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Colegio Nacional de Educación Profesional Técnica


Name of
Independent Student´s
Siglema: CIIN-03 the
communication in English name:

Teacher evaluator: Group: Date:

1.2.1 A student elaborates a collage with

1.2 Talk and write about personal goals in
Activity of graphic content and exposes the main
Learning outcome: different contex using the structure will
evaluation: reasons they have to visit their places of
and going to.

Excellent Sufficient Insufficient
 Defines clearly the central  Defines clearly the central theme  Defines in a vague or imprecise
theme of the collage and of the collage and choose a way the central theme of the
choose a design design according to this one collage and choose a design
 Planes how the collage will  Planes how the collage will be unrelated to the theme
Planning 10
be made and with what made and with what material it  Omits to plan how the collage
1.6, 5.2
material it will be made will be made will be made and with what
 Establishes the material it will be made
intentionality of the collage
 Shows intentions or wishes,  Shows intentions or wishes, and  Confuses the use of will and
and predictions and predictions and promises that going to express intentions,
promises that are are expressed with Will wishes, predictions or concrete
expressed with Will  Shows plans with the certainty plans
 Shows plans with the that they will suffer and that they  Omits to configure a story to be
Content 30
certainty that they will express themselves with going to made in the place of interest
4.1, 4.2, 4.4 ,7.3
suffer and that they express  Sets a story to be made in the  Expresses the reasons for travel
themselves with going to place of interest without considering life lessons
 Sets a story to be made in  Expresses the reasons for travel
the place of interest with based on life lessons

CIIN-03 103/ 120

Colegio Nacional de Educación Profesional Técnica

Excellent Sufficient Insufficient
 Expresses the reasons for
travel based on life lessons
 Creates visual stories based  Uses correctly the grammar  Uses the grammatical
on your tastes and travel structure Subjet + will + main structure Subjet + will + main
preferences, joining verb to express intentions or verb with errors to express
elements that show a wishes, predictions and promises intentions or wishes,
trajectory of the characters in relation to tastes and travel predictions and promises
 Uses correctly the grammar preferences without considering tastes and
structure Subjet + will +  Uses correctly the grammatical travel preferences
main verb to express structure Subjet + auxiliary verb +  Uses the grammatical
intentions or wishes, going to + main verb to express structure Subjet auxiliary verb +
predictions and promises in concrete plans going to + main verb with
20 relation to tastes and travel errors to express concrete plans
4.1, 4.2, 4.4, 4.5
 Uses correctly the
grammatical structure
Subjet + auxiliary verb +
going to + main verb to
express concrete plans
 Includes texts alluding to
the theme with the correct
structure of future time

 Includes representative  Includes representative images  Includes non-representative

images and / or and / or photographs in layers, images
photographs in layers, starting with the background  Uses poor images without a
starting with the  Uses attractive images that draw communicative sense
Design background attention for their subject.  Omits the use of images that
4.1, 4.2, 4.4, 4.5, 10  Uses attractive images that  Displays images capable of configure the place of interest
6.4, 10.2 draw attention for their configuring the place of interest  Shows lack of balance in the
subject.  Shows balance in the layout of layout of graphic elements.
 Displays images capable of graphic elements.  Commits grammatical errors or
configuring the place of misspellings that impede
interest comprehension.

CIIN-03 104/ 120

Colegio Nacional de Educación Profesional Técnica

Excellent Sufficient Insufficient
 Shows balance in the layout
of graphic elements.
 Shows imagination and
creativity by creating the
message of the collage
 States clearly the reasons  States clearly the reasons why  Vaguely exposes the reasons
why you will visit the place you will visit the place of interest why you will visit the place of
of interest represented in represented in the collage interest represented in the
the collage  Focuses on relevant aspects of collage
 Focuses on relevant aspects the collage avoiding dispersion in  Is dispersed in secondary
of the collage avoiding secondary aspects aspects avoiding deepening in
dispersion in secondary  Clearly, accurately, and concisely the relevant
aspects exposes the content of the  Speaks intentions, wishes,
 Clearly, accurately, and collage predictions, promises and
concisely exposes the  Talks about intentions or wishes concrete plans using the Will
content of the collage predictions and promises using and going to
 Talks about intentions or Will  Listens critical comments
wishes predictions and  Talks about plans for the future about the use of modalities will
Exposition promises using Will with the certainty that they will and going to and about
20  Talks about plans for the suffer, using going to pronunciation and intonation,
4.1, 4.2, 4.4 y 7.3
future with the certainty  Listens with attention to but does not correct
that they will suffer, using comments to critical comments
going to about the use of modalities will
 Listens with attention to and going to and about
critical comments about pronunciation and intonation
the use of modalities will  Corrects the grammatical use
and going to and about and pronunciation of manners
pronunciation and will and going to
 Corrects the grammatical
use and pronunciation of
manners will and going to
 Reconstructs verbally and
visually each part of the

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Colegio Nacional de Educación Profesional Técnica

Excellent Sufficient Insufficient
collage when explaining
your intentions and travel
 Shows responsibility when  Shows responsibility when  Shows lack of responsibility
delivering the collage on delivering the collage on the date when delivering at a later date
the date established by the established by the teacher. than that established by the
teacher.  Shows perseverance to take teacher, or omits the delivery of
 Shows perseverance to take advantage of the errors marked the work.
Attitude advantage of the errors in previous activities to improve  Shows inconsistency by not
(Self- marked in previous their work. correcting errors marked in
10 activities to improve their  Shows respect for the work of previous activities.
work. their peers.  Shows lack of respect for the
1.6, 2.3, 7.2, 8.2  Shows respect for the work work of others
of their peers.
 Participates in practices
related to art with
imagination and in a
creative way

CIIN-03 106/ 120

Colegio Nacional de Educación Profesional Técnica


Name of
Independent Student´s
Siglema: CIIN-03 the
communication in English name:

Teacher evaluator: Group: Date:

1.3.1 Given a context such as restaurants,

1.3 Describe skills, possibilities and hospitals, museums and others, the student
Activity of
Learning outcome: recommendations of people in their writes a dialogue where he can make the
environment, using modals verbs. difference among can, could and have to in
different contexts.

Excellent Sufficient Insufficient
 Describes circumstances  Describes circumstances such as  He/she only describes the
such as the physical space the physical space and the time physical space or the time
and the time the dialogue the dialogue will take place when the dialogue will take
Contex will take place  Uses the lexicon acording of the place
20  Uses the lexicon acording of context.  Limited use of the lexicon
the context. according to context.
5.6, 6.1
 Values the importance of
context to interpret or
understand an event in a
specific space and place
 Writes a script about a  Writes a script about a dialogue  Writes a script about a dialogue
dialogue between a patient between a patient and two between a patient and two
and two healthcare healthcare professionals that health professionals that
professionals that includes includes the request and includes only the request for
40 the request and emission of emission of information about information about the
4.1, 4.2, 4.4, 4.5,
information about the the functions performed by each functions performed in the
functions performed by one in the hospital and about hospital and about what they
each one in the hospital and what they can, can not, and can, can not, and should do as
about what they can, can should do as part of their duties part of their duties in the
in the hospital hospital.

CIIN-03 107/ 120

Colegio Nacional de Educación Profesional Técnica

Excellent Sufficient Insufficient
not, and should do as part of  Uses clearly the modal verbs can,  Uses interchangeably, modal
their duties in the hospital can not and should express what verbs can, can and should to
 Uses clearly modal verbs health professionals can or can express what health
can, can not and should not do, as well as what they professionals can or can not do,
express what health should do. as well as what they should do.
professionals can or can not
do, as well as what they
should do.
 Uses lexicon referring to
physical and psychological
characteristics of the
hospital staff related to their
abilities and the forms of
hospital care
 Uses the format of  Uses the format of exchange of  Omits the use of the short
exchange of questions and questions and short interaction interaction question and
short interaction responses. responses. answer exchange format.
 Uses in a precise way the  Uses in a precise way the  Incorrectly uses the grammar
gramatical structure gramatical structure structure Subjet + can +
Subjet+can+ Subjet+can+ infinitive + complement to
infinitive+complement to infinitive+complement to express skills:
express skills: express skills:  Incorrectly uses the grammar
 Uses in a precise way the  Uses in a precise way the structure Subjet + should +
Grammar 30 gramatical structure gramatical structure infinitive + complement to
4.1, 4.2, 4.4, 4.5 Subjet+should + Subjet+should + express responsibilities
infinitive+complement to infinitive+complement to  Omits to use the present
express responsabilities express responsabilities simple of the verb to be with
 Uses the present simple of  Uses the present simple of the the first, second and third
the verb to be with the first, verb to be with the first, second persons in the singular.
second and third persons in and third persons in singular.  Refuses to use affirmative and
singular.  Uses affirmative and negative negative sentences.
 Uses affirmative and sentences.
negative sentences.

CIIN-03 108/ 120

Colegio Nacional de Educación Profesional Técnica

Excellent Sufficient Insufficient
 Uses of technical
terminology relative to the
hospital context

 Shows responsibility when  Shows responsibility when  Shows irresponsibility when

delivering on the date delivering on the date delivering the conversation
established by the teacher. established by the teacher. after the date set by the
 Recognizes its own  Recognizes its own prejudices, teacher
prejudices, modifies its modifies its points of view when  Fails to recognize its own
points of view when it learns it learns new evidences, and prejudices, modify its points of
new evidences, and integrates new knowledge and view before new evidences
integrates new knowledge perspectives with the acquis it  Shows lack of perseverance,
and perspectives with the has. does not take advantage of the
acquis it has.  Shows perseverance in taking errors marked in previous
Attitudes  Shows perseverance in advantage of the errors marked activities to improve their work.
1.6, 6.3, 7.2, 8.2 taking advantage of the in previous activities to improve  Refuses to improve his work
errors marked in previous their work. based on the errors marked in
activities to improve their  Does the work collaboratively. previous activities
work.  Shows respect for the work of  Shows lack of respect for the
 Does the work their classmates. work of their peers.
 Shows respect for the work
of his classmates.
 Proposes ideas for


CIIN-03 109/ 120

Colegio Nacional de Educación Profesional Técnica

Name of
Independent Student´s
Siglema: CIIN-03 the
communication in English name:

Teacher evaluator: Group: Date:

2.1.1 Students elaborate and do a survey with

their classmates about what they like to do,
the questions should have a limitation of time
2.1 Describe tastes and preferences of
Activity of and place, for example: What do you like to do
Learning outcome: themselves and the people around
evaluation: after school? Afterwards, they report the
them, using adverbial phrases.
collected answers to the rest of the class,
trying to find similarities and elaborating a
graphic organizer.

Excellent Sufficient Insufficient
 Defines clearly the objective  Defines clearly the objective of  Vaguely defines the objective
of the survey and to whom the survey and to whom it is of the survey and to whom it is
it is addressed addressed addressed
 Defines what information  Defines accurately the  Defines the information to be
you want to obtain information to obtain, how to obtained, but not how to
Planning 10  Defines accurately the collect it, process it and present collect it, process it and present
1.6, 5.2 information to obtain, how the results. the results.
to collect it, process it and
present the results
 Identifies and defines the
problem or topic of interest
to investigate.
 Makes a survey that  Makes a survey that includes the  Does a survey that only
includes: next includes two of the following
Content  Questions about  Questions about activities aspects:
4.1, 4.2, 4.4, 4.5 activities that that classmates like to do  Questions about activities
10.2 classmates like to do  When and where do they do that classmates like to do
their favorite activities  When and where do they
do their favorite activities

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Colegio Nacional de Educación Profesional Técnica

Excellent Sufficient Insufficient
 When and where do  The frequency in which they  The frequency in which they
they do their favorite perform the preferred perform the preferred activities
activities activities
 The frequency in which
they perform the
preferred activities
 Values the survey as a
means to gather
information that helps to
solve needs and make
 Uses the grammatical  Uses the grammatical structure  It fails to use any of the
structure to express actions to express actions with regular following grammatical aspects,
with regular verbs in verbs in present simple. which makes it difficult to
present simple.  Use adverbial phrases to express understand the message.
 Uses adverbial phrases to tastes and preferences.  The grammatical structure
express tastes and  Uses prepositions and adverbs of to express actions with
preferences. time. regular verbs in present
 Uses vocabulary related to  Uses vocabulary related to simple.
preferred activities, tastes preferred activities, tastes and  Adverbial phrases to
Grammar 20 and preferences. preferences. express tastes and
4.1, 4.2, 4.4, 4.5  Uses affirmative and  Uses affirmative and negative preferences.
negative sentences. sentences.  Prepositions and adverbs of
 Uses frequency adverbs.  Uses frequency adverbs. time.
 Uses the question structure.  Uses the question structure.  Vocabulary related to
 Uses vocabulary related to preferred activities, tastes
interests personal, school and preferences.
and professional.  Affirmative and negative
 Frequency adverbs.
 The question structure.
Graphic  Presents the information in  Presents the information in a  Presents information without
organizer a logical order through logical order through images and logical order using images or
4.1, 4.4, 4.5, 5.2 images and text text text

CIIN-03 111/ 120

Colegio Nacional de Educación Profesional Técnica

Excellent Sufficient Insufficient
 Shows graphic information  Shows graphic information  Shows insufficient graphic
about the answers of enough about the answers of information about the answers
classmates in relation to the classmates in relation to the of classmates in relation to the
questions posed questions posed questions posed
 Sort and classify  Sorst and classifies information  Allows to order and classify
information into categories into categories according to the information in categories
according to the information obtained according to the information
information obtained  Shows similarities, repeated obtained
 Shows similarities, repeated activities, frequencies and habits
activities, frequencies and  Facilitates the understanding of
habits the concepts or the data
 Describes relationships obtained.
between the responses
obtained and other aspects
of the behavior and
environment of classmates
 Expresses tastes and  Expresses tastes and preferences  Expresses tastes and
preferences using frases using frases adverbiales preferences by omitting the
adverbiales  Report with clarity and precision use of adverbial phrases
 Reports with clarity and activities carried out after school  Reports activities carried out
precision activities carried organized in: after school without organizing
out after school organized  Recreational them
in:  Cultural  Fails to report any of the
Report the  Recreational  Sports following information:
information  Cultural  Religious  The place where the favorite
4.1, 4.2, 4.4, 7.3  Sports  Provides information accurate activities of classmates are
 Religious about activities and preferences carried out
 Providse information of classmates.  Frequency with which
accurate about activities  Includes information about the activities are carried out
and preferences of place where the favorite activities  Similarities between the
classmates. of classmates are carried out responses of their peers
 Includes information about  Includes frequency with which  Listens to critical comments
the place where the favorite activities are carried out about the use and

CIIN-03 112/ 120

Colegio Nacional de Educación Profesional Técnica

Excellent Sufficient Insufficient
activities of classmates are  Identifies similarities between pronunciation of adverbial
carried out the responses of their peers phrases
 Includes frequency with  Listens attentively to critical  Omits to correct the
which activities are carried comments about the use and grammatical structure and use
out pronunciation of adverbial of adverbial phrases as well as
 Identifies similarities phrases their pronunciation
between the responses of  Correcst the grammatical
their peers structure and use of adverbial
 Listens attentively to critical phrases as well as their
comments about the use pronunciation
and pronunciation of
adverbial phrases
 Corrects the grammatical
structure and use of
adverbial phrases as well as
their pronunciation
 Draws conclusions about
the preferred activities of
classmates and their
relationship with their
social development, school
performance or
professional projection
 Shows responsibility when  Shows responsibility when  Shows lack of responsibility
delivering on the date delivering on the date when delivering at a later date
established by the teacher. established by the teacher. than that established by the
 Recognizes its own  Recognizes its own prejudices, teacher, or omits the delivery of
Attitudes prejudices, modifies its modifies its points of view when the work.
10 points of view when it learns it learns new evidences, and  Omits to recognize its own
1.6, 7.2, 8.3, 10.1
new evidences, and integrates new knowledge and prejudices, modifies its points
integrates new knowledge perspectives with the acquis it of view when it learns new
and perspectives with the has. evidences, and integrates new
acquis it has.  Shows perseverance in taking knowledge and perspectives
advantage of the errors marked with the acquis it has.

CIIN-03 113/ 120

Colegio Nacional de Educación Profesional Técnica

Excellent Sufficient Insufficient
 Shows perseverance in in previous activities to improve  Shows inconsistency by not
taking advantage of the their work. correcting errors marked in
errors marked in previous  Does the work collaboratively. previous activities.
activities to improve their  Shows respect for the work of his  Shows lack of respect for the
work. classmates. work of others.
 Does the work
 Shows respect for the work
of his classmates.
 Proposes ideas for

CIIN-03 114/ 120

Colegio Nacional de Educación Profesional Técnica

Name of
Independent Student´s
Siglema: CIIN-03 the
communication in English name:

Teacher evaluator: Group: Date:

2.2.1 Given a situation (text, video, image),

2.2 Express general truths and facts, and students elaborate a set of rules or facts that
cause-effect relationships present and Activity of follow a logical order and lead to a specific
Learning outcome:
future, related to personal, family and evaluation: result, describing cause and effect.
social situations, using conditionals

Excellent Sufficient Insufficient
 Shows clearly cause-effect  Shows clearly cause-effect  Vaguely shows cause-effect
reactions considered reactions considered universal reactions considered universal
universal truths. truths. truths.
 Represents a phenomenon  Represents a phenomenon or  Represents a phenomenon or
or facts with a logical facts with a logical sequence. events without a logical
sequence.  Shows clearly the origin or cause sequence.
 Shows clearly the origin or of the phenomena  Vaguely shows the origin or
cause of the phenomena  Shows the cause as what creates cause of the phenomena.
 Shows the cause as what or produces another  Omits to show the cause as
creates or produces phenomenon and precedes it in what another phenomenon
another phenomenon and time creates or produces and
Content 40
precedes it in time  Shows a series of events that are precedes it in time.
4.1, 4.2, 4.4, 5.2,  Shows a series of events followed and are related to each  Shows a series of events that
5.3, 7.3 that are followed and are other. have no relation to each other.
related to each other.  Makes accurate statements  Makes vague statements about
 Makes accurate statements about the real world based on the real world based on general
about the real world based general facts that are given of facts that are given of certain
on general facts that are certain specific conditions. specific conditions.
given of certain specific
 Generalizes the facts by
identifying identical

CIIN-03 115/ 120

Colegio Nacional de Educación Profesional Técnica

Excellent Sufficient Insufficient
common characteristics,
certainty and certainty in
the situations that happen
around them
 Uses correctly the  Uses correctly the conditional  Uses the conditional ZERO
conditional ZERO structure: ZERO structure: Proposition structure but omits any of its
Proposition (condition) (condition) main proposition components
main proposition (result) to (result) to express cause-effect  Confuses the logical structure
express cause-effect relationships of the conditional Zero
relationships  Uses in a precise way the present  Avoids using the present
Grammar  Uses in a precise way the simple to explain facts that simple to explain facts that
4.1, 4.2, 4.4, present simple to explain invariably happen when the invariably happen when the
facts that invariably happen same conditions are met same conditions are met
when the same conditions
are met
 Uses vocabulary related to
natural phenomena,
scientific facts
 Shows clearly the cause-  Shows clearly the cause-effect  It shows inaccurately the
effect relationship of relationship of various cause-effect relationship of
various phenomena that phenomena that occur in the various phenomena that occur
occur in the natural world natural world in the natural world
 Clearly expresses the  Clearly expresses the conditional  Confusingly expresses the
conditional Zero according Zero according to the structure: conditional Zero according to
to the structure: Proposition (condition), main the structure: Proposition
Image Proposition (condition), proposition (result): If + simple (condition) main proposition
4.1, 4.4 y 4.5 main proposition (result): If present + simple present (result)
+ simple present + simple  Shows a logical and graphic If + simple present + simple
present synthesis present
 Shows a logical and graphic  Schematically represents the  Presents an image without
synthesis cause-effect structure and points logical and graphic synthesis
 Schematically represents out relationships and
the cause-effect structure dependencies between ideas
and points out relationships

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Colegio Nacional de Educación Profesional Técnica

Excellent Sufficient Insufficient
and dependencies
between ideas
 Includes representative
images and / or
photographs to improve
the understanding of
relationships cause-effect
 Shows responsibility when  Shows responsibility when  Shows irresponsibility when
delivering on the date delivering on the date delivering the conversation
established by the teacher. established by the teacher. after the date set by the
 Shows perseverance in  Shows perseverance in taking teacher or fails to deliver the
taking advantage of the advantage of the errors marked work.
Attitudes errors marked in previous in previous activities to improve  Shows a lack of perseverance in
1.6, 7.2, 8.3 activities to improve their their work. taking advantage of the
work.  Shows respect for the work of mistakes made in previous
 Shows respect for the work their classmates. activities to improve his work.
of their classmates.  Shows lack of respect for the
 Proposes ideas for work of their peers.

CIIN-03 117/ 120

Colegio Nacional de Educación Profesional Técnica

Name of
Independent Student´s
Siglema: CIIN-03 the
communication in English name:

Teacher evaluator: Group: Date:

2.3 Exchange information about past 2.3.1 A survey: Students walk around the class
and present activities carried out by him Activity of getting information of activities that started in
Learning outcome:
and by people around him using the evaluation: the past but have an impact in the present,
perfect present tense and report the information obtained.

Excellent Sufficient Insufficient
 Defines clearly the  Defines clearly the objective of  Vaguely defines the objective
objective of the survey and the survey and to whom it is of the survey and to whom it is
to whom it is addressed addressed addressed
 Defines what information  Defines accurately the  Defines the information to be
you want to obtain information to obtain, how to obtained, but not how to
Planning  Define accurately the collect it, process it and present collect it, process it and present
1.6, 5.2 information to obtain, how the results the results
to collect it, process it and
present the results
 Identify and define the
problem or topic of interest
to investigate
 Makes a survey that  Makes a survey that includes  Makes a survey that includes
includes  Questions about of activities only questions about of
 Questions about of that started in the past but activities that started in the
activities that started in have an impact in the past but have an impact in the
Content the past but have an present present
4.1, 4.2, 4.4, 4.5, 40 impact in the present  Questions about the reasons
10.2  Questions about the why activities carried out in
reasons why activities the past have an impact on
carried out in the past the present
have an impact on the

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Colegio Nacional de Educación Profesional Técnica

Excellent Sufficient Insufficient
 Values the survey as a
means to gather
information that helps
to solve needs and
make decisions.
 Uses the grammatical  Uses the grammatical structure  Fails to use any of the following
structure to express actions to express actions with regular grammatical aspects, which
with regular verbs in verbs in present perfect makes it difficult to understand
present perfect  Uses present perfect tense to the message
 Uses present perfect tense express past actions that have an  The grammatical structure
to express past actions that impact on the present to express actions with
Grammar have an impact on the  Uses prepositions and adverbs of regular verbs in present
4.1, 4.2, 4.4, 4.5 present time. perfect
 Uses prepositions and  Present perfec tense to
adverbs of time. express past actions that
 Uses vocabulary about the have an impact on the
social, school and work present
environment of classmates  Prepositions and adverbs of
 Provides clear and precise  Provides clear and precise  Provides information about the
information about the information about the actions actions that were carried out in
actions that were carried that were carried out in the past the past and have an impact on
out in the past and have an and have an impact on the the present
impact on the present present  Fails to express the reasons
Report the  Expresses the reasons why  Expresses the reasons why some why some activities carried out
some activities carried out activities carried out in the past in the past have an impact on
information 20
in the past have an impact have an impact on the present of the present of classmates
4.1, 4.2, 4.4, 7.3
on the present of classmates
classmates  Focuses on relevant aspects
 Focuses on relevant avoiding dispersion in secondary
aspects avoiding aspects
dispersion in secondary

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Colegio Nacional de Educación Profesional Técnica

Excellent Sufficient Insufficient
 Draws conclusions on the
importance of concluding
pending activities for the
realization of plans and
 Shows responsibility when  Shows responsibility when  Shows lack of responsibility
delivering on the date delivering on the date when delivering at a later date
established by the teacher. established by the teacher. than that established by the
 Recognizes its own  Recognizes its own prejudices, teacher, or omits the delivery of
prejudices, modifies its modifies its points of view when the work.
points of view when it it learns new evidences, and  Omits recognizes its own
learns new evidences, and integrates new knowledge and prejudices, modifies its points
integrates new knowledge perspectives with the acquis it of view when it learns new
and perspectives with the has. evidences, and integrates new
Attitudes acquis it has.  Shows respect for the work of knowledge and perspectives
10  Proposes ideas for their classmates. with the acquis it has.
1.6, 7.2, 8.3, 10.1
improvement.  Shows inconsistency by not
correcting errors marked in
previous activities.
 Shows lack of perseverance,
not taking advantage of the
mistakes made in previous
activities to improve their work.
 Shows lack of respect for the
work of their peers.


CIIN-03 120/ 120

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