The Greek Contribution Reveals That Geography Has A Longer Geneology Than Any Other Science

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The Greek contribution reveals that geography has a longer genealogy than any other science. During Greek period, geography was considered to be a branch of knowledge of cosmology, determination of latitude and longitudes, description of places, mountains, rivers, tribes, and nation. This was a period when the habitable world was extremely limited and therefore within the comprehension of scholar. Greek periods are known as Golden Age of Greece 5th BC-2ndBC. The Greek borrowed concepts of Astronomy, Geometry and Mathematical from Egyptians, Chaldeans and Assyrians. Geographical knowledge in the earliest age was however, limited to the countries and islands adjacent to Greece, and as the group of nation, surrounding the Aegean Sea. Greeks possessed philosophical and scientific aptitude, versatility of intellect, inquisitive nature and comprehensiveness of mind. They were not secretive like Phoenicians. The location of Greece, situated on both side of the Aegean Sea, was conductive for the geographical studies. The capes project into the sea inspired traders to go to the neighbouring island and nation. Living in such a physical setting Greek made tremendous advancement in Geomorphology, Climatology and Oceanography also because Greece experiences earthquake has hot spring, volcanoes, limestone topography etc. Geometry was developed in fertile Nile Valley as the people needed to measure their field and Astronomy was developed in desert areas with clear skies. Between 5th and 3rd century BC Greek colonies were established around Mediterranean and Euxine Sea (Black Sea). In the 5th BC Miletus became the main centre of Geographical enquiry. Early expedition of Hanno along West Coast of Libya and Alexander towards east enriched Greeks knowledge. Establishment of Library, Museum at Alexandria provided impetus to Greek Scholar. At this library Eratosthenes and Hipparchus made observation about earths size, shape and circumference.

Lets us shortly describe various Greeks Scholar contribution in various fields of geography. HOMER Homer is a greatest Greek poet and also he is the first Greek geographer. His work was published in the form of Iliad and odyssey. He used to write poems that describe about Trojan War. He believed the earth to be circular, surrounded on all side by Ocean River. He also believed sky is concave, equals in extend to the earth, resting on tall pillar. These pillars are in charge of Atlas. He also assumes that Sun rose and sank in the Ocean stream. Homer is not familiar with the Europe and Asia. He described about 6 month day and night in his stories. Greek considered Homer as the father of Geography where as actually Hecateous is the father of Geography.

THALES OF MILETUS He was the first to initiate measurement of earth and location of places on the surface of the earth. According to Thales earth is a disc floating in water. Thales predicted Eclipse of sun. Thales was impress by the work of Egyptians monk especially geometry and trigonometry and brought many concepts. Thales and Anaximander was the founder of Mathematical Geography.

ANAXIMANDER Anaximander was a disciple of Thales. He introduced Babylonian Instrument Gnomon into Greek world. Gnomon was like a sun dial. Anaximander made first world map to scale before him map was made by Sumerian but it was pictorial. His map was circular, with Greece in centre, bounded on all side by ocean. Gnomon used to draw longitude/Meridians (meaning noon). It can tell exact North South direction. Anaximander along with Thales is considered as founder of Geometric or Mathematical tradition. Since Anaximander made the first world map therefore he is also considered as first Cartographer.

HECATAEUS (6th BC) He was considered as the first Greek who started literary tradition of writing of prose. Hecataeus main work is Ges Periduos(description of earth). It was the first known attempts to synthesise the available knowledge about the world in the usable term. Because of this contribution Hecataeus is considered as father of Geography. His work could be called as periplus which means in Greek language the coastal survey (especially near Aegean sea and Vicinity of Mediterranean sea). His works are divided into two books.

1. Book contains information about Europe. 2. Book containing information about Libya (Africa + Asia).

Regarding earth he maintained that earth is circular plane with Greece in the centre. Landmass divided into two parts

1. Europe North 2. Libya (Africa+Asia) World map prepared by him was based on Anaximanders map. According to his map near the head of Adriatic Sea he place Istri tribe also described about Po called by name of Istri (Po) where the fertility of land is extremely high. He plotted Tanais (Don) river. He mentioned about Melachlaeni tribe (Scythia) and Issedonean tribe (North of Caspian). He regards Caspian Sea as an arm of ocean, bounded to the west by lofty snow covered mountains (Caucasus). He also mention about India and Indus River and plotted on map. He referred to several tribes and cities of India especially Gandhari people. He ascended Nile upto Thebes. The account of phoenix, Hippopotamus and Crocodiles as given by Hecataeus was literally copied later by Herodotus.

HERODOTUS (5th BC) He was the father of history and was also one of the pioneer geographers. All history must be treated geographically and all geography historicallyHerodotus. His work is an excellent of historical geography. Anthropologists consider him as foremost Enthnographer as he described about existing tribes and their life style. Born at Halicarnassus, wrote most of his work at Athens, and completed at Thurii. Regarding the shape of the earth his views were not similar to theat of Hecataeus (circular plane surrounded by oceans). He belongs to Pythagorean School of philosophy. He considered Europe was equivalent to Asia and Libya combined. He believed that sun was driven southward by the winds at the approach of winter. He was the first to draw Meridians on the world map. He was familiar with Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean and Atlantic Ocean. And also familiar with two island Seas- Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea. He ignored Persian Gulf. He also navigated Euxine Sea (Black Sea). Earlier Palus-Maeotis (Sea of Azov) was considered as the Mother of Euxine. He regarded Caspian as an Inland Sea earlier it was considered as an arm of Northern Ocean. He studied Nile Delta, Nile flood plain he is the first to used word Nile Delta. Later the word delta became general term and used for defining the mouth of the river. He explained the process of delta formation. He tried to establish relationship between temperature and the movement of winds. He was the first scholar who divided world land mass into three continents. 1. Europe 2. Asia 3. Libya Considered Ister (Danube) as the greatest river of the world. His knowledge of Asia was confined mainly to Persian Empire. Not aware with Great Asian Mountain-Tarus, Elburz, Zagros, Hindukush, Himilayas.

Gave some account of Royal Road joining Sardis to Susa About India he was not familiar with Gangetic Plain. Considered Indus as WestEast flowing river. Gandhar (casapatyrus) was the only city known to him. He described about Macrobian tribe of Ethiopia and assumes them to be then tallest and most handsome tribe of the world. He divided interior parts of Africa into three latitudinal zones. He mention that in Sahara there is five Oasis ALEXANDER THE GREAT (356-323 BC) He was a disciple of Aristotle who taught his pupil to go and see for themselves whether a particular theory could or could not be accepted. He was king of Macedonia. his main objective were to establish Greek rule all over the world and to reorganized the world administrative system and also to determine the outer limits of the world. His treatment of conquered people was exemplary. He said, all people are brothers and should be treated as brothers. He founded the city of Alexandria. In spring of 327 BC, he crossed Hindu Kush and pass Khyber Pass, crossing Indus he entered plains of Punjab or the land of five rivers. Alexander, for his return, adopted the land and the sea route.

ERATOSTHENES (276-196th BC) He is the first Scientific Geographer who ascertained the length of equator on sound principles. He was invite by the ruler of Egypt, Ptolemy Euegestes, and appointed Chief Librarian at Alexandria. Regarding earth adopted the view of Aristotle and Euclid. Supported Geocentric view, with Spherical Shape of the earth. Sun and the moon had the independent motion of their own.

Used Gnomon to measure the length of Equator. He made to observation first at Syene (Aswan) and second at Alexandria, outside the museum, where there was a tall obelisk. Measured the circumference = 25000 miles. The only error he did was that he considered the earth as a perfect sphere instead of oblate spheroid. Often referred to as Father of Geography as a branch of knowledge. Combine the word Geographie-description about the world; and called himself as geographer. Wrote first formal text on Geography called Geographica. Measured distance between earth, moon and sun. Developed system of coordinate i.e. latitude and longitude. The book written by him describes the ekumene- the inhabited world, in which he considered five climatic zones and the major division of Europe, Asia and Libya. He believed Spread of earth is more pronounced from W to E than from N to S. He conceived the subcontinent of India to be of Rhomboidal form. he was first to mention name of Nubian Tribe. Considered inhabitable world as island and made it in shape of irregular oblong. Attempted to give Geography a systematic form. First parallel he draw passed from pillar of Hercules to extremity of India. HIPPARCHUS Astronomer and Mathematician. Discovered the precision of equinoxes. Compile the first known Star Catalogue. After death of Eratosthenes he became librarian at Alexandria. First to specify places on earth surface with longitude and longitude. On the basis on latitude he divides the world into climate. First to divide circle into 360 degree, based on Assyrian arithmetic. Pointed out the Equator and Meridians all Great Circles. Each hour earth turns 15 degree of longitude. Invented Astrolabe for determining latitude and longitude. It was easy to handle and more accurate than Gnomon. Astrolabe made possible to measure latitude at sea by observing the angle of polestar. Converted 3 dimensional spheres into 2 dimensional planes.

Designed orthographic and stereographic projections. First to draw grid of latitude and longitude.

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