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Child Day Of Week/Date Content Strengths Additional thoughts

and log number or weaknesses

Student 1 Tuesday Math: Adding and The teacher is going

09/26/2023 subtracting within to give the students a
8, wobble chair to see if
Math Log 1 this helps divert some
Strengths: of his extra energy.
The student shows a He seems to react
lot of initiative and well when we redirect
works very hard to and is respectful. His
stay on task. He also biggest issue seems
asks good questions to be impulse control.
during instructional
time that will further
his understanding of
topics at hand.

The student has a lot
of trouble staying still
and while he works
really hard to try
when redirected it
doesn’t last long. He
also has trouble
when asking
questions as he
shouts out. This
sometimes interrupts
other students or
even the teacher.

Student 1 Tuesday ELA: Iowa Testing, The student is very

09/26/2023 respectful, but it
Strengths: During seems his impulse
ELA Log 1 testing he stayed in control can be
his spot, he did not directly correlated
move to other parts with how silent and
of the room. He did a calm he has to be.
good job answering The higher the
the questions when expectations the
prompted. The more trouble he has.
student is respectful. During times with the
most expectations
Weaknesses: like taking a test the
He seemed to have a teacher increase the
lot of trouble amount of time the
understanding the student is redirected.
classroom dynamic
expected during a
quiz. He had a lot of
trouble with shouting
out and a little with
trying to talk to other
students. The student
would also make
random noises at

Child Day Of Week/Date Content Strengths Additional thoughts

and log number or weaknesses

Student 2 Tuesday Math: Adding and The student was

09/26/2023 subtracting within absent but I look
8, forward to working
Math Log 1 with her next week.
Strengths: The
student was absent
so I did not get much
of an opportunity to
observe. The teacher
said she is a good
student. She is smart
and follows directions
most of the time.
Weaknesses: The
teacher indicated the
student has some
minor health
concerns and has
some trouble with
impulse control as
well as staying on

Student 2 Tuesday ELA: Phonics, The student was

09/26/2023 absent but I look
Strengths: The forward to working
ELA Log 1 teacher indicated that with her next week.
she is a good student

Weaknesses: The
teacher has indicated
some minor health
concerns and some
of the same issues as
student 1

Child Day Of Week/Date Content Strengths Additional thoughts

and log number or weaknesses

Student 1 Tuesday Math: Field Trip, The field trip was a

10/03/2023 great experience with
Strengths: The the kids. I had a lot of
Math Log 2 student was good fun in the maze even
during the field trip though we got lost. It
and stayed with the was fun to see the
group the whole time. kids trying to be
When we went detectives and find
through the corn the way out. The
maze he took student also
initiative and wanted comedically
to help decide which suggested that if we
way to go. remained lost we
could just live off the
Weaknesses: corn.
The student would
sometimes get too
excited in the maze
and as a result would
have a hard time
following directions.

Student 1 Tuesday ELA: Field Trip, The student seemed

10/03/2023 to have a good time
Strengths: During on the trip and kept
ELA Log 2 the lunch portion of bringing up the corn
the trip the student maze. I also got to
sat and talked with know him a little
friends and interacted better through
with me a little bit. He conversation during
was trying apple cider this trip. It is also
for the first time and possible that apple
loved it. cider is his new
favorite beverage.
He was playing a bit
with his food during
the lunch portion. He
also had trouble
when it was time to
line up and go back
to the bus. He didn’t
clean up his food
right away.

Child Day Of Week/Date Content Strengths Additional thoughts

and log number or weaknesses

Student 2 Tuesday Math: Field Trip, She seemed to enjoy

10/03/2023 the maze. It was a lot
Strengths: of fun for her.
Math Log 2 This student had a lot Additionally, it was
of fun on this trip and amazing to see how
was not afraid to try a much you can learn
maze for the first about your students
time. She also asked through observation
to be leader of two outside of the
groups when we both classroom. She is
got lost. generally pretty quiet
during class and
Weaknesses: She sometimes will raise
tried to go off on her her hand to answer,
own twice as she but during this trip
wanted to find the she took the lead a
exit without help. lot and was very
Other than that she outgoing.
didn’t show much

Student 2 Tuesday ELA: Field Trip, This field trip was a

10/03/2023 great experience for
Strengths: During me to observe the
ELA Log 2 the lunch time, she students outside the
was well behaved classroom and see
and followed how they interact with
directions. She didn’t each other in a more
even have to be told open environment. At
to clean up after first I felt that this
herself, she was very might not give me
responsible. Once sufficient observation
again showed the as it was not subject
traits of a leader by matter, but I was
helping others to pleasantly surprised
clean up. with the amount I
learned with both
Weaknesses: students.
Weakness was hard
to find during lunch.
She was a little loud
at times, but
corrected behavior
after little redirection.

Child Day Of Week/Date Content Strengths Additional thoughts

and log number or weaknesses

Student 1 Tuesday Math: Addition and This was our last

10/10/2023 subtraction up to 8, week on this subject
matter so it was
Math Log 3 Strengths: The interesting to see the
student seemed to be growth the student
helped a lot by the made in the different
wobble chairs. He areas of the
was visibly less jittery academic side of
and was doing a things. It was also
good job staying in like night and day
his chair. I think this after the
is due to the fact that differentiation alluded
he was able to get to in the strengths
movement at her section of today.

Weaknesses: The
student still had a lot
of trouble with calling
out and making noise
during class. He got
out of his seat twice
to ask the teacher
questions. This was
an improvement as it
used to be much
more than that. If we
can get him to stay in
his seat and raise his
hand it would be a
huge improvement.

Student 1 Tuesday ELA: Spelling The student was

10/10/2023 words and game, good during any
reading we did and
ELA Log 3 Strengths: During played games
the game he followed collaboratively. They
all rules and was played a game called
respectful of the zap. He was happy
teacher and other as long as he was
students. He seemed winning. Although he
to have a lot of fun had some issues
and enjoyed knowing when losing it was
the answers. This will overall a pretty good
serve as good learning experience
internal motivation for for him.
him to learn.

Weaknesses: During
the game he was not
happy when he lost,
he had a lot of trouble
processing the idea
of loosing and would
often pout or refuse
to continue. We got
him too after talking a
bit. He also seemed
to have a lot of
trouble spelling, he
had a lot of trouble
telling words like
“Lake, and Lack”

Child Day Of Week/Date Content Strengths Additional thoughts

and log number or weaknesses

Student 2 Tuesday Math: Addition and I think after what I’ve

10/10/2023 subtraction up to 8, seen at the field trip
of how she can lead,
Math Log 3 Strengths: Despite it is apparent that if
her problems with she is with a group
partner work, she they will follow her
flourished after lead at times. She
redirection and being does a lot better
moved to work when others are not
independently. I think there for her to be
she does a good job distracted by, but
working by herself as seems to be okay
she got through the working with a
assignments very partner at times. I
quickly after this. think it depends
heavily on the mood
Weaknesses: The she is in on a given
student had a lot of day.
trouble working with
partners, and had to
be moved back to her
seat. She was
distracting herself
and others almost the
whole time during
partner work and
somehow got her
group yodeling. She
also was having
trouble with focus a
lot today.
Student 2 Tuesday ELA: Spelling During ELA the
10/10/2023 words and game student seemed to
work diligently and
ELA Log 3 Strengths: She did was pretty quiet
well in groups during during reading, and
this subject. She also was really good
was on task most of during the game. She
the time. She has had fun during all
done really well with stages of the game,
her health so far, I win or lose. She did
actually haven’t seen have some trouble
the effects at all. staying in her seat,
but overall did much
Weaknesses: better in groups than
During ELA she was she did during math.
quiet, but I fear she This may have been
was zoned out and a result of teacher
not listening during supervision.
the reading. She was
out of her seat a
bunch during
independent reading
time, but did much
better when it was
time to play the

Child Day Of Week/Date Content Strengths Additional thoughts

and log number or weaknesses

Student 1 Tuesday Math: My lesson The student seems to

10/17/2023 adding and enjoy work with
subtracting using manipulatives and
Math Log 4 the number line. likes activities that
are built to be
Strengths: Student interactive. These
showed a lot of activities are
interest in the number successful in
line strategy and maintaining his
seems to do really attention span and
well when working keeping him
with manipulatives. engaged.
He seemed to stay
engaged for longer
than normal during
the lesson today.
Students still needed
to be redirected every
so often, but I saw
improvement here
during the lesson. I
also felt that while he
understood what the
number line was and
how it worked, he
seemed to lack
understanding of the
relationship between
sign, and the
direction to move on
the numberline.

Student 1 Tuesday ELA: My lesson The student seemed

10/17/2023 spelling to really enjoy any
activity that allowed
ELA Log 4 Strengths: The him to move around.
student spelled words This was the same in
pretty accurately and math. He was very
I observed him using respectful as always
the strategy I showed and only required
in class for sounding redirection when he
things out. knew an answer.
Even though the
Weaknesses: shouting out is
He was moving and undesirable, it shows
shouting out during good intrinsic
the lesson quite a bit. motivation on his
None of this seemed part.
to be in a defiant
manner, he seems to
get excited when he
knows an answer. He
had to be redirected
to pay attention
multiple times
throughout the day.
Child Day Of Week/Date Content Strengths Additional thoughts
and log number or weaknesses

Student 2 Tuesday Math: Addition and Her lack of attention

10/17/2023 subtraction with a during the lesson
numberline. could be explained by
Math Log 4 the fact that she
Strengths: seemed to already
She seemed to have know how to do the
good knowledge of skill I was teaching. I
the actual content did a little
and the relationship differentiation and
of the equations to had her help other
the number line. students during this
Weaknesses: part of the lesson.
The student seemed
to be a little less
engaged in this
lesson. I think she
tends to be a bit shy.
She seemed to not
want to do the
number line hop
activity. I allowed her
to walk instead of
jump and she did
fine. She also had
some trouble paying
attention, having to
be redirected multiple
times throughout the

Student 2 Tuesday ELA: My lesson I felt really good

10/17/2023 spelling. about the students'
performance today.
ELA Log 4 Strengths: She She seemed to know
seemed to be way a lot about the
more engaged during content I taught
ELA than she was overall. The biggest
during math today. goal I would set for
She paid attention for her is to get a little
most of the lesson more confident when
and only had to be it comes to answering
redirected one or two questions in front of
times. classmates.

Child Day Of Week/Date Content Strengths Additional thoughts
and log number or weaknesses

Student 1 Tuesday Math: More work I thought the student

10/24/2023 with addition and has shown a lot of
subtraction. improvement over the
Math Log 5 time that I have
Strengths: I was very observed him. He
happy to see that the seems to have a
student was one of good drive and is
the students who motivated of his own
kept their number line volition. I am proud of
and I saw him using it the progress he has
throughout the lesson made and wish him a
today. He was getting good rest of his year.
a lot of answers
correct using this
strategy. He also
seemed to
understand the
relationship he had
trouble with last week
after a little

He was doing his
usual shouting out
today. Aside from the
minor behavior
concern I saw pretty
much no other
obvious weakness.

Student 1 Tuesday ELA: Reading and The student seemed

10/24/2023 drawing what you to lack motivation
read. with writing. This may
ELA Log 5 be something to
Strengths: The focus on as lack of
student had a good motivation is
lesson and did great uncharacteristic of
artwork depicting the this student.
story in his journal
accurately. He also
displayed good
comprehension and
understood the
events of the story
really well.

His writing portion
was short and
contained a lot of
errors. He struggled a
lot and seemed
unmotivated when it
came to the writing

Child Day Of Week/Date Content Strengths Additional thoughts

and log number or weaknesses

Student 2 Tuesday Math: more work She seemed to make

10/24/2023 with addition and a little improvement
subtraction. with the shyness. I
Math Log 5 think the smaller
Strengths: The group presented in
student seems to be partnerwork helped
very proficient in instead of facing the
math and knows how whole class.
to add and subtract
well and was also
using her number line
during this activity.

Weaknesses: The
student was once
again timid during
class but a little less
than normal. She was
very off task during
partner work and had
to be redirected many
times. She was
playing with markers
and not doing her

Student 2 Tuesday ELA: Reading and I think that this

10/24/2023 drawing what you student has also
read. made a lot of
ELA Log 5 progress. She is very
Strengths: The respectful and fun to
student’s artwork was work with. She
good and her writing follows directions.
was good. She Her biggest issue
seemed to have a moving forward will
good attention span probably be getting
during this lesson. the confidence up. I
am happy to have
Weaknesses: seen her improve so
Her reading much and wish her a
comprehension was great rest of her year.
not as good during
this lesson. She got a
lot of details in the
story incorrect and
was hyper focused
on the journaling part.

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