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Amanda Wilson

Sociology 104
June 26, 2021

1) ISTJ: Introversion, I like quiet for concentration, I am interested in the facts, I think before I act, I learn new
tasks by reading and reflection. Sensing, I like using experience to solve problems, I like to do things with
practical bent, I always go step by step. Thinking, I use logical analysis to reach conclusions, I expect mutual
respect between colleagues, I decide things impersonally. Judging, I work best when I can follow my own plan,
I like to get things settled and finished, I feel supported by scheduled and structure, I focus on the completion of
a project.

2) I agree with the type I was given, and I think that it fits me better than any other one. I know I am definitely
not extroverted unless around children and that can be exhausting for me at the end of the day.

3) “See to it that everything is well organized” One of my favorite things has always been to organize so I quite
literally always have to make sure everything has a home and a place. “Logical” I can relate to this one because
I need a reason why things work and if it is not logical in my head I will work hard to make it be.

4) I think my type makes me a good listener and very understanding, as well as I can sense things about people.

5) One way it can limit my effectiveness is that in the therapist styles section is says “low patience with what
they judge as wasting time” I do tend to think things that are a waste of time are not as important so I will need
to work on that one if I become a therapist.

6) A goal of mine would be to be less short tempered with introverts. For example after a long day and I go
home my parents may want to talk my ear off but I get annoyed easily and I would like to be more

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