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Energy and Buildings 98 (2015) 119–124

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On the impact of urban heat island and global warming on the power
demand and electricity consumption of buildings—A review
M. Santamouris a,b,∗ , C. Cartalis b , A. Synnefa b , D. Kolokotsa c
The Cyprus Institute, 20 Constantinou Kavafi Street 121, Nicosia, Cyprus, Greece
Physics Department, University of Athens, Athens, Greece
Technical University Crete, Crete, Greece

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Urban heat island and global warming increase significantly the ambient temperature. Higher tempera-
Available online 8 October 2014 tures have a serious impact on the electricity consumption of the building sector increasing considerably
the peak and the total electricity demand. The present paper aims to collect, analyze and present in a
Keywords: comparative way existing studies investigating the impact of ambient temperature increase on electric-
Urban heat island ity consumption. Analysis of eleven studies dealing with the impact of the ambient temperature on the
Global warming
peak electricity demand showed that for each degree of temperature increase, the increase of the peak
Electricity consumption
electricity load varies between 0.45% and 4.6%. This corresponds to an additional electricity penalty of
about 21 (±10.4) W per degree of temperature increase and per person. In parallel, analysis of fifteen
studies examining the impact of ambient temperature on the total electricity consumption, showed that
the actual increase of the electricity demand per degree of temperature increase varies between 0.5% and
© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction pollutants like tropospheric ozone [9], deteriorate thermal comfort

conditions in cities [10,11], exacerbate health and indoor envi-
Increase of the near surface ambient temperature in cities is very ronmental problems[12,13] and result in a serious increase of the
well documented [1,2]. Urban overheating is the combined result global ecological footprint of the cities [14].
of the urban heat island developed mainly in cities with a posi- Weather variations have an important impact on the electric-
tive thermal balance and of the global warming which affects the ity demand and the general electricity market [15]. Several studies
urban climate as well. Although the impact of urban heat island is are carried out to examine the impact of various primary climatic
very well studied, the specific impact of the global warming on the parameters such as humidity, solar radiation, wind speed, etc., on
urban climate is poorly understood [3]. Urban heat island studies the local electricity demand, while secondary climatic parameters
are available for almost all major cities in the world and the corre- such as the heating and cooling degree days are also considered
sponding urban heat island intensity is tabulated and reported by [16,17]. In parallel, many economic, social and demographic indices
many authors [4,5]. The reported intensity of the UHI phenomena such as the local Gross Domestic Product (GDP), the growth rate,
varies mainly as a function of the local topographical character- the energy prices, the local manufacturing levels, etc., are also used
istics, the synoptic weather conditions, the urban characteristics as input parameters to estimate the electricity demand [18,19].
like density, form and land use/cover, anthropogenic heat released, Most of the studies have concluded that ambient temperature is
materials used, view factor, etc while it is also highly influenced by the parameter presenting the highest impact on the variation of
the characteristics of the selected rural station [6]. the electricity demand [16].
Urban warming has a serious impact on the energy consumption The relation between the daily electricity consumption and the
of the urban buildings by increasing the energy and the elec- corresponding ambient temperature is not linear. It presents a high
tric power necessary for cooling needs [7,8]. In parallel, higher seasonality whereas the curve of the electricity demand obtains its
ambient urban temperatures increase the concentration of certain peak value during the coldest period of winter in heating dominated
zones or during the warmest summer period in cooling domi-
nated zones. In winter, the relation between ambient temperature
∗ Corresponding author. +00357 22208657. and electricity demand is negative as higher ambient tempera-
E-mail address: (M. Santamouris). tures decrease the need for heating. On the contrary, the relation is
0378-7788/© 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
120 M. Santamouris et al. / Energy and Buildings 98 (2015) 119–124

positive during the summer period where higher ambient temper-

atures increase the need for cooling. The respective curve between
the electricity demand and the ambient temperature is usually of
asymmetric U shape, where (a) the minimum consumption cor-
responds to the neutral climatic period when heating and cooling
are insignificant and (b) the energy demand is almost inelastic to
the temperature and (c) the maximum consumption corresponds
to the periods of the lower and/or higher ambient temperatures
depending on the local climate [20]. The threshold temperature
over which the electricity consumption starts to increase, known
as the inflection point of the response function, depends on the
difference between the indoor comfort temperatures and the ambi-
ent ones. It is a strong function of the thermal quality of the
building stock and of the indoor temperatures set for comfort.
In a general approach, it is assumed that the inflection point is
around 18.3 ◦ C; however analysis of specific data for 15 Euro-
pean countries showed that it is close to 14.7 ◦ C for the heating
dominated countries and 22.4 ◦ C for the cooling dominated zones
Increasing use of air conditioning as a result of temperature
increase and the improvement of the living standards had enforced
and made more pronounced the correlation between the electricity
demand and the outdoor ambient temperature above the thresh-
old levels. The problem seems to be more significant in cooling
Fig. 1. Increase of the peak electricity demand (%) per degree of ambient tempera-
dominated zones. In fact, a study examining the temperature elas- ture rise.
ticity of the electricity demand for six countries with warm climate
(Australia, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Thailand, Venezuela), twenty
one countries with mild climate (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, 2.1. Increase of the peak electricity demand
France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand,
Switzerland, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Korea, Portugal, South Increase of the peak electricity demand is a serious problem
Africa, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States), and four for utilities as they are obliged to build additional power plants
countries with cold climate (Canada, Finland, Norway, Sweden), to satisfy the demand, a fact which increases the cost of the elec-
concluded that the temperature elasticity for the warm countries tricity generation. Data on the impact of ambient overheating on
is close to 1.7%, while for the mild and cold countries is 0.54% and the peak electricity demand are available for Tokyo [23], Thailand
0.51%, respectively [22]. [24], Ontario East Canada [25], Los Angeles, Washington, Dallas,
The aim of the present paper is to collect, analyze and present Colorado Springs, Phoenix and Tuscon [26], Israel [27] and Pert of
in a comparative way most of the important studies aiming to Carolina USA [28]. Fig. 1 summarizes the main results of the above
evaluate the impact of urban and global warming on electric- studies. In particular, the base electrical load and its percentage rise
ity demand. Two type of articles are considered and presented: per degree of ambient temperature increase is given. In parallel, the
(a) those studying the impact of ambient temperature on the inflection point of the response functions i.e. the threshold temper-
peak electricity demand and (b) those dealing with the impact of ature over which the cooling demands starts to increase is reported
ambient temperature on the electricity consumption in a city or when known.
state. As shown, the rise of the peak electrical load per degree of ambi-
ent temperature increase, varies between 0.45% and 4.6%. The lower
values are observed for Tokyo and the higher for Thailand. The aver-
2. The impact of high ambient temperatures on electricity age increase rate between all considered cases is close to 2.65%
demand while the average increase of the electric load is 226 MW per degree
of temperature increase. The base electrical load of the reported
In order to manage the electricity consumption in an efficient cases varied between 0.4 GW and almost 40 GW. Considering the
way and forecast future electricity needs induced mainly by the average population of the considered cases, it is estimated that the
urban overheating and global warming, utilities establish and use average peak electricity penalty per person is close to 21 (±10.4) W
response functions to estimate the additional electricity needs per per degree of temperature increase. The threshold ambient tem-
degree of temperature increase or the elasticity of the demand perature over which the cooling demand starts to increase varied
regarding the ambient temperature (increase of the ambient tem- between 13 ◦ C and 24 ◦ C, but for most of the cases was above 18 ◦ C.
perature by 1%). Response functions are mostly developed for the The inflection point temperature was not correlated to the rate of
total electricity demand in a place; in rare cases the specific func- increase of the peak electricity demand.
tions concerning the residential and commercial sectors are also As expected, the specific data indicates that the sensitivity of the
available. Existing literature reports either the response function electricity network on the additional cooling demand triggered by
for the peak electricity demand or for the hourly, daily, monthly or the ambient overheating depends highly on the degree of penetra-
even annual electricity consumption. Table 1 summarizes the exist- tion of air conditioning in the considered area, the thermal quality
ing literature with respect to the impact of ambient overheating on of the building stock, the considered indoor comfort temperatures
the peak electricity demand and electricity consumption. Twenty and the specific characteristics of the basic electricity load In the
nine studies are analyzed and reported: eleven studies deal with event that, the reported data of the basic peak electricity demand
the impact of ambient overheating on the peak electricity demand includes the consumption of the industrial sector, the sensitivity
and eighteen studies discuss the impact of urban warming on the to the temperature increase is considerably lower given that the
global electricity consumption. industrial production is not affected seriously by the temperature
M. Santamouris et al. / Energy and Buildings 98 (2015) 119–124 121

Table 1
Findings of studies on the impact of ambient temperature increase on the peak electricity demand and the global electricity consumption.

No City/country Reference year Additional load per K Percentage increase of Threshold Reference
the base electricity inflection
load per degree of temperature (◦ C)
temperature increase

Increase of the peak electricity power demand—impact of 1 K increase of the ambient temperature
1 Tokyo Japan 2004 Peak additional demand of 180 MW/K 0.45% 22 ◦ C [23]
2 Thailand 2004 An 1 K temperature increase, rises the 4.6% the peak and 3.8% Not reported [24]
peak demand by 810 MW and 577 MW the average demand
the average demand, at 2004 levels
3 Ontario East 1991–1995 Above 23 ◦ C, the peak daily electricity 1.5% 23 ◦ C [25]
Canada demand increases by 233 MW/K
4 Los Angeles, USA 1986 Increase of the daily peak Electricity 3.3% 18.3 ◦ C [26]
demand by 545 MW/K
5 Washington DC, 1986 Increase of the daily peak electricity 3.6% [26]
USA demand by 181 MW/K or 3.6% of the
basic peak load
6 Dallas TX, Fort 1986 Increase of the daily peak electricity 3.1% 13 ◦ C [26]
Worth, USA demand by 454 MW/K
7 Colorado Springs, 1986 Increase of the daily peak electricity 1.8% 13 ◦ C [26]
CO, USA demand by 7.3 MW/K
8 Phoenix, AZ, USA 1986 Increase of the daily peak electricity 3.6% 24 ◦ C [26]
demand by 101 MW/K

9 Tuscon AZ, USA 1986 Increase of the daily peak electricity 1.8% 21 C [26]
demand by 22 MW/K or 1.8% of the
basic peak load
10 Israel 1987–1988 Increase of the daily peak electricity 2.9–3.1% Not reported [27]
demand by 90 MW/K
11 Part of Carolina 1985–1991 Not reported 3.5–4% 18 ◦ C [28]

Increase of the electricity consumption—impact of 1 K increase of the ambient temperature

1 Spain 1998 Daily additional electricity 1.6% 18 ◦ C [20]
consumption of 8 GW h/K
2 Athens, Greece 1993–2001 Increase of the daily energy 4.1% 22 ◦ C [29]
consumption of 1300 MW h/K,
3 New Orleans USA 1995 Increase of the daily average electrical 3% 22 ◦ C [30]
load by 15 MW h/K

4 Hong Kong 2002 Monthly increase 111 GW h/K 4% 18 C [31]
5 Ohio, USA 1984–1993 Increase of the monthly consumption 7.5% 16 ◦ C [32]
by 30 kW h/person/K
6 California San 2004–2005 Increase of the daily consumption by 2.9% 15 ◦ C [28]
Hose, Sacramento 18,500 MW h/K
Pomona and Fresno
7 Greece 1993–2002 Increase of the daily electricity 1.1 to 1.9% 18.5 ◦ C [33]
consumption between 1.7 and
3 GW h/K
8 Chicago, USA 1993–2004 Increase of hourly load by 200 MW h/K Not Reported 15–17 ◦ C [34]
9 California, USA 1984–1993 Increase of the monthly consumption 7.7% 17 ◦ C [32]
by 27 kW h/K
10 Louisiana 1984–1993 Increase of the monthly consumption 8.5%. 20 ◦ C [32]
by 40 kW h/person/K

11 Maryland, USA 1989–2001 Increase of the monthly electricity 8.5% 15.6 C for [35]
consumption by 22 kW h/p/K for the residential and
residential sector 11.7 ◦ C for
12 Massachusetts, 1977–2001 For residential buildings increase of the Around 6.5% for the 15.5 ◦ C for the [36]
USA monthly electricity demand equal to residential sector, and residential sector
9 kW h/person/K For commercial 3.0% for the and 12.8 ◦ C for the
buildings, increase of commercial sector commercial sector
12.7 kW h/person/K
13 Bangkok, Thailand 1986–2006 Increase of the average monthly 7.49% Not defined [19]
electricity consumption by
56.7 GW h/K
14 Singapore 2003–2012 Data on the hourly electricity demand 1–2.5% Varies during the [37]
15 Netherlands 1970–2007 Data on the daily electricity 0.5% Variable and below [38]
consumption 18 ◦ C
122 M. Santamouris et al. / Energy and Buildings 98 (2015) 119–124

Table 1 (Continued)

No City/country Reference year Additional load per K Percentage increase of Threshold Reference
the base electricity inflection
load per degree of temperature (◦ C)
temperature increase

Increase of the electricity consumption—impact of 1% increase of the ambient temperature

1 Mild Countries, 1978–2000 Not reported 0.54% Not reported [22]
Austria, Belgium,
Denmark, France,
Germany, Ireland,
Netherlands, New
Greece, Hungary,
Italy, Japan, Korea,
Portugal, South
Africa, Spain,
Turkey, United
Kingdom, United
2 Hot Countries, 1978–2000 Increase of the annual electricity 1.7% Not reported [22]
Australia, India, demand by 1.659%
Indonesia, Mexico,
3 Cold Countries 1978–2000 Decrease of the annual demand by 0.51% Not reported [22]
Canada, Finland, 0.508%
Norway, Sweden

increase. On the contrary, when the basic peak electricity load Orleans, USA [30], Hong Kong [31,32], Ohio, USA [33], Louisiana,
reflects mainly the consumption of the residential sector as well USA, Greece [34], Chicago, USA [35] Maryland, USA [36], Mas-
as the temperature depended commercial sector, the sensitivity to sachusetts, USA [37], Singapore [38] and The Netherlands [39].
any temperature increase is quite high. Studies refer to the specific impact of temperature rise on the
hourly, daily and monthly electricity demand.
2.2. Increase of the global electricity consumption In terms of the increase of the electricity demand in countries,
it is reported that in Spain the increase of the daily electric-
Increased electricity consumption for cooling, induce consid- ity demand caused by one degree temperature rise is close to
erable stress to low income consumers, the vulnerable population 8 GW h/day which is equivalent to the 1.6% of the basic daily
and also the electricity infrastructures and networks. Concerning consumption. The threshold temperature under which electricity
the increase of the global electricity consumption per degree of consumption for cooling starts to increase is close to 18 ◦ C [20]. In
temperature rise, studies are available for fifteen cities, states Greece, the corresponding increase of the daily electricity demand
or countries. In particular, Bangkok, Thailand [19], Spain [20], is close to 1.1% [34]. However, if a similar increase is also applied
California, USA and part of the state [28], Athens, Greece [29], New in two previous days then the demand increases by 1.9%, whereas

Fig. 2. Increase of the electricity demand (%) per degree of ambient temperature rise for various countries.
M. Santamouris et al. / Energy and Buildings 98 (2015) 119–124 123

the threshold temperature is around 18.5 ◦ C. In the Netherlands, of the electricity energy consumption place under stress both the
the daily electricity demand increases by about 0, 5% during the consumers and the electricity networks.
summer months, and for threshold temperatures below 18 ◦ C Based on the results of fifteen studies examining the impact of
[39]. In Singapore the hourly temperature elasticity levels varies ambient temperature on the total electricity consumption, it is evi-
between 0.3 and 0.8% [38]. Given the actual temperatures in the dent that the energy penalty of ambient overheating is quite high
country, this is translated to an increase of about 1–2.5% of the and depends mainly on the characteristics of the building stock, the
hourly consumption per degree of temperature rise. In Hong climate zone, the urban form and the type of the provided energy
Kong, it is estimated that the increase of the monthly electricity services. The potential increase of the electricity demand per degree
consumption is 111 GW h per degree of temperature rise, or 4% of of temperature rise varies between 0.5% and 8.5%. The threshold
the basic load, whereas the threshold temperature is 18 ◦ C [31]. ambient temperature over which the electricity consumption starts
Data on the additional electricity consumption triggered by to increase is for most of the cases around 18 ◦ C, however it may be
the ambient overheating is available for various States in USA. In much lower and around to 12 ◦ C, or considerably higher, 23 ◦ C.
particular, in part of the State of California including San Hose, The potential increase of the peak electricity demand triggered
Sacramento, Pomona and Fresno the increase of the daily electricity by the ambient warming is also high. Existing studies show that the
consumption is estimated around 2.9% per degree of temperature peak electricity demand increases from 0.45% to 4.6% per degree of
rise, (DTR) for temperatures above 15 ◦ C [33]. For the whole area ambient temperature rise. This corresponds to a penalty of about
of California, the monthly electricity demand increases by 7.7% 21 (±10.4) W per degree of temperature rise per person.
per degree of temperature rise above 17 ◦ C, and the correspond- In order to reduce the specific impact of urban heat island and
ing energy penalty is estimated around 27 kW h per person [28]. In global overheating on electricity consumption, buildings and urban
a similar way, the corresponding increase of the monthly electric- structures have to be adapted to the specific climatic conditions.
ity consumption for Ohio, Louisiana and Maryland USA, are 7.5%, The development of low energy or close to zero energy buildings
8.5% and 8.5%, respectively, and the energy penalty is close to 30, may reduce significantly the energy needs and thus the result-
40 and 22 kW h/person [33]. The threshold temperatures are 16 ◦ C ing stress to the utilities and the consumers [39]. In parallel, the
for Ohio, 20 ◦ C for Louisiana and 15.6 ◦ C for the residential sector development and use of advanced urban adaptation and mitiga-
and 11.7 ◦ C for the commercial sector in Maryland. Finally, for Mas- tion techniques and technologies with the potential to decrease
sachusetts, it is estimated that the monthly residential electricity the ambient temperatures in cities, may also reduce considerably
demand increases in a rate close to 6.5% per degree of temperature urban temperatures [40,41]. The mix of the urban adaptation and
rise above 15.5 ◦ C resulting in a penalty of 9 kW h/person [37]. For mitigation techniques and technologies needs to be differentiated
the commercial sector the corresponding rate of increase is close per urban area as it depends on the inflection point of the urban
to 3% per DTR for temperatures above 12.8 ◦ C; this results in an area concerned.
additional demand of 12.7 kW h/person and month [37].
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