Research Proposal Template KAG

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Research Project Proposal

Provisional title Key Trend/Issue(expressed in 10 words or fewer):

Aim of research project:

This should be a statement of your research question or hypothesis.
What are you intending to achieve from your research project; i.e., what are the research
aims and objectives and the research questions/problems that you will address?

Research question:

(Scope, breadth, depth, range, limits)



The rationale for undertaking the research:

Considering timescales – time constraints, interim and final deadlines, expected outcomes
at specified points using SMART Specific, Measurable, achievable, realistic, time-bound)

Methods (How you will do your research): This section explains how you plan to conduct
your research and how you propose to answer the question or to investigate the
hypothesis that you have stated.

What methodology will you adopt and why? Why have you chosen this approach? Explain
and defend your choice.

Research approach (for example, quantitative, qualitative, or a combination of these)?

Research methods (for example, questionnaires/interviews/focus groups/observation etc)?

Sampling/population (who do you intend to study)?

Anticipated difficulties and feasibility of your research (for example, access, finance, time

Research approach:

Research methods:

Sampling methods:

Anticipated difficulties and challenges:

References list

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