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Caner Nesim Yücel


Instructional Principles and Methods Project

A Far East Language House in an Anarchist Society

Caner Nesim Yücel

Caner Nesim Yücel

Profile of the Students

The only prerequisite to enrolling in our Far East Language School is to be able to read, write, and speak
well enough in your native language to keep up with second language learning. Students can be at any age, but
the youngest approximately will start from middle school. Although stated, this prerequisite is not solid or
unchangeable; rather, it is very subjective. A child who is eager to learn Chinese and has enough practice writing
a language can start at an earlier age. The major benefit of this application is eliminating ageism among people
by getting them to work with people of all ages, without seeing one another as inferior or incapable. Students
with disabilities will be provided with proper materials. For instance, when there is a visually impaired student,
the student will receive books with the Braille alphabet. Besides, auditory books and textbooks that are made by
the teachers and instructors, and other volunteer students with fluent Chinese will be provided.

School Building and the Environment

The school building design is inspired by Pavilion le Corbusier, a Swiss art museum comprised of works of
the innovative architect Le Corbusier. This museum design is a great combination of useful and aesthetic-looking
enameled spaces. The open-air design makes it a fresh place that does not feel like a limiting building but rather
a useful shelter. The kitchen and other common areas are great to let many people be there and actually work.
There are not many walls, and this is good for human interaction. This building will be made with local suppliances and there will be almost none
to zero waste. The nature of where the building will be must be preserved. Inside the building, there will be classrooms of different sizes and
shapes, each designed for a specific purpose. There will be storage houses to keep documents and materials.
Caner Nesim Yücel

Education Philosophy

The philosophy of education and the nature of curriculum ensures to always keep two ideals in mind and practice: equality&freedom of
individuals and always going for the better. Hence, we reject ideas such as perennialism and essentialism in our House. Our education strategy is
sharing rather than imposing and coalition rather than domination. Education cannot happen without the correct environment, that is, we need
equity for those coming from different socioeconomic backgrounds. Students should not be forced to do something that they do not wish to do.
They should come to the House regularly because they want to learn Chinese, not because attendance is obligatory. The primary philosophy is
progressivism, though it does not fully represent what we adapted. We adapt progressivism for it builds curriculum around the experiences and
interests of students. John Dewey saw traditional, autocratic, teacher-centered schools as the antithesis of democratic ideals, but it is also the
case for libertarian ideals. Dewey roughly suggests a state-governed democratic school, which is not what we are doing here. There is also an
undeniable impact of social reconstructivism in our House. This shall not be surprising since this House is built in a society with people of high
political awareness. Lastly, the overall idea falls parallel to egalitarianism, which suggests an equal society.

Materials & Responsible People

All the materials will be prepared by the instructors and the teachers. I believe a person who is doing a job professionally for a while will
know the requirements very well. The solid materials will be eco-friendly and vegan. Also, like everything else in the building, materials will be
renewable. All the stationery will be provided by the House, made by local carpenters and print shops.

There will be three main types of people who are responsible for education in the House: facilitators, instructors, and teachers.
Facilitators are people responsible for making the learning process easier. They will be guiding students in their language fluency journey, giving
advised assignments and textbooks. They will also review, correct, and assess these extra works. Secondly, we have instructors who are
responsible for teaching relatively technical and complicated subjects. They usually take more time preparing coursebooks. Instructors will be
using direct teaching methods the most. Third and last, we have teachers who will basically do anything else. They will be more active in the
House than the other two. They often use indirect teaching methods. They are, like facilitators, responsible for tracking their students’ language
learning process. The difference between the two is that the teacher will deal with the programmed part of learning, that is, lessons and
activities guided by the teacher; on the other hand, facilitators will be reviewing and checking the extra work of the students. These people will
be happy to be doing their job. Today’s capitalistic and oppressive world does not let people do what they do but what will bring the most money
to live properly, there is a lot of competition that distances people from each other. In this society that I envisioned, every occupation group is
tied to its specific union. These unions will be a solidarity network for the workers and hence problems such as salary satisfaction or occupational
Caner Nesim Yücel

Ground Rules

The House puts great importance on a peaceful and equal environment free of greed. This will be done by not allowing any sort of
bigotry, ageism, ableism, racism, gender-based discrimination, bullying, violence (except for self-defense), or discrimination against LGBTI+s. The
House rejects any sort of authority and hierarchy. There is the understanding of “our” rather than “mine”. This will bring about the consciousness
of living together as a society. The House has a vegan policy, it encourages respect, helping others, self-autonomy, fraternity, communal work,
and compassion& love towards all beings.

More Information

This place is called “Far East Language House” because of certain reasons. To begin with, the “House” part represents the libertarian
society it is built in. This place does not only aim at teaching a foreign language but envisions doing this by creating a safe space where people
will not feel outside, so to say. At this point, only Chinese is taught in this House. There are many Chinese dialects like Cantonese and Mandarin,
the school will primarily teach Mandarin but will try to provide materials for Cantonese, and in the long term, the House will work to provide
education in Cantonese, as well. Besides, Chinese has mainly two writing systems; traditional and simplified. Students will be able to learn both,
but two systems, which do not have major discrepancies, will be taught concurrently. The House will gradually integrate Japanese, Korean, and
Thai, respectively. Adaptation to other languages will not be rushed, though responsible people will do their best not to keep behind the tacit
schedule. Every level of Chinese will be taught in the House, that is, from beginner to native level. The House has an all-vegan policy, leaving no
space for animal and nature exploitation. There will be some extra items such as clothes, umbrellas, etc. This will be useful when the weather is
making things hard. People will be able to bring ingredients to cook freely. There will be collective cooking. Classrooms will consist of various
numbers of students. This depends on what sort of lesson it will be. With differently designed lessons, also different materials will be used in
accordance. Mainly, there will be:

i. Art lessons
ii. Kinesthetics lessons
iii. Lecture-based traditional lessons
iv. Communal conversation lessons
Caner Nesim Yücel


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