal Galiardi says laser pretreatment of
surfaces in higher volumes. metal surfaces can be used to stream-
Chemical stripping. With line various manufacturing processes.
chemical stripping, harsh, Corrosion, for example, can begin to
even toxic chemicals are used accumulate within a very short time on
to strip metal-based objects of new parts, depending on the material
paint, rust and other contami- and environmental conditions and
nants to bare metal. However, for should be removed prior to coating.
operators, exposure to corrosive For one major auto manufacturer,
acids and noxious chemical fumes is Galiardi Laser Clean was asked to
inherently dangerous. The process can remove rust from conveying system

................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Parts Cleaning Section • 31

components used to transport cars through the manufac- half the time of the alternative being considered, an
turing process. The components were corroded because of abrasive disc grinder.
being left outside during a six-month delay in the project. “Disc grinders basically just chip off [the rust] and it
When it was time to install the items, the provider wanted becomes airborne and makes a mess. Grinders can also
to first treat the surfaces and return the components to a be dangerous because sparks or debris can shoot off the
“like new” appearance. wheel or catch an article of clothing,” he says.
In another example, Galiardi was asked to remove rust With laser cleaning, prep and cleanup time can
from over 400 transmissions in a couple of days. The laser positively impact project cost. When the improved
systems are particularly effective when reaching into tight operator safety, equipment longevity and lower mainte-
spaces that are hard to reach by hand. By masking the nance of laser systems are also considered, the clean laser
area to protect vulnerable parts, the laser can be applied technology has a much higher ROI, according to Galiardi.
without affecting the rest of the assembled product. The longevity of low-maintenance laser systems further
“No other parts [of the transmission] had to be removed adds to their value, increasing ROI and making replace-
and nothing had to be cleaned afterwards,” he says. ment unnecessary for decades.
Galiardi’s company also used the laser system to remove “CleanTech laser systems can last for 50,000 to 100,000
cleaning oils from truck chassis. “We used the laser to remove hours,” he adds. “That’s many decades working eight-hour
the oil right before painting so it was a bare metal object going days. After purchase, there’s virtually no maintenance
with nothing on it that would affect the coating,” he says. necessary.”
Industrial plants that need to recoat existing metal
structures also need to remove rust before painting. About the Author
S T E P H E N A R M S T R O N G is a freelance writer who has researched
According to Galiardi, he removed corrosion from a large and written about industrial technologies, healthcare, automotive
storage tank using the CleanTech laser system in about and international trade for the past 15 years.

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32 • November 2023 • Parts Cleaning Section ..............................................................................................................................................................................

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Mastering Uniformity Through

Surface Prep Standardization
By standardizing surface preparation
processes and adopting surface energy
measurement, a company can achieve
uniformity, quality and cost reduction.
Surface preparation is a critical step in ensuring product
performance, appearance and durability. However,
variations in surface preparation processes can lead to
inconsistencies, inefficiencies and compromised quality.
By leveraging best practices, advanced technologies such
as surface energy measurement and effective change
management strategies, manufacturers can achieve unifor-
mity, high-quality products and cost reduction. In fact,
programs from automotive to aerospace manufacturing
have saved 3% to 10% in rework by doing so.

The importance of standardization

Standardization offers numerous advantages to manufac-
turers, including:
• Reduced program cost. By ensuring multiple sites are Standardizing surface preparation processes using
performing the same standard surface preparation, surface energy measurement ensures that every surface
measurement and monitoring, programs reduce costs is treated consistently and optimally. Photos courtesy of
that are incurred through human-induced variation. Brighton Science
• Consistency. Standardizing surface preparation
processes ensures the same procedures are followed standardization can be addressed by implementing collab-
across all production lines and facilities. This elimi- orative process development, best practices, performance
nates variations that can lead to product defects, metrics and continuous improvement.
rework and customer dissatisfaction. Involving cross-functional teams, including engineers,
• Efficiency. Standardized processes optimize resource quality control experts and operators in the development
allocation, reduce waste and streamline operations. This of standardized processes, ensures that quality consider-
leads to improved productivity and cost savings over time. ations are embedded into the process from the outset.
• Quality control. Uniformity in surface preparation Standardization should be based on industry best
processes enhances quality control mechanisms by practices and quality standards. By establishing clear perfor-
enabling accurate monitoring, measurement and mance metrics to assess standardized processes, regular
corrective actions. Deviations from standards become monitoring and data-driven analysis help identify areas of
more noticeable and can be addressed promptly. improvement and ensure quality remains a priority.
• Training and skill enhancement. A standardized When a culture of continuous improvement is imple-
process facilitates training and skill development for mented where feedback from operators and quality
operators and technicians as they become proficient control teams is solicited, it enables adjustments to the
in executing a single, well-defined procedure. standardized process based on real-world insights.

Quality assurance Leveraging advanced technologies

Concerns about compromising quality when implementing Modern technologies play a crucial role in ensuring

34 • November 2023 • Parts Cleaning Section ..............................................................................................................................................................................

standardized surface preparation processes maintain or
enhance quality. Automated systems ensure consistent execu-
tion of surface preparation processes, minimizing human error BC Mobile handheld units
and variability. Incorporating advanced measurement technol- from Brighton Science mea-
ogies guarantees accurate assessment of surface quality, sure contact angle and collect
enabling immediate corrective actions if deviations occur. surface data not only in the
It is critical to use data analytics to monitor process perfor- lab, but wherever is
mance, detect trends and predict potential quality issues before convenient.
they impact product integrity. Digital simulations can help
in optimizing and validating standardized processes before
implementation, reducing the risk of quality-related setbacks.

Changing management strategies

Implementing standardized surface preparation processes
requires effective management to address resistance and Surface energy is the amount of energy required to create
ensure successful adoption. Transparently communicating a new surface area on a material. It plays a crucial role in
the rationale behind standardization and its benefits for both determining how well coatings, adhesives and other materials
the organization and individual roles is important. adhere to a surface. A mismatch between surface energy values
Also, it is advised to roll out standardized processes can result in poor wetting, reduced adhesion and increased
incrementally, enabling teams to adapt and learn gradually likelihood of defects such as delamination or peeling.
without overwhelming them. When employees are involved Surface tension measurement quantifies the cohesive
in the standardization process to gain their buy-in and input, forces of a liquid that determine its ability to spread across
it fosters a sense of ownership for them. a surface. By comparing the spreading behavior of liquids
It is also critical to invest in comprehensive training with different known surface tensions, the surface energy of
programs to equip employees with the skills and knowledge a material can be estimated.
needed to execute standardized processes effectively. Inverse Gas Chromatography (IGC) is another surface
energy measurement technique which involves exposing a
Measuring surface energy material to a series of different gases and analyzing the inter-
By adopting consistent methods of measuring surface energy action between the gas molecules and the material’s surface.
and tailoring preparation processes to specific requirements, This technique provides information about the material’s
companies can streamline operations, enhance product surface energy, polarity and specific interactions. However, it
performance and ultimately save money through reduced is impractical for production environments.
material waste, rework and increased efficiency.
Brighton Science offers a subscription-based service that Benefits of standardization
includes hardware and software that enables testing to assess Standardizing surface preparation processes using surface
surface readiness and share information across processes, energy measurement ensures that every surface is treated
functions and teams. According to the company, BConnect is consistently and optimally. This leads to predictable adhesion
easy to set up and operate and is completely customized for performance, reducing the likelihood of adhesion failures and
the customer’s goals. defects. Inconsistent surface preparation can lead to higher
The service standardizes surface preparation through the material consumption due to increased need for rework or
measurement of energy via water contact angle. Contact rejection of defective products. Standardization minimizes
angle measurement involves depositing a droplet of a known these issues, reducing material waste and associated costs.
liquid onto the surface and measuring the angle between Standardization enables the development of streamlined
the droplet, the surface, and the liquid-air interface. The and optimized surface preparation protocols. This increases
contact angle provides insights into the surface’s wettability process efficiency by reducing the time required for trial-
and surface energy. BC Mobile handheld units from Brighton and-error adjustments and minimizing production delays.
Science measure this parameter and collect surface data not Optimal surface preparation results in improved product
only in the lab, but wherever is convenient. quality, performance and durability. Products with superior

................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Parts Cleaning Section • 35

JOMESA PSE adhesion characteristics are less likely to fail prematurely,
Precision Scan for Elements leading to reduced warranty claims and associated costs.
Automated Particle Analysis per ISO 16232 Standardized processes are also easier to teach, learn
and transfer across teams and locations. A company should
consider replacing water break testing with objective metrics
that are easily documented and shared across the company.
In the automotive industry, standardizing surface prepa-
ration processes using surface energy measurement has led
to a significant reduction in production costs. By imple-
menting consistent protocols across multiple manufacturing
plants, one company has reduced rework by 30%, has saved
an estimated $2 million annually in material costs, and has
improved overall product quality.

• Automated 47mm filter scan - particle count & measurement

• Determination of particle material composition
• Integrated material database
• Reference material database for root-cause analysis Contributor:
• Optical + SEM correlative reporting L U C A S D I L L I N G H A M is sales manager for
• Optimized filter handling Brighton Science. Visit

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36 • November 2023 • Parts Cleaning Section ..............................................................................................................................................................................

Sign up for Products Finishing Webinars. You will get one-on-
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Which Throws the Harder Punch in Metal Finishing

Wastewater Treatment: Chemical or Biologics?
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Speakers: Jeremy Morgan, Product Manager - Biologics | Hubbard-Hall

Robin Deal, Product Manager - Aquapure | Hubbard-Hall

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Proper Sieve Size for Smooth Results

Q. Which size sieve is normal for production of high glossy and smooth powder coating?

A. High glossy and smooth powder coatings require a narrow

particle size distribution. The top end “scalp” is critical to
ensure the desired smoothness. Good milling conditions are
also important to ensure minimal waste, so it is wise to manage
the grinding process first. The rotor speed and classifier wheel
settings need to be optimized to minimize both the fines (<10
microns) and coarse fractions (>100 microns).
As for sieve size, I would start with a 125-micron screen,
then check particle size distribution and, most impor-
tantly, film smoothness. If this does not produce the desired
smoothness, then move to a 100-micron screen. This should
yield the desired smoothness; however, you may have a
large quantity of “overs” (>100 microns). This fraction
can be reintroduced to the mill to manage the yield. If the
100-micron screen doesn’t produce the desired smoothness,
then you must work on reducing the viscosity of the resin
system. In addition, you may also have to slow down the
cure rate of the resin/crosslinker.

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SCOTT FRANCIS, Editor-in-Chief |

38 NOVEMBER 2023 —


Surface Preparation for Best Adhesion

for Powder Coating
Q. We currently are planning to use cold-rolled 304 Stainless square tubing for our instrument housings.
The tubing comes slightly oxidized and slightly pitted. We are looking to provide the customer with a finish
for the housing that looks professional and prevents it from going back to the way we received it. I believe
that powder coating the product is the best way to finish it as a cost-effective means to protect the housing.
The environment that the instrument will be in ranges from -40°C to +100°C and will occasionally be dusty,
oily and near sea water but not emerged in it.
Given that the tubing is 304SST, adhesion is a problem. Can you recommend the proper way to prepare the
surface? Please provide details on the best type of degreaser, grit (nonferrous) or chemical, and primer to use
so UV and sea salt corrosion will not affect the housing for as long as 10 years.

A. It is wise to explore all options before committing to a the entire process (cleaning-passivation-coating-curing
new process. Powder coatings are an excellent finish for process) and perform the following tests:
stainless steel if the process is designed and maintained • Simple “X” cross dry adhesion. Cut a 40 mm by
properly. The key is in the cleaning and metal pretreatment 40 mm “X” into the coating with a fresh utility knife.
process that precedes the application of powder. Apply a strong tape such as 3M 250 or Permacel #99
The process you should consider for powder coating and pull sharply. The coating should exhibit little or
starts with media blasting. Aluminum oxide is a good no loss of adhesion. A similar test can be done with a
choice. Follow the blasting with a well-controlled alkaline “crosshatch” device as described in ASTM D3359. This
degreasing step to remove any residual oils, process fluids, entails a perpendicular series of cuts that create a grid.
and handling contaminants. It is also important to keep I find that the simple “X” cut is usually sufficient to tell
your blast media clean. if the adhesion is acceptable.
Next, I suggest a passivation step to remove any iron- • Hot water immersion adhesion. Place the samples
based residues on the stainless surface as well as the evaluated in the adhesion test described in test 1 into
possible presence of residual sulfides. Trace amounts of a bath of 75°C (167°F) for 24 hours. Allow them to
either contaminant can act as sites for subsequent corro- dry, then recheck for tape adhesion. Again, the coating
sion. Passivation of stainless steel typically involves should show little or no loss of adhesion.
immersing the part in a nitric acid bath, although nitric • Back these test results up with a 500-hour salt fog
acid/sodium dichromate or citric acid types of solution test (ASTM B-117). Place scribed test parts in the
can also be used. The concentration of acid can range from corrosion chamber and evaluate every 250 hours. Most
20% to 50% by volume. ASTM A380 describes standard powder coatings pass 1,000 hours of salt fog resis-
practices for passivating stainless steel. tance, but 500 hours is what I consider a minimum
After thoroughly drying the parts, it is wise to powder benchmark.
coat the passivated surface as soon as possible. Chemically
pretreated surfaces have a finite shelf life before they begin
to degrade. Using a high-quality powder coating precludes
the need for a primer coating. Just Getting Started?
PFOnline is the perfect destination for learning the
To meet the durability required in the environments
basics or brushing up on new technology. Check out
you describe, it is also essential to ensure that the powder
the Fundamentals Zone for 101 articles on powder
coating is applied at a reasonable thickness as specified by chemistries, color-change strategies and more.
the powder coating supplier. For an outdoor application,
3.0 to 4.0 mils are sufficient. It is also critical to ensure the
parts receive enough temperature and time to completely
cure the powder coating chemistry. When a powder
supplier quotes a recommended bake, they are referring to KEVIN BILLER
the time at or above the stated temperature that the part ChemQuest Powder Coating Research
has reached. So, it is important to factor in the heat-up
time needed to reach the bake temperature. Kevin is president of ChemQuest Powder
Coating Research.
As for ensuring acceptable coating performance in the
field, prepare a few test pieces that have been run through



Cobalt’s Role In Passivation

Q. As an applicator, I am hearing a lot about the development of cobalt-free technology
in trivalent passivates, but I would like to understand what role cobalt plays in passivation
and how that will be addressed with its removal.

A. It is true that the volatility in the cobalt supply chain, use of cobalt in lithium-ion batteries in electric vehicles and
coupled with potential regulatory changes, have spurred electronic components positions the forecast of its usage
the discussion and development of cobalt-free passivates to double over the next few years to meet market demand.
for zinc and zinc alloys. After years of successful surface All these factors influence the need to determine a suitable
finishing with trivalent passivates that contain cobalt, it alternative for cobalt in trivalent passivates.
is valid for applicators to want to understand the mecha- Cobalt’s alternative: From a product research and
nism of cobalt within the chemistry and how passivates development standpoint, it can be difficult to find a
will function in its absence. To help facilitate this under- replacement for cobalt that offers equivalent performance
standing, I have broken down the information into the and is cost-effective. Nevertheless, newer technology has
following main ideas. been developed that offers an alternative that combines
Cobalt’s use in passivation: The addition of cobalt nanoparticles and other transition metals to provide ample
to trivalent chromium passivates serves to enhance the corrosion resistance and yield an aesthetically pleasing
corrosion protection of the passivate film. Other transition film over zinc and zinc alloys. Furthermore, these newly
metals, including nickel, titanium, zirconium, etc., can also developed passivates have the benefit of generating a more
accomplish this. Cobalt has become ever-present within thermally resistant film that resists degradation during
the industry because it offers a relatively inexpensive, hydrogen de-embrittlement baking. Last, they offer some
widely stable, and highly effective means of enhancing the level of self-healing capabilities. It should be noted that the
corrosion resistance of passivate films. elements that comprise this newer generation of passivates
The function of cobalt within a trivalent passivate: are more environmentally sustainable than previous versions.
Cobalt plays several key roles within a trivalent chromium- Cobalt-free technology: One of the challenging aspects
based passivate. It significantly increases the corrosion of the development of cobalt-free alternatives for the passiv-
resistance of the formed passivate film and serves to ation of zinc and zinc alloys is the determination of nanopar-
decrease the surface roughness of the developed passivate ticles that provide the necessary corrosion protection, but
film. This helps to enhance its appearance. The lower the also remain stable within the passivate solution. The previous
surface roughness, the more luster the final part will have. generation of nanoparticle- incorporated systems can suffer
Recent research has shown that cobalt enhances the rate of from the drawback of solution instability as the bath ages.
nitrate reduction during the growth of passivate films. This Some of the newer cobalt-free technology passivates on the
serves to increase the rate at which chromium precipitates, market have successfully overcome this challenge. They can
which often leads to higher coating weights. The addition also operate at a higher pH to limit the generation of metal
of cobalt also maintains the coatings’ integrity following contaminants, which extends the longevity of the passivate
heat treatment. After annealing, passivate films decrease solution. In addition, certain newer technology cobalt-free
in thickness because of dehydration. The incorporation black passivates for zinc-nickel can offer less aggressive active
of cobalt maintains the passivates’ thickness compared agents, which preserves the coating thickness and alloy
to films where cobalt is absent. Last, the number of composition, helping platers reduce cost and eliminate the
micropores within the passivate film is also lower with need for overplating. If you are running torque-tension modi-
cobalt than without. This decreases the number of fiers with your passivates, ask your chemistry supplier to
pathways for corrosive agents. ensure you are using topcoats specifically designed to work
The reasons cobalt is being removed from passiv- with cobalt-free passivates.
ates: There are a variety of factors that influence this
movement. In addition to its overall health and safety risks,
replacement of cobalt is being prioritized because this
compound has had a tenuous position relative to ECHA
(European Chemicals Agency), REACH (Registration, CHRISTIAN KISSIG
Columbia Chemical
Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals),
and global responsible sourcing concerns. Another impor-
Christian Kissig is a research chemist
tant factor is the volatility of cobalt. The limited supply
at Columbia Chemical.
and variable cost of this transition metal have become a Visit
key focal point within the past 5-10 years. The increased

40 NOVEMBER 2023 —

p t

Optimizing a Liquid Electrostatic System

Q. We have been operating an automatic liquid electrostatic system for several years and recently have noticed
that we need to increase the fluid flow rate to maintain dry film thickness. Overall, we are running about 8-12%
higher than when the system was first installed. Our system consists of reciprocating rotary bells coating
horizontally oriented aluminum extrusions. How can we optimize efficiency?

A. For your electrostatic process to work consistently, there to dissipate safely. This level of grounding applies to all
are three primary items to check: voltage at the applicator, objects in the spray booth, including the operator.
part grounding and compatibility of the coating material. Ground should be tested with a meg-ohm meter (often
Beyond this, other factors, such as target distance and called a “megger”). A meg-ohm meter has an output of
spray booth conditions, can also impact the efficiency of 500–1,000 volts. This is required to overcome contact resis-
your application. Let’s review each and discuss how to test tance through the various attachment points. If a standard
for optimal performance. VOM (volt ohm meter) is used, inaccurate readings may be
Applicator voltage: With electrostatic applicators, you obtained. In most finishing systems, the workpiece is hung
must ensure voltage at the applicator. Generally, rotary from a conveyor using load bars and hooks. It is important
atomizers (bells) utilize a direct charge process, and the to ensure that the contact points are clean and that good
bell cup is at voltage potential. As the coating material exits ground contact can be made through the various attach-
from the edge of the bell cup, it is electrostatically charged ment points.
and seeks a ground image. A high-voltage test probe can Material resistivity: When using electrostatic appli-
measure the actual voltage level at the applicator. cation equipment, the resistivity of the coating material
Before testing: should be tested to ensure that it is within an accept-
• Ensure the voltage is shut off and flush the applicator able range for the specific manufacturer’s equipment.
out with the recommended cleaning solvent. Generally, the recommended range for resistance is 0.1
• Once the lines are flushed, use air to remove any MΩ or higher. The primary concern is that the material is
residual solvent and ensure the fluid lines are clean not so conductive (very low resistances) that the voltage
and dry. applied at the applicator follows the fluid column to the
• Using a high-voltage test meter/kit, follow the manu- grounded fluid supply. When and if this happens, the
facturer’s instructions and test the applicator. This system current will increase, and the level of voltage at the
will consist of grounding the test meter, setting it to applicator will be degraded.
the appropriate mode, and touching the probe to the In your case, you mentioned that you have had a
applicator’s bell cup (not spinning) with voltage on. decrease in efficiency over time, so coating resistivity
would only be a potential cause if you have changed
The meter should read within 10% of the applicator set your coating material formulation or switched suppliers
point at the [power supply (if it is a 90 kV applicator, you entirely.
should read around 80 - 90 kV). To test the resistivity of the coating material, you need
If the voltage is not within 10% of the set point, you a meter and resistivity probe. The probe is connected to
need to inspect the various components to isolate where the meter and then inserted to the designed depth into the
the deficiency is. The most common problem area will be a coating material. The reading is then recorded. As noted
high-voltage cable that is damaged or not properly seated. above, typically, the resistivity should be 0.1 MΩ or higher.
If it is a cascade type power supply, the cascade may be Other than the meg-ohm meter, the high voltage probe
degrading. If multiple applicators are used, you should and paint resistivity meter are somewhat specialized,
chart the voltage at each and ensure all are within 10% of so you will need to work through a coating equipment
each other. Multiple applicators also provide an opportu- supplier to source. This equipment allows you to trouble-
nity to swap out components to isolate issues. shoot and benchmark your settings over time to detect
Applicator cleanliness should also be evaluated. If the when your process starts to drift.
exterior of the applicator is contaminated, this can cause a
loss of voltage/efficiency. Electrostatic applicators should
always be cleaned with non-conductive solvents.
Carlisle Fluid Technologies
Part grounding: According to NFPA 33 (Nation Fire
Protection Association) Chapter 12, the resistance between
John Owed is the finishing SBU
the object being sprayed and true earth ground must be director at Carlisle Fluid Technologies.
1.0 MΩ (mega-ohm) or less. This provides suitable electro- Visit
static attraction and permits the charge from the applicator




Dürr Systems Inc.

248-450-2000 |

Low-Pressure Spray Gun for Color

Changes, No Need for Solvents
The EcoGun Ace features a rapid change system for color changes,
making color changes fast and simple.

Dürr and HSM Lackiersysteme have partnered to develop the be flushed and refilled or replaced with a new cup containing
EcoGun Ace, a low-pressure spray gun that is said to make color the appropriate color. In addition, all the channels that carry
changes faster and easier. The spray gun features a rapid change color between the cup and nozzle require flushing to prevent
system for the color channel — the spray gun is ready to use paint contamination or commingling. This process can be
again within seconds after changing colors without solvents. This time-intensive and requires solvent use.
feature is well suited for the car repair sector, where small-batch The EcoGun Ace spray gun features a system that enables
painting is standard. much faster color changes. According to the company, the
Like other Dürr low-pressure spray guns, the spray gun has a system replaces the entire color channel, including the
design well suited for industrial use. The company says it pro- nozzle, quickly and easily, so the spray gun is ready for use
vides a spray pattern with distinctive application efficiency and again within a few seconds, offering time savings of 90%
simplifies color changing with quick-exchange injector nozzles. compared with conventional low-pressure guns and making
Additionally, a spill-proof cup system from HSM Lackiersysteme solvent use obsolete.
incorporates a safety lock and soiling guard to promote good “In partnership with HSM, we are pleased to offer a user-
legibility of the measuring scales at all times. friendly product that sets new standards for low-pressure
Another feature of the spray gun is the rapid change system for guns,” says Ulrich Tautz, senior sales manager of industrial
the color channel, resulting in time and cost savings. The prod- products at Dürr. “Our spray guns will make painting easier,
uct is well suited for applications in vehicle paintwork repairs particularly for applications such as woodworking or the car
and yacht and boatbuilding applications. repair sector, where varnishing jobs with small amounts of
Other feed cup spray guns are equipped with a cup that holds varnish and lots of color changes are the norm.”
paint. When the time comes to change color, the cup must either

Be a Products Finishing Innovator Contact to highlight your latest innovations in finishing.

42 NOVEMBER 2023 —


Abrasive Wheels, Discs Provide Fast Metal Removal Ultrafiltration Membranes, Filter Elements
Norton Vortex Rapid Blend Coarse Grit Wheels and Discs from for Improved Industrial Water Reuse
Saint-Gobain Abrasives offer a finishing process solution that takes PPG has added a high-performance ultrafiltration (UF) membrane
down and blends welds in a single operation, providing a 30-50% and filter elements for industrial process water and wastewater
improvement in productivity while leaving smear-free finishes. applications to its portfolio. The UF membrane continues the
The specially designed Vortex company's line of microfiltration (MF)
aluminum oxide aggregate grain membranes and filter elements, which
is said to stay sharper longer, are designed to remove oil and other
resulting in an increased cut rate contaminants so process water and
while producing a fine finish. The wastewater can be disposed of or
coarse grit offering features Clean reused safely and economically.
Bond, a special resin chemistry Incorporating an antifouling
that resists shedding when used on treatment technology, PPG’s UF
sharp edges, making it well suited membranes are superhydrophilic,
for deburring with no smearing. or water loving, which inhibits trace amounts of oil, grease and
For versatile, multidimensional de- other tough-to-filter contaminants from fouling the membranes
burring and finishing that minimizes wheel changes, the product and filter elements. As a result, the service life of membranes can
has a unified 3D construction, enabling operators to use them be extended, reducing costs through lower maintenance and
on the top, bottom or side. The strong, unified construction is replacement needs.
formed by compressing multiple layers of nonwoven web mate- These MF and UF membranes can reduce the number of filters
rial and bonding together, making the abrasives durable as well and amount of manufacturing floor space needed to recover the
as waterproof, washable, conformable and non-loading. water for reuse. Potential applications include industrial process
In addition, the coarse grit wheels and discs are available in water and wastewater, from oil and gas to automotive and indus-
densities from high to low, depending on the application. Harder trial paint lines to graywater treatment.
density wheels offer more heavy stock removal, and softer den- PPG Industries Inc. | 888-774-2001 |
sity wheels are suitable for mild finishing applications.
Norton|Saint-Gobain Abrasives | 800-446-1119 | Pencil Hardness Test Kit Determines Relative Hardness The Positest PT Pencil Hardness Test Kit from Paul N. Gardner
(Gardco) is designed for use in lab and field settings. The test
Aerospace Conductive Coating kit determines the scratch resistance and relative hardness of
Provides Adhesion, Fluid Resistance paint, films, resins and
Sherwin-Williams Aerospace Coatings has added an aerospace lacquers in accor-
conductive coating (CM0485115) to its line of undercoats, enabling dance with ISO 15184
aircraft owners to impart conductivity onto aluminum and compos- and ASTM D3363.
ite substrates. The coating offers high conductivity to nonconduc- The field kit includes
tive substrates by producing an antistatic conductive film on their everything needed
surfaces with a resistivity of 0.1 to 100,000 ohms for testing with two
per square meter to help static charges dissipate available options, the Positest PT Basic Kit and the Positest PT
from antennas and radomes. The company says Complete Kit.
the coating is designed with excellent adhesion The Basic Kit features 14 graphite pencils ranging from 6B to
and offers excellent fluid resistance. 6H in hardness and comes in a protective aluminum case. The
Conductive coating (CM0485115) is de- kit also comes with a custom aluminum pencil sharpener with
signed to work with Sherwin-Williams' topcoat hardened steel blades specifically designed for the pencil hard-
systems. Using a 1:1 mix ratio, the product is ness test. The sharpener includes 5- and 6-mm indicators for
simple to mix and apply. It is compatible with all non-electro- reference of graphite length for easy conformance to national
static spray equipment and can be applied onto pre-primed and international standards. A pack of 400 grit sandpaper
aluminum and composite substrates to achieve high conductiv- for flattening pencil leads prior to testing and an instruction
ity. The company notes that the best results are achieved when manual are also included.
the conductive coating is applied in one singular, continuous The Complete Kit includes everything in the Basic Kit as well
closed film or one cross coat. The application can happen in a as a pencil cart with a leveling rod which exerts a constant force
range of environmental conditions, and the coating can be air of 7.35 N (~1.65 lbf) at the specified 45-degree angle. The leveling
cured or force dried, providing flexibility for applicators. Drying rod helps to ascertain that the cart is parallel to the surface. Also
times vary based on the dry film thickness. included is a thumbscrew that enables quick pencil changes and
Sherwin-Williams Co. | 855-806-6846 | a hard shell carrying case. Paul N. Gardner Co. Inc. (Gardco) | 800-762-2478 |



Good Advice? Ask 5 Questions

Even one new detail uncovered by good questions might alter
the advice we would have offered in the first place.

A friend and owner of a contract manufacturing company situations like this one,
called not long ago asking to meet for coffee and I gladly even when the path
accepted. As we sat across the table from each other, he poured forward is obvious —
out a cup along with his latest challenge. no, especially when MATTHEW KIRCHNER
A salesperson he had hired a while back was struggling. He it’s obvious — to avoid Managing Director, Profit360
hadn’t brought a single significant piece of new business in the speaking in statements
last year and had almost no open quotes or projects to show for and instead ask ques-
his work. “He doesn’t seem hungry,” my friend said. “He’s not tions. A minimum of five
overly motivated and shows almost no sense of urgency when I of them before offering advice.
share my concerns.” I continued.
I immediately saw his problem and the likely solution for I asked my friend if we turned the clock forward 12 months
what it was. Non-motivated business development people with and this person was still working for the company, what the odds
little or no sense of urgency rarely excel in sales roles. would be that my friend would be pleased with the individual’s
My urge was to immediately share with my friend the performance during the coming year. He said very low.
obvious solution. My urge was to tell him he had to redeploy I then asked…
the person to a role more suited to his personality or to let the Actually, I never got the chance to ask the next question. My
underperforming salesperson go altogether. My urge was to friend looked at me and said, “Oh my gosh, I have to let him go!”
tell my friend that his problem and its solution were obvious Exactly.
and that he should stop wasting time analyzing the issue and When asked for your opinion or advice, ask at least five ques-
instead get on with resolving the issue. tions first. Several benefits accrue:
I resisted all of these urges. More often than not, the person seeking the advice will get
As business people, when we are asked for opinions or advice to the right solution on their own through careful consideration
— by customers, suppliers, other leaders, our team members elicited by your thoughtful inquiry.
— we are usually quick to give it up. This is rarely the best They will have more conviction in their plan if they arrive at
response. it themselves than if the solution is spoon-fed to them. In fact,
I took a deep breath and asked my friend what personality in my experience, often those seeking advice will push back or
traits were important in business development people. He argue with solutions offered by another even though they were
responded that the role required someone who was goal- the one who asked for help in the first place. When the solution
oriented, driven, liked interacting with people, exhibited self- is their own idea, there’s nobody to push back on and when
confidence and could follow through on details. I asked him they arrive at the solution on their own, they’ll be more likely to
how the person in question measured up to these and my friend implement it.
acknowledged not very well. Finally, oftentimes through careful questioning, we trip over
I asked him what goals were set for the person, in terms of a detail that wasn’t shared in the initial problem stated by the
numbers of quotes and revenue performance and he said these individual looking for help. Even one new detail uncovered by
had been very clearly communicated and measured regularly. good questions might alter the advice we would have offered in
I asked whether the number of customers and prospects the first place.
the person was expected to visit and the number of virtual The next time someone puts their trust in you, looking for
meetings he was to conduct were clearly defined and whether advice, eschew the desire to immediately offer solutions, take a
cold calling and outbound lead generation were key aspects of deep breath and ask five questions.
success. They were. I inquired whether the person was exhib-
iting these behaviors adequately in the day-to-day execution of
the job. Not surprisingly, he was not.
I asked if the person was expected to travel and whether he Kirchner: The Complete Works
did travel. Yes, and not much were the answers. Can’t get enough of management column writer Matt
I then asked, if the position was open and the person in Kirchner? Read about Taylor Swift's advice for finishers,
question applied for it, would my friend hire him for the job. how incredible finishing companies predict the future,
Unlikely. consultative selling and more.
Check out our whole library of “Never Finished”
The deeper we get into our careers, the more we know and
columns at:
the more advice we have to offer. I’ve disciplined myself in

44 NOVEMBER 2023 —


Finishing Activity Contracts

in September, Closes at 44.4
The slowed contraction seen in August appears to have been
a blip as finishing activity contracted faster again in September,
to the tune of another two points.
Director of Market Research
The Gardner Business Index (GBI): Finishing contracted again in September,
Gardner Intelligence
marking six months straight of decline. Jan is an established professional in
• All but one component contracted in September, including a solid second research and analysis. Her insights have
month of contraction in employment. been informing business decisions for 30+
• New orders and backlog reported the deepest and fastest contraction, down years and guiding Gardner Intelligence
8.7 points and 5.7 points, respectively, over the past six months. for over seven.
• Not surprisingly, production also contracted at a faster rate in September.
• Exports contracted faster again in September, but not to a dramatic degree.
The steady contraction in exports over the past six months (March–Sept 2023)
was previously observed in the almost parallel six-month period one year ago
(Feb–Aug 2022.)
• Supplier deliveries were again the hold-out, lengthening in September at about
the same rate as August.

THE GARDNER BUSINESS INDEX (GBI): FINISHING Finishing’s index in September

70 marks six months straight of
70 contraction.
40 44.4
40 44.4
Sep '18 Sep '19 Sep '20 Sep '21 Sep '22 Sep '23
Sep '18 Sep
Sep '19
'19 Sep
Sep '20
'20 Sep
Sep '21
'21 Sep
'22 Sep

KEY COMPONENT ACTIVITY New orders and backlog each

70 marked six months straight of
70 accelerating contraction.
Sep '18 Sep '19 Sep '20 Sep '21 Sep '22 Sep '23
Sep '18 Sep '19 Sep '20 Sep '21 Sep '22 Sep '23
New Orders (3-MMA) Backlog (3-MMA)
New Orders
Orders (3-MMA)
(3-MMA) g ((3 MMA)
Backlog )

Stay ahead of the curve with Gardner Intelligence.

More information about the Finishing Index can be found at



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Volume Electroplating and Anodizing Opportunities for
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New & Used Equipment for ALL of your Waste Water needs automotive, aerospace, defense and industrial markets.
Our Williamsburg Virginia plant has open line capacity
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46 NOVEMBER 2023 —


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Richard G. Kline, Jr., President



Snapshots of an industry.

Electroless Nickel
On the Rise
For the second consecutive year, Products Finishing hosted its
Electroless Nickel Conference, which returned last year after a
10-year hiatus. Met with record attendance, ENC ’22 signaled
a growing need for EN education driven by a rising demand for
EN in growing markets such as electric vehicles (EVs) and new
energy vehicles (NEVs), as well as in a variety of electronics ap-
plications. The 2023 installment of ENC was also well received
with more than 100 attendees and an educational program that
covered a range of topics including:

• EN University, offering a deep dive into the fundamentals of

EN for newcomers or those looking to expand their existing
• Technical sessions aimed at troubleshooting problems,
improving efficiencies and reducing costs
• Trend discussions to help EN providers with understanding
market sectors and shaping their business strategies

As the EN market continues to grow, the need for education

and networking within the industry will continue. To meet
this need, Products Finishing is planning another install-
ment of ENC for 2025. For more information about the event

Photos by Products Finishing

“ENC is a fantastic
event that provides
access to the
best minds in the
electroless plating
industry. The event
provided great
information in the key
areas of interest to EN
applicators. Highly
– ENC Attendee

48 NOVEMBER 2023 —

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