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Hey there, I'm Jade!

Hi there! I’m Jade Beason, you’re resident Creator

Coach and all-around Digital Marketing Expert.
I’m a full-time content creator who specialises in
helping fellow creators and entrepreneurs
increase their online presence, multiply their
income streams and create profitable online

I have a 1st class honours degree in Marketing and

spent 8 years working with major international
brands in various marketing roles before pursuing

I used my experience in marketing, the

knowledge I’ve gained from starting multiple
businesses, and my experience as a content
creator, to create a YouTube channel full of free
tips, as well as multiple exclusive opportunities to
help you level up your socials and turn content
creation to a full-time career!

This free guide will go over the 5 steps you need to

take to double your sales only by using your
Instagram Stories. Let's dive right in, shall we?
Instagram is an incredible tool that can help you grow your
business (when used correctly!). It’s a way to market your
products or services, connect with and discover a new audience,
and showcase your creative abilities. Instagram has multiple
different features which allow you to do this, but one of the best
in Instagram Stories.

Instagram Stories last for 24 hours and are typically used as a way
to form a deeper connection with your audience. They require
less polish and planning than reels or feed posts, and can be an
amazing tool to directly sell your products or services to your
audience (less work for more money? Count me in!).


I’ve created this guide to teach you all about how to utilise
Instagram Stories to double your sales! This guide aims to
simplify the process of creating stories, teach you everything you
need to know in order to use stories for sales, and overall help
take your Instagram Stories content to the next level!

I’ve broken down this process into 5 easy steps. Keep reading to
get a detailed explanation of each step!






Use an interactive sticker to spark interest in the

product or service you’re selling.

The first step to levelling up your Instagram Stories is to use Interactive

Stickers, such as The Heart Slider, Story Poll, Story Quiz, and Story Q&A.

The Interactive Stickers help to spark interest in the product or service you
are trying to sell. It allows users to not just watch your story, but to interact
with it. This helps to engage your audience and encourages them to
participate along with you, your brand, and your content (plus, they’re cute to
look at!).

This process works best when you first let stories on your page expire
completely, or “die out” (aka a period longer than 24 hours has passed without
you posting on your Instagram Stories). You want to start with a completely
blank slate, with no previous stories available on your profile.

By starting fresh, the algorithm pushes out your new content, so you have a
higher chance of more people seeing and interacting with your story.
Types of
Interactive Stickers
Here is a breakdown of th e sti c kers and how to
use them to their full poten ti al :

The Heart Slider

The Heart Slider is used to gauge your audience's interest in a specific thing. The
slider allows users to slide their finger along a scale, to decide how much they like
or “heart” something. This scale ranges anywhere from 0% to 100%. This sticker is
not meant to engage people’s minds, but more so to encourage interaction
without any real commitment (I “heart” the heart slider).

The Heart Slider should be used for light-hearted content, as people often engage
with the slider without much thought. You can use this feature to make mundane
behind-the-scenes content more interesting. For example, if you’re a fashion
blogger, you could clean out your closet and have people rate clothing. It’s a tool to
get people interacting with your content, without a lot of work placed into it on
their end.

Story Poll
The Story Poll sticker can be used on your stories to ask your audience a question.
It requires a little more thought and effort than The Heart Slider, but is still quite
low maintenance when it comes to the energy exerted by your audience to
participate with your brand/service.

The Story Poll allows your audience to pick between which answer they like or
agree with more - essentially, you ask a question and provide anywhere from two
or more answers. This question can be related to your brand and/or your personal
life. I would suggest you integrate your products, services, freebies or affiliate links
into the poll. By doing so you are marketing your product, and participating with
your audience at the same time (think two birds one stone kind of thing!). An
example of this would be asking your audience which product/service they prefer,
which freebie you should launch next, etc.
Story Quiz
Story Quiz allows you to quiz your audience on your stories using the 'quiz' sticker.
This process requires a little more effort than the other sticker options, but again
not enough to cause your audience (or you) any sort of inconvenience. This sticker
will make your stories more engaging, while also increasing your ranking on the
Instagram Story algorithm.

Story Quiz allows you to ask your audience a question, where you then provide
multiple choice style answers to said question. They then pick their answer, which
is then indicated as correct in green (hooray!), or incorrect in red (better luck next
time). If you’re stuck for ideas on what to quiz your audience on, try finding
interesting facts about your industry. For example, Instagram marketing coaches
could ask 'which year was Instagram launched?'. Get creative and have fun with it!
Who doesn’t love a little quiz game every now and then?

Story Q&A
You can use the Story Q&A sticker for open-ended questions. This requires the
most effort from your audience, as it requires a written response. This can be
extremely useful because it allows you to hear directly from your audience, and
gives them a simplified, non-committal way to communicate with you. You don't
have to show your face when you respond (however this tactic is more effective
when you do), instead you can share photos related to your answers in your
response, a perfect time to break out a funny meme or relatable gif, if you ask me!
An example of questions to ask your audiences to engage with you would be to tap
into your audience's pain points, and ask them to share what they struggle with
the most in relation to your niche.

Using any of these interactive stickers will help spark interest, and
generate more traffic to your page. Some ask more from your audience
than others, so remember to switch it up and figure out what your
audience prefers and engages with the most often for the best results!

Show your face, and discuss

your product/service in 2-3
stories. Be sure to use captions!

Step number two is showing your face! I know

stepping in front of the camera can feel
daunting; some of us are shy or get nervous
about public speaking, but it truly helps you
form a deeper connection with your

Seeing your face allows your audience to

remember who you are and form a bond with
you. Seeing the person behind the mask helps
the audience to see you as a human being,
rather than just a screen. It encourages
interaction and trust, as they can see whom
they are purchasing from or following.

In addition to showing your face, be sure to

post up to 2 to 3 stories discussing your
business’s product or service. More than 3
stories tend to lose audience interest, which is
the opposite of your goal; 2-3 is the sweet spot
for attention and connection. It’s also a good
idea to connect what you are saying to the
interactive sticker post that you just
previously put on your page. This lets you
build off the foundation for the connection
you’ve just laid down! Your story will be
coming together quite nicely this way.
As you show your face and speak 1:1 with your audience, be sure
to use captions! Using captions ensures that your stories are
accessible to your whole audience, and also gives the option of
still watching your stories, even without the volume turned on. I
can think of many times in public where I’ve been watching
stories without the volume turned up, and still been able to
interact with/understand what was happening in the story
thanks to captions! Instagram auto-generates captions for you,
so it’s not even extra work you have to participate in on your end.
It’s an extremely easy, but extremely beneficial step to make
sure everyone can participate with your stories.

Share some form of social proof

(testimonials, DMs, etc.).

Step number three in doubling your sales using Instagram Stories is to

provide some social proof that your product or service works. Remember:
seeing is believing! You wouldn’t go on Dragons’ Den with no knowledge of
your sales - no one would invest in your business. It’s the same for everyday

Social media is a powerful tool to drive sales. By providing testimonials

(written or video), client direct messages, or any type of proof that your
product works, you are encouraging more people to purchase your product
or service from you.

Proving legitimacy that your product or service works creates more trust
between you and new potential followers. It creates trust, connection, and
encourages people to interact with your brand and content.

Include a link to the

product/service you’re

Once you’ve made your story with an

interactive sticker, shown your face to
create a connection, and proved that your
product or service works, it’s time to move
on to Step Four.

Step Four is to make sure you’re providing

a link to your product or service. This may
seem like a no-brainer, but you’d be
surprised how often I see people forget!
Nobody can buy your stuff if they don’t
know how to get their hands on it.
Providing a link lets your audience know
that you want their business, and that you
want them to interact with you and your

Additionally, give the link a persuasive title!

Get creative with it - come up with
something more personalised to you and
your audience. Rather than just a URL link,
or a button that says ‘Click Here’, take the
time to come up with something engaging
that hooks them or piques their curiosity;
this will encourage them to click on and
follow your link. This shows the effort you
put into your stories, and provides your
audience with motivation to click on the
link to your products or services.

Add your stories to a dedicated highlight.

Finally, we’re at step number five! Woohoo! You’ve now made it through all
your stories, and you’re ready to put the final touches on securing more
sales. Step Five is to add the stories to a dedicated highlight.

Highlights, for those who might not know or use them yet, allow users to
come to your profile and see previous stories they might have missed. You
can have multiple highlights, and it’s usually best to divide them into
different categories for the different stories you create. These highlights
can be categorised as: behind the scenes, products or services, new
launches, Q&As, and so on. In this case, I’d recommend creating a
Product/Service Highlight and add your new stories them!

Since stories are a great way to become more personable with your
audience, Highlights are an excellent way for a new user to have direct
access to you, even if you don’t have a story up currently. By adding a story
to a highlight, you are making it easy for new visitors to discover your
product or services. Highlights can also be added to later on, so if you forget
to include a story to your highlight right away, don’t panic! You’re able to
create and add highlights after stories are finished or expired.
That’s all for now! Thank you so much for reading my 5 step guide to
selling on your Instagram Stories.

I hope you found this guide helpful, and I can’t wait to hear about your
growing businesses. Remember, stories allow you to create a deeper
connection to your audience, encouraging sales, engagement, and
long term brand trust. So get to it!
P.S. If you’re looking for some
extra help to sell more of your
business products or services
online, I suggest in my Convert
with Instagram course!
Convert with Instagram is an Instagram Marketing
program that teaches you how to attract an audience
that buys from you. Here you’ll have access to
worksheets, spreadsheets, and tools that teach you how
to develop the best Instagram marketing strategy for
you and your business!


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