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Department of Sociology

Virtual University of Pakistan


Qualitative Research Methods (SOC609)
Assignment No. 01
Lecture 08-10

Due Date: 17-11-2023 Assignment Marks: 20


Assignment Objective
Selection of the topic and preparing exploratory research questions is one of the
crucial steps of qualitative research. In first 10 lessons, you have completely gone
through these steps and the type of social issues and topics that we usually explore in
qualitative research. In this regard, now its time to implement your learning so you are
required to:

1. One research topic of your choice/issue on which you can conduct your qualitative
research. (04)

2. Prepare three to four Exploratory questions on this topic. (06)

Conceptual Framework

In qualitative research conceptual framework is very important. It is picture of whole

research. It tells the concept, methodological interpretation and operationalization of
study. It also tells the theoretical definition of research. It is basically logical
arrangement of ideas and description of idea and observations. More specifically it
tells the conceptualization, operationalization and theoretical underpinning of study.

In this regard, on the same research topic also prepare the following:

(i) Conceptual definition (3)

(ii)Operational definition (3)
(iii)Theoretical definition (4)

Things to do:

 Be genuine and use your own ideas to prepare assignment

 Use your intellect for work
 Rely on personal capability to prepare the solution
 Focus on your area of interest while selecting the topic
Things to avoid while making assignment:

 Don’t borrow topic from the research articles

 Copy pasting from internet sources
 Copying the work from AI sources like chat GPT etc.
 Copying work from some other student
 Not mentioning the references

A 24 hours extra / grace period after the due date is usually available to overcome
LMS technical issues/difficulties. This extra time should only be used to meet the
emergencies and above mentioned due dates should always be treated as final to avoid
any inconvenience.
Important Instructions:
▪ Students are advised to study the whole text carefully.
▪ Try not to include any irrelevant material in the solution.
▪ Try to come up with precise and original answers.
▪ Assignments reaching after the due date would not be considered.
Other Important Instructions:
▪ Make sure to post the solution before the due date on VULMS.
▪ Any submission made via email after the due date will not be accepted.
▪ Use the font style “Times New Roman” or “Arial” and font size “12”.
▪ It is advised to compose your document in MS-Word format on LMS in the in-line
▪ You may also compose your assignment in Open Office format.
▪ Use black and blue font colors only.

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