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Be ready:

-Technical considerations
-Where’s the mute button
-On time


Hi everyone- this is... (both names) from … (department)

Rose Jones from R+H has just joined us
*The person who’s chairing might give an announcement like* :Sara
will be with us shortly
(So just think about what you would say if you were introducing
yourself) :

Let’s go:

*Now the person who’s chairing the meeting needs to get the call
going so they could say*: So the purpose of this call is to … Agree an
action plan for ...
The first item on our agenda is...
Get someone talking:

(…) Could you talk us through...?

(…) I’d be interested in hearing what you think about this.
Rose, maybe you’ve got some thoughts on …
(…) how do you feel about...?
(…) what do you think about...?
(…) what’s your view on this?

Giving opinions:

I think that’s a good idea

In my opinion, we need...
As far as I’m concerned...

*To see more go to WRITING-How to express agreement and


Checking understanding:

Am I right in thinking that the general opinion is...

So you’re saying that...
Can I just check, are we all up to speed (?)

Don’t agree:

To respect to ...what you were just saying about the... I’d like to point
out that...
I’ve still got some reservations about that


Sorry, could you just let Rose finish what she was saying?
Ok, I think we’re digressing a bit here (we’re going off and talking
about something else/ to go off topic)
Could we just come back to the agenda

Clarification points

Let’s summarise what’s been agreed here

Can I just check who’s doing what and by when? ; ex: Tom, Can you
remember what you need to do? … Rose you’ve agreed to do that , is
that okay? And you’re going to do that by … *Make sure people are
being accountable for their responsabilities*
End it:

Okay, we seem to have some sort of consensus here= … (?)

We’re going to need to draw things to a close now =… (?)

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