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M Single letter code for methionine. microglia A general term for glial cells other than
microglia; oligodendrocytes and astrocytes.
m119 See Mig.
macroglobulin Globulin such as IgM that has a
Mab See monoclonal antibody. high molecular weight: 400 kDa in the case of IgM,
MAC (1) Membrane attack complex. See complement 725 kDa in the case of alpha-2-macroglobulin.
and C9. (2) In plants, the MAC complex probably
regulates defense responses through transcriptional
macrolactin An antibacterial polyketide from a
Bacillus subtilis isolate that inhibits a number of
control and is essential for plant innate immunity. See
multidrug-resistant Gram-positive bacterial patho-
PRL #2.
gens. Abstract:
Mac-1 The αMβ2 integrin of leucocytes (CR3, CD11b/ 50/5/1701
CD18). See LFA-1.
macrolide antibiotics Broad-spectrum bacterio-
MacArdle’s disease See glycogen storage diseases. static antibiotics active against most aerobic and
anaerobic Gram-positive cocci and Gram-negative
MacConkey’s agar Agar-based selective medium anaerobes. Inhibit bacterial protein synthesis by
used for isolation of Gran-negative bacteria from blocking the 50S ribosomal subunit. Examples
faeces, etc. The presence of crystal violet and bile are erythromycin, lincomycin, azithromycin, and
salts inhibit growth of Gram-positive bacteria. clindamycin.
Contains lactose and neutral red as an indicator so
that lactose fermenting bacteria producing an acidic macromolecule Non-specific and rather imprecise
end-product will form red-pink colonies. term covering proteins, nucleic acids and polysac-
charides, but probably not phospholipids.
macedocin An anticlostridial bacteriocin lantibio-
tic (22aa) produced by Streptococcus macedonicus, macronucleus The larger nucleus (or sometimes
a natural cheese isolate. Inhibits a broad spectrum of nuclei) in ciliate protozoans. Derived from the
lactic acid bacteria, as well as several food spoilage micronucleus by the formation of polytene chromo-
and pathogenic bacteria. somes. The DNA in the macronucleus is actively
transcribed but the macronucleus degenerates before
Mach-Zehnder system Interferometric system conjugation.
of microscopy in which the original light beam is
divided by a semi-transparent mirror: object and ref- macrophage Relatively long-lived phagocytic cell
erence beams pass through separate optical systems of mammalian tissues, derived from blood mono-
and are recombined by a second semi-transparent cyte. Macrophages from different sites have dis-
mirror. Interference fringes are displaced if the opti- tinctly different properties. Main types are peritoneal
cal path difference for the reference beam is greater, and alveolar macrophages, tissue macrophages
and this can be compensated with a wedge-shaped (histiocytes), Kuppfer cells of the liver, and osteo-
auxiliary object. The position of the wedge allows clasts. In response to foreign materials may become
the phase-retardation of the object to be measured. stimulated or activated. Macrophages play an impor-
The Mach-Zehnder system was used in a microscope tant role in killing of some bacteria, protozoa, and
designed by Leitz. tumour cells, release substances that stimulate other
Machupo virus A member of the Arenaviridae cells of the immune system, and are involved in
that may cause a severe haemorrhagic fever in antigen presentation. May further differentiate
humans. The natural hosts are rodents and transmis- within chronic inflammatory lesions to epithelioid
sion from human to human is not common. cells or may fuse to form foreign body giant cells
or Langhans’ giant cells. Classically activated (M1)
macro domain A conserved protein domain found macrophages are proinflammatory and kill patho-
in prokaryotes and eukaryotes and some positive- gens, and alternatively activated (M2) macrophages
strand RNA viruses; may have various roles, produce anti-inflammatory factors.
amongst them the binding of ADP-ribose. See
LRP16. macrophage activation syndrome A serious
disorder in which there is excessive activation of well-
macrocytes Abnormally large red blood cells, differentiated macrophages. It is associated with Still’s
numerous in megaloblastic anaemia (pernicious disease and may be autoimmune disease-associated
anaemia). reactive haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis.
The Dictionary of Cell and Molecular Biology. DOI:
r 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

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