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Ultraviolet radiation and systemic lupus erythematosus

M Barbhaiya and KH Costenbader
Lupus 2014 23: 588
DOI: 10.1177/0961203314530488

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Lupus (2014) 23, 588–595


Ultraviolet radiation and systemic lupus erythematosus

M Barbhaiya and KH Costenbader
Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Division of Rheumatology, Immunology, and Allergy, Harvard Medical School, USA

Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation is among the environmental factors that have been
proposed and studied in association with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). While it is
known that UV radiation exposure may exacerbate pre-existing lupus, it remains unclear
whether UV exposure is a risk factor for the development of SLE. Experimental studies
show a significant immunomodulatory role for UV radiation, but strong epidemiologic data
regarding its role in triggering SLE onset are lacking. Further studies are needed to assess the
role of UV radiation in relation to development of incident SLE, yet they are challenging to
design due to difficulties in accurate exposure assessment, the heterogeneous nature of SLE,
and the challenge of assessing photosensitivity, a feature of SLE, which often precedes its
diagnosis. Lupus (2014) 23, 588–595.

Key words: Ultraviolet radiation; systemic lupus erythematosus; UV; SLE; vitamin D;
environmental exposure

Introduction immunomodulating effects, UV-B radiation could

potentially reduce the SLE risk.5–7 Further compli-
Environmental exposures, including infectious cating our understanding of the relationship
agents, cigarette smoking, exogenous sex hor- between UV radiation and SLE, a subset of UV
mones, silica exposure, hormonal and dietary fac- radiation, UV-A, is used as a phototherapy modal-
tors, and ultraviolet radiation, are hypothesized to ity to treat cutaneous forms of lupus.8 Based on
contribute to the development of systemic lupus current literature, strong epidemiologic evidence
erythematosus (SLE).1 The role of ultraviolet concerning the role of UV radiation in triggering
(UV) radiation in the development of SLE remains SLE onset is lacking.
controversial. Although UV radiation exposure The purpose of this article is to review the poten-
may exacerbate pre-existing SLE, it remains tial mechanisms whereby UV radiation exposure
unclear whether UV exposure plays a role in the could be related to SLE risk, review the back-
pathogenesis of SLE.2 In experimental studies, ground epidemiologic evidence suggesting an asso-
UV radiation has a number of immunomodulatory ciation between UV radiation and the pathogenesis
effects, up-regulating Th2 cells and down-regulat- of incident SLE, and to highlight the need for pro-
ing Th1 cells, and inducing interleukin-10 produc- spective studies related to the role of UV radiation
tion, an anti-inflammatory cytokine, and increased in the development of autoimmune diseases.
production of T-regulatory cells.3,4 UV-B exposure
is responsible for sunburn and skin damage and
may lead to worsened photosensitivity, skin
rashes, and even flare of systemic disease in Molecular effects of UV radiation
patients with pre-existing SLE. However, it has
been suggested that through the stimulation of UV radiation consists of three types, including
cutaneous vitamin D synthesis, which has known UV-A (wavelength range 320–400 nm), which is
abundant in terrestrial sunlight, but is not strongly
absorbed by protein and nucleic acids; UV-B
(wavelength range 290–320 nm), which is erythemo-
Correspondence to: M Barbhaiya, MD Division of Rheumatology,
genic and present in the terrestrial solar spectrum;
Immunology, and Allergy, PBB-3 Brigham and Women’s Hospital,
75 Francis Street, Boston, MA 02115, USA. and UV-C (wavelength range 200–290 nm).9 Given
Email: that UV-C is absorbed by the Earth’s ozone layer,
! The Author(s), 2014. Reprints and permissions: 10.1177/0961203314530488

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Ultraviolet radiation and SLE
M Barbhaiya and KH Costenbader
2 12
its effects on human health appear negligible. UV- through the generation of regulatory T cells.
B radiation, on the other hand, may be hazardous Induction of regulatory T cells by UV-B radiation
to human health by inducing skin cancer, prema- requires antigen presentation by UV-damaged
ture skin aging, and possibly inflammatory diseases Langerhans cells in the lymph nodes.24 Once acti-
such as SLE and dermatomyositis.10–12 UV-A has vated, regulatory T cells suppress immune
been found to decrease clinical disease activity in responses by releasing the immunosuppressive
SLE patients and patients with subsets of cutane- cytokine IL-10.25
ous lupus.8 However, other studies have demon- UV-B radiation may also result in a redistribu-
strated UV-A exposure inducing cutaneous lupus tion of nuclear antigens to the cell surface or in the
skin lesions.13–15 Of significant interest, during the production of novel forms of autoantigens, effects
last three decades, UV A1 phototherapy has that may be relevant given the mechanisms thought
emerged as a specific phototherapeutic modality to be involved in SLE pathogenesis.26 Additionally,
for various indications including conditions such UV-B radiation can damage keratinocytes and
as atopic dermatitis, localized scleroderma, and sys- other mammalian cells via numerous mechanisms,
temic and cutaneous lupus erythematosus.16 In this including induction of reactive oxygen species,
section, we outline the specific molecular mechan- which may damage DNA via strand breaks and
isms of UV-A and UV-B in relation to SLE. pyrimidine dimer formation.27,28 The metabolism
and detoxification of reactive oxygen intermediate
Role of UV-A compounds involves the glutathione-S-transferase
Although daily exposure to UV-A is significantly family of enzymes, including glutathione-S-trans-
greater than UV-B, UV-A induced erythema ferase-M1 (GSTM1), which has been associated
requires nearly 1000 times more energy than from with increased SLE risk among Caucasians.29
UV-B.9 UV-A radiation is of longer wavelength Furthermore, as a potential DNA methylation
and is thus able to penetrate the deeper dermis inhibitor, UV-B radiation may also stimulate over-
and induce keratinocyte apoptosis via mitochon- expression of lymphocyte function associated anti-
drial oxidative damage, which can result in genera- gen-1 (LFA-1), leading to increased production
tion of reactive oxygen species.17 Pro-inflammatory of autoreactive T cells, shown to induce SLE in
effects of UV-A are likely related to stimulation of syngeneic mice.30
IL-1 and IL-6 and modification of lymphocyte
However, UV-A is also shown to have anti- Role of vitamin D
inflammatory effects, allowing for its use as a
phototherapeutic agent, related to T and B cell While exposure to solar UV radiation may trigger
apoptosis and reduction of inflammatory cytokines, SLE disease flares, UV light exposure is also the
including interleukin(IL)-4, IL-10, and interferon-g main source of vitamin D production.31 Vitamin
levels.19,20 Phototherapy, which requires direct skin D regulates the growth and differentiation of
irradiation, induces an autoregulatory response immune system cells and acts as an immunosup-
that deactivates abnormal T-cells and alters T-cell pressive agent once metabolized to 1a,25
receptor specificity, and may modify lymphocyte (OH)2D3, a steroid hormone. Evidence from
function with UV-A activated psoralens.21 In animal models and prospective studies of RA, mul-
mice, UV-A irradiation resulted in increased sur- tiple sclerosis, and type-1 diabetes suggest an
vival and decreased circulating anti-DNA antibo- important role for vitamin D as a modifiable envir-
dies, postulated to occur as UV-A does not affect onmental factor in autoimmune disease.32,33
Langerhans’ cell function, resulting in decreased Furthermore, various animal models of auto-
stimulation of B-cell activity.22,23 immunity – including collagen-induced arthritis,
type I diabetes mellitus, inflammatory bowel dis-
Role of UV-B ease, and SLE – have shown significant improve-
Numerous animal studies suggest that exposure to ment and even disease prevention with vitamin D
UV-B radiation is potentially immunosuppressive. treatment.5,33,34
At the molecular level, a major trigger for UV-B The role of vitamin D in SLE pathogenesis
induced immunosuppression derives from UV-B remains controversial, however. In numerous stu-
induced DNA damage, which leads to antigen-spe- dies of patients with existing SLE, vitamin D levels
cific immunotolerance.12,24,25 In particular, UV-B have been found to be lower than in those without
radiation induces antigen-specific immunotolerance SLE.35–38 This is also true of patients with many

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Ultraviolet radiation and SLE
M Barbhaiya and KH Costenbader

different chronic inflammatory diseases.39 A recent vague, defined by the ACR as ‘a skin rash as a
systematic review,39 which assessed the effect of result of unusual reaction to sunlight’.45 The patho-
vitamin D on the risk of developing autoimmune physiology of photosensitivity in SLE is thought to
diseases, showed that in some studies lower levels of be related to the aberrant processing and clearance
vitamin D correlated with more SLE disease activ- of an increased number of apoptotic keratinocytes
ity,38,40,41 whereas others did not confirm this find- induced by UV radiation.46 Photosensitivity is most
ing.36,37 Furthermore, in a large prospective cohort common in individuals with cutaneous lupus ery-
of women, vitamin D intake from food and supple- thematosus. Past studies have reported that nearly
ments did not appear to be associated with risk of 50% of patients with cutaneous lupus developed
SLE.7,42 non-specific inflammatory skin reactions or poly-
In SLE patients, various other potential risk fac- morphic light eruptions, as opposed to cutaneous
tors for vitamin D deficiency exist including avoid- lupus flares, after exposure to UV radiation.15,47
ance of sun exposure, increased use of Reported rates of photosensitivity range from
photoprotection methods, chronic steroid use, 27% to 100% for SCLE, 25% to 90% for discoid
renal involvement, and use of hydroxychloroquine. lupus, and 43% to 71% for lupus tumidus.47 The
Thus, it remains unclear whether vitamin D defi- large variation in reported rates of photosensitivity
ciency is a cause or consequence of the disease. As is likely due to imprecise definition, the delayed
most of the prior studies have been limited by retro- onset of true photosensitive reactions, and hetero-
spective design and use of semi-quantitative ques- geneous and inconsistent methods of assessing
tionnaires evaluating food frequency and photosensitivity.
supplement intake, as opposed to direct measure- As patient history correlates poorly with the
ment of vitamin D serum levels, at present there is presence or absence of photosensitivity due to the
not sufficient evidence to establish a clear relation- delayed-onset time interval between UV exposure
ship between vitamin deficiency and increased SLE and eruption of skin lesions, phototesting may be a
reliable way of diagnosing photosensitivity.48 Using
incidence or exacerbation of disease. Furthermore,
photoprovocation testing methods involving meas-
questions regarding optimal vitamin D dosing in
urement of the minimal erythema dose, one study
SLE patients and whether a certain amount of
reported that over 90% of lupus patients, including
UV radiation may actually be beneficial in helping
patients with SCLE, SLE, and discoid lupus, had
to maintain vitamin D levels remain unanswered. an abnormal reaction to UV radiation, with cuta-
neous lesions induced or exacerbated by exposure
to UV radiation.48
Epidemiologic evidence linking UV radiation to It has been shown in several epidemiologic stu-
prevalent and incident SLE dies that among patients with prevalent SLE,
increased UV radiation exposure may aggravate
Epidemiologic studies have sought to identify pre-existing skin disease, often resulting in new
potential factors involved in the development of cutaneous lesions.49 Photo-induced cutaneous dis-
SLE in the genetically susceptible. However, most ease appears mainly on sun-exposed areas as macu-
of the current research pertaining to immune- lar, papular, or bullous lesions as well as classic
related effects of UV radiation focuses on its role erythema. SLE flares may also occur and are typ-
in disease exacerbation or flares in prevalent SLE. ically reported as weakness, fatigue, fevers or joint
In this section, we aim to: (1) discuss the role of pain.50 Patient reported photo-induced cutaneous
photosensitivity and highlight epidemiologic stu- or systemic disease does not appear to correlate
dies demonstrating the effect of UV radiation well with physician assessment or laboratory stu-
exposure on prevalent SLE; and (2) examine the dies of SLE disease activity, however.50,51
current epidemiologic data suggesting a role for Sunlight exposure likely acts as a trigger for SLE
UV radiation in the etiology of incident SLE. onset and exacerbation, particularly among
people whose reaction to midday sun is typified
Role of photosensitivity and the effect of UV by sunburn with blistering or a rash.52
radiation on prevalent SLE Studies examining a seasonal influence on SLE
disease activity have suggested a possible role for
Photosensitivity, one of the American College of UV radiation, although the results are conflicting.
Rheumatology (ACR) diagnostic criteria for SLE, A few studies have demonstrated increased inci-
occurs in approximately 40–50% of SLE dence of photosensitive rashes in the summer
patients.43,44 The definition of photosensitivity is months,53,54 but other studies have shown increased

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Ultraviolet radiation and SLE
M Barbhaiya and KH Costenbader

joint activity and lupus nephritis flares in the winter evaluated, exact comparisons between these studies
and spring seasons.55–57 In fact, a small study of 33 is challenging. While these results are interesting,
SLE patients from Finland demonstrated increased they do not point to any specific pattern implicating
non-cutaneous disease activity in summer months, latitude or UV radiation in the development
but no increase in skin symptoms even after photo- of SLE.
provocation with UV-A and UV-B in a subset of Furthermore, the roles of sunscreen, tanning,
patients.58 Additionally, a retrospective study eval- and phototherapy in relation to SLE flares are
uating seasonal variation of non-cutaneous lupus in also unclear. It is not known whether use of sun-
Hong Kong demonstrated a U-shaped correlation screen lotion is protective against risk of SLE. In a
between the rate of SLE flares and the monthly retrospective structured questionnaire study of 60
average environmental temperature, with higher Puerto Rican SLE patients, those who regularly
flare rate at extremes of temperature.56 However, used sunscreen had significantly less renal involve-
a recent large prospective, longitudinal study using ment, thrombocytopenia, hospitalization, and need
data from the Hopkins Lupus Cohort found that for cyclophosphamide than patients who did not
both photosensitive rash and arthritis activity were use sunscreen (p < 0.05).63 Although this study
significantly more frequent in the spring and was limited by its retrospective design and small
summer months.59 As season of the year may be sample size, future prospective studies should be
associated with many factors besides UV light, conducted to examine the role of sunscreen. Case
such as infections, diet, and vitamin D levels, reports of SLE exacerbation after use of indoor
along with the methodological differences, and tanning methods (mainly UV-A) exist in the litera-
variations in climate and racial burden of the popu- ture.64 In a study of normal human volunteers
lations being evaluated, interpretation of these exposed to a standard course of sun-tanning treat-
studies is limited. ments in commercial tanning parlors, alterations in
In addition to studies of the seasonal variation of immune function were noted including decreased
SLE flares, SLE burden and mortality rates have natural killer cell activity, depression of delayed
also been examined in relationship to geography type hypersensitivity responses to dinitrochloro-
and season. In a review of the literature, SLE benzene, decreased Langerhans’ cell activity,
prevalence by country was remarkably varied, reduced lymphocyte counts, and an alteration in
lowest in Northern Ireland, the United Kingdom, the proportion of T cell subpopulations in
and Finland, and the highest in Italy, Spain, and blood.65–67 Recent estimates in the US show that
Martinique.60 The lowest overall incidence rates 15.2% of adults reported using indoor tanning in
were reported in Iceland and Japan, and highest the past 12 months, most commonly by younger
in the USA and France. It has been suggested adults aged 18–29 years.68 Indoor tanning use was
that the pattern of increased mortality from SLE most common among females and non-Hispanic
in the United States is consistent with regional dif- whites. However, there are no epidemiologic data
ferences in the concentration of UV-B radiation.61 concerning indoor or outdoor sun-tanning and risk
UV-B radiation for July showed the highest correl- of SLE. Despite promising results from epidemio-
ation with SLE mortality rates as compared to pov- logic and randomized controlled trials that suggest
erty level or Hispanic or African lineage, however that UV-A1 phototherapy appears to be safe and
these results were based on use of a limited data- effective in patients with SLE,16 given the known
set(61). In another study assessing whether the spa- detrimental effects of UV-B radiation on SLE,8,69
tial variation in poverty, Hispanic ethnicity, and further studies are necessary to evaluate the role of
solar radiation explains the strong pattern of geo- phototherapy in cutaneous and systemic lupus.
graphical clustering of mortality from SLE in the
United States, after adjustment for Hispanic ethni- Studies of UV radiation and incident SLE
city and poverty, SLE mortality rates among white
women were 37% higher in regions with the highest While the link between UV radiation exposure and
UV-B levels than in regions with the lowest levels.62 SLE exacerbation is more firmly well established,
Comparable increases in mortality relative to solar only few studies suggest an association between UV
radiation were shown for White and Black men in radiation and the development of incident SLE. In
this study. However, owing to the association of a case-control study of consecutive female incident
seasonality with other factors such as infections, SLE cases in Sweden, elevated SLE risk was asso-
diet, and vitamin D levels, along with the methodo- ciated with a having a history of more than one
logical study differences, and variations in climate serious sunburn before the age of 20 years
and racial burden of the populations being (odds ratio (OR) 2.2, 95% CI 1.2–4.1) and

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Ultraviolet radiation and SLE
M Barbhaiya and KH Costenbader

sunburn-susceptible skin type (OR 2.9, 95% CI UV radiation by measurement using UV radiation
1.6–5.1).70 Given that photosensitivity due to SLE sensitive dosimeters can be challenging to obtain,
could be present for several years before diagnosis, whereas indirect measures rely on measurement or
this association may be due to reverse causation. In modeling of the three variables mentioned above.
a Canadian case-control study of 258 patients with Use of sunscreen lotions with increasing solar pro-
SLE, an association was seen with outdoor work in tection factor (SPF) indices in recent years may also
the 12 months preceding SLE diagnosis (OR 2.0, play a role. A recent large prospective study assess-
95% CI 1.1–3.8), although there was no association ing the risk of UV-B radiation on the development
with total number of years of outdoor work.52 This of rheumatoid arthritis utilized the concept of UV-
study also suggested effect modification by sun B flux, a composite measure of mean UV-B radi-
reaction, with the strongest effect among people ation level based on latitude, altitude and cloud
who reported reacting to midday sun with a blister- cover which is thought to represent ambient expos-
ing sunburn or a rash (OR 7.9, 95% CI 0.97–64.7); ure better than geographic region.72,73 UV-B flux
however, this may have been the result of differen- has been shown to be associated with risk of skin
tial misclassification of exposure. In contrast, in the cancer, suggesting that it is a reliable proxy for sun
Carolina Lupus Study, a large population-based exposure.74
study of recently diagnosed SLE patients that In the current literature on UV radiation risk in
used cumulative months of occupational sunlight SLE, occupational UV radiation exposure assess-
exposure as a proxy for past UV exposure, no over- ment has been largely based upon recall of jobs
all association with SLE risk was observed.29 held for at least 12 months. However, shorter-
However, a threefold increased risk (OR 3.1, 95% term occupational exposures, sunscreen use, and
CI 0.9–10.8) of SLE was seen among Caucasians recreational sunlight exposure have not been
who had the GSTM1 null genotype who had 24 or included, and thus exposure estimates may not
more months of occupational sun exposure among. accurately capture actual exposure to sunlight.
While this could be a chance finding in a smaller Furthermore, reconstruction of lifetime UV radi-
subgroup, it does suggest that having certain geno- ation exposure relies on employing proxy or indir-
types may modify the effect of occupational sun ect measures such as self-report of time spent
exposure on the risk of SLE in Caucasians. outdoors and the use of questionnaires to assess
past UV radiation exposures, which may introduce
recall bias. Although efforts have been made to
Challenges relating to UV exposure assessment develop questionnaires and diary records to facili-
tate more accurate exposure assessment,75,76 pro-
One of the major unanswered questions related to a spective cohort studies that combine self-report of
potential role of UV radiation in the development sunlight exposure with dosimetry of sun exposure
of SLE is when the relevant susceptibility window or proxy measures such as UV-B flux, along with
for UV-B exposure is: in utero, at birth, in child- biomarkers of genotoxicity, and serial testing of
hood, adolescence or adulthood. It is also not autoantibodies are needed to further elucidate the
known whether UV-B exposure acts as an instant- risk assessment related to UV radiation exposure
aneous hazard, triggering SLE onset very soon and the development of SLE. Finally, small
after exposure, or whether SLE risk is more related sample sizes and difficulty in measurement of UV
to cumulative lifetime exposure. Accurate assess- radiation exposure in past studies have limited the
ment and quantification of individual exposure to ability to investigate a dose-response relationship
UV radiation is critical to understanding its poten- between sun exposure and SLE risk.
tial role in the etiology of SLE. However, studies to
date have largely relied on subject recall or occupa-
tional categories to quantify past solar UVR expos- Conclusion
ures. Factors which appear to influence the amount
of UV radiation to which an individual is exposed The identification of modifiable environmental risk
largely have been described as dependent upon factors for the development of SLE, such as expos-
three variables including: (1) solar ambient UV ure to UV radiation, would advance our under-
radiation levels, (2) the fraction of ambient UV standing of disease pathogenesis and could lead to
exposure received on different anatomical sites, strategies to prevent disease, in particular for those
and (3) behavior and duration of time spent out- individuals at high risk. Further assessment of the
doors.71 Direct estimates of individual exposure to true geographic and seasonal differences in SLE

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Ultraviolet radiation and SLE
M Barbhaiya and KH Costenbader

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