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Discussion Guide- Analyzing HP’s

Market Challenges, Customer

Perceptions and Strategies

Fundamentals of Mktg Research

MKTG 743 SEC 001

Submitted To, Submitted By,

Professor Celeste Kirk Fahad Mohd Nafiz
Business School ID 301256657

Date of Submission
Discussion Outline Assignment (Qualitative Study) – Consumer Focus Groups.
Research Objectives
 Understanding of customer perceptions
 Identifying the key factors that impacts on purchasing decision making.
 Understanding brand loyalty and Market Positioning.
 Exploring Expansion Opportunities.

1. Moderator Introduction
My name is Fahad Mohd Nafiz, and I will be your moderator for today. We appreciate that you
managed some time from your busy schedule to participate.
Before we begin, we would like to inform you that the information, your contribution, and
feedback you provided, will remain confidential and will be used for only this very research.
In today’s market HP products especially PC’s and Laptop seen declining in their sales.
Therefore, the company losing its market share gradually. Hence, to maintain its leading position
in market we need figure out why this is happening.
Our primary purpose is to discuss the figure out your perception regarding HP’s product or
services and challenges that HP faces in the market. During our discussion, we will ask you
some questions regarding these issues to get better and deep insight for the possible solutions.
Thank you for taking part in this discussion.

2. Participant Introduction
I am excited to get to know all the wonderful people here today. Please introduce yourself;
kindly state your Name, Age, Gender, Occupation, Marital Status, Parental Status, Preferred
Computer (PC or Laptop) and Preferred Computer Brand.

3. General Questions About HP Products or Service

(The idea behind is to get to know about individuals perception on HP’s product or
services and also it can act as a warmup session.)

 Have you ever used HP’s products (Laptop, PC, Printer) or services. If yes, please share
your expressions and feelings.
 Which HP products or services do you used?
 Could you provide more detailed experiences with these products or services (e.g.,
design, features, etc.), saying why you like or dislike about them?
 Can you tell me for what duration are you using HP’s products or services and what
drives your decision (motivation) sticking with their brand or move to different brands?

4. Key Factors Affecting using HP Products or Services

 What do you think, which factor, either practical or emotional, affect people’s choices to
accept or not use of HP products or services?
 Could you please share specific examples or experiences to back up your insight?
 In comparison to HP and other brands present in the market, how these factors stack up?

5. Customer Attitude About HP Products

 Please share your thoughts on HP as a brand, specifically in relation to PC or Laptop.

 When you hear the brand HP, what is the first thing that comes to your mind?
 Describe any incident or experiences you’ve had with HP’s products or services. How did
these encounters affect your views regarding the brand?

6. Innovative Product, Features and Services

 What do you think that HP can do to its products or services, in terms of innovating its
products, features or services to attract new potential customers or retain existing
 Please provide in detailed recommendation with explanation to why having these changes
would be advantageous for HP?
 In your opinion, how these improvements will it impact HP’s ability to compete in the
competitive market?

7. Investing in Online Gaming Industry

 As online gaming industry is booming, what do you think HP should invest in this market
 Kindly share your views, how can HP take advantages from this?
 What should HP do in terms of strategy to be successful in this segment and what kind of
products, features and services should they provide?
8. Market Position of HP and its Competition

 In your views, where does HP stand in the market in compared to brands?

 According to you, in what particular areas HP succeeding or lagging behind?
 What impact does it plays on potential customers perception, when customers put their
reviews, recommendation, and what different social media says?

9. The Role of Brand Loyalty

 What do you think when it comes to Brand Loyalty does it influence when it come to
purchasing decision?
 Are you loyal to brand HP, if yes why?
 Did you ever thought of switching to other brands? If yes, what factor affected your
decision making?
 In your view, how can HP increase it brand loyalty?

10. Opportunities in the New Market

 Do you think HP should expand its products offering on the emerging market?
 What sort of products, features or services should HP offer or develop to capitalize
the new opportunities?
 In order to be successfully penetrate the market and be compete, what kind of strategy
should HP use?

11. Projective Technique

 For research purposes, I recommend feedback writing to HP.

 Where all the participants will be asked about their ideal HP products, where it gives
opportunities and freedom to express their views which can be their experience,
expectation, impression, or perception etc. It is perfect way to understanding their
thought of what they really want from HP.
To close our research meeting, I will cross check with the research team for additional
information required or need any clarification or have any questions form today’s research
If there are no remaining questions. I will offer my gratitude to all participants for their excellent
contribution in this research and for their valuable time and expertise.

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