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Gender: Male

Age: 42
Report Jung Personality Test

Table of contents
Table of contents 1

Your Jung personality report 2

What makes you different? 2

Your Jung personality type 2
An ENFP at-a-glance 3
Your probable contributions to an organization 4
On a team 5

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Your Jung personality
What makes you different?
This free report describes how you prefer to: deal with and relate to people, process
information, make decisions and organize your life. It gives you a good overview of your
personality and behavior. You can use this information to assess how well your
personality might fit a potential employer or type of job.

Your Jung personality type

The descriptions you chose about your behavior indicate that the Personality
Type that most accurately describes you is: Extravert-iNtuitive-Feeler-

Extraverts are outgoing, energetic and action-oriented. They are

enthusiastic and expressive
iNtuitives pay more attention to information that is imaginative and
original. iNtuitives focus on the future.
Feelers let their feelings and emotions play a leading role because of
their concern for other people.
Perceivers prefer a lifestyle that is spontaneous, flexible and
adaptable. They like an environment that is unstructured, and like to
keep their options open.

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An ENFP at-a-glance
You are a charming, e ervescent and people-oriented individual. You have a contagious
enthusiasm and love to inspire others to greater things. You see potential in everyone
and in every situation.
People are naturally attracted to you - they see you as passionate, inspirational and
lively. You have an exceptional ability to intuitively understand a person after a very
short period of time. You use your intuition and exibility to relate to others on their
own level - to be on the same wavelength.

You live in a busy world of possibilities where your imagination runs free and each and
every day is important. You just can't bear to be left out of anything! For you, diversity is
the universal key to happiness in life - you enjoy many di erent types of friends,
interests and experiences. Every Jung Personality type has one or two speci c nicknames
that concisely describe your Jung personality type, e.g. Inventor, Strategist, Protector and

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Your probable contributions to an
Each Personality Type has a di erent set of skills, talents and attributes that they bring
to an organization, group or relationship. Here is a list of those most commonly
associated with Personality Types like you - ENFP.

Brings a special brand of warmth, graciousness, enthusiasm, color and

vivaciousness to an organization.
Seeks variety, challenge, diversity, novelty and ideas.
Easily handles and excels in ambiguous situations.
Has little hesitancy in becoming involved in di erent projects - does not hold
Is committed to the progress and growth of people.

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On a team
Some people work well on teams, others work best on their own. Understanding the
personality types of team members provides information about how individuals are
likely to carry out their work and interact with each other. Given your personality
preferences, the following are the strengths (and possible weaknesses!) you will most
likely bring to a team:

Has an infectious excitement that inspires others.

Contributes creative ideas along with humanitarian values and limitless
Constantly empowers and validates others and their contributions.
Allows team members to share and express themselves.
Is terrific at integrating people, resources and overall vision.

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