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em Ye Coes Transponders 1995-2013 % Proximity Remotes Cloner Keys Key Programming Chip Identification Transponder Keys Full Color National Auto Lock Service, Inc. Mike Hyde’s Transponders 1995-2013 % Proximity Remotes Cloner Keys Key Programming Chip Identification Transponder Keys Full Color Book National Auto Lock Service, Inc. Copytight 2009, 2013 - National Auto Lock Service, Inc. INTRO -A INTRO. OULNI National Auto Lock Service, Inc. Welcome to Mike Hyde's Transponders 1995-2013 Well 2 lot has changed since our last Transponder Book in 2008. So many vehicles of all types are equipped with transponder systems, also known as immobilizers. Transponder systems were the first big step after G.M's VATS - but now we have proximity systems built into keyless remotes. Technology just keeps changing ‘As locksmiths, which many of us are also business owners, we need to keep up with the changes and embrace them if we are going to continue to thrive, No LIABILITIES FOR ANY USE OF THE INFORMATION IN THIS “MIKE HyDe's TRANSPONDERG” TECHNICAL MANUAL ARE ASSUMED WHATSOEVER FOR ANY COSTS, CLAINS, OR OAMAGES FILED FOR OR CAUSED BY CCR- RECT OR INCORRECT USE OF THE INFORVATION CONTAINED OR NOT CONTAINED IN THIS REFERENCE MANUAL. TECHNIQUES USED ARE SOLELY THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE USER. INFORMATION LISTED WAS ODTAINED FROM THE IiANUFACTURES DIRECTLY OR THROUGH THEIR PUBLISHED WEB SITES. THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS PUBLICATION IS UP-TO-DATE WITH CURRENT PUBLISHED REFERENCE’S. NATIONAL AUTO LOCK SERVICE, INC., IS NOT RESONSIBLE FOR CHANGES, CORRECTIONS, ‘TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS OR ERRONEOUS INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS PUBLICATION, AUTOMOBILE OR OTHER MANUFACTURERS NAMES, MODELS & LOGOS ARE USED IN THIS MANUAL AS ‘1S COMMON REFERENCE POINT AND FOR NO OTHER REASON. NATIONAL AUTO LOCK SERVICE, INC., MAKES NO CLAIMS FOR OR AGAINST SAID MANUFAGTURESS. ALL OTHER TRADEMARKS ARE THE PROPERTY OF THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS. Coryricr 2009, 2013 « National. Auro Lock Service, Inc. - Aut Richrs Reserven Desicn, Lavout & PHoTo ARTWORK By MicHacL Hype © 2009, 2013 Note: Several fellow locksmiths have contributed in some way, shape or form to help me finish this book. | have learned you can never have enough friends. | would like to thank the following for their help: Brad Berry, Samart Thongnopnua, Elliott Tamony, Mike La Bar, Dick Branden, John Steiner, Doug Lown, Brian Suggs, Jim Parrie & Tom Tusing. Mike Hyde’s Transponders™ B-INTRO Copyright 2009, 2013 - National Auto Lock Service, Ine Table of Contents ee Se ee How to Use this Manual Transponder Technology Transponders - how do the work? Proximity Technology Transponder Cloning Immobilizer Re-Flashing Ford On-Board Program Chrysler On-Board Program GM On-Board Program Lexuis { Toyota On-Board Program Mazda On-Board Program Acura Audi BMW Buick Cadillac Chevrolet, Chrysler Dodge Fiat Ford GMC Honda Hummer Hyundai infiniti Si ol = eae enc! 1-22 23-38 39-46 A742 63-82 83-118, 119-144 145-184 185-188 189-266 267-276 277-314 315-320 321-338 339-370 Isuzu Jaguar Jeep Kia Land Royer Lexus Lincoin Mazda Mercedes Mercury Mini Mitsubishi Nissan Oldsmobile Plymouth Pontiac Porsche Saab Satum Scion Smart Subaru Suzuki Toyota Volkswagen Volvo ‘Copyright 2009, 2013 - National Aulo Lock Service, Ine. 371-374 375-388 389-406 407-422 423-434 435-480, 481-506 507-540 539-544 545-560 561-566 567-592 593-642 643-646 647-652 653-668 669-678 679-688 689-696, 697-702 703-706 707-726 727-732 733-804 805-826 827-834 INTRO - C INTRO O¥LNI How to use this Manual ‘Yor @ Medel range] _[Affer-Morket keys available for this vehicle ‘These are usually non-remote keys 2005-2007 300 / 3006 3 curvcanxer || sy106-PT rezone || yies-PHT vexytorogen || eyo ay ppg Picture of the original factory key 051758154 Remote Hoad) Pad of SKREEM Module (Around feition Lock) Critical information - © Original dealer part numbers @ Mechanical key code series © Which models or trim level is equipped with a transponder system. @ Mechanical key to use to test your mechanical portion of the key. © Maximum number of transponder or proximity remotes thal can be programmed into the vehicle. © On Board Programming possibis - and if 50 - what conditions are needed. @ Immobilizer Location - is it part of another electronic component and its ohysical location. Transponder Chip information - © Transponder Chip Identification along with the brand @ Clone Type: “T5" will clone on any clone ma- chine ever sold in the U.S. "4G" is for cloning early Texas Inetruments traneponder chips, More advanced cloner machines have the ability to clone Texas Instruments ‘4D and Philips ‘46’. @ Can the transponder Chip be re-used on another car after it has already been programmed to a car. @ Chip Type - The most common type are Small Glass, Large Glass & Wedge Shapo, = INTRO. Copyright 2009, 2013 - National Auto Lock Service, Inc, How to use this Manual ‘sTRATTEC ) (_ eOBLOA -MAUBA omeccoae || mus | nna || Tasnee/ev0 @N eo yee? 4 - Rogie Moret cate beonpie cing "2-Fegutes Pape Cop Upsae. '2-Reaites nas Go up BIANGHIUSA. Repl? ‘ADUSA) KR. ‘ADO | zedbutl, veo? Cloner Machine Information - This is where you will see a comparison of the top Cloner machines on the market. The informa- tion gathered here is from my own experience end some information is gathered from published documents by the manufacturor of the cloner machine ‘The cloning key part number js listed -if available from the manufacturer. In some cases the cloner manufacturer does not make the clone kay for this vehicle but the device will clone otter key manufacturers keys. ‘The last line reflects whethor a Web Code - active intamet connection (In/Out) (Challenge/Re- ‘sponco) or special hardware Is required lo successfully clone the key. Programmer & Diagnostic Tools - This is where you will see a comparison of machines on the market that are mostly used for key programming. “The brand name along with if any special cables, adaptors, or hardware dongle are required for programming. Most important is whether you will need a PIN code of some type to complete programming. ‘The information gathered hore ie from my own experience snd scme information is gathered from published documents by the manufacturer of the machine. Copyright 2008, 2013 - National Auto Look Service, Inc. INTRO -E INTRO. Transponders Technology A transponder is short for: transmitter + responder. The word was invented around 1944. In basic terms a transponder is a miniaturized electronic chip that has = what is called nonvolatile memory. Nonvolatile memory is the type of memory that does not need constant energy for retention. Along with that electronic chip is a set of wind- ings, very fine wire coiled around a tube. These windings look similar to the windings you would find in a electric motor. There are two types of transponders. The first are the Electric Coupled Tran- sponder systems. Electric coupled transponder systems are not limited to small areas for transmissions but can transmit messages or signals for different ranges of distance including several inches to miles, 2s used in Satellites and Airplanes. These systems require constant electricity to operate. The second type is what automobile manufacturer's are using and they are called Magnetic Coupled Transponder systems. Magnetic Coupled Transponder systems are passive in nature. This means they do not require constant electricity and thus do not need a power source of their own. They operate in the frequency range area of 125KHz, in most cases. Since Magnetic Coupled Transponders do not have their own power source they are very limited to range of communication and generally operate in the range of 1cm to 15em. Since this is a radio frequency it can penetrate materials that would make the transponder not directly visible, such as the plastic or rubber in the bow of the key. The process of key identification is similar in most automotive transponder sys. tems. Once a key is inserted into the ignition lock and lured to one of the “on’ or “ru positions, the induction coil that is mounted around the ignition lock sends out an elec- tromagnet field of energy. The windings in the transponder chip absorb that eneray and power the electronic chip to emit a signal. The signal is usually an alphanumeric set of digits which is considered the Identification Code. The induction coil reads the signal and sends it to some type of computer device to recognize the signal. If the signal is recog- nized as being already in the computer's memory the signal is accepted and other elec- tronic components in the vehicle are set into motion to allow the starting of the vehicle or the continuation of the engine running. ‘Transponders can be made into several different shapes and sizes and can be used in many different types of applications such as: warehouse pallets, retail clothing, animal management (pets), and of course electronic automobile key identification. Transponders and their systems are also known as Immobilizers or R.FI.D. - which stands for Radio Frequency Identification. Mike Hyde’s Transponders”™ F- INTRO Copyright 2009, 2912 - National Auto Leck Sarvieo, Ine. Transponders - how does it work? Glass Typs~ Removed ftom the glass tube. Mike Hyde’s Transponders™ Copyright 2009, 2013 - National Auto Lock Service, inc. INTRO -G INTRO OULNI RS Proximity Technology Automotive Proximity systems are very similar to each cther in design and function. The have names like “Smart Key’, “Keyless Go", telligent Key”, “Smart Access’, “MyKey” & “FastKey" As you approach the car your proximity remote fob is activated. The exterior of the vehicle will have a transceiver (antenna) located in each exterior side door mirror cor the doors itself. One transceiver is usually located at the rear of the vehicle to pick up your proximity remote fob to unlock the trunk. On the interior of the vehicle their is a transceiver located in the dash or rear view mirror. Sometimes there is a transceiver located in the trunk, in case you lock your keys in the trunk. Once you open the door and get inside the vehicle there is @ hand-off of sorts. The exterior transceivers (antenna) can no longer “sense” your proximily remote fob but the interior transceiver does. To start the vehicle there is either an actual button on the dash or a Twist Knob on the steering column where you would normally insert a key, Only the interior transceiver will allow the vehicle to be started. If you are outside the vehicla - the vehicle should net be able to be started up by anyone, especially children. However - early systems allowed the vehicle to be started if the proximity remote fob was placed on the roof of the car near or on top of the sunroof, | believe this was a design defect. Proximity systems are very susceptible to radio frequency interference. H-INTRO ‘Copyright 2009, 2013 - National Auto Lock Service, Ine, Nissan Proximity Technology isubishi Proximity buttons on the outside door handles. Mitsubishi Twist Knobs on steering columns Proximity Fob learning - programming siots Push Button Start / Stop DSi 2 Battery, Proximity Ps Capacitor ~—- Remote Fobs with Receiver, Toa outer shell cols Chip femoved is Hes. 2005 Corvette Mike Hyde’s Transponders™ Copyright 2008, 2019 - National Auto Lock Service, Inc. INTRO - | INTRO OMLNI Transponder Cloning Automotive Transponder ‘Cloning’ is the ability to take alll the data in one transponder chip and transfer it to another transponder chip. Since the key is ‘Cloned’ - the vehicle does not know the difference between the original transponder chip (key) or the cloned transponder chip (key) This data transfer is used for making spare keys to vehicles without the need to access the vehicle's computer system, which may require PIN codes, Challenge Codes or Access codes. These codes may be difficult to obtain from the car dealer or require a fee to paid to obtain them. Cloning keys usually takes only a few seconds to a couple minutes. The main manufactures of transponders for the U.S. market are Philips®, Megamos®, Texas Instruments®, Temic® and Sokymat®. Manufacturers of transponder ‘chips’ do not want their data cloned. They secure their data now through encryption and mathematical algorithms. Cloner machines manufacturers must break their encryption before the data can be transferred from one transponder chip to another. Several early transponders had very little encryption or they published how they worked to the point where the technology could be reverse engineered. As the technology grew in use - automobile manufactures required more security for their transponder keys. “There can be a lot of confusion conceming which is the right Key to use and what is the purpose of the different after-market transponder keys. It’s all in the part number and type of transponder chip. Glonable transponder keys have a chip in them that are made to have the transponder ID (data) read and also written too. The cloning machine reads the value of the original chip key and than can write that value (data) onto an after-market cloning chip key. Here’s one of the problems with cloning transponder keys. They all come with a “Zero” value, During programming of a new key into the car’s memory the car's immo- bilizer computer is looking for 2 unique value to the chip and will not accept a value of all zeros. To avoid doing this and creating more problems pay close attention to the part numbers that aftermarket manufacturers use. + STRATTEC Key Example: Clone Type - RW" (Means Read Write = Clone) + JET Key Example: Clone Type - HD106-N-PHT (The “N" means ‘No Value’) + ILCO Key Example: Clone Type - HD106-PTS (The “S” on the end = Clone) + JMA Key Example: Clone Type - TP05-HOND21.P (The “05" after the “TP” = Clone) * BIANCHI Key Example: Clone Type - BHD106-PTS (The “5” on the end = Clone) Note: Keys that have a EK / EH / SCH /T2/ TS / TK /TP05 /T11 / TPX ate all cloning keys = INTRO. ‘Copyright 2008, 2013 - Nationel Auto Lock Service, Inc. Immobilizer Re-Flashing Immobilizer Re-Flashing is also know ECU Re-Flashing or Re-Programming. IF you lost all your primary keys to some early transponder equipped vehicles you could not program new ones. This was poor planning on the automobile manufacturers side. There was no methodology that would allow access through the OBD2 port. The Immobilizer Control Module (Honda) or the vehicles Engine Control Unit (Lexus/ Toyota) would have to replaced with new ones. This replacement cost could run into several thousands of dollars - depending on the greed of the dealership involved. A simple fix was to re-program (re-flash) just one particular IC chip on the circuit board of the part involved. This was originally figured out by a couple of guys in Brooklyn who used to re-program the mileage on instrument clusters. Later they sold a stand alone device first introduced and sold by National Auto lack Service, Inc. Since then there have been a few companies selling locksmith Re-Flash units. The most versatile and easy to use device on the market is called the EZ-Flasher. It works without the need of a computer hooked up to it (stand alone) and is easy up- dated through an SD card - like the ones used in cameras. Available from National Auto Lock Service, Inc. (800) 954-5454 Copyright 2009, 2019 - National Auto Lock Service, Inc. INTRO -K INTRO. OLNT Ford On-Board Programming PATS 1: ON-BOARD PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE - NO KEYS AVAILABLE 1 Putthe newly cut key into the Keyv/ay and tum it to the ON (RUN) position, A thoft indicator light on the dashboard will flash for 1 minutes, 2. Within 6 minutes aftor the indicator light stops flashing, turn the igrition to OFF, then return to the ON (RUN) position, The indicator light il flash for 1 minutes Again, within § minutes after the indicator light stops flashing, tum the ignition to OFF, then return to 3. the ON (RUN) position. The indicetor light again will flash for 15 minutes, (Once the third cyole of the 15 minute wait period is over the key will be programmed, PATS 1: FoR CARS WHERE YOU WANT TO JUST CREATE A SPARE Ki ‘YOU MUST HAVE 1 (One) PRE-PROGRAMMED KEY ALREADY 1 _ Pisce the frst elready programmed key in the keyway. Cycle the ignition from QFF to ON (RUN) for 1 second and then remove, Within 5 seconds, insert the new, properly cut PATS key in the ignition. Turn the key to ON (RUN), The theft indicator light will go on for two seconds, after which the key will start the vehicte. 2 3 Repeat this procedure for each new key to be programmed, 4 To remove any key code (rom the system use @ G/S, IDS, PDS, MYP, NGS, SDD, TCode or TKO. PATS 2 thru 6: For cars WHERE YOU WANT TO JUST CREATE A SPARE KEY: ‘YOU MUST HAVE 2 (Two) PRE-PROGRANIMED KEY ALREADY. 11 _ Place the first already programmed key in the xeyway. Cycle the ignition from OFF to ON (RUN) for 5 seconds and then remove. 2 Plage the second already programmed Key in the Keyway. Cycle the ignition from OFF to ON (RUN) for 5 seconds and then remove. 1g Within 5 seconds, inser the new, properly curt PATS Key in the ignition. Turn the key to ON (RUN), The theft indicator light will go on for two to four seconds, after which the key will start the vehicle 4. Repeat this procedure for each new key to be programmed. 5 Toremove any key code from the system use a C/S, IDS, PDS, MVP, NGS, SDD, TCode or TKO. L- INTRO Copytigil 2009, 2013 - National Auto Lock Service, Inc. Chrysler On-Board Programming A Chrysler transponder key once programmed into a one car can not be programmed to work any other car, The transponder code identification is learned by the Sentry Key Immobilizer Medule during programming, The Sentry Key Immobilizer Module sends the “Secret Code” to the transponder key and Is retained by the transponder key, during programming. After programming of the transponder key identification to the Sentry Key Immobilizer Module and the Secret Code is exchanged, the Sentry Key Immobilizer Module will ask for the transponder identification and the Secret Code every time the key is turned to ON or START. YOU MUST HAVE 2 (Two) PRE-PROGRAMMED KEY ALREADY. Sit in tha vehicle with the doors closed. insert one of the pre-programmed transponder keys into the ignition lock cylinder anc turn the siatch to the ON position, ‘The key should remain in the ON position for 5 seconds but not more than 15 seconds before you turn it back to the OFF position Within 10 seconds, insert the second pre-programmed transponder key Into the ignition look cylinder and tum the switch to the ON position. The VSS (Vehicle Theft Security System) or Sentry Key Immobilizer System lamp (depending on mode!) should start to flash. This along with a audible tone will indicate to you that the system has entered the “Customer Lear’ programming mode, Within 45 seconds, turn the switch to the OFF position. Insert the new transponder key and turn the switch to the ON position. After aoproximately 10 seconds an audible tone will sound and the Incicator lamp will stay illuminated for 3 seconde. This will be your acknowiadgomont that you have successfully programmed in the new transponder key. To add additional keys, repeat steps 1 through 4. Mike Hyde’s Transponders™ ‘Copyright 2009, 2013 - National Auto Lock Service, ine INTRO -M ara GM On-Board Programming Put the newly cut Master key into the keyway and turn it to the ON (RUN) position. & “Security” indicator light on the dashboard will stay on for 10 minutes. Within 55 seconds after the indicator light goes off, turn the ignition to "OFF, than raturn to tha ON (RUN) position, The indicator light again will stay lit for 10 min. (Do not remove the key.) Again, within 55 seconds after the indicator light goes off, turn the ignition to “OF F", then return to the ON (RUN) position. The indicator light again will stay lit for 10 min, (Do not remove the key.) When the light goes off for the third time, turn the key to off and tum back ON to start the vehicle, the new key is programmes into the computer and will start the car. Put the newly cut Master key into the keyway and tum it to the ON (RUN) position. & "Security" indicator light on the dashboard will stay on for 2 minutes. Within 55 seconds after the indicator light goes off, tum the ignition to “OFF”, then return to the ON (RUN) position. The indicator light again will stay lil for 2 min, (Dv not remove the key.) Again, within 55 seconds atter the indicator light goes off, turn the ignition to “OFF”, then reium to the (ON (RUN) position. The indicator light again will stay itor 2 min, (Do not remove the key.) When the light coes off for the third time, turn the key to off and tum back ON to start the vol new key Is programmed into the computer anc will start tne car, 0, the YOU MUST HAVE 1 (One) PRE-PROGRAMMED KEY ALREADY (U.S. Modols) Place an already programmed key in the keyway. Cycle the ignition from OFF to ON (RUN) to OFF Within 18 seconds, insert the new, properly out Transponder key in the ignition, Tum the key to ON (RUN) or START, The “Security” indicator light will go on and off. Turn the key “OFF” ‘The key will now start the car. Repeat the second step for each new key to be programmed. N- INTRO Copyright 2009, 2073 - National Auto Lock Service, Inc. eC Lexus / Toyota On-Board Programming Place an already programmed Master key in the keyway. (Do not tum on.) Press the Gas pedal 5 times Prose the Brake pedal 6 times. (Prese Hard) Pullout the key. Insert the new key and DO NOT tum it on. Press Gas pedal just lime and wail uni security ight slops blinking, about a minute Remove the key and Press Brake pedal 1 time. The cycle is now closed. The programming made will end after 10 more seconds. copy ©2018 ayes names Place an elready progremmed Master key in the keyway, (Do not tum on.) Press the Gas pedal 4 times. Press the Brake pedal 5 times. (Press Hard) Pull cut the key. Insert the new key and DO NOT tum it on. Press Gas pedal just 1 time and walt untli security light stops blinking, about a minute. Remove the key and Press Brake pedal ‘ time. The cycle is now closed. The programming mode will end after 10 more seconds. Cen 201s Wn yes Taegan Place an already programmed Master key in the keyway. (Do nol tum on.) Press the Gas pedal 6 tmes. Press the Brake pedal 7 times. (Press Hard) Remove the master key (quickly) from the ignition switch. All other keys should now be cleared. Copyright 2008, 2073 - National Auta Lark Sere, Ine. INTRO-O P- INTRO Lexus / Toyota On-Board Programming Get into the car and sit in the Drivers seat, make sure there is no key in the ignition lock. ‘Close all the doors, do not lock them. Insert the already programmed Master Transponder key in the ignition Turn the ignition switch from “Lock to "On" 5 times, very fast, (Leave in ON position) Open and close the Drivers door 6 times, quickly Remova the master koy from the ignition switch, Insert the New key & turn to ON, quickly. The Theft light should go out after 1 to 2 minutes, Remove key, Open & close the Drivers door 1 time. The key should now be programmed into the ECU. Copy 2019 Nk Trapt Get into the car and sit in the Drivere seat, make sure there is no key in the ignition lock. Close all the doors, do not lock them. Insert the already programmed Master Transponder key in the ignition. Turn the ignition switch from *Lock’ to “On” 6 times, quickly, ‘Open and close the Drivers door 7 times, very fest. Remove the master key from tha ignition switch. All other keys should now be cleared. opt 2073 a Traps Get into the cer and sit in the Drivers seat, make sure there is no kay in the ignition lock Close all the doors, do not lock them. Insert the new Master Transponder key in the ignition and tum to ON. Remove the master key from tha ignition switch Open and close the Drivers door 1 time, quickly. ‘The car should now start up. ‘Copyright 2009, 2013 ~ Netional Auto Lock Service, ne. ~ ~ Got into the car and sit in the Drivers seal, make sure there is no key in the ignition lock, Close all the doors, do not lock them. Insert the already pragrammed Master Transponder key in the ignition, ‘Turn the ignition switch ftom “Lock’ to “On’ 5 times, very fast. (Leave in ON position) ‘Open and close the Drivers door 6 times, very fast Remoyo the master key from the ignition switch. Insert the New key & turn to ON, quickly. The Theft light should go out after + to 2 minutes Remove key. Open & close the Drivers door 1 time, The key should now be programmed into the ECU. enya 020% hye Teepe Get into the car and sit in the Drivers seat, make sure there is no kay in the ignition lock, Close all the doors, do not lock them. Inert the alreacy programmed Master Transponder key in the ignition. Tum the ignition switch from “Lock’ to “On' 6 times, very fast. ‘Open and clase the Drivers door 7 times, very fast. Remove the master key from the ignition switch. All other keys should now be cleared. Copii 22018 ws Hye Teper Get into the car, close all the doors, do not lock them. No key in the Ignition yet. Insert the first new Master Transponder key in the ignition and turn to ON for § seconds. Insert the second new Master Transponder kay in the Ignition and turn to ON for 5 seconds. Tum the new kay to ON and then fo OFF (LOCK) § times, quickly Leave the key in the ON position Now leave key in ON position for 30 minutes to syne with ECU. ‘After 30 minutes has passed - the car should now start up. ‘Copyright 2008, 2013 - National Auto Lock Service Ine. INTRO-Q INTRO Lexus / Toyota On-Board Programming ‘Get into the car and sit in the Drivers seat, make sure there is no key in the ignition lock, Close all the doors, do not lock them. Insert the already programmed Master Transponder key in the Turn the ignition switch from “Lock” ta “On” 5 times, very fast. (Leave in LOCK position) ‘Open and close the Drivers door 6 times, quicity, (Door should be closed at the end) Remove the master key from the ignition switch, ~ Insert the New key & tum to ON, quickly. The Theft light should go out after 1 to 2 minutes. Remove key. Open & lose the Drivers door 1 time, The key should now be programmed into the ECU. opt 2058s 08s respon Get into the car and sit in the Drivers seat, make sure there is no key in the ignition lock. > Close all the doors, do not lock them. Insert the already programmed Master Transponder key in the ignition ‘Turn the ignition switch from “Lock" to “On” 6 times, quickly. (Leave in LOCK position) ~ ‘Open and close the Drivers door 7 times, quickly. Remove the master key from the ignition switch. All other keys should naw be cleared. Sanya 013 Ne ons Terps Get into the car and sit in the Drivers seat, make sure there is no kay in the ignition lock. - Close all the doors, do not lock them. Insert the first new Master Transponder key in the ignition for 5 seconds. (Do not turn the key) Insert the second new Master Transponder key in the igi 1 for § seconds. (Do not turn the key) a ‘Turn the new key to ON and then to OFF (LOCK) 5 times, quickly, Leave the key in the ON position, ‘The “Thett' or ‘Secutity’ light should now be out. Proceed to the next page —> R-INTRO Copyright 2009, 20/3 - National Auto Lock Service, In. Lexus / Toyota On-Board Programming 33-2007 Toyota Sequoia After you replace the Immobilizer Control Unit - You must perform the following: Insert an already learned Master key into the ignition lock and turn to the ON position. Do not try to start the vehicle. Use & paper alip or piece of wire to connect (short) the terminals on the OBD2 port for 30 minutes and then remove. The Engine Control Unit should then be re-synchronized with the Immobilizer ECU. Remove the key from the ignition and then reinsert to start the vehicle. ¥ Pets Ts ts tet 7s) ona aed iG] ‘Copyright 2009, 2013 - National Auto Lock Service, Inc. INTRO -S INTRO. ‘MLN Mazda On-Board Programming “98-02 626, ‘00-05 MIATA & MPV Transponder IMPORTANT: YOU MUST USE A FACTORY KEY TO PROGRAM, YOU CANNOT USE AFTERMARKET KEYS FOR THIS PROCEDURE. (NO JET, NO ILCO, NO SILCA, NO CURTIS) 4 Cutthe mechanical cuts on each new transponder key, Insert the first key and turn the ignition to the ON position and then back to the LOCK position, five 2 times. You cannot leave the key in the ON or LOCK position for more than one second, Do not turn the key too fast or it will not register. 3 Tura the key back tothe ON position and waich the flashing security Hight on the dash. The light ‘shoul flash rapidly, less than 1 second on and off, 4 Within 20 seconds, turn the key to the LOGK position for § minutes. Afier 5 minutes the security light should decrease in flashing to 1.2 seconds between flashes. 5 Within 20 seconds, start to enter the PINCODE (pacsword). A. Before you start, the security light on the dash should be flashing on and off for 1.2 seconds each B__ Forthis purpose, let's say the PINCODE is "23681457". Below is an exainple. ‘The first digit in the PINCODE is.a'2'. Tur the ignition key to the ON position while the C security light is not illuminated. Count the illumination flashes TWO times and while the light is not illuminated turn the key to the LOCK position. (This is an example.) ‘The second digit in the PINCODE is 2 ‘3’. Within 30 seconds of turning the Key to the LOCK D___ Position, tur the ignition key fo the ON position while the security ight is not thuminated. Count the illumination flashes THREE times and while the light is not iluminated turn the key to the LOCK position. E Repeat the above step to enter the rest of the PINCODE ‘After you have entered the last number, tum the ignition to LOGK and then beck ON. Onne you have F entered the PINCODE correctly, the security light will stop flashing and stay iluminated, Ifyou make ‘a mistake, just wait 45 seconds and start over. Do not remove the key. Continued on next page T- INTRO Copyright 2009, 2019 - National Auto Lock Service, inc. Mazda On-Board Programming ‘98-02 626, ‘00-'05 MIATA & MPV Transponder 4 When you have entered the PINCODE correctly, the security light should stay on and net flash. The car should now start, Start the car and the security ight should stay lit for between 1 10.2 2 seconds. 3 [fyotate going to ade second key for programming, within 20 seconds, remove the Fst key and insert the second key and start the car. The security light should stay lit for between 1 to 2 seconds. 4 Stop if you heve no more keys to program. § After 30 seconds the program mode will end. Notes: +The ignition key should not be turned ON twice within one non-tllumination eyclo, The ignition key should not be turned ON during an illumination eyele. +The ignition key should not be tumed to LOCK twice within one nor-ilumination cycle, Copyright 2009, 2013 - National Auto Lock Service, Inc. INTRO - U INTRO OuLNI Mike Hyde’s Transponders Notes V- INTRO Copyright 2009, 2019 - National Auto Lock Service, Ine Transy/exeyale (eas CM ocd Copyright 2009, 2013 - Michasl Hyde ACURA-1 Keiea vanov INTEGRA 2-ACURA ACURA Transponders Copyright 2009, 2013 - Michael Hyde Transponder Spec’s - 1998-2003 CL HD106-PT BHDI08-PT || HD106-PT ready to xegam ‘eady te progam easy 0 page =a ACURA ‘Acura Paritt 35113-SY6-A01 a Part of Antenna Ring & Ignition Lock GHIPD) [75] Common Read & wie Crip ‘TS’ - Can be cloned on any clone machine, STRATTEC ILCO SILCA JMAUSA SET KEYS BIANCHIUSA ) (ADUSA KR. quick code || Rwa2is awa || Tes-sooovevo || smart iclone | | uitogra Ropli7 || ADS00 Zedbult Myer uw a 4a @ 4 @ yu "1 Requires Inienei Access to complete cening. “2 -Reaures Filps Crypto Upcele. °2- Ragures Tovas Crypt updots, a ‘Sore NWP /TCODE ‘Copyright 2009, 2013 - Michael Hyce 2013-2014 ILX ACU-ILX-PROX-1 Caste cre NIA NA NA NA NIA 72147-TX8-AO1 (Drv 1) -A11 (Drv 2) | 35119-TK4-A50 (Key) “ cooesenes xcormie—————*+d~CTeSTWe soso ——~+) All 5 NO. Part of Antenna Ring & \gnition Lock Transponder Spec's Proximity Remote _—_—— Fob Noon STRATTEG uick Code @No ILCO SILA was RWG oe ® JMAUSA ‘TRS-5000 EVO ® JET KEYS BIANCHIUSA | (ADUSA KR, ‘Smart iciona || Ultegra opi? | | Acgoo Zedbull ® @® @® | @ ®@ “f= Requkes nent Accesso sorplete clog. °2- Roques PhipeCrpto Update." Requles Tesae Cyto ups, ILCO/SILCA KEYLESS RIDE Mvp | TCODE wvP /TCODE ‘SDD /TKO. HOTWIRE CLASSIC PRO @No @No @No 4-ACURA Copyright 2008, 2013 - Michael Hyde Transponder Spec's - 2000-2001 INTEGRA ee, HD106-N-PHT |] TPOSHOND21 || HD106-PT BHD106-PT HD106-PT reeds predering | | needs pre-derng vest) fo param racy ogra reeey b progam Model Notes: Y# Acura Parti! 35113-SY8-A01 a zaisee) Part of Antenna Ring & Ignition Look | Bil. [F3_]common Read & write Chip “TS! Can be cloned cn any clone machine EUSABLE Yoo “GHIPTYPE Small Goss / Wedge a ir "Key & Vehicle Information | ILCO SICA sMAUSA JETKEYS: BIANCHI USA Rwers-Rwa || TReso00/EVO || Smart Ultegra Repli7 wu w 4 4 au ‘STRATTEC “CLASSIC Fem Ure HDS, Hin ‘Copyright 2009, 2073 - Micheal Hyco bees LCA, ae MVP! TCODE Bote Factory Too! Dealer Teo, ADUSA KR. ‘Ap900 Zedbull Mw von 2007-2013 MDX - Transponder Spec’s SaaNe fer HON-V-4TRK BHOO2-PT HOO3-PT ‘TP12HOND31 HOMN2PHT 9907553 waiyiosogee || seaiyopmmm || reedyooegen || resytoncean || maljcpmgen || vedrto sein [ Key & Vehicle information ari 4 b Model Noles; DEALERKEY Check wit Acura - Depends on model year & driver 1 or 2 CODE SERIES KO01-N718 TESTKEY HD001 MODELS EQUIPPED Co) MAX # KEYS / PROX is) seoerea =?) CHIP ILD. [46] Philips Encrypted - V' Chip ) GLONETYPE Transponder can be cloned with any Cloner with Philips 2 ability REUSABLE Some are locked CHIP TYPE Small Black Wedge lLcosica IMA USA JET KEYS BIANCHIUSA ) (ADUSA KR. was -RW4 || TRS6000/ev0 || smart iciono || Ultegra Repll7 || AD900 Zedbull eo wv ives? ® wm a we Eyes? "1 Requiss Internat Access to comple cicning. *2~ Requres Phils Cryplo Update. °2- Reqs Texas Cryo updata. ILCO/SILCA KEYLESS RIDE ‘MVP /TCODE MVP / TCODE Factory Too! PIN CODE: ‘SDD/TKO. “HOTWIRE CLASSIC. PRO REQUIRED. Ties Hos yHm a Eaves a Tye Tore _WaFCLaneo en Dagek @No ‘Type 7 or Type 7 on 8 Dealer Tools Desley WebinGode Req" Sran'GardiReq —--RemuresPN | Toes aPIN Code 6-ACURA Copyright 2009, 2013 - Michzel Hyce Transponder Spec’s - 2000-2006 MDX BHD106-PT readyto pogan HD406-N-PHT rece HD106-PT ready pega 92246 ‘TPOSHOND21 ‘eal gia ete prong HD106-PT ‘ead prea a eivk : ‘Key & Vehicle Information | Mocel Notes: DEALER KEY Acura Parti 35113-SY8-A01 CODESERIES 5001-2442 TESTKEY HD103/x214 MODELS EQUIPPED All MAX #KEYS/PROX 5 ON BOARD PROGRAM NO ei ore cui. [13 ]common Read & Write Chip GLONETYPE “T5'- Can be cloned on any clone machine. REUSABLE Yes CHIPTYPE Small Glass / Wedge ‘STRATTEC Quick Code 1LCO SILCA Rw2is | RWa, AMAUSA ‘TRS-5000/ EVO SET KEYS BIANCHI USA iclone | | Ultegra Repti 7 ives “ise a uw wm a | mw Smart ADUSA KR, ‘AD900 Zedbull a “1 -Roguires itemet Access io compete cloning, “2 Requivs Pills Cpto Updele. “S- Raquras Taras Crypio updats Copyright 2009, 2013 - Michael Hyde PIN CODE REQUIRED requires a PIN, pe 1997-2005 NSX - Transponder Spec’s Wouerr BHD106-PT HD106-PT peu HD106-N-PHT. 692246 rene to pxcran reaoy bo pregan weds pein | | ceed to pega { Key & Ve ERO —" Notes: Requires Immobilier Unit to be replaced or re-feshed. Use EZ-Flashor Acura Part 35113-SYB-A01 a) Part of Antenna Ring & Ignition Lock [43 ] Common Read & Write Chip ‘TS'- Can be cloned on any clone machine. STRATE ‘LO sILCA JMAUSA Quick Code | | Rw2ia Riva || TRS-6000/EVO Myes 4 JET KEYS Smart iGlone a BIANCHI USA Ultegra x ADUSA KR ‘Aps00 Zedbull wz Repli? 4 “4 Requires erretAczesstocongletsclonhg. "-Reues Pips Crypt Upel, *3- Regus Texas Cryo update, WUCO/SILCA —KEYLESSRIDE © MVP 1TCODE we /TCODE spD/ TKO HOTWIRE Giassic PRO ver @No [lYes Mes Typo ‘ADCS Donale amo box must ee See be fleshed or {nme box rustbe Immo box must be replaced fleshed rreplaced lash or replaced 8-ACURA Copyright 2000, 2013 - Michasl Hydo Transponder Spec's - Part of Antenna Ring & Ignition Lock D. Proximity Remote INE TYPE Proximity Remote Fob - No Cloning, a) ILCOSILCA ® UMA USA ‘TRS-5000/ EVO JET KEYS: Smart RWA IGlone ILeo/ SILCA ‘SDD/TKO @No eer See KEYLESSRDE ©‘ MVP/TCODE HOTWIRE. CLASSIC Copyright 2009, 2013 - Micheel Hyde BIANCHI USA Uitagra Repl 7 @ ® ® ® ® | ® Factory Too! HOS / Hin Daaer Tools Requires PIN ACURA ACU-RDX-13-PROK-1 (al Us To ret le Information | Emeigency Key (No transponder) ‘AD USA BIANCHT BHOO2-PT reed) pogrom HON-V-ATRK road t0 aos 5907553 ‘eaty b pean TP12HONDS1 reaey progam ( Key & Vehicle Information B ‘Mode! Notes: DEALER KEY# Check with Acura - Depends on model year & Driver 1 or 2 MODELS EQUIPPED: ia MAX # KEYS / PROX [je ) ON BOARD PROGRAM NO IMMOBILIZER LOCATION Part of Antenna Ring & Ignition Lock GHPID. [46] Phiips Enorypted - \V Chip y CLONETYPE Transponder can be cloned with any Cloner with Philips 2 ability REUSABLE Some are locked CHIP TYPE Small Black Wedge STRATTEC. ALCOSILCA JMAUSA JET HEYS: BIANCHIUSA ) (ADUSA KR. Quick Code | | Raia Rs || TRS-S000/EVO | | Smart Ultegra. Repli7 | | AD900 Zedbull @No e ww waves? ® | a fos? iGlone "1 = Reguies inert Aacess to cooley. °2- Requies Phos Crpio Updie, “t- Requires Teves Co uncat, ILCO/SILCA KEYLESS RIDE lwvP | TCODE MVP /TCODE Factory Too! PIN CODE HOTWIRE ct PRO 2 REQUIRED, -spD/TKO _ Wives, HDS / HIM ‘Type ors Dongle A BN : Dealer Tools ee fea requires a - Code 10 -ACURA Copyright 2009, 2013 - Michael Hydo Transponder Spec's 2002-2006 RSX re80y o pregan TPOSHOND21 eed prety 13, ‘Comman Read & Write Chip "TS'- Can be cloned on any clone machino.. BHD108-PT ree program | x Vehic (ahaa EVE Acura Parttt 35113-SY8-A01 C ERIES 5001-442 T HDt03/x214 Yes (PE Small Glass or Wedge STRATTEC LCOSILCA UMAUSA BIANcHIUSA ) (ADUSA KR Quickcode || aways Re Myes mw | TRS.8000/ EVO w Ultegra 4 Repll 4 |ADe0¢ Zedbull w@ “1 - Requires intarat Access to complete cloning, *2- ecules Potpe Crypto Voda. “3-Requies Texas Cypto undate. KEYLESS RIDE HOTWIRE ie “wercite ‘Copyright 2008, 2019 - Michael Hyde ACURA - 11 ACURA. vanow 2005-2012 RL - Transponder Spec’s ACURL-REMOTE cause oer WR NA NIA N/A NA (Key & Vehicle Information Z I (Model Notes: Acuratt 72147-SJA-AQ1 (Prox) 36111-SJA-305 (Emerg Key) HD108 | x214 [45 | Philips Encrypted -'V’ Chio [GLONETYPE Transponder can be cloned with any Cloner with Php 2 abity Emergency Key wan Viereporcey | REUSABLE” Some are lacked Small Black Wedge STRATTEC (LEO SILA UMA USA JET KEYS BIANCHI USA, ADUSA KR. auick cote || nary awa || tRs-soo0/evo || smart icione | | uitegra Repti? | | aDsoo zedbut @No eo wv a mm faYes!? Bes? a wf = “1 Requies intone. Access io comple cining. “2-Reauies Pi Crypto Unde, “2 Reques Texes Crypio wiste, ILCO/SILCA KEYLESS RIDE | MNP TCODE NYP) TCODE Factory Tool ‘SOD / TKO HOTWIRE CLASSIC PRO ®No @No @No 12-ACURA Copyright 2009, 2013 - Michel Hyde ‘Transponder Spec’s - 1996-2004 RL ec2246 HD106-N-PHT || TPOSHOND21 || HD106-PT BHD106-PT || HD406-PT eatytopogan || rests presioirg ready tora ready ta prog read prot = "Key & Vehicle information | ‘Madel Notes: Requires Immobilizer Unit to be replaced or revflashed. Use EZ-Flasher Acura Parti! 36113-SY8-A01 | CODE SERIES, 5001-8442 TES E) HD103 | X214 NO Attached to Mid-Section of Steering Column 13 | Common Read & Write Chip “GLONETIPE TS'- Can be cloned on any clone machine, LE Yes “CHIP TYPE Smal Giess or Wedge ‘STRATTEC Quick Code Ico SILA MA USA ADUSA KR Rw2is Ws || TRS-s000/ EVO ADeD¢ Zedbutl uw a 4 ILCO/SILCA KEYLESS RIDE ‘MVP /TCODE ‘SOD! TKO ‘HOTWIRE ‘CLASSIC See Sones Hos /HiM Desler Tools Ime boxmisibe Requires PIN ‘lashed or replaced Copyright 2009, 2019 - Michael Hyds 2009-2013 TL with Proximity - Transponder Spec’s vanov ‘NATIONAL ACU-TL-09-PROX-1 Calle To Order | Key & Vehicle Information ‘Mods! Notes: DEALER KEY# §=72147-TK4-A711 (Drv 1) / A81 (Drv 2) | 35113-TK4-A50 (Key) a) MODELS EQUIPPED Optional MAX # KEYS / PROX s) sesh) y Transponder Chip Information s CHIPLD. [ProxmtyRemote == stsS—~CSTS Remote Emergency Key (No wanspondes) REUSABLE No CHIP TYPE Circutt Board STRATTEC ILCO SILCA IMA USA JET KEYS BIANCHIUSA ) (ADUSA KR, ‘quick code || Rwas Rwa || Tas-so00/evo || smart ‘clone | | Uitogra Repl | | ADg900 Zedbult @No ® | ® ® 8 | ® ® | ® ® “1 - Require Inernot Aceces to completo cicring. "2 Rogues Phils Crypto Updato. “2 Roquras Toxas Crypto updato, ILCO/SILCA KEYLESS RIDE i TCODE MVP | TCODE Factory Tool PIN CODE. SDD /TKO HOTWIRE + Massie PRO URED @No @No - fives HDS: @No Dealer too! requires a PIN, Code 44. - ACURA Copyright 2009, 2019 - Michael Hyde Transponder Spec’s - 2009-2043 TL no Prox ACURA ‘STRATTEC E oe f (~BIANCAL >) (— NATIONAL 8907553 HD112-N-PHT || TP12HOND34 HOO3-PT BHOO2-PT HON-V-ATRK eecy tn program ready to program acy topregan ready b program ‘each to proarers e2¢y to rcgran “Key & Vehicle Information | ‘Madel Noles: DEALER KEY# Acura Parti# 35119-TK4-A00 (Drv 1) /A11 (Orv 2) CODESERIES KOO1-N718 TESTKEY 0001 MODELS EQUIPPED All MAX#KEYS/PROX 5 ONBOARD PROGRAM NO ; IMMOBILIZER LOCATION Part of Antenna Ring & Ignition Lock ‘Transponder Chip Information CHIPLD. [46 ] Phiips Encrypted -'V' Chip ) CLONETYPE Transponder can be cloned with any Cloner with Philips 2 ability) REUSABLE Somo are locked CHIPTYPE Small Black Wedge LLCOSILCA JMAUSA JET KEYS BIANCHIUSA ) (ADUSA KR. RWw23 RWS || TRS-S000/EVO || Smart iClono || Ultegra Repli7 | | AD900 Zedbull oe vg ayes? oe wf a ww DYes's? STRATTEG Quick Code @No *t-Requres Itemet Acces to comelets clang. ‘2 - Requires Phips Crypto Updais, *2- Requires Texes Crypto untae, “MVP TCODE MyP/TCODE —_ Factory Tool PIN CODE CLASSIC PRO REQUIRED __@No yes HDS Donde A ing Type 3 BeelerTede, | _Desertool ~ a ‘ requires a PN ¥ “Smart Card Req, Requires PIN Cade Copyright 2009, 2013 - Micha! Hyde ACURA - 15 2007-2008 TL - Transponder Spec's HON-V-6TRK || BHO02-PT HooseT || TP12HONDS1 || HOTZ PHT 5907563 7 veaiyopugen || rexyopran || reewynoorim || eeayopegan || reatropmen || aiytepoqan ” ( Key & Vehicle information ——=~=~*~ WA || TRE-S000/EVO || Smart [Clone | | Ultegra Repli7 | | AD900 Zedbuil @No ® ® @No ®@ @® ® ®@ @No "1 -Requies inermet Access to complete cloning, "2- Rsques Phos Crypto Update. *2- Recutes Texss Crypto unde, ILCO/SILCA KEYLESS RIDE MVP /TCODE: MVP /TCODE Factory Too! ‘SDD / TKO HOTWIRE: CLASSIC PRO VAS 5052 wiGeKo 1D Yes wre Adaptor Dongle A VAG Tyne 2 VAG Type 2 Enghe abe 2006 Ony Copyright 2009, 2013 - National Auto Lock Service, AUD! - 35 ‘AUDI 2007-2013 Q5/Q7 - Transponder Spec’s janw | COE SERIES. HAA. 001-8000 q Ea oo) NO Part of Instrument Cluster 48 | Megamos Crypto CAN Transponder Chip ONE TYPE Cannot be cloned at this time. REUSABLE: No "CHP TYPE ‘Small Glass or Wedge: Emergency Key {No trangpancer) STRATTEC ILO sLCA Ma USA JET KEYS BIANCHIUSA | (ADUSA KR. Quick code || Rwars Rw4 || TRs-so00/evo || smart iciono | | Uitogra Repti | | ADD00 Zodbult @ro ® | @ @No @ | & ® | ® @No “7 Roquioe ntornat Acces to cemplo cloning. “2- Roquree Poe Crypto Updcte, "3 - Requres Texas Crypto updete ILCOTSILCA KEYLESS RIDE ‘MVP | TCODE wNP/ CODE Factory Too! ‘SDD /TKO HOTWIRE CLASSIC PRO = SS Sse Se eee eiie SOW See Oe emo 36 - AUDI Copyright 2009, 2019 - National Auto Lock Service, Inc. Transponder Spec’s - 2005-2012 TT Bk kee Tam _ Key & Vehicle Information | Node! Notes: Dealer Transponder System, Requires VASS062A for Programming (EW Ome Sd HAA 001-8000 HUSEP: IMMOBILIZER LOCATION Part of |nstrument Cluster [48 ] Megamos Crypto Transponder Chip NETYPE Cannot be cloned al this time, REUSABLE No | CHIPTYRE Small Wedoo STRATTEG ILCOSILCA JMAUSA JET KEYS BIANCHIUSA | [ADUSA KR. Quick Code || RW2'3 Wa || TRS-S000/EVO || Smart iclone || Ultegra Repli7 || AD900 Zedbuil @No ® | ® @No @ ® ® ® @No “1+ Requles items! Azcess 1 complete cloning. "2- Requires Philos Crypto Update. “2 - Requles Texas Crypto update. LCO/SILCA —KEYLESSRIDE ©» MVP/TCODE ‘ve /TCODE SDD/TKO HOTWIRE CLASSIC. PRO @No @no ‘Copyright 2008, 2913 - National Auto Lock Serie, Ine. AUDI- ‘AUDI janw 2001-2004 TT - Transponder Spoc’s HU6B-PTE BHUBETE HuseTs = || TPosHUHAAP || HUG7-PHT (234) oproga reatyto oye featy io oman reagjwoprgan || precdonet ready Model Notes: LO 837 220 Q ROH (non-remote) a STRATTEC Quick Code @WNo ILco/ SILCA 38 - AUDI SDD /TKO ILCOSILCA JMAUSA JET KEYS: BIANCH USA) (ADUSA KR. was Rw4 || TRs-6000/Ev0 || smart icieno || ultegre Repii7 | | ADo00 Zeabult ® | @ @No ® | ® e® ® @Wo "1 Reques intemot Access lo compete cloning, "2- Reaures Phips Crypto Update, "3- Requires Texes Cryst uodate. KEYLESS RIDE MVP /TCODE (YP /TCODE HOTWIRE @No VAG Type 2 NAG Type 2. ‘By Engrre Code. By Engine Code ‘Copyright 2009, 2013 - National Auto Lock Service, Ine, Copytight 2009, 2013 - Natio Trans/exoyaye feats PA Cr Wy Mh BMW - 39 BMW mie 1-Series ‘S-Series 5-Series e-Series Z3-Series 24-Series X3-Series X6-Series 40 - BMW BMW Transponders Type C - see page 43 Type E - see page 45 Type C - see page 43 Type B - see page 42 Type A- see page 41 Type E - see page 45 Type C - see page 43 Type B - see page 42 Type A - see page 41 Type D - see page 44 Type B - see page 42 Type A- see page 41 Type E - see page 45, Type D - see page 44 Type B - see page 42 Type A- see page 47 Type A - see page 47 Type B - see page 42 Type C - see page 43 Type B - see page 42 Type E - see page 48 Type B - see page 42 Type E - see page 45 Type C - see page 43 Type B - see page 42 Type C - see page 43 Copyright 2009, 2013 - National Auto Lock Service, Inc. Transponder Spec’s - BMW KEY Type A ‘STRATTEC | ILCO EZ “NATIONAL Dealer N/A NIA Key ‘Key & Vehicle Information | Modal Nets DEALER KEY#/ Remote Head Key - Ordored by VIN CODESERIES 4 Track Series TESTKEY HUS8/ STEWP WODELSEQUIPFED AlitomAN 1995) WAKAMEYSIPROX @ ONBOARD PROGRAM NO IMMOBILZER LOCATION EWS Immobilizer Syetom ) Transponder Chip Information. | CHIP), [33] Philips Crypto Transpender Chip CLONETYPE _Remoie functions cannot be cloned REUSABLE No CHIF TYPE Small Wedse co siLcA, Rw23 WA @ @ JMAUSA ‘TRS-5000 EVO @No JET KEYS ‘Smart iClone @ @ BIANCHi USA Repli? @ ADUSA KR ‘A900 Zedbull @No Ultegra @ °¥- Roques intra Accass to completa clnng, °2- Requires Phips Crypto Update. *2- Requires Texas Cryto unde, WCO/SILCA -KEYLESSRIDE = MVP/ TCODE MvPITCODE —_ Factory Tool PIN CODE ‘SDD /TKO HOTWIRE CLASSIC PRO REQUIRED @No Qi @No ®ve iareSbtieae Key of Prox Ther is aftermarket software ené devices for programming EWS is pro-coded @No (transponder) modules on BMW's. The coftware requires & leaming curve in to vehicle ‘sing i. Leam from someone wna already has one. ‘Copyright 2009, 2013 - Netional Auto Lock Service, inc. BMW - 41 BIW. BMW KEY Type B - Transponder Spec's MINE MIMOBILIZER LOCATION EWS Immobliizar System ae [46] Crypto Transponder Chip Remote functions cannot be cloned a Lo} STRATTEC, ILCOSILCA JMAUSA JET KEYS BIANCHUSA | [ADUSA KR Quickcode || wars Rw4 || TRs-s000/EVO | | Smart iClona || Ultegra Repli | | ADG00 Zodbull @ro ® ® @No ® ®@ ® ® @wo “F- Requits intomatAczass fo compete cloning. °2- Roques Phiipe Crypto Update. “3 Requires Texas Crypto update 1LCO/ SILCA ‘KEYLESS RIDE MYP/TCODE MVP /TCODE Factory Tool ‘SDD /TKO ‘HOTWIRE CLASSIC. PRO. Bek See Se eee ee ‘There is aftermarket software and cevicas for programming EWS {(reneponder) modules on BMW's, The eoftware requires a learning curve in “pvehoe Using &, Leam ‘rom somoane who aoady has one, 42-BMW Copyright 2009, 2013 - National Auto Lack Service, Inc. Transponder Spec's - BMW KEY Type C i Key 8 Vehicle Information | ‘Model Noles: Some cloning may be possible, check with your cloner manufacturer. Prox Remote - Ordered by VIN Emergency Kay uy EWS Immobilizer System, [Ba] crypto Tarsponder chip REUSABLE: No “CHP TYPE Cireuit Board STRATTEC ILCO SiLCA JMAUSA JETKEYS: BiaNCHiusa |) (ADUSA KR. Quick code | | Rwr2r2 Rw || TRs-so00/EVO || Smart ictone | | Ultegra Repti7 | | ADs0e Zedbull @®No e® ® Dives? e ® a ® ®No “1 Requires Intemel Access to campeie cloning. “2- Requires Palos Crypto Updete. “2 Requires Teses Crypto updete, WeO/SILCA = KEYLESSRIDE = UNP/TCODE MvPITCODE — _Factory Tool CLASSIC. PRO Bers See Soke Bees ieee c Key of Prox ‘There is aftermartel softwere and devices for programming EWS is prexcoded (trensponder) modules cn BMW's. The software requires a leaming curve in to vehicle using it. Leam irom somone wha already has one. ‘Copyright 2009, 2013 - National Auto Lock Service, Inc BMW - 43 BMW KEY Type D - Transponder Spec’s Dealer Key NIA NA NIA, NIA NA {Key & Vehicle Information a Model Notes: Some cloning may be possible, check with your cloner manufacturer. Prox Remote - Ordered by VIN EWS Immobilizer System D. [46] Crypto Transponder Chip | SLONETYPE Remote & Proximity functions cannot be cloned USABLE No) Circuit Board Emergency Key (nor-transponder) il Ico SILA Reis RE JMAUSA TRS-8000/ EVO JET KEYS: Smart BIANCHIUSA ) fADUSA KR. clone | | Ultegra Ropti7 | | ADs | Zodbull ® ®@ Hives? ® ® ® ® @No "1 Roquas IntorrotAccoss to completa Ganing. *2-Requres Palins Crpia Updata. *3- Roques Toxze Crypto wpdate “Tho is aftermarket sofware and devas for programing EWS | (Wansponder medulos on BMW, The sotlvare requires alamirg curve in “to vehicle ng Loam fem somearo wh aracy nas on, 44-BMW (Copyright 2009, 2013 - Nationa! Auto Lock Service, Inc. Transponder Spec's - BMW KEY Type E Model Notes; Prox Remote - Ordered by VIN | CODE SERIES. °Z Gode Seres (Emerg Key) ) TESTKEY HU100 No ee [46] Crypto Transponder Chip = ais 7 (Emergency Key YFE Remote & Proximity functions cannot be cloned etch REUSABLE. No “onIP TYPE Circuit Board Se STRATTEC | (—_ILCOSILCA JAUSA sETKEYS aiancuiusa | (aDUSA KR. Quick Code | | rvias ws || TRs000/EVO || Smart ‘Clone | | Uitegra Ropli7 | | ADe00 Zedbull @No @ | ® @Wo } @ @ ® @ro “1- Requies Inernet Access to conmplee ching. "2- Requires Phins Chote Uncste. *3 - Raquree Texas Crypto updat ILCO/SILCA KEYLESS RIDE MVP/TCODE MvP/TCODE —_ Factory Tool ‘SDD/TKO HOTWIRE ‘PRO ON Ow ON Ove inate ‘Key or Prox ‘There is aftermarket software and devices for programming EWS ‘is pre-coded (transponder) modules cn BMW's. The sofware requires a leaming curve in to vehicle using i. Leam trom somaone vino alredy has one, Copyright 2009, 2013 - National Aulo Lock Service. Inc. BMW - 45 MINE Mike Hyde’s Transponders Notes 46 - BMW Copyright 2008, 2019 - National Auto Lock Service, Ine, Trans/exeyate lta) by Mike Hyde BUICK BUICK -47 woine LaCrosse Terraza (697) 48 - BUICK BUICK Transponders ‘Copyright 2009, 2013 - National Auto Lock Servies, Ine. Transponder Spec’s - 2008-2013 ENCLAVE 8112-CP-PHT || TP12GM37P B1-PT pet12PT || NATL-Gux-to0c roaiy fo proaan ready 0 poem ready b progam ready progam Key 8 Veil Use Strattec 693126 for Logo Kay aoe 1G 001-3631 8106/6109) / 8106/6109) Yes - Three 10 min Cycles - Works most of the time. BUICK ‘Noda! Notes Part of Theft Module (Around Ignition Lock) [46 | Prlips Encrypted Transponder Chip 9E Can be cloned with any Cloner with Philips 2 ability or upgrade Sie vo ——~*SCRRP svar e+) STRATTEC fe |LCO SILCA Quick Code || Rm2is RUA o JMAUSA TRS-5000/ EVO SET KEYS Smart [Clone @ BIANCHIUSA Ropii 7 ‘ADUSA KR, ‘Ap900 | Zedbul Yes! ? uitegra wes? WLC! SILCA SDD /TKO INP ITCODE KEYLESS RIDE HOTWIRE Mives ve Yes “GMCAN, viaPC Lapion| = Dongle “Aor He ‘Copyright 2009, 2013 - Nationel Auto Lock Service, inc. BUICK - 49 MOINE 2013 ENCORE - Transponder Spec’s IN STOCK uicoat NA NWA NA N/A NA (=e ein Model Notes: OM Part 13585811 2001-6314 - High $ 2001-6914 High Security) ‘Hui ‘Yes - Three 10 min Cycles - Works most of the time. N Part of Theft Module (Around Ignition Lock) ae [46+ | Philips Encrypted Transponder Chip b ‘Transponder can be cloned with any Gioner with Philips 2 ability — —— STRATTEG ILCO SICA sWAUSA JETKEYS BIANCHIUSA | (ADUSA KR. uick Code || RW2I3 RW || TRs

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