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MAPS (Matching Practise Success) Bidang Studi Kelas Semester Kompetensi : Bahasa Inggris : SD 5 : 1 (satu) : # Use of Some &




Paraf Tutor

Paraf Ortu

Oct 14th 2011

# Past Tense

Ive got some milk I havent got any cheese Have you got any sugar? Would you like some water? (this is an offer be careful!)
I can see a house, a lake and 2 We've got one dog, two cats and fish. 3 I like all of them. 4 There are cupboard. 5 I can't find 6 Natalia hasn't got songs by Ricki Martin but not trees. 7 There aren't Scotland. 8 Have you got computer? 9 Are there chocolate biscuits in the 10 Would you like books about dinosaurs. friends in Athens. 11 We haven't got 12 I've got grapes? eggs. pens in my bag. banana trees in

games for your

messages for me?

V1 (Infinitive) Makan Minum Bersinar Bangun tidur Menjadi Datang Mulai Membeli Menangkap Memilih Memotong Mimpi Mengemudi Jatuh Menemukan V2 (Simple Past) eat Drink Arise Awake Become Come Begin Buy Catch Choose Cut Dream Drive Fall Find V3 (Past Participle) Ate Drank Arise Awoke Became Came Began Bought Caught Chose Cut Dreamed Drove Fell Found Meaning Eaten Drunk Arise Awoken Become Come Begun Bought Caught Chose Cut Dreamed Driven Dallen found EXAMPLE SENTENCES (IN PAST TENSE-USE V2) We ate fried noodles last night. Did i drink a water last month? I did not arise my live well They awoke late yesterday My mother became a hero last night. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. .................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. .................................


Learning for Success

MAPS (Matching Practise Success)

Bidang Studi Kelas Semester Kompetensi

: Bahasa Inggris : SD 5 : 1 (satu) : People Character



Paraf Tutor

Paraf Ortu

Oct 14th 2011

Friendly Kind Good Bad Patient Stupid Stingy Sad Black eyes Big eyes Dark skin Blond Rich Near Short Big Handsome Fat Straight Dirty Busy Old Strong High Narrow Difficult Blind

ramah Baik Bagus jelek Sabar Bodoh Pelit Sedih Mata hitam Bermata besar Berkulit gelap Pirang Kaya Dekat Pendek Besar Ganteng Gemuk Lurus Kotor Sibuk Tua Kuat Tinggi (bangunan) Sempit Susah Buta

Polite Shy/ashamed Talkative Funny Cruel Diligent Cheerful Angry Blue eyes Small eyes Curly Wavy Poor Late Thick Little Ugly Bald Different Direct Sick Afraid Weak Low Full Easy Delicious

Sopan Pemalu Cerewet Lucu Jahat Rajin Periang Marah Mata merah Bermata kecil Keriting Berombak Miskin Terlambat Tebal Kecil Jelek Botak Berbeda Langsung Sakit Takut Lemah Rendah Penuh Mudah Lezat

Arrogant Quiet Serious Helpful Clever Lazy Happy Naughty Brown eyes White skin Straight Long Far Tall Thin Beautiful Slim Dark Clean Long Young Famous Dull Wide Empty Curious Healthy

Sombong Pendiam Serius Suka menolong Pintar Malas Senang Nakal Bermata soklat Berkulit putih Lurus Panjang Jauh Tinggi Tipis Cantik Ramping Gelap Bersih Panjang Muda Terkenal Bodoh Lebar Kosong Ingin tahu sehat


Learning for Success

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