Optimal Design of Two-Stage Speed Reducer

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Optimal design of two-stage speed reducer

Conference Paper · November 2008


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4 authors, including:

Lucian Tudose Ovidiu Buiga

Universitatea Tehnica Cluj-Napoca Universitatea Tehnica Cluj-Napoca


Daniela Jucan
Universitatea Tehnica Cluj-Napoca


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Lucian TUDOSE, Ovidiu BUIGA, Daniela JUCAN, Cornel ŞTEFANACHE

Abstract: In this paper the optimal design of the shafts of a two stage-speed reducer is presented. As main input data we
considered the gearings (obtained in an optimal manner, and which represent the subject of another already published
paper [16]). For this interesting example of optimal design seven genes were taken into consideration and a set of 43
constraints were formulated. Note that all the seven genes represent full standardized features: two shaft ends, two ra-
dial seals, and three radial taper bearings. The constraints refer to shafts strength (3 constraints), bending and torsion
deformations (14), shafts fatigue (21), bearings life (3), keys strength (8), and mounting/dismounting conditions (12). In
solving the optimization problem we used an original two-phase evolutionary algorithm (2PhEA) inspired from the evo-
lutionary concept of “punctuated equilibrium”. 2PhEA is implemented in Cambrian v.3.4 software which is in opera-
tion at the Optimal Design Centre of the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

Keywords: evolutionary algorithms, reducer shafts, optimal design

1. INTRODUCTION topic of this work, the main input data were considered
the gearings (obtained in an optimal manner also [16]).
With the development of modern industry, machine de-
sign is higher required, especially the optimization design 2. TWO PHASE ENHANCED EVOLUTION-
for parameters of mechanical parts, such as: mass, stress ARY ALGORITHM FORMAT
and transmission precision. That why one of the important
novelty of this article consists in the optimal approach of Optimization problems with a very large number of con-
the design of two-stage speed reducer shafts. It is know straints can be very difficult to solve. In order to remove
that a reducer is an important mechanical part which is this shortcoming, our two-phase enhanced evolutionary
widely used in aerospace, automobile, lathe and so on. algorithm (2PhEA [16]) inspired from the evolutionary
Many researchers have reported solutions to this problem. concept of punctuated equilibrium is used in this work.
In [9], Li et al presented an optimal design problem of a Punctuated equilibrium [12] is a theory about how new
two-stage speed reducer. The purpose of the paper is to species evolve that was first advances by paleontologists
obtain the multi-objective optimization design scheme of Niles Eldridge and Stephan Jay Gould in 1972 [4]. Before
a gear reducer with a Fuzzy Genetic Algorithm (FGA). punctuated equilibrium, most scientists assumed that evo-
However they use a set of only 7 constraints too little re- lutionary change occur slowly and continuously in almost
lated to the design realities. Li and Symmons in [10] per- all species, and that new species originate either by slow
formed the optimized design of helical gear reducer using divergence of small, isolated groups or by slow evolu-
the minimum centre distance as the objective function. In tionary transformation of whole species. But studies of
[13], [14] and [15] an optimal design problem of a one the fossil records have shown that the biological evolution
stage speed reducer is presented. In these papers the ob- is a strong non-equilibrium process with long periods of
jective was to minimize the weight of the reducer. In [13], stasis interrupted by avalanches of large changes in bio-
[14] and [15] the authors used a set of seven variables as sphere. According to the proponents of punctuated equi-
follows: face width, module of teeth, number on pinion librium [4], [5], for the majority of time species are in
teeth, length of input shaft between the bearings, length of evolutionary stasis, with little or no change occurring and
output shaft between bearings, diameter of shaft 1 and hence little or no increase in adaptation to their environ-
diameter of shaft 2. From the above listed seven variables ments. Occasionally, often due to some environmental
four are referring to the reducer shafts. The objective catastrophe (or planetwide climatic change [6]), there will
function was subjected to a simply formulated (from a be punctuations, periods of rapid evolutionary change
mechanical point of view) set of 11 constraints. Mezura in during which speciations occur. So, punctuationists claim
[13] utilized this problem only to test one of previous that (i) except when speciation occurs, species are in sta-
version of his Simple Multimembered Evolution Strategy sis and do not become increasingly adapted to their envi-
(SMES) software. In this paper the approach chosen by ronments, and (ii) gradual natural selection alone is insuf-
authors for the design problem makes it one of the most ficient for speciation, which requires a punctuation event.
round works in comparison to all above mentioned works. Therefore the biological evolution can be considered as a
We dealt separately with the gearing (the reducer gearing kind of self-organized criticality (SOC) dynamics and,
were the subject of another paper [16]) and the shafts. For therefore, SOC gives an insight into emergent complexity
optimal design of the reducer shafts which represent the
in nature. Bak [1] contended that the critical state was the (which determines sudden and massive changes of the
most efficient state that can actually be reached dynami- species) is comparable to the effect of constrains of an
cally, and in this state, a population in an apparent equi- optimization problem. Therefore, the main idea behind
librium evolves episodically in spurts. Local change may our 2PhEA algorithm is its operation in two phases. In
affect any other element in the system, and this delicate each phase, the individual's fitness is determined by an-
balance arises without any external, organizing force. In other factor. In Phase 1, the individual’s fitness depends
other words, in terms of evolutionary computation, evolu- only on the way in which an individual is more suitable
tion of a species consists of exaptations of jumping from (or not) in terms of constraints. In this phase, the popula-
one hilltop to another nearby in some fitness landscape. tion “fight for survival” and there is no interest for the
Naturally such jumps will be rare, separated by large time best individual. For this reason, the number and level of
intervals where species are located at a fitness peak, and mutations is high, respectively very high. We thought this
the resulting evolutionary pattern will show punctuations phase as some kind of “feasible individual generator”.
as indeed seen in the fossil record [2]. Probably punctu- The algorithm moves into the second phase when the
ated equilibrium is the best known example of evolution- number of feasible individuals of the population exceeds a
ary metastability [3]. From the beginning, the theory of preset threshold. Phase 2 is a common evolutionary algo-
punctuated equilibrium has inspired many computational rithm (sometimes a simple genetic algorithm). In the fol-
approaches. Hereinafter we presented some significant lowing we present, in short, how to determine an individ-
results. Bornholdt and Sneppen [2] have studied evolution ual’s fitness in both phases of the algorithm. The optimi-
of a single genetic network, ideally representing a single zation problem consists of an objective function f accom-
species, in the absence of any competition. The evolution panied by certain number of constraints. The search space
is driven by a noisy environment and the evolutionary is considered the space of the n – dimensional decision
step consists of random mutations combined with selec-
tion of mutants preserving the phenotype with respect to a
vectors: x = x (1) , x (2 ) , K , x (n ) )
given environment. Thus, the only requirement in this where:
minimalistic model is continuity in phenotype. This n – number of genes (variables);
The constraints of the problem are:
simplification allowed them to discuss how the require-
nu – inequality type constraints:
ment of evolving robust networks in itself may lead to an
evolution which exhibits punctuated equilibrium. Jonnal g i (x ) ≤ 0, i = 1, nu
and Chemero [7] describe experiments in artificial life in ns – strict inequality type constraints:
which a neural network is artificially evolved to control a
g i (x ) < 0, i = nu + 1, nu + ns
virtual creature. With the evolutionary algorithm em-
ployed in the artificial evolution, it was possible to simu- ne – equality type constraints:
late punctuated equilibrium: in some trials, instead of g i ( x ) = 0, i = nu + ns + 1, nu + ns + ne
keeping the overall rate of mutations µ constant for the In order to use this constraints in our algorithm we needed
entire trial, they introduced a probability p that µ in- to aggregate them in the following form:
creased by some factor m over the course of a trial, so that
for an individual generation, there is probability p that the 0, gi (x ) ≤ 0 
  i = 1, nu
mutation rate is set to mµ. In all but one case, the trials gi (x ), gi (x ) > 0
that included occasional punctuations had final fitness 
scores that were better than the scores of the trials that 0, gi (x ) < 0 
Gi (x ) =   i = nu +1, nu + ns
gi (x ) + ε, gi ( x ) ≥ 0
had no punctuations. Lewis et al [8] utilized the punctu-
ated equilibrium concept in developing a new Evolution-
0, g (x ) = 0
ary Programming algorithm that, in addition to the con-
 i 
 gi ( x) , gi ( x ) ≠ 0
ventional mutation and selection operations, implements a i = nu + ns +1, nu + ns + ne
further selection operator to encourage the development 
of a SOC system. The algorithm is evaluated on a range where:
of test cases drawn from real-world problems, and com- ε – very small positive quantity.
pared against a selection of algorithms, including gradient In each phase, for each individual a so-called score is
descent, direct search methods and a genetic algorithm. computed. The partial score of an individual (from those
The results were very encouraging. Martz et al [11] used N individuals of the population) x j , j = 1, N , regarding to
genetic algorithms in order to design reliability experi-
ments. Genetic algorithms were executed in batches of the constraint i, i = 1, nu + n s + n e is calculated as fol-
100 generations in order to allow for punctuated equilib- lows:
rium. The best 10 solutions after a given batch has been N
completed become the initial set of designs for the next ( )
PS i x j = Gi x j ( ) ∑ G (x ) . i k
batch of 100 generations. After several batches of 100 k =1
generations of solutions have been obtained in this way, Eventually, the (individual) score of each individual
we finally report the design having the highest utility as
x j , j = 1, N of the population is:
our desired near-optimal Bayesian experimental design.
The authors of the present paper have a totally different nu + ns + ne

point of view on implementing the concept of punctuated ( )

S xj = ∑ PS (x ) i j
equilibrium in an evolutionary optimization algorithm. i =1
We think that the high level of stress in the population
Table 1. Values of genes

Ind Constraints 1 Constraints 2 Constraints 3 Ind Rank

# Score phase 1
Value Partial Score Value Partial Score Value Partial Score
1 52.3 0.17 22 0.07 512 0.31 0.55 4
2 31.2 0.10 37 0.12 831 0.50 0.72 5
3 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 1
4 211.0 0.69 0 0.00 294 0.18 0.87 7
5 0 0.00 8 0.03 0 0.00 0.03 3
6 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 2
7 11.8 0.04 253 0.79 18 0.01 0.84 6
Σ 306.3 320 1655

Obviously, any feasible individual has null score. During The value of the threshold p should be in the range [pmin,
Phase 1 the population is sorted by the score, and during pmax], where:
Phase 2, the population is sorted by score and objective p min = 2 N SP − N + 1
value. In both phases the fitness of an individual is set
according to its rank. 2PhEA is implemented in our Cam-
p max = 2 N SP
brian software. In table 1, an example of a population of 7 Note that if pmin or pmax exceeds the bounds of the range, it
individuals is presented, and it is explained how the rank will be set to the appropriate bound. In order to reduce the
of an individual is established according to its capacity to number of parameters, that could make difficult the tun-
meet the constraints of the optimization problem. Not that ing of the selection operator, we set the value of the
the rank of feasible individuals (#2 and # 6 in this exam- threshold at:
ple) are randomly set. In order to implement such two- p = round[( p min + p max ) 2]
phase algorithm it is necessary to design some appropriate In fig. 1 the graph of fitness function is presented in the
adjustable evolutionary features, even more because the case of a selection pressure of 1.5. A similar or smaller
two phases of the evolution require different tuning. This value is used in Phase 1, when it is mandatory to not to
should not be considered a shortcoming, but an opportu- prioritize none/any of the feasible individuals (in order to
nity for fine control of evolution. The original evolution- preserve the diversity of population). In Phase 2 the selec-
ary features discussed here are the fitness function and the tion pressure has to have a larger value. The more an elit-
genetic operators. In the design of the fitness function we ist evolution is desirable, the larger the value of the selec-
consider two aims: (i) the function should be as simple as tion pressure should be set.
possible, even it is adjustable, and (ii) the adjustment
should be made by meaning of a single parameter. With
these in mind we propose here a linear adjustable fitness
function with a single tuning parameter, the selection
pressure. As it was already mentioned, we assume that
the fitness Φ(j) of an individual j, j = 1, N is set accord-
ing to its rank in the sorted population and represents its
probability of selection. We consider the selection pres-
sure SP as the ratio of the best individual’s selection
probability to the average selection probability of all indi-
viduals in the selection pool (the whole population here).
Since: Fig. 1. Fitness function (N = 100, SP = 1.5, p = 67)

∑ Φ( j ) = 1 , it results that: Φ(1) = SP N

j =1
In fig. 2 the graph of a strong elitist fitness function is
plotted for a selection pressure of 3.0.
The proposed linear adjustable fitness function has the
following form:
a ⋅ j + b1 , if j = 1, p
Φ (k ) =  1
a2 ⋅ j + b2 , if j = p + 1, N
a1 = [2 N − SP ⋅ ( N + p − 1)] N (N − 1) ( p − 1)
b1 = ( p ⋅ SP − 2 ) (N − 1) ( p − 1)
a 2 = ( p ⋅ SP − 2 N ) N (N − p ) ( p − 1)
b2 = (2 N − p ⋅ SP ) N (N − p ) (N − 1)
Fig. 2 Fitness function (N = 100, SP = 3.0, p = 34)
The above presented 2PhEA requests adjustable genetic 3. DESIGN PROBLEM FORMULATION
operators for recombination and mutation, respectively.
These two genetic operators are inspired by the Monte The aim of our optimal design is to minimize the mass of
Carlo random number generators which generate nor- the three shaft sub-assemblies (including the mass of the
mally distributed (statistically independent) numbers. In shafts, of gearing and of six tapered rolling bearings) for
order to present the normal recombination operator let us the following input data:
consider two individuals x1 and x 2 that will be mated, and
assume that their k-th gene will suffer the recombina-
(k ) (k )
[() k (k )
tion: x1 , x2 ∈ xlo , xup . Let also assume that the ]
parents satisfy the relationship x1(k ) ≤ x 2(k ) . The obtained
off-springs are:
y1(k ) = x1( k ) + σ1 ⋅ − 2 ln u 2 ⋅ η(u1 )
y 2(k ) = x 2( k ) + σ 2 ⋅ − 2 ln u 2 ⋅ η(u 2 )
u1, u2 – random uniform distributed number on (0, 1),
and Fig. 3. The reducer sketch
sin (2 π u1 ), if u ≤ 0.5
η(u ) = 
cos(2 π u1 ), if u > 0.5
Electrical engine horsepower:
P = 2.9 kW;
[ ( ) ]
σ1 = qc ⋅ min x1(k ) − xlo(k ) , x2(k ) − x1(k ) 2 Overall transmission ratio:
σ 2 = qc ⋅ min [x − x , (x − x ) 2]
( ) ( ) ( )
( )
k i = 7.6 ;
Rotational speed of first shaft:
It is very easy to understand that y1(k ) ∈ N x1(k ) , σ1 ( ) n1 = 925 rpm
(k )
( (k )
and y 2 ∈ N x 2 , σ 2 (where N(µ, σ) is a normal distri-
bution with mean µ and variance σ2). That means that 4. OPTIMAL DESIGN OF TWO-STAGE
each off-spring is part of a normal distribution with one of SPEED REDUCER SHAFTS
the parents as mean. The standard deviation is adjustable
through the value of the parameter qc. If the parameter qc In order to perform the optimal design some preliminary
has a small value then the off-springs will be generated in phases have to be firstly completed:
the very neighborhood of the parents, and if qc has higher − Identification of the variables (genes) that uniquely
value then the off-springs will be produced far away from describe the problem (both the objective function
their parents. For this reason in Phase 1 we set the qc pa- and the constraints);
rameter at higher values (closed to 1), and in Phase 2 we − Establishment of the objective function;
used almost always qc = 1/3. − Identification of the problem constraints.
The two off-springs y1(k ) , y 2(k ) should be in the Optimization problem genes
[ (k ) (k )
range xlo , xup . If they exceed these bounds then their The authors consider that are seven genes that can com-
values will be trimmed. Regarding to the natural mutation pletely describe the optimization problem. Note that the
operator we constructed it in the same manner as the re- all seven genes take only standardized values in the ap-
combination operator. If y
(k )
∈ xlo(k ) , xup
(k )
is one of the
propriate established range. These genes are listed in the
table 2. It is worth mentioning here that the values of
two off-springs obtained after recombination and which genes referring to tapered rolling bearing and radial shaft
will suffer a mutation, then the mutant is given by the seal (genes 3, 4, 5 and 6) are according to SKF specifica-
equation: tions.
z (k ) = y (k ) + σ ⋅ − 2 ln u 2 ⋅ η(u1 )
Table 2. Genes values
σ = q m ⋅ min y (k ) − xlo(k ) , xup
(k )
− y (k ) ) No Genes Values
1. Input shaft diameter, dca_1 0…63
( )
Obviously z (k ) ∈ N y (k ) , σ and the mutant z (k ) should 2. Radial shaft seal for the input shaft 0…127
be in the range xlo , xup [ (k ) (k )
] . If the mutant z (k ) exceeds 3.
Tapered rolling bearing for the first
these bounds then its value will be trimmed. The strategy
of setting the parameter qm is the same as those of the Tapered rolling bearing for the second
4. 0…63
setting of qc, and the used value were qm = 1/6 … 1/3. shaft
In the following subsections, we outline the formulation Tapered rolling bearing for the third
5. 0…63
of the optimal reducer shafts design problem in a system- shaft
atic manner. 6. Radial shaft seal for the output shaft 0…127
7. Output shaft diameter, dca_2 0…63
u2_1 u5_1
u0_1 u1_1 u3_1 u4_1 u6_1 u7_1 u8_1 u9_1 u10_1

Fig. 4. The first shaft of the reducer

Objective function C8. The bending deflection of the first shaft in section
u7_1 (fig. 4) should be less or equal to the allowable de-
The objective function chosen for this application is the flection bending of the shaft.
mass of the three shafts sub-assemblies (including the g 8 = δ(u 7 _ 1 ) δ a − 1 (9)
mass of reducer shafts, of gearing and of the 6 tapered
C9. The deflection at the supporting point angle of the
rolling bearings).
first shaft in section u4_1 (fig. 4) should be less or equal to
M sr = M shafts + M gearings + M bearings (1) the allowable deflection at the supporting point angle of
where: the shaft.
Mshafts – mass of the reducers shafts, [kg]; g 9 = ϕ(u 4 _ 1 ) ϕ a − 1 (10)
Mgeatrings – mass of the gearings, [kg];
C10. The deflection at the supporting point angle of the
Mbearings – mass of the bearings, [kg].
first shaft in section u10_1 (fig. 4) should be less or equal to
the allowable deflection at the supporting point angle of
Constraints the shaft.
The solutions of the optimization program have to satisfy
g10 = ϕ(u10 _ 1 ) ϕ a − 1 (11)
the listed bellow constraints. All values of these con- C11. The torsion angle of the first shaft must be less or
straints have to be negative or at most zero. equal to the allowable torsion angle of the shaft.
C1. The shaft diameter corresponding to the radial shaft g11 = θ _ 1 θ a − 1 (12)
seal d1m_1 should be greater than the first end-shaft diame-
C12. The basic rating life must be greater to the imposed
ter dca_1.
(accepted) basic rating life of the bearing.
g1 = 1.15 ⋅ d ca _ 1 d1m _ 1 − 1 (2)
g12 = Lh _ nec Lh _ 1 − 1 (13)
C2. The bore diameter of the tapered rolling bearing dr_1
C13. The bearing stress between key and the key way of
should be greater than the shaft diameter corresponding to
the first end-shaft should be lower to the allowable bear-
radial shaft seal d1m_1.
ing stress.
g 2 = d1m _ 1 d r _ 1 − 1 (3)
g13 = σ s _ 1 σ sa − 1 (14)
C3. The outer diameter of radial shaft seal d2m_1, should
C14. The shear stress of key of the input end shaft should
be lower than Damin_1
be lower to the allowable shear stress.
( )
g 3 = d 2 m _ 1 + 1 Da min_ 1 − 1 (4)
g14 = τ f _ 1 τ fa − 1 (17)
C4. The pinion root diameter df1 should be greater than
C15 Between the exterior rings of the tapered rolling
the input shaft collar diameter dbmin_1.
bearing belonging to neighbor shafts should be at least 15
g 4 = d b min_ 1 d f 1 − 1 (5) mm.
C5. The maximum value of von Misses equivalent stress ( )
g15 = 30 + Dr _ 1 + Dr _ 2 2 a w _ 1 − 1 (29)
experienced by the first shaft should be inferior to the
C16. The root diameter df2 of the helical gear z2 should be
allowable bending stress.
greater than its hub diameter dhubz2.
g 5 = σ e _ 1 ( x) σ aiIII − 1 (6)
g16 = d hubz 2 d f 2 − 1 (19)
C6. The fatigue strength coefficient of the first shaft must
C17. The pinion root diameter df3 should be greater than
be greater or equal to the allowable fatigue strength coef-
the second shaft collar diameter dur_2.
ficient for the shaft.
g17 = d ur _ 2 d f 3 − 1 (8)
g 6 = ca min (CSOi (P )) − 1 (7)
where: C18. The maximum value of von Misses equivalent stress
CSOi(P) – function which returns the value of the fatigue suffered by the second shaft should be inferior to the al-
strength coefficient in section i. lowable bending stress.
C7. The bending deflection of the first shaft in section σ e _ 2 ( x)
u0_1 (fig. 4) should be less or equal to the allowable de- g18 = −1 (20)
σ aiIII
flection bending of the shaft.
g 7 = δ(u 0 _ 1 ) δ a − 1 (8)
u2_2 u4_2

u0_2 u1_2 u3_2 u5_2 u6_2 u7_2 u8_2 u9_2 u10_2

Fig. 5. The second shaft of the reducer

C19. The fatigue strength coefficient for the second shaft C30. The radial shaft seal exterior diameter d2m_3, should
must be greater or equal to the allowable fatigue strength be lower than Damin_3.
coefficient for this shaft. ( )
g 30 = d 2 m _ 3 + 1 Da min_ 3 − 1 (31)
g19 = ca min (CSOi (P )) − 1 (21) C31. The interior diameter of the tapered rolling bearing
C20. The bending deflection of the second shaft in section dr_3 should be greater than the radial shaft seal diameter
u3_2 (fig. 5) should be less or equal to the allowable de- d2m_3.
flection bending for the shaft. g 31 = d1m _ 3 d r _ 3 − 1 (32)
g 20 = δ(u 3 _ 2 ) δ a − 1 (22)
C32. The root diameter df4 of the helical gear z4 should be
C21. The bending deflection of the second shaft in section greater than the hub diameter dhubz4.
u7_2 (fig. 5) should be less or equal to the allowable de- g 32 = d hubz 4 d f 4 − 1 (33)
flection bending for the shaft.
C33. The maximum value of von Misses equivalent stress
g 21 = δ(u 7 _ 2 ) δ a − 1 (23)
in the third shaft should be inferior to the allowable bend-
C22. The deflection at the supporting point angle of the ing stress.
second shaft in section u0_2 (fig. 5) should be less or equal g 33 = σ e _ 3 ( x) σ aiIII − 1 (34)
to the allowable deflection at the supporting point angle
for the shaft. C34. The fatigue strength coefficient of the third shaft
must be greater or equal to the allowable fatigue strength
g 22 = ϕ(u 0 _ 2 ) ϕ a − 1 (24)
coefficient for the shaft.
C23. The deflection at the supporting point angle of the g 34 = c a min (CSOi (P )) − 1 (35)
second shaft in section u10_2 (fig. 5) should be less or
equal to the allowable deflection at the supporting point C35. The bending deflection of the third shaft in section
angle for the shaft. u5_3 (fig. 6) should be less or equal to the allowable de-
flection bending for the shaft.
g 23 = ϕ(u10 _ 2 ) ϕ a − 1 (25)
g 35 = δ(u 5 _ 3 ) δ a − 1 (36)
C24. The torsion angle of the second shaft must be less or
C36. The deflection at the supporting point angle of the
equal to the allowable torsion angle of the shaft.
third shaft in section u0_3 (fig. 6) should be less or equal to
g 24 = θ _ 2 θ a − 1 (26) the allowable deflection at the supporting point angle for
C25. The basic rating life must be greater to the imposed the shaft.
(accepted) basic rating life of the bearing. g 36 = ϕ(u 0 _ 3 ) ϕ a − 1 (37)
g 25 = Lh _ nec Lh _ 2 − 1 (27) C37. The deflection at the supporting point angle of the
C26. The bearing stress between key (used for the assem- third shaft in section u8_3 (fig. 6) should be less or equal to
bly of the helical gear z2) and the key way of the second the allowable deflection at the supporting point angle for
shaft should be lower to the allowable bearing stress. the shaft.
g 26 = σ s _ 2 σ sa − 1 (28) g 37 = ϕ(u8 _ 3 ) ϕ a − 1 (38)
C27. The shear stress of key (used for the assembly of the C38. The torsion angle of the third shaft must be less or
helical gear) of the second shaft should be lower to the equal to the allowable torsion angle of the shaft.
allowable shear stress. g 38 = θ _ 3 θ a − 1 (39)
g 27 = τ f _ 2 τ fa − 1 (29) C39. The basic rating life must be greater to the imposed
C28. Between the exterior rings of the tapered rolling (accepted) basic rating life of the bearing.
bearing should be at least 15 mm. g 39 = Lh _ nec Lh _ 3 − 1 (27)
( )
g 28 = 30 + Dr _ 2 + Dr _ 3 2 a w _ 2 − 1 (29) C40. The bearing stress between key (used for the assem-
C29. The radial shaft seal diameter d1m_3, should be bly of the helical gear z4) and the key way of the third
greater than the output shaft diameter dca_3. shaft should be lower to the allowable bearing stress.
g 29 = 1.15 ⋅ d ca _ 3 d1m _ 3 − 1 (30) g 40 = σ sz 4 σ sa − 1 (28)
u4_3 u6_3
u1_3 u2_3
u0_3 u3_3 u5_3 u7_3 u8_3 u9_3 u10_3 u11_3 u12_3

Fig. 6. The third shaft of the reducer

C41. The shear stress of key (used for the assembly of the Tapered rolling
helical gear z4) of the third shaft should be lower to the 4 bearing for the 32005X/Q 32005X/Q
allowable shear stress. second shaft
g 41 = τ fz 4 τ fa − 1 (29) dr_2 25 mm 25 mm
C42. The bearing stress between key and the key way of Dr_2 47 mm 47 mm
the output end shaft should be lower to the allowable ar_2 11 mm 11 mm
bearing stress. Tr_2 15 mm 15 mm
g 42 = σ s _ 3 σ sa − 1 (28) Cr_2 11.5 mm 11.5 mm
mass 0.11 kg 0.11 kg
C43. The shear stress of key of the output end-shaft
Tapered rolling
should be lower to the allowable shear stress. 32008
5 bearing for the 32010X/Q
g 43 = τ f _ 3 τ fa − 1 (29) XTN9/Q
third shaft
dr_3 50 mm 40 mm
Results Dr_3 80 mm 68 mm
In solving this optimization problem, our own Cambrian ar_3 18 mm 15 mm
v.3.2 software was used. Written in Java, Cambrian is a Tr_3 20 mm 19 mm
platform that allows the assembling of all sort of evolu- Cr_3 15.5 mm 14.5 mm
tionary algorithms in an original manner and is in opera- mass 0.37 kg 0.27 mm
tion at the Optimal Design Centre of the Technical Uni-
Radial shaft seal CR50×64×6 CR36×52×7
versity of Cluj-Napoca, Romania 6
for the third shaft HMS5 V HMS5 V
Table 3. Comparison between classical and optimal solu- d1m_3 50 mm 36 mm
tions d2m_3 64 mm 52 mm
bm_3 6 mm 7 mm
The third shaft end
No Genes Classical Optimal 45 × 110
7 diameter, 32 × 80 mm
solution solution mm
The first shaft end
The mass of the 3
1 diameter, 19 × 28 mm 18 × 28 mm
8 shafts sub- 14.564 kg 9.494 kg
Radial shaft seal CR22×36×7 CR21×35×7
for the input shaft HMS5 V HMS5 V 5. CONCLUSIONS
d1m_1 22 mm 21 mm
As one can see in Table 3 the mass of the three shaft sub-
d2m_1 36 mm 35 mm assemblies (including the mass of the shafts, of gearing
bm_1 7 mm 7 mm and of six tapered rolling bearings) representing the opti-
Tapered rolling mal design solution was 9.494 kg, while the classical de-
3 bearing for the 32005X/Q 32005X/Q sign solution weighted 14.564 kg, which means a de-
first shaft crease in mass with about 34.81%.
dr_1 25 mm 25 mm Note that the mass of gearing is precisely computed since
Dr_1 47 mm 47 mm the area of frontal face of teeth is accurately determined.
ar_1 11 mm 11 mm
Tr_1 15 mm 15 mm ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
Cr_1 11.5 mm 11.5 mm
mass 0.11 kg 0.11 kg This work has been supported by the Romanian Govern-
mental grant PN II ID PCE 2007-2010, Project Code
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