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CEMEX Eliot Quarry

Geotechnical Characterization Report

Alameda County, California
Page 11
Cross Section C-C’, Figure 9, extends along the Arroyo del Valle channel and south side of Lake
B eastward to the west end of Lake A. On the east side of this cross section, the major erosional
unconformity between the Quaternary Alluvium and the Lower Livermore Gravels is present, as
previously described in the discussion of Cross Section A-A’, above. On the west side of Isabel
Avenue, at borehole BH2013-8, the ancestral Arroyo del Valle channel is present, as indicated by
the complete lack of observed fine-grained silt or clay deposits. Farther to the west, thicker and
more continuous silt and clay layers are present. The most continuous fine-grained layer occurs
within the general range of 295-ft MSL down to 240-ft MSL. A shallower fine-grained zone, up to
40 feet thick, is also present to the south of the current Arroyo del Valle channel. In the interval
between 250-ft MSL and 150-ft MSL, however, only thin, discontinuous fine-grained deposits are
observed and there are not any laterally consistent clay zones present. The presence of the
thicker and more continuous silt and clay zones at the west end of Cross Section C-C’ is
consistent with the interpretations of DWR (1966). As shown on Figures 4 and 5, the percentage
of coarse deposits present in the depth ranges between 100-ft BGS to 200-ft BGS and between
ground surface and 100-ft BGS, respectively, decreases rapidly toward the southwest, away from
the ancestral Arroyo del Valle channel.

Figure 9. Geologic Cross Section C-C’.

KANE GeoTech, Inc.

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