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Univariate Analysis of Variance


Post hoc tests are not performed for x because at least one group has fewer than two

Between-Subjects Factors

x 6 1

7 3

8 2

9 4

Descriptive Statistics
Dependent Variable: y

x Mean Std. Deviation N

6 8.00 . 1
7 7.67 .577 3
8 7.50 2.121 2
9 7.75 1.500 4
Total 7.70 1.160 10
Levene's Test of Equality of Error Variancesa
Dependent Variable: y

F df1 df2 Sig.

2.671 3 6 .141

Tests the null hypothesis that the error variance of

the dependent variable is equal across groups.
a. Design: Intercept + x

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable: y

Type III Sum of Partial Eta

Source Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Squared
Corrected Model .183 3 .061 .031 .992 .015
Intercept 458.803 1 458.803 231.006 .000 .975
x .183 3 .061 .031 .992 .015
Error 11.917 6 1.986
Total 605.000 10
Corrected Total 12.100 9

a. R Squared = .015 (Adjusted R Squared = -.477)

Parameter Estimates
Dependent Variable: y

95% Confidence Interval Partial Eta

Parameter B Std. Error t Sig. Lower Bound Upper Bound Squared

Intercept 7.750 .705 10.998 .000 6.026 9.474 .953

[x=6] .250 1.576 .159 .879 -3.605 4.105 .004
[x=7] -.083 1.076 -.077 .941 -2.717 2.550 .001
[x=8] -.250 1.220 -.205 .844 -3.236 2.736 .007
[x=9] 0 . . . . . .

a. This parameter is set to zero because it is redundant.

Estimated Marginal Means

Grand Mean
Dependent Variable: y

95% Confidence Interval

Mean Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound

7.729 .509 6.485 8.974

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