Polity 7

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Political Science NCERT Notes | Class 7

Team Shashank Sajwan


● Equality (fair and impartial): state of being equal.
● Inequality: unequal/unjust distribution of opportunities/resources (one of the more
common forms of inequality in India is the caste system).
○ Dignity is violated when treated unequally.
● The Indian constitution recognises every person as equal, be it a higher official or a
common man.
○ Art. 15 (Indian Constitution): Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of
religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth.
○ Every person is equal before the law.
○ Universal Adult Franchise.
○ Prohibition of discrimination on grounds of religion etc. (article 15 of the
Constitution of India) is a Fundamental Right classifiable under: [1995]
a) The Right to Freedom of Religion
b) The Right against Exploitation
c) The Cultural and Educational Rights
d) The Right to Equality
Correct answer is option ‘d’.

o In the Indian Constitution, the Right to Equality is granted by five Articles.

They are: [2002]
a) Article 16 to Article 20
b) Article 15 to Article 19
c) Article 14 to Article 18
d) Article 13 to Article 17
Correct answer is option ‘c’.

● Policy Measure
○ Midday Meal Scheme:
■ Govt. elementary schools to provide children with cooked lunch
(Tamil Nadu first state to introduce).
■ To help improve the effectiveness of primary education (increase
enrolment, attendance, socialisation etc.)
■ Associated with 13-32% of India’s improvement in height-for-age z-
scores (HAZ) between 2006 and 2016.
■ Lower stunting among children.

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● Factors for Inequality
○ Poverty and the lack of resources continue to be a key reason why so many
people's lives in India are highly unequal.
○ Discrimination the basis of a person's religion, caste and sex is another
significant factor for why people are treated unequally in India.
● Civil Rights Movement (USA -1950s)
○ African-American people demanded equal rights and an end to racial
○ Civil Rights Act (1964) - prohibited discrimination.

● The government that controls a subdivision of a country in a federal form of
government, shares political power with the federal or Union government.
● Every state has a legislative assembly which comprises MLAs (our elected
representatives). During state elections, MLAs (members of legislative assembly) are
elected and some of them become ministers.
● Constituency: a particular area from which all the voters living there choose their

● Our ability to remain free of illness and injuries.
● Factors for good health:
○ Clean water
○ Pollution free environment
○ Active lifestyle without mental strain
● Challenges:
○ Doctors settle in urban areas
○ Access to clean drinking water
○ 5 lakh deaths from tuberculosis and 2 million malaria cases
○ Around 50% children undernourished
● Health care
○ Public Health services (govt. owned)
■ Health Centre - Village level
■ Primary Health Centre - Cluster of villages
■ District Hospitals - District level
■ Government Hospitals - City level
○ Private health facilities (individual owned)
● Why pay taxes to the government?
○ Govt. uses tax money for providing public services such as roads, health
centres, recreational infrastructure etc.

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○ Tax money is utilised for relief & distribution.

● There is a stereotype where it is considered that some work is to be done by a
specific gender, which is an orthodox belief and is wrong.
● Sometimes household work is not considered as work and is devalued (not given due
recognition for a task or job they do) by the family & society.
● 83.6% of working women in India are engaged in agricultural work. Their work
includes planting, weeding, harvesting and threshing (loosening the edible part of
grain from the straw).
● Ramabai (1859-1922): she went on to set a mission in Khegaon near Pune in 1898,
where widows and poor women were encouraged not only to become literate but to
be independent.
● Rashsundari Devi (1800-1890): wrote her biography at 60, "Amar Jiban”. She taught
herself & worked really hard to be able to read & write.
● Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain & her dream about 'Ladyland’. She not only educated
herself but also helped other girls to go to school & build their own dreams.
● Women's movement: Women's individual & collective struggle to bring about
○ 2006 law against domestic violence.
○ 1997 guidelines to protect women against sexual harassment etc.
● 8th March- International Women's Day.
● Measures:
○ Anganwadis and child care centres in villages across the country provide
women employment outside home and enable more girls to attend school.


● Media refers to all means of communication (television, radio, newspaper,
magazine, online sites).
● Mass media (tech that is intended to reach a mass audience).
● “Media is the 4th pillar of democracy” - A Thomas Carlyle
● A balanced report is one that discusses all points of view of a particular story and
then leaves it to the readers to make up their minds.
● The government can, at times, prevent the media from publishing a story and this is
called censorship.
● Freedom: Free from oppression (burdened by abuse of power).
● Liberty: Freedom to act in one's own way.

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Producer trader → trader → retailer → consumer
(makes or grows (person buys and (company who sells (public)
something) resells them) goods to the public)


● Market offers people opportunities for work and to sell things.
● But, the rich and powerful control factories, large shops etc. and get the max. profits.
● Poor depend on the rich for loans, raw materials, employment etc.
● Solutions:
○ Forming cooperatives of producers.
○ Strict implementation of laws.


● As it can be amended or changed as per the needs of the society (105 amendments
as of October, 2021).
● Also, in the actual working of the constitution, there has been enough flexibility of
interpretations (as seen in various judgements of the Supreme Court).

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