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1) Clapp and Dauvergne (Chapter 8)

a) For each one of the four different environmental visions, consider the following questions:
i) What is the basis for the analysis?
ii) What are the key ideas and issues?
iii) How does it envision to improve our future?
iv) How does it see the role of the global economy?
v) What changes would each one like to see? Who will make those changes?
vi) What’s the role of the individual?
vii) How does each vision react in regard to the other three visions?
b) Are these four visions each compatible with the others; can they be reconciled?
c) Where do you, and the group, stand?

2) Stiglitz (Chapter 10)

a) What are his views on outsourcing, unskilled workers and global inequality?
b) What are the choices for the U.S. regarding globalization and what’s Stiglitz's preferred response?
c) What is the democratic deficit in global institutions and its implications?
d) What’s the problem with thinking locally?
e) What are Stiglitz’s proposed responses to the democratic deficit?
f) How does he propose to find a new balance?
g) How does he propose to address national security?
h) What does he mean by saying that "economic globalization has been outpacing political globalization"?

3) Ellwood Globalization (Chapter 7)

a) What are Ellwood’s views on redesigning the global economy?
b) What will it take to create change?
c) What are some of his suggestions for change?
d) What’s similar and what’s different from Ellwood’s other book (Degrowth)?

4) Zero Hour Episode 1: Climate Change in China

a) Connect the film to the readings you’ve done and the discussions we’ve had?
b) What’s your view? Where does the group stand on the issues?

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