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Project Setup:

Install Flutter and Dart.

Set up your development environment (Android Studio, Visual Studio Code,
Create a new Flutter project.

UI Design:
Design the user interface for your app using Flutter widgets.
Consider the layout, navigation, and visual elements.

Authentication System:
Implement authentication for both Mazdoors and Employers.
You can use Firebase Authentication or other authentication services.

Database Integration:
Set up a database to store job listings, user profiles, and other data.
Firebase Realtime Database, Firestore, or other databases can be used.

User Profiles:
Create user profiles with necessary details like name, contact information,
skills, etc.
Allow users to edit their profiles.

Job Listings:
Implement the ability for Employers to post job listings with details like
job title, description, location, and payment.
Enable Mazdoors to search for and view job listings.

Messaging System:
Implement a messaging system that allows communication between Employers
and Mazdoors.
Use Firebase Cloud Messaging or other messaging solutions.

Notification System:
Add notification features to inform users about job offers, messages, etc.
Implement push notifications using Firebase Cloud Messaging.

Rating and Review System:

Allow Employers to rate and review Mazdoors and vice versa.
Calculate and display user ratings.

Availability Status:
Allow Mazdoors to set their availability status (available or not
Update job listings based on Mazdoor availability.

Test your app thoroughly on various devices and screen sizes.
Address any bugs or issues that arise.

Prepare your app for release.
Deploy your app to app stores (Google Play Store, Apple App Store) or
distribute it through other means.

Marketing and Promotion:

Promote your app to your target audience.
Utilize social media, advertising, and other marketing strategies.

Continuously maintain and update your app based on user feedback and
changing requirements.

I can certainly provide guidance and assistance in building a Flutter app for your
requirements. However, building a complete app is a complex and time-consuming
process, and it's not possible to provide a step-by-step guide in a single
response. I can, however, offer you an outline of the general steps involved in
developing a Flutter app and answer specific questions or provide code examples
when needed.

Here are the high-level steps to get you started with building your Mazdoor app:

Project Setup:
Install Flutter and Dart.
Set up your development environment (Android Studio, Visual Studio Code,
Create a new Flutter project.

UI Design:
Design the user interface for your app using Flutter widgets.
Consider the layout, navigation, and visual elements.

Authentication System:
Implement authentication for both Mazdoors and Employers.
You can use Firebase Authentication or other authentication services.

Database Integration:
Set up a database to store job listings, user profiles, and other data.
Firebase Realtime Database, Firestore, or other databases can be used.

User Profiles:
Create user profiles with necessary details like name, contact information,
skills, etc.
Allow users to edit their profiles.

Job Listings:
Implement the ability for Employers to post job listings with details like
job title, description, location, and payment.
Enable Mazdoors to search for and view job listings.

Messaging System:
Implement a messaging system that allows communication between Employers
and Mazdoors.
Use Firebase Cloud Messaging or other messaging solutions.

Notification System:
Add notification features to inform users about job offers, messages, etc.
Implement push notifications using Firebase Cloud Messaging.

Rating and Review System:

Allow Employers to rate and review Mazdoors and vice versa.
Calculate and display user ratings.

Availability Status:
Allow Mazdoors to set their availability status (available or not
Update job listings based on Mazdoor availability.

Test your app thoroughly on various devices and screen sizes.
Address any bugs or issues that arise.

Prepare your app for release.
Deploy your app to app stores (Google Play Store, Apple App Store) or
distribute it through other means.

Marketing and Promotion:

Promote your app to your target audience.
Utilize social media, advertising, and other marketing strategies.

Login and Registration

Home Screen (job listings)
Job Details
User Profiles
Messaging Interface
Review and Rating Screens
Settings and Profile Editing

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