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Grading A+ A A- B+ B B- C D F

Rubric for
1) Topic focus Bold and Detailed focus Sharply Relevant Mostly Uneven, Poorly Largely No clear
original focused throughout relevant but mainly focused but irrelevant focus
throughout relevant some
2) Knowledge Outstanding Excellent Very good Good Coherent Good with Significant Limited Incoherent
and and error-free some errors gaps
3) Analysis Extremely Insightful Well-judged Persuasive Satisfactory Satisfactory Little Limited Almost
and close insightful analysis with and reading of reading reading evidence of analysis entirely
reading of imagination compelling the texts with some close absent or
texts and rigour errors reading irrelevant
4) Grammar, No errors No errors Some minor Some minor Typographic Passable Passable Poor Very poor
spelling, and typographical typographica al errors and grammar grammar grammar grammar
form errors l errors and lapses in and spelling and spelling and spelling and spelling
lapses in grammar
Grading Rubric for Group Presentation
Primary Rigorous, Detailed and Detailed and Uses good Uses Uses Narrow Almost Absent
Source detailed, and comprehensiv comprehensiv range of adequate adequate range of wholly
Research comprehensiv e e sources number of number of research, absent
e sources, but sources, insufficient
lacking in but lacking attention to
detail or in detail or detail
breadth breadth
Analysis and Extremely Insightful Well-judged Persuasive Satisfactory Satisfactory Little Limited Almost
close reading insightful analysis with and reading of reading reading evidence of analysis entirely
of text imagination compelling the texts with some close absent or
and rigour errors reading irrelevant
Grammar, No errors No errors Some minor Some minor Typographic Passable Passable Poor Very poor
spelling, and typographical typographica al errors and grammar grammar grammar grammar
form errors l errors and lapses in and spelling and spelling and spelling and spelling
lapses in grammar
Use of visual Exceeds Compelling Smart and Clear and Mostly Some Some Limited Irrelevant or
aids expectations and compelling coherent relevant relevance relevance relevance absent
of aids interactive with gaps
Class Outstanding Excellent Very good Good Coherent Good with Significant Limited Incoherent
Engagement some errors gaps
Grading Rubric for Participation
Class Outstanding Excellent Very good Good Coherent Good with Significant Limited Incoherent
Engagement some errors gaps
Analysis and Extremely Insightful Well-judged Persuasive Satisfactory Satisfactory Little Limited Almost
close reading insightful analysis with and reading of reading reading evidence of analysis entirely
of text imagination compelling the texts with some close absent or
and rigour errors reading irrelevant
Rubric for
Final Essay A+ A A- B+ B B- C D F
1) Topic focus Bold and Detailed focus Sharply Relevant Mostly Uneven, Poorly Largely No clear
original focused throughout relevant but mainly focused but irrelevant focus
throughout relevant some
2) Knowledge Outstanding Excellent Very good Good Coherent Good with Significant Limited Incoherent
and and error-free some errors gaps
3) Originality Original Excellent Sophisticated Intelligent Descriptive Descriptive Unsupporte Almost Absent
of argument contribution and and showing rather than and d assertions wholly
and/or to knowledge independent some analytical showing and much lacking in
execution of independenc some confusion reasoned
concept e confusion argument or
4) Analysis Extremely Insightful Well-judged Persuasive Satisfactory Satisfactory Little Limited Almost
and close insightful analysis with and reading of reading reading evidence of analysis entirely
reading of imagination compelling the texts with some close absent or
texts and rigour errors reading irrelevant
5) Detailed Detailed Critically Sound critical Some Little Little Almost Absent
Engagement knowledge of knowledge of acute grasp knowledge knowledge knowledge wholly
with the field and the field of of critical of critical absent
secondary its limits background background field
texts but largely
6) Structure Fully Fully Fully coherent Clear and Lacking Some Disjointed Almost No
coherent, coherent, with fluent coherent coherence coherence; with much wholly discernible
developed, developed, development but some some repetition incoherent structure
and and clarity repetition
signposted signposted
throughout throughout
7) Grammar, No errors No errors Some minor Some minor Typographic Passable Passable Poor Very poor
spelling, and typographical typographica al errors and grammar grammar grammar grammar
form errors l errors and lapses in and spelling and spelling and spelling and spelling
lapses in grammar
8) Style and Exceeds Meets Meets Satisfactorily Meets Meets Largely inappropriat Entirely
expression expectations expectations expectations meets general general inappropriat e style of inappropriat
expectations expectations expectation e writing e
s with some
9) Conforms Conforms Conforms Largely Largely Partly Little Almost Absent
Referencing fully to a fully to a fully to a conforms to conforms to conforms attempt to wholly
and recognised recognised recognised a recognised a recognised to a conform to a absent
bibliography referencing referencing referencing referencing referencing recognised recognised
system system system system system with referencing referencing
some errors system system
10) Extremely Extremely Extremely Very clear Clear and Reasonably Lacks Lacks clarity Lacks clarity
Presentation clear and well clear and well clear and well and well well clear and sufficient and contains and contains
delivered with delivered delivered delivered delivered well clarity, little of very little of
some delivered covering relevance to relevance to
elements that some the topic the topic
are relevant
outstanding points

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