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ASSURE Lesson Plan Template

Syllable Patterns

Name: Holland Hallman Subject Area(s): ELA

Duration of Lesson: 45 minutes Grade Level: 3rd

General Characteristics
Analyze In the 3rd grade classroom at J.W. Wiseman Elementary school, there are
learners nineteen students which consist of eight males and eleven females. The
students range from black, white, mixed, and Hispanic. The students are
between eight and nine years old. There are four students with an IEP and there
is one student who is an English Learner. The four students with an IEP receive
close monitoring, oral testing, interventions for both reading and math,
extended time for TCAP and Mastery Connect, and intervention along with
inclusion. The student who is an EL receives speech and language therapy, read
aloud, follow ups, and gets pulled out for one hour a day. J.W. Wiseman is a
level five school that is committed to teaching their students through quality
instruction, effective uses of resources, building a collaborative culture, and
strong leadership.
Curriculum Competencies
In order for students to complete this lesson, they must know the 6 syllable
Technology Competencies
To complete this lesson, students will need to know how to work a Chromebook
and enter data into IXL.
ELA Tennessee State Standard
State & 3.FL.WC.4 Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills when encoding
NETS*S words; write legibly. a. Use spelling patterns and generalizations in writing one-, two-,
objectives and three-syllable words. b. Use conventional spelling for high-frequency words,
including irregular words. c. Consult reference materials, including a dictionary and
thesaurus, as needed to check and correct spellings.

ISTE Standard
1.1c Feedback to Improve Practice

Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice and
to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways.

Behavioral Objective:
Given a whiteboard and website, the learners will be able to give examples of
words with different syllable types by specifically identifying the syllable type in
order to demonstrate their understanding of the six syllable types. Then, in
partners, the students will complete ten-word problems from the provided
website (IXL) to show their understanding of syllable types to master the
understanding of the terms and state standards.

Language Objective:
Key Vocabulary: closed, vowel-consonant e, open, vowel combination,
consonant -le, r controlled
The learner will use these syllable pattern types names to identify words with
those specific types.

Academic Language Function:

For the student to understand the syllable types, they must know the names
and meaning of each to be able to give examples and identify different syllable
types. The learner will be able to give examples of words along with their
specific syllable pattern. The partners will then use their knowledge of the
syllable patterns on IXL to demonstrate their understanding of the terms. Once
the partner sets have completed, we will regroup and present our examples as a
whole class group effort.
The syllable patterns will be taught prior to the students working alone and in
groups to make sure they have seen the syllable pattern types prior to
completing the said tasks. We will discuss the syllable pattern types as a whole
group at the end.

Select Curriculum Materials:

methods, I will set up 19 whiteboards (student centered), 19 dry erase markers (student
media, and centered), and 19 dry erasers (student centered). I will also prepare a worksheet
materials that has the 6 syllable patterns names at the top and the students will be
required to write at least 2 words for each type. So, I will prepare 19 worksheets
and gather 19 pencils for this activity at the end.

Technological Materials:

I will prepare the Website from web-IXL. (2023). Phonics: “Identify syllable
types.”[Web, Free]. Retrieved November 13th, 2023, from (student centered) and
the Syllable Patterns Video- Growing Primary. (April 30, 2023). Syllable Pattern
Types. [YouTube, Free] Retrieved November 13th, 2023 from (Student centered). I
will gather the 9 Chromebooks (laptop) with Wifi connection (student-
centered), computer for video (teacher centered), set up the smartboard to
display the syllable video (teacher centered), and dry erase board (student and
teacher centered)

Utilize Preview and Prepare Materials:

media and First, I will look over the Syllable Pattern Video) and look over the website (IXL)
materials to preview and approve. I will then prepare 19 white boards, 19 dry erase
markers, and 19 dry erasers. I will have the video prepared/setup on the
smartboard and have the partner teams already assigned prior to the beginning
of the lesson. I will dim the lights for the video so that the students can see it
clearly on the smartboard. The students will be prepared to master this lesson
by being introduced to the different syllable patterns from the video. The
students will be able to use the 6 syllable patterns to determine a word. I will
model one word for each of the 6 syllable patterns on the main white board.
Then, the students will use their white boards and write one word for each of
the syllable patterns. Next, I will model how to use IXL for the phonics learning.
We will complete 5 questions as a class and then I will show the students how to
see their scores. The partners will complete at minimum 10 syllable pattern
questions on IXL. The students must score an 80% to be considered proficient in
the skill.

Require After the students are shown how to use the whiteboards and IXL, the students
learner will work independently. The students will write on their whiteboards 6
participation different words that fit the 6 different syllable patterns. Once, each student has
completed this, I will check each student six words with their syllable pattern.
Next, the students will work in pairs. There are 19 students so we will have 8
groups of two and one group of 3. The partners will be provided one
Chromebook to work on the syllable patterns together. The students will
complete at least 10 of the questions on IXL. IXL has already been loaded on
their Chromebooks and the passwords are saved on the computer so they will
already be signed in. The students will have to get at least an 80% on the IXL
question set to be considered proficient over the skill. Once the students have
completed this task, they will return to writing words on their white board for
each syllable type. I will walk around and give the partners a specific syllable
pattern that they will have to come up with at least 5 words for that specific
pattern. The students will be graded on their independent work participation,
correct number of questions on IXL, and their team effort with their partners.
If at this point, there are still students who are lost or just simply do not
understand. Pair them with another set of partners who is proficient in the skill
so that they can explain additional examples for the syllable patterns.
and revise Formative Assessment (Process):
As the students complete their independent white board work and partner work
on IXL, I am observing them consistently. Students will demonstrate their
understanding of the six syllable types by working independently to choose
words that fit each syllable pattern category. Students will also demonstrate
their understanding of syllable patterns when working in pairs to complete
questions on IXL. The formative assessment of the students learning will be used
to determine rather we are ready to tackle multisyllabic words. This formative
assessment from their participation and IXL scores of at least 80% will be
entered into the gradebook for this term. I expect all the students to work hard
independently and try their best, and I also expect them to do the same when
working with their partners. If I see based off the independent practice on their
whiteboards and the partner practice that the students do not understand the
different syllable patterns, then we will readdress this standard by focusing on
each syllable type independently. Each group will get more practice after IXL
because I will assign a specific syllable pattern for the students to focus on
writing 3 words to fit that pattern. If students are not participating in their
partner groups, then the student will return their desk and do it independently
for all tasks.
Summative Assessment (Product):
The summative assessment is an assessment that the students will complete
individually after they do all the formative tasks. I have created a worksheet that
lists the 6 syllable types. The students will be required to write at least two
words for each syllable type. The students must write the word and then
underline the syllable pattern within the word. This will demonstrate the
students understanding of syllable patterns. The students will have at least 12
words and for students to be considered proficient in this skill they must get at
least 9/12 of the syllable patterns correct. The students summative assessment
is the worksheet overall, but also the participation and use of
resources/technology leading up to this point as well. Once, I have the class
proficient in syllable patterns then we will be able to move on to multisyllabic
words. This will document the student’s mastery of TN Standard 3.FL.WC.4 and
the ability for students to use feedback that informs and improves their practice
to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways (ISTE 1.1.c). This gives
students to opportunity to use technology and learn too! Use the rubric below
to correctly grade the students summative assessments.

Exceeds the Standards Meet the Standard Need Improvement

(3 point) (2 point) (1 point)
The student correctly The student did not
The student correctly
Content identified 10 + words identify at least 9 words
identified 9 words and
Accuracy and correctly named their correctly along with their
named their syllable type.
syllable type. syllable type.
The student correctly The student spelled less
The student correctly spelled
Spelling spelled at least 9-10 than 6 words correctly on
7-8 words on their sheet. .
words on their sheet. their sheet.
The student wrote 2 or The student wrote less
The student wrote at least 2
Length more words per syllable than 2 words per syllable
words per syllable pattern.
patten. . pattern.
The student participated The student participated in
The student did not
in all activities leading up most activities leading up to
Participation participate in all activities
to this assessment and this assessment and worked
that led up to this event.
tried their very best. hard.
The student used all
technology/ resources The student used most of the The student did not use
given to them to reach technology/resources technology or resources
their full success for this provided for them. provided to them..

Total ___/15

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