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These days a lot of organizations of different kinds have realized the benefit of

having a network and, hence, are eagerly seeking to establish networks on their
premises. Having a network on the premises facilitates faster data exchange across
the organization. At the same time, there has also emerged a need to conduct
network security checks in order to prevent unauthorized intrusion or data
leakage. Losing data through such incidents may translate in to severe losses for
the concerned organization.

In order to avoid the security threats posed by unsecured networks, a lot of

security measures are required to be implemented. At the same time, we need to
realize that having a security system in place will solve the problem once and for
all. These security threats can raise their heads even when you have taken
precautions like installing network security software or if you have an IT team
dedicated to this particular task of keeping a watch on all activities within the
network. In order to keep your network free of security threats and to run it in a
smoother way, you need to integrate your network security by implementing all
the latest tools.

But you may still be confused as to which is the right time to update the network
security software and what are the other solutions? It is very difficult to know the
best possible solution to the problem of network security. Threats tend to modify
themselves with passage of time. What you can do is to develop some policies for
your business in order to check security.

The data that is to be protected may be structured or unstructured. The data may
include credit card and other such documents. Most of the data leakage is internal.
Therefore, it becomes important to have integrated enforcement capabilities for
all kind of communication, be it internal or external. All the security policies and
rules should be put in place or designed keeping in mind what the user wants, the
data type or the destination. All the variables should be related and it is then to be
decided what information is to be sent by whom, where and how. All of these
arrangements should be updated automatically with each and every change. These
policies should be made considering organization's requirements.

You should take care that all the security software that you are implementing
should be easy to handle and use. The access control policies should be clearly
defined and should be able to integrate with existing processes. A good network
security solution should be able to report properly, should be able to monitor all
the activities inside the network and should be able to prevent it against any
security threats. It can be bolstered by a regularly conducted network security

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