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Multimedia Software

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As the name infers, multimedia is the integration of audio, graphics and texts and video, by use of a
computer with the tools and links that allows the user create, interact, navigate, and communicate.
A computer must be there to bring unto coordination of what you perceive and see, and what to
interact with. Links are very essential to connect the data. Lastly, there ought to be ways to help you
collect, process and then communicate the information of you own and ideas.
Multimedia software tools can be divided into various categories: sound and audio editing, animation
authoring tool, image and graphics editing, and video editing.
Graphic and Image Editing Software
We can easily manipulate digital images using graphics software programs (Brooks & Dodgson,
2005). This software can be used to crop images, adjust colours, add a text on an image, clear
unwanted features, alter image size, etc. Examples of such programs are Adobe Photoshop, Paint
Shop Pro, Visualizer, Photo Studio, and Corel Photo-Paint.
Sound and Audio Editing software
These helps us create a spectacular video clip accompanied with such sound effects like echo, fading,
among others from raw audios.
Video Editing Software
With video editing software, we can create our own original and unique movies for our personal or
business purposes (Nahrstedt and Balke, 2005). Examples of video editor software that we may
choose from are Avid's Media Composer and Xpress Pro, Apple's Final Cut Pro and Adobe's Premiere
(Wang & Hirakawa, 2006).
Animation Authoring Software
Flash has come out to be the chief online animation format as more Flash movies are formed and
viewed (Yang, Li, Wenyin & Zhuang, 2007). Flash is used to create advertisements and simple
animation. Flash video can be embedded into web pages. Various Flash file formats include
standalone Flash Player (in .SWF or .EXE format) or flash video (.FLV).

1. Nahrstedt, K., & Balke, W. T. (2005, November). Towards building large scale multimedia
systems and applications: challenges and status. In Proceedings of the first ACM
international workshop on Multimedia service composition (pp. 3-10). ACM.
2. Brooks, S., & Dodgson, N. A. (2005, November). Integrating procedural textures with
replicated image editing. In Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on Computer
graphics and interactive techniques in Australasia and South East Asia (pp. 277-280). ACM.
3. Wang, Y., & Hirakawa, M. (2006, May). Video editing based on object movement and
camera motion. In Proceedings of the working conference on Advanced visual interfaces (pp.
108-111). ACM.

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