Traveler Amer - Elementary A1.2 - Key To Tests

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Traveler Elementary A1.

2 American Edition
American edition

Key to Test Booklet

A. 1. It’s five-thirty. A. 1. your, brother’s
1. look for 2. It’s a quarter to ten. 1. can take 2. They’re
2. hungry It’s nine forty-five. 2. Can ... ride 3. friends’
3. can play 4. You’re
3. midnight 3. It’s twenty-five after
4. can speak 5. isn’t, her
4. married eleven.
5. can’t drive
5. tired It’s eleven twenty-five. LISTEN
B. 1. a
B. COMMUNICATION 1. These are expensive 2. b
1. same 1. b watches. 3. b
2. recreation 2. a 2. Those men are old.
3. outgoing 3. c 3. Can your children swim? READ
4. guide 4. b 4. Are those dictionaries? 1. Henry’s wife.
5. unemployed 2. She’s shy, very funny and
3. James.
4. Maria and James.
Man Good morning, welcome to Trenton’s. What’s your name, please?
Julia Julia Stanley.
Man I’m sorry, how do you spell your last name?
Julia It’s S-T-A-N-L-E-Y.
Man Umm... Oh yes, here we are. Good. Is your address 21 Gilbert Street?
Julia No, it isn’t. It’s Gilbert Street but it’s number 27.
Man Oh, I’m sorry. Now, Julia, just one or two questions first. Can you use a computer?
Julia Yes, of course.
Man Great. What about a car? Can you drive a car or maybe ride a motorcycle?
Julia I can’t ride a motorcycle, but I can drive a car.
Man That’s OK. Can you work full-time or do you want to...

A. 1. d 1. in Wednesday: go to the gym
1. d 2. b 2. from ... to Friday: go shopping
2. g 3. c 3. at Sunday: watch DVD with
3. f 4. a 4. on Fiona
4. b
5. e C. READ
6. a GRAMMAR 1. watching 1. She’s an editor.
7. c A. 2. to become 2. All the reporters and
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1. doesn’t read, always reads 3. to play photographers.

2. Do ... send 4. staying 3. Linda’s husband.
B. 3. don’t usually finish, 4. She’d like to take karate
1. a often get classes and become more
2. b 4. is never, goes active.
3. a
4. a
5. c
Fiona Hi, Mandy, what’s up?
Mandy Not much. I’m just on the computer.
Fiona Hey, do you want to watch a DVD later?
Mandy No, it’s Tuesday today. I usually do the housework
today. I need to mop the floor, too.
Fiona OK. Tomorrow, then?
Mandy No, tomorrow is Wednesday and...
Fiona You go to the gym, yeah, I forgot.
Mandy And Thursday’s no good for me.
Fiona OK, then. Let’s say Friday.
Mandy No, it’s shopping day, sorry. How about the weekend?
Are you free on Saturday?
Fiona No, but Sunday’s good for me.
Mandy Great. You get the movie.
Fiona OK, I have a good idea.
Mandy Not a musical again!
Fiona OK, OK.

A. 5. interesting 1. -, their, The, theirs 1. living room
1. c 6. leather 2. -, They’re 2. near/behind
2. c 3. Is there 3. station
3. a GRAMMAR 4. a, the 4. windy
4. c A. 5. mine
5. c 1. visit READ
6. a 2. Is ... coming COMMUNICATION 1. F
3. Does ... live 1. b 2. T
B. 4. isn’t raining 2. c 3. F
1. dishwasher 5. watches 3. a 4. T
2. view 6. are painting 4. c
3. popular 5. c
6. a

Sophie Hi, Dillon. What a mess! Is that your washing machine?
Dillon Yeah.
Sophie What’s it doing in your living room?
Dillon Well, I want to move it downstairs but I need help. We’ll do it later. Ring! Ring!
Sophie Is that your phone?
Dillon Yes, but where is it?
Sophie It’s near the couch I think.
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Dillon Let’s look under it. No, it’s not here.

Sophie Let me look behind it. Yes, here it is.
Dillon Hello?... Hi, Tom... OK, I’m coming now. Bye... Sorry, Sophie, I need to meet my cousin at the station.
I’ll be back soon.
Sophie OK, I can wait here. Take your jacket, though.
Dillon Why? Is it still raining?
Sophie No, but it’s very windy and cold out there.
Dillon OK.

American edition
VOCABULARY 5. medicine 4. c LISTEN
A. 6. important 5. a 1. b
1. allergic 7. receive 6. b 2. a
2. exercise 7. c 3. b
3. meal
5. spinach 1. b 1. her READ
6. vegetarian 2. c 2. me, It 1. S
7. raise 3. a 3. them 2. M
8. sell 4. a 4. us 3. M
5. c 5. They 4. M

1. dessert A. 1. ... should take up a sport.
2. rash 1. a 2. ... shouldn’t go out.
3. sure 2. a 3. ... shouldn’t drink cold
4. vitamins 3. c water.

Waiter Are you ready to order?
Woman Yes, do you have tomato soup?
Waiter I’m sorry, but we don’t. We have onion soup and pea soup.
Woman Pea soup? I like the sound of that.
Waiter OK, one pea soup. And for the main course? Our pizza is very popular.
Woman No, thanks. Does the club sandwich have chicken on it?
Waiter Yes.
Woman Great, one of those, please.
Waiter Excellent, can I take your menu?
Man OK, what else do we need?
Woman Do you have oranges and bananas on the list?
Man Yes. What about vegetables?
Woman We have potatoes and peppers. But I can’t see any eggplants.
Man OK, let’s get some, then.
Woman And write down carrots, too.
Man Are you sure? I think there are some carrots in the refrigerator.
Woman You’re right. Just eggplants, then.
Woman You don’t look well, Victor. Are you OK?
Man No, I’m not.
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Woman What’s wrong?

Man It’s my head.
Woman Do you have a headache? Let me get you a pain reliever.
Man No, it’s not that. I’m a little dizzy, that’s all.
Woman Here, sit down for a while. Do you want something to drink?
Man Yes, some water, please.

American edition


VOCABULARY 1. d 1. a 1. Jennifer can’t stand
A. 2. f 2. b mopping the floor.
1. a 3. b 3. a 2. Fred enjoys watching
2. c 4. e 4. c horror films.
3. b 5. a 5. b 3. My sister wants to visit
4. c 6. c 6. c Japan one day.
5. b 7. c 4. Would you like to listen
6. b GRAMMAR 8. b to hip hop music?
7. a A. 9. a
8. b 1. always plays 10. b LISTEN
2. doesn’t usually use, takes 1. a
B. 3. am talking C. 2. b
1. volunteers 4. is studying 1. many 3. b
2. champion 5. Does...often go, hates 2. any, some 4. a
3. culture 6. are visiting 3. some
4. suburbs 7. are you cooking, are 4. much, a little READ
5. interview having 1. c
6. members 2. a
7. gadgets 3. d
8. common 4. b
9. download
10. housekeeper

1. 3.
Woman Excuse me, but the store is closing now. Danny What are all these things doing in the kitchen,
Man Is it? Oh no! Zoe?
Woman Yes, we close at five today. Zoe They’re from the living room.
Man But it’s only a quarter to five. Danny I can see that. Are you rearranging the
Woman Actually, it’s a quarter after five. furniture again?
Man Oh, you’re right! OK, I can come back Zoe No, I don’t like the color of the living room.
tomorrow. Danny I see. So, what color are you painting it?
2. Zoe Purple.
Alison What are you listening to, Brian? Danny What?
Brian It’s one of Uncle Ben’s jazz CDs.
Alison Do you like jazz? 4.
Brian Yeah, it’s good. Man Well, that was a very good meal.
Alison What about classical music? Woman And there’s fruit salad for dessert.
Brian I can’t stand it. I usually fall asleep to it. Man Ah, what’s in it?
Alison Me too. Woman There’s bananas, peaches, apples,
Man Umm, not for me, thanks.
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Woman What’s wrong? Don’t you like strawberries?

Man Well, I’m allergic to them, you see.
Woman OK, I have some chocolate cake, too.
Man Mmmm, excellent!

American edition
VOCABULARY 5. directed 3. Were, didn’t come, had 3. T
A. 6. imagine 4. didn’t have, wasn’t 4. F
1. f
2. d B. READ
3. g COMMUNICATION 1. carefully 1. At 9 o’clock.
4. a 1. c 2. loud 2. Because he/she woke up
5. b 2. a 3. hard late.
6. e 3. d 4. terrible 3. An orange juice.
7. c 4. b 5. late 4. The orange juice went all
6. lucky over a classmate and her
B. GRAMMAR 7. well computer.
1. hear A.
2. stole 1., found LISTEN
3. shout 2. did...go, went, didn’t like 1. T
4. caught 2. F

Louise Hi, Roger, when did you get back from Poland?
Roger Last night, I’m really tired.
Louise How many days did you stay?
Roger Just a week.
Louise Sounds nice. Did you go with that friend from work?
Roger No, he couldn’t come. So, I went with my brother.
Louise I see. So, what was it like in Warsaw?
Roger Well, it rained almost every day.
Louise Oh no! What did you do?
Roger Oh, it didn’t stop us. We went around and saw everything.
Louise So, you weren’t bored?
Roger No, it was great. We had a great time. Let me show you some pictures.
Louise Sure.

VOCABULARY 5. save 3. We have to buy new 4. c
A. 6. performed clothes. 5. b
1. lent 7. reply 4. May I make a phone call? 6. a
2. spectators 8. own 5. Victor has to book a hotel 7. c
3. canceled room for his vacation. 8. a
4. Ostriches COMMUNICATION 6. Could you pick me up
5. taking place 1. b from the airport? LISTEN
6. into 2. a 7. Tom is going to have a 1. a
7. prize 3. c party next week. 2. b
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8. ceremony 4. c 8. Why don’t we go 3. b

1. missed A. B. 1. T
2. chase 1. Can I borrow your 1. b 2. F
3. make grammar book? 2. a 3. T
4. invite 2. Will you do me a favor? 3. a 4. T

American edition

Man So, are we going to Sally’s party or the concert?
Woman Let’s go to both.
Man How?
Woman We can go to the party for a little while, then leave early and see the end of the concert.
Man That’s not a very good idea. How about going to the concert first? We can leave a little early and go to the party.
Woman You’re right. The party’s going to finish late, anyway.
Man OK, let’s do that.
Kelly Joe, are you busy this afternoon?
Joe Why? What do you want?
Kelly Could you go to the dry cleaner’s for me?
Joe Sure. What do you want me to take there?
Kelly I just want you to pick up my jacket. Do you know where the dry cleaner’s is?
Joe Yeah, it’s on Green Street.
Kevin Hello?
Woman Hi, Kevin, how’s it going?
Kevin Not bad.
Woman How do you feel?
Kevin I’m really excited actually. You are coming to my graduation party, right?
Woman Of course. What time?
Kevin Around 7:00.
Woman OK. Well, congratulations again.
Kevin Thanks a lot.

VOCABULARY B. A. 3. too expensive
A. 1. cotton 1. the best 4. hard enough
1. c 2. similar 2. nicer 5. too loud
2. a 3. look like 3. the funniest 6. sweet enough
3. b 4. change 4. more outgoing
4. a 5. department 5. the worst LISTEN
5. c 6. owner 6. the most expensive 1. F
6. b 7. more popular 2. T
7. c COMMUNICATION 8. farther / further 3. F
8. b 1. a 4. F
9. c 2. c B.
3. e 1. ones READ
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4. d 2. one 1. T
5. b 2. F
3. T
4. F

American edition

Fred Hi, Jane. What did you get?
Jane I bought this T-shirt.
Fred Who’s it for? Your dad?
Jane No, it’s for my brother.
Fred Your brother? No way. It’s too small.
Jane Maybe you’re right. He’s really tall.
Fred Tall? He’s huge! How much did you pay for it?
Jane Well, it was $40, but there was a 50% discount, so I got it for twenty.
Fred That’s good.
Jane But what am I going to do with it? Let me see… it fits you very well, I think.
Fred Do you think so?
Jane Yeah, take it.
Fred No thanks, I don’t like the color.

VOCABULARY 5. extreme 2. Have you ever explored a 2. not to be late
A. 6. look it up cave? 3. not to turn left
1. d 7. nightmare 3. Kevin has always wanted 4. to give him a call
2. f 8. useful to be a doctor. sometime
3. h 4. They have not visited a
4. g COMMUNICATION volcano before. LISTEN
5. c 1. c 1, 3, 5
6. b 2. e B.
7. a 3. b 1. has gone READ
8. e 4. d 2. Have...visited, came 1. went sailing
5. a 3. have seen 2. John, compass
B. 4. have never been 3. another week
1. coast GRAMMAR 5. has always been, tried
2. experienced A.
3. broke down 1. Kate has never climbed a C.
4. instructor mountain. 1. to get her some water.

Woman Hello?
Man Hi, it’s Jason.
Woman Hi, how’s your extreme vacation going?
Man Oh, it’s great. Today, I climbed up a volcano.
Woman Wow! Was it hot?
Man Oh, yeah!
Woman Have you visited that beautiful waterfall that we saw on the brochure?
Man Yes, I went there yesterday. It was amazing.
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Woman Were there any caves there?

Man No, but the trip there was really exciting. We went white-water rafting down the river.
Woman Wow! Have you tried any other sports?
Man Well, tomorrow we’re going sailing.
Woman You love sailing!
Man Yeah, I’m really looking forward to it. Then, on Saturday, I’m going to try bungee jumping.
Woman Now, that’s extreme.
Man I’m really scared, actually.
FINAL TEST B. GRAMMAR C. American edition
VOCABULARY 1. c A. 1. became
A. 2. a 1. c 2. Did, have seen
1. appointment 3. a 2. c 3. received
2. emergency 4. c 3. a 4. has always wanted
3. discount 5. c 4. b
4. fever 6. b 5. b D.
5. escalator 7. a 6. c 1. too
6. flyer 8. b 7. c 2. well
7. crowded 9. b 8. a 3. carefully
8. portable 10. a 9. a 4. experienced enough
9. depressed 10. b 5. to come
10. convenient COMMUNICATION 11. b 6. ones
11. willing 1. e 12. c
12. recognize 2. g LISTEN
13. attend 3. a B. 1. a
14. cancel 4. c 1. am making 2. a
15. embarrass 5. b 2. is, is interviewing 3. a
16. explain 6. f 3. doesn’t send, prefers 4. b
17. survive 7. h 4. are playing
8. d READ
1. b
2. c
3. b
4. c
5. c

1. Arnold Oh, where is it?
Irene I’m leaving now. Bye! Naomi What are you looking for?
Simon OK. Have a nice time at the gym. Arnold The key to the garage.
Irene I’m not going to the gym. Naomi It’s in the kitchen drawer.
Simon But it’s Friday afternoon. You usually go on Arnold No, I looked there.
Friday. Naomi When was the last time you were in the garage?
Irene Well, I’m meeting my sister for lunch today. Arnold Well, last month I went in there to clean up a
Simon I see. So, we’re not having dinner together later. little.
Irene Probably not. Naomi No, wait a minute. You were in there last week.
Simon OK. You went to find some paint.
Arnold That’s right. So, I had it last week.
2. Naomi Did you check the jeans you wear for painting?
Man So, did you find anything nice? Arnold I’m on it.
Woman Yes, I really like this top.
Man It’s a beautiful color. How much is it? 4.
Woman Thirty dollars. Anthony So, how did you do on the exams?
Man Get it. Kirsten Really well, I think.
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Woman I don’t think I have enough money. I only Anthony French was really easy.
have... twenty-two ninety. Kirsten Yes, it was. What about Math?
Man Here, you can borrow my last ten dollars. Anthony That wasn’t easy at all. But I did OK, I think.
Woman Really? Kirsten Me too. Physics was more difficult.
Man Yeah, no problem. Anthony Definitely. It was really hard.
Kirsten Well, let’s hope we pass.
Anthony Yeah.

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