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The act of putting a wireless modem into your PC or laptop is now so

commonplace that it almost seems ancient history to have to physically connect a

computer to the phone lines in order to make an internet connection. This is the
age of the wireless network, both in the home and in the office. But useful though
wireless technology is, the technology is not without its problems. Some of the
main problems that can be encountered are network address problems, problems
with the network manager, and WIFI security. This article will look at these three
areas and give some hints as to how they can be best avoided.

A problem with the network address can be one of the most common problems of
wireless networks. The first signs of a network address problems is usually when
the PC stops working or fails to load an internet page as it is finding the network
address. One of the simplest solutions to this problem is to simply reset the
modem to default settings. This will often allow the connection manager to do its
job and find the correct network address, after which an internet connection will
become possible. If this doesn't work, then a simple reinstallation of the modem
software can do the trick.

The network manager in the PC can be the cause of several wireless network
problems. The network manager is supposed to help the PC find the network
wireless connection quickly and easily, but sometimes this is far from the case, and
the user is left frustrated at the manager's apparent inability to connect to the
network. One of the first things you should do when faced with this problem is to
ensure that your operating system has all the latest security updates. Microsoft
operating systems can be easily updated by allowing the system to automatically
download updates. This should ensure the network connection manager software
is always up to date and should function properly.

One of the most important points, if not the most important point, is that of
wireless network security. If you are using the PC at home and you have lax
security on your WIFI network you could be leaving your PC network vulnerable to
having the bandwidth hijacked. The way around this is to ensure that on installing
the wireless network software you follow all instructions to make your network
secure. By doing so, the wireless network will be blocked from unauthorized
surfers. The way to ensure your security is as tight as it can be is to use encryption
technology to ensure none of the data on your network can be read. One of the
modern encryption methods is dynamic WEP, and is worth consideration. More
methods of protecting your network are discussed in more detail at
It should be clear that installing and operating a wireless network brings with it a
number of problems, not least problems with connecting to the network in the
first place and network security. However by being aware of the possible pitfalls
you should be able to use your wireless network without suffering from constant
lost connections and breached security. Be prepared and you should be able to use
your wireless network with total peace of mind.

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