Cherng Et Al. (2007)

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Rong-Ju Cherng, PhD, PT

Chuan-Fei Liu, MS, PT Cerebral Palsy
Tin-Wai Lau, MS, PT
Rong-Bin Hong, MD

From the Department of Physical RESEARCH ARTICLE
Therapy, College of Medicine,
National Cheng Kung University,
Tainan, Taiwan (R-JC, C-FL);
Institute of Allied Health Sciences,
College of Medicine, National Cheng Effect of Treadmill Training with
Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan
(R-JC); and Department of Physical
Medicine and Rehabilitation, Chi Mei
Body Weight Support on Gait and
Medical Center, Tainan, Taiwan
(T-WL, R-BH).
Gross Motor Function in Children
with Spastic Cerebral Palsy
All correspondence and requests for
reprints should be addressed to Rong- ABSTRACT
Ju Cherng, Department of Physical
Therapy, College of Medicine, Cherng R-J, Liu C-F, Lau T-W, Hong R-B: Effect of treadmill training with body
National Cheng Kung University. No. weight support on gait and gross motor function in children with spastic cerebral
1 Ta-Hsueh Road, Tainan, Taiwan palsy. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 2007;86:548 –555.
Objective: To examine the effect of treadmill training with body weight
Disclosures: support (TBWS) on gait and gross motor function in children with spastic
This study was supported by NSC cerebral palsy (CP).
92-2218-E-006-003 and through a
collaboration of National Cheng Kung Design: Eight children with spastic CP participated in the study. Their
University and Chi Mei Medical
Center. temporal-distance gait parameters, Gross Motor Function Measure, mus-
cle tone, and selective motor control were assessed three times: two times
0894-9115/07/8607-0548/0 under their regular therapeutic treatment (condition A), and one time after
American Journal of Physical
Medicine & Rehabilitation
receiving the TBWS treatment in addition to their regular therapeutic
Copyright © 2007 by Lippincott treatments (condition B). There were two treatment schedules, AAB and
Williams & Wilkins ABA. Except for the first one (taken at study entry), the assessments were
always taken after 12 wks of treatment. The children were equally divided
DOI: 10.1097/PHM.0b013e31806dc302
into two groups and randomly assigned to the two schedules. The two
groups were matched according to category of the Gross Motor Function
Classification System.
Results: The TBWS treatment significantly improved the children’s
gait (increases in stride length and decreases in double-limb support
percentage of gait cycle) and their Gross Motor Function Measure (di-
mension D and E scores as well as the total score). No significant
improvements on muscle tone or selective motor control were noted.
Conclusions: The TBWS treatment improved some gait parameters
and gross motor functions in children with spastic CP.
Key Words: Gait Training, Cerebral Palsy, Gross Motor Function, Total Body Weight

548 Am. J. Phys. Med. Rehabil. ● Vol. 86, No. 7

I ndependent walking represents a hallmark of mo-
tor development and independence in functional
gait training in six nonambulatory children with
CP and in four children with CP who were ambu-
latory but who needed varying degrees of support.
mobility. It also provides children with the chances Their results show that after a 3-mo program (30
to explore the environment, broaden the minds, mins per session, three sessions per week, 36 ses-
and participate in social activities.1 Therefore, en- sions overall), the children demonstrated signifi-
deavoring to improve the motor function, espe- cant improvements of motor function.16 Day and
cially the independent ambulation of children with colleagues17 also have presented a case of nonam-
cerebral palsy (CP), is one of the important mis- bulatory child with spastic tetraplegic CP who ben-
sions for clinicians. efited from locomotor training with TBWS.17 In
Many different rehabilitation approaches for the present study, we examined the effect of a
children with CP were adopted in clinics, each with 12-wk TBWS program on the gait, gross motor
a different philosophy.2 For example, according to function, muscle tone, and selective motor control
the neurodevelopmental treatment (NDT) or the in children with spastic CP.
Bobath concept,3 gait training for walking should
begin with the preparation of the motor compo- METHOD
nents that can be found in an easier task (e.g.,
Experimental Design
balance in standing). Once the components are
trained, the effect is expected to transfer from the The study adopted a within-participant design
easier task to the harder one. However, studies with just one factor—that is, the type of treatment.
have challenged the philosophy of NDT and its All the participants received their regular thera-
treatment effect. For example, it has been shown peutic treatment before receiving the experimental
that weight shifting in standing is qualitatively treatment, which was the TBWS gait training plus
different from weight shifting in walking, and their regular treatment. They were assessed three
training on the former did not necessarily transfer times. There were two kinds of assessment sched-
to the latter.4,5 In general, training on standing ules, each assigned to one group of participants.
balance had an effect on standing balance only— For the first schedule (AAB), the participants were
not on walking or on the symmetry of gait.5 assessed once at study entry and a second time 12
A different philosophy is that of the task-ori- wks later, before receiving the experimental treat-
ented approach.2,6 The approach stresses the im- ment. The experimental treatment lasted for an-
portance of matching the training task with the other 12 wks. The third assessment took place
functional goal of the target task. According to this right after the experimental treatment. For the
approach, the best way of training walking is to second schedule (ABA), the participants were also
practice walking itself. It has been demonstrated assessed once at study entry. Then, they received
that the effect of training was specific to the partic- 12 wks of experimental treatment before being
ular characteristics of the task being trained on.5,7,8 assessed a second time. Another 12 wks of regular
One illustration of the task-oriented approach treatment elapsed before the third assessment was
is treadmill training with body weight support administered. The second assessment in the AAB
(TBWS). It consists of a motor-driven treadmill schedule allowed us to examine whether the par-
with a harness that suspends the patient’s body ticipants’ performance might change simply be-
weight. Because the needs for body weight support cause they were tested twice. The second assess-
and balance control are released with such a sys- ment in the ABA schedule allowed us to determine
tem, training with repetitive gait cycles can be whether the experimental treatment might pro-
provided for patients with spinal cord injuries or duce a long-lasting effect.
strokes, even at the early stages of recovery. Prom- The two kinds of assessment schedule were
ising results have been reported in the literature in assigned to two groups of participants of equal size,
these patients.9 –12 TBWS has also been shown to matched on their disability level as determined by
facilitate early ambulation in young children13 and the Gross Motor Function Classification System
children with Down syndrome.14 However, studies (GMFCS).19
that have applied TBWS for gait training in chil-
dren with CP are limited in the literature.15–18 Participants
Richards et al.15 first investigated the feasibil- Inclusion criteria for participants in the study
ity of applying treadmill gait training to four young were (a) a diagnosis of spastic CP, (b) age between
children with spastic CP (1.7–2.3 yr old) four times 3 and 7 yrs old, (c) ability to follow instructions, (d)
per week for four months. They showed that tread- Gross Motor Function Classification System rating
mill training was feasible even before the children of I–III, and (e) no surgical treatment during the
had developed the ability of independent walking.15 preceding 6 mos before study onset. Twenty chil-
Schindl et al.16 conducted a similar study of TBWS dren were screened and 12 children met the inclu-

July 2007 Treadmill Training in Cerebral Palsy 549

TABLE 1 Demographic and clinical characteristics of subjects
Age, Weight, Height, Gross Motor Function
Subject mos Gender kg cm Diagnosis Classification System

AAB1a 65 Female 17.5 111 Spastic diplegia III

AAB2 47 Female 14 103 Spastic diplegia II
AAB3 75 Male 18.5 110 Spastic diplegia III
AAB4 41 Male 14 92 Spastic diplegia III
ABA1 41 Male 12 89 Spastic diplegia III
ABA2 44 Male 13.8 98 Spastic diplegia II
ABA3 61 Male 16.2 100 Spastic diplegia III
ABA4 54 Male 15 96 Spastic diplegia III
The child dropped out of the program before the third assessment of the program.

sion criteria, but only eight children joined the amount of body weight of suspension was deter-
study program. All of the participants were diag- mined by clinical judgment. The weight was mon-
nosed with spastic diplegic CP, with ages ranging itored to be sufficient to avoid knee collapse during
from 3.5 to 6.3 yrs old. Two children were at level the single-limb support phase and to not hinder
II motor function according to the Gross Motor the swing leg from contacting the floor with the
Function Classification System, which indicated heel first.18 For the children with Gross Motor
that they were able to walk without devices. Six Function class II, the suspension weight needed was
children were at level III. They were moderately minimal, just for the purpose of safety. Treadmill
impaired and needed devices to ambulate (Table 1). speed was adjusted to a comfortable level for each
child and was gradually increased with the improve-
Equipment ment of child’s control. Children were encouraged
Treadmill and Suspension System not to hold the rail, and they freely moved their arms
A commercial treadmill (Trackmaster TM210AC) during gait training. One independent therapist
was used for gait training in this study. The tread- (T.H.) facilitated and corrected the gait pattern of the
mill started at 0.0 mph and gradually increased child while the child was walking on the treadmill.
speed in increments of 0.1 mph. Suspension was The treatment time was 20 min/session, 2–3 sessions/
achieved with LiteGait (LiteGait, Scottsdale, AZ). wk, for a total of 12 wks, in addition to their regular
This system consisted of several parts, including a therapeutic exercise program.
yoke, overhead straps, an adjustable harness, a
base, and an actuator. A harness was provided to Regular Therapeutic Treatment
subjects for weight suspension and safety during The regular therapeutic treatment was individ-
gait training. ually planned according to the child’s needs, ac-
cording to the philosophy of NDT. The treatment
GAITRite Electronic Walkway System program was set to meet each child’s motor func-
The system (GAITRite, CIR. Systems, Inc. tion status before entering the study program. The
Clifton, NJ)contains an electronic walkway, a net- goals of the program were to normalize muscle
work controller, and software. The walkway is a tone, maintain or increase the joint range of mo-
4.6-m-long, 0.9-m-wide, commercially available tion, increase muscle strength, and improve motor
electronic walkway; it contains 13,824 sensors dis- function. The program was 2–3 times/wk, 30 min/
tributed in a 3.6-m-long, 0.6-m-wide, active area. session, and comprised mat exercises of range of
The system outputs are temporal-distance gait pa- motion, stretching, strengthening, and motor
rameters, such as velocity, cadence, stride length, function activities. Gross motor activities included
and others. Excellent reliability of the quantification changing positions, lie to sit, sit to stand, and
of temporal-distance gait parameters (intraclass cor- standing. Movement patterns were of concern, and
relation coefficient between 0.82 and 0.92) was re- exercise was not to induce or exaggerate the ab-
ported.20,21 A high concurrent validity has also been normal movement pattern.
demonstrated in reference to a clinical stride analyzer
and the Vicon Motion Analysis System.20,22 Outcomes Measurement
The outcome measures included muscle tone,
Treatment Program selective motor control, gross motor function, and
TBWS temporal-distance parameters of gait. Muscle tone
TBWS was administered on a treadmill and was measured with the modified Ashworth scale.23
was supported in a LiteGait suspension system. The Selective motor control was measured with the

550 Cherng et al. Am. J. Phys. Med. Rehabil. ● Vol. 86, No. 7
subject sitting on the floor, with hips flexed and dependent variable was a percentage score, the
knees comfortably extended, and with the subject multivariate analysis of variance was not appropri-
able to see his or her feet. The subject was asked to ate. Therefore, we adopted the following analytic
dorsiflex each foot individually to a target. If the strategy, as reported in our previous paper on the
subject was able to dorsiflex his or her ankle with- effect of horse riding on children with CP.30 First,
out hip and knee flexion, a grade of 4 would be we decided that the primary analysis should be the
given; if ankle dorsiflexion was achieved mainly one that compared the children’s performances
using tibialis anterior, but accompanied by hip under the regular treatment and under the exper-
and/or knee flexion, a grade of 3 was scored; if imental treatment. To increase power, we needed
dorsiflexion was achieved using toe extensor mus- to pool the data from the group that received the
cles and some tibialis anterior, a grade of 2 was AAB schedule and the group that received the ABA
scored; if limited dorsiflexion was achieved mainly schedule. This means the second and the third
using toe extensor muscles, a grade of 1 was given; assessments of the AAB schedule and the first and
and a grade of 0 was given when there was no the second assessments of the ABA schedule. But,
movement of ankle dorsiflexion.24 Gross motor before we did that, we had to establish that there
function was measured with the Gross Motor Func- was no effect of simply taking a test twice. There-
tion Measure (GMFM).25 fore, the first analysis that we did was a comparison
The GMFM is a criterion-referenced evaluation of the performance between the first and second
tool designed specifically for children with CP. The assessments for the children who received the AAB
GMFM is composed of 88 test items, categorized schedule. Because the results of the first analysis
into five developmental dimensions: dimensions A showed no signs of a test-taking effect (see the
(lie/roll), B (sit), C (crawl/kneel), D (stand), and E Results section), we conducted the primary analy-
(walk/run/jump). Each item is scored on a four- sis by pooling the data as described above.
point rating scale. Item scores for each dimension We also added a third analysis that examined
are summed together and converted, yielding a the difference between the second and third assess-
percentage score for that dimension. The average ments in the ABA schedule. This analysis would
of the percentage scores for all five dimensions inform us whether a potential experimental treat-
yields a total score.25 Results of studies have pro- ment effect could be sustained after the treatment
vided support for the high internal reliability and had discontinued. The level of statistical signifi-
construct validity of measurement of changes in mo- cance was set at 0.05 for all the analyses.
tor function.26,27 The test–retest reliability and inter-
rater reliability of the GMFM was also established RESULTS
with intraclass correlation coefficients between 0.7
Effect on Temporal Distance of Gait
and 1.0.28,29 Therefore, GMFM was chosen as the
outcome measure assessment tool for the study.
The temporal-distance gait parameters measured Table 2 presents the group means, standard
with the GAITRite electronic walkway included gait deviations, and ranges of gait velocity, stride
velocity, stride length, cadence, and double-limb sup- length, cadence, and double-limb support percent-
port time as a percentage of gait cycle. According to age of gait cycle for the two groups at three assess-
the GAITRite operating manual, the velocity was ob- ments. Our first step analysis revealed no signifi-
tained by dividing the distance by the ambulation cant difference in any of the gait parameters
time; it was expressed in centimeters per second. The between the first two assessments for children re-
stride length was defined and measured on the line ceiving the AAB schedule. These results allowed us
of progression between the heel points of two con- to proceed with our primary analysis. The results of
secutive footfalls of the same foot; it was expressed the primary analysis revealed a significant effect of
in centimeters. The cadence was the numbers of the experimental treatment (i.e., TBWS plus regu-
footfalls in a minute. One independent therapist lar therapy) on the stride length (F ⫽ 10.34, P ⫽
took all the measurements and was not involved in 0.0236) and a marginal, significant effect on dou-
therapy; this therapist was not aware of any child’s ble-limb support percentage of gait cycle (F ⫽ 6,
grouping or stage within the study. The study was P ⫽ 0.058) (Fig. 1). No significant change of veloc-
approved by and followed the guidelines of the ity or cadence was noted. Finally, our third analysis
institutional review board of National Cheng Kung revealed no significant difference in any of the gait
University Hospital. parameters between the second and the third as-
sessments for children receiving the ABA schedule.
Data Analysis
Statistical Analytic System (SAS) version 9.1 Effect on Dimension Score of GMFM
for Windows was used for data analysis. Because Table 3 displays the means, standard devia-
the sample size of the study was small, and the tions, and ranges of the dimension scores, and the

July 2007 Treadmill Training in Cerebral Palsy 551

TABLE 2 The group means, SD, and ranges of temporal distance gait parameters of two groups at
three measurement times
Group AAB Group ABA

Mean ⴞ SD Range Mean ⴞ SD Range

Velocity, cm/s
T1 23.49 ⫾ 26.31 3.80–61.10 24.79 ⫾ 34.75 3.37–76.73
T2 24.64 ⫾ 25.09 3.80–60.57 28.42 ⫾ 39.40 4.90–87.30
T3 38.51 ⫾ 47.10 9.77–92.87 29.39 ⫾ 31.67 10.73–76.60
Cadence, steps/min
T1 62.85 ⫾ 40.88 32.10–67.27 66.89 ⫾ 64.76 29.87–37.80
T2 63.63 ⫾ 44.65 30.33–55.93 63.56 ⫾ 60.36 28.77–40.17
T3 71.59 ⫾ 61.95 30.77–41.13 63.91 ⫾ 43.57 38.73–46.30
Stride length, cm
T1 36.21 ⫾ 19.14 18.46–61.59 34.27 ⫾ 16.79 16.27–56.85
T2 40.26 ⫾ 15.46 20.26–56.18 40.63 ⫾ 20.82 21.01–69.61
T3 51.48 ⫾ 23.04 37.70–78.08 47.05 ⫾ 17.49 33.97–71.28
DLS (%)
T1 58.82 ⫾ 26.09 31.77–94.18 60.84 ⫾ 31.39 15.42–87.65
T2 40.05 ⫾ 15.77 20.22–57.72 43.85 ⫾ 20.47 13.53–60.38
T3 26.38 ⫾ 6.47 20.35–33.22 43.95 ⫾ 23.08 13.95–70.22
DLS, double-limb-support time as a percentage of gait cycle.

total score of the GMFM measurement for the two the experimental treatment on the GMFM total score
groups at each assessment. At study entry, the (F ⫽ 52.74, P ⫽ 0.0008) as well as on dimension D
children had an average of score 86.8 or 90.5 on score (F ⫽ 8.4, P ⫽ 0.0338) and on dimension E
dimension A, and 84.8 or 86.3 on dimension B. The scores (F ⫽ 10.62, P ⫽ 0.0225) (Fig. 2). Our third
scores were nearly full scores. Therefore, a ceiling analysis found no significant differences in any of the
effect of dimensions A and B could be expected. GMFM scores between the second and the third as-
Our first step analysis revealed no significant sessments for children receiving the ABA schedule.
difference in any of the dimension scores or the
total score of GMFM between the first two assess- Effect on Muscle Tone, and Selective
ments for children receiving the AAB schedule. Motor Control
Therefore, we proceeded with our primary analysis. The results of the three-step analysis of muscle
The primary analysis revealed a significant effect of tone and selective motor control showed that there

FIGURE 1 Comparison of the treatment effect of TBWS and regular therapeutic treatment on the gait param-
eters. TBWS, treadmill training with body weight support; regular, regular therapeutic treatment;
DLS, double-limb support percentage of gait cycle. * P ⬍ 0.05; § P ⫽ 0.058.

552 Cherng et al. Am. J. Phys. Med. Rehabil. ● Vol. 86, No. 7
TABLE 3 The group means and SD of Gross Motor Function Measure dimension scores, and total
scores for both groups at three measurement times
Group AAB Group ABA

Mean ⴞ SD Range Mean ⴞ SD Range

Dimension A
T1 86.8 ⫾ 16.11 62.8–96.1 90.5 ⫾ 4.84 84.3–96.1
T2 88.3 ⫾ 16.02 64.7–100.0 95.1 ⫾ 5.89 88.2–100.0
T3 89.6 ⫾ 11.97 76.5–100.0 97.1 ⫾ 3.73 92.2–100.0
Dimension B
T1 84.8 ⫾ 21.98 52.4–100.0 86.3 ⫾ 7.97 75.0–93.3
T2 86.1 ⫾ 19.11 59.5–100.0 90.4 ⫾ 4.36 86.7–95.0
T3 84.0 ⫾ 23.46 57.1–100.0 87.9 ⫾ 5.82 81.7–95.0
Dimension C
T1 70.3 ⫾ 27.14 33.3–92.9 80.4 ⫾ 9.00 71.4–88.1
T2 71.5 ⫾ 26.49 38.3–100.0 84.0 ⫾ 13.92 66.7–100.0
T3 74.1 ⫾ 23.75 53.3–100.0 77.4 ⫾ 15.60 54.8–90.5
Dimension D
T1 46.2 ⫾ 35.36 5.1–76.9 44.9 ⫾ 22.77 23.1–76.9
T2 43.6 ⫾ 41.98 5.1–87.2 47.4 ⫾ 25.86 25.6–84.6
T3 37.4 ⫾ 41.31 7.7–84.6 40.4 ⫾ 34.05 7.7–87.2
Dimension E
T1 19.5 ⫾ 25.71 0–54.2 26.1 ⫾ 27.01 0–63.9
T2 20.5 ⫾ 24.28 1.4–54.2 30.9 ⫾ 25.89 13.9–69.4
T3 34.3 ⫾ 37.80 9.7–77.8 32.6 ⫾ 27.60 13.9–73.6
T1 61.5 ⫾ 23.78 30.7–83.6 65.6 ⫾ 12.54 54.4–83.1
T2 62.0 ⫾ 23.79 33.8–85.2 69.6 ⫾ 14.01 57.6–89.8
T3 63.9 ⫾ 26.24 40.9–92.5 67.1 ⫾ 16.26 50.7–89.3

was no effect of testing taking in children receiving DISCUSSION

the AAB schedule, no effect of the experimental
Using a task-oriented approach, this study ex-
treatment, and no difference between the second
amined the effect of TBWS gait training on gait
and the third assessments in children receiving the
performance and gross motor function in children
ABA schedule. In addition, there was no significant
correlation between the change in GMFM or gait with spastic CP. The results show that TBWS gait
parameter and the change in muscle tone or selec- training for 12 wks helped to increase stride length
tive motor control. and decrease the double-limb support percentage

FIGURE 2 Comparison of the treatment effect of TBWS and regular therapeutic treatment on the dimension
scores and total score of GMFM. TBWS, treadmill training with body weight support; regular, regular
therapeutic treatment. * P ⬍ 0.05.

July 2007 Treadmill Training in Cerebral Palsy 553

of gait cycle. The training also improved the chil- should be limited. The lack of significant changes
dren’s gross motor function, as manifested in their of the scores of dimension A, B, and C were prob-
GMFM dimension D and E scores and their total ably attributable to the subjects’ nearly full scores
scores. on those dimensions at the baseline.
Deficiencies in gait of children with spastic CP The task-oriented approach emphasized that
is one of their parents’ major concerns. Gait of the training program should be specific and func-
children with CP is characterized with slow veloc- tional (meaningful) to the individual. Results of the
ity, short stride length, and poor balance (increase previous studies have shown that both the content
of double-limb support percentage of gait cycle).31 and the amount of therapy were important factors
At the baseline evaluation, our subjects showed for improvement in the functional outcomes; the
slow walking velocity (average, 27.05 cm/sec) and a training effect was larger as the intensity of the
short stride length (average, 37.64 cm). These program was increased.15,33,34 Our 12-wk study of
numbers were much smaller than those reported TBWS gait training, with the assistance of a ther-
in normal children of a comparable age,32 but they apist’s sensory guidance for correct foot placement,
were similar to those for children with spastic CP allowed the children to perform a meaningful,
at a comparable age level and functional level.31 functional task (walking) with multiple repetitions.
After 12 wks of TBWS gait training, children with The TBWS program in our study can be said to be
spastic CP showed a significant increase in stride quite intensive and lengthy, and the children,
length and decrease in double-limb support per- therefore, showed improvement.
centage of gait cycle. Although the change in gait The results of no significant effect of TBWS on
velocity did not reach the conventional level of muscle tone and selective motor control—neither
statistical significance, it was in the direction of a significant correlation of the change in gait per-
improvement. formance or GMFM scores with muscle tone or
Children with spastic CP also displayed im- selective motor control—were not surprising. This
provement in GMFM dimension D (standing) and E is probably attributable to the fact that muscle tone
(walk) scores and total score. Further, the effect of and selective motor control were measured under a
TBWS gait training on GMFM dimension D and E static condition, and that gait and gross motor
scores and total score seemed to be sustained for at function are dynamic functions. Therefore, the
least 12 wks, as demonstrated by a lack of statisti- muscle tone and the selective motor control may
cally significant difference in group ABA partici- not be associated with walking performance or
pants between the second and the third measure- gross motor function.
ments, when the participants had returned to their Several limitations of the present study must
regular therapy programs. The results of our study be acknowledged. First, the sample size was small.
are partly consistent with the findings of two pre- Therefore, the power of the study to detect some
vious studies.15,16 In Richards et al.’s15 study, smaller beneficial effects of training could be lim-
young children with spastic CP (age range: 1.7–2.3 ited. The difficulty of recruiting children with CP
yrs) showed improvements in GMFM dimension to participate in such a lengthy study was the
scores of D and E after 4 mos of a combination of primary reason for the small sample. Most parents
the conventional therapy and treadmill training. of children with CP were hesitant to let their chil-
Schindl and colleagues16 also noted an improve- dren join a study that lasted 6 mos (24 wks).
ment in the GMFM dimension D and E scores in Second, the sample was a convenient one, like that
children with either severely involved nonambula- of many other studies. Therefore, the generaliza-
tory CP or mildly involved independently ambula- tion of the study must be limited. Third, the
tory CP after 3 mos of TBWS gait training.16 amount of body weight support and treadmill speed
GMFM scores reflect a subject’s complex needed for training was determined individually
movement patterns that incorporate trunk according to the therapist’s clinical decision. Un-
strength and mobility as well as coordination and fortunately, we did not keep a log of these data,
balance. Test items of dimensions A, B, and C are and, therefore, we were unable to examine how
typically items involving mat activities, such as they might affect the training effect. Nevertheless,
rolling, crawling, and transfer activities of sitting. this study, in accordance with previous ones, dem-
Test items of dimensions D and E typically com- onstrates that it is feasible to apply TBWS for gait
prise upright activities such as standing and walk- training in children with spastic CP, and the re-
ing. Our regular therapeutic exercises contained sults are encouraging.
some training activities in upright posture; how-
ever, they mostly consisted of therapeutic exercises CONCLUSIONS
on a mat. Therefore, from a task-oriented point of Our study has demonstrated the effects of
view, the effects of the regular therapeutic treat- TBWS gait training on some gait parameters and
ment on the GMFM dimensions D and E, if any, gross motor function in children with spastic CP.

554 Cherng et al. Am. J. Phys. Med. Rehabil. ● Vol. 86, No. 7
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