Inggris Kelas Ix Ulangan Harian

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Today you turn one year older. I wish you good helath and full of succes.

The phrase above will be best to write a/an...

bTS won the prestigious awards at the MTV Video Music Awards.

Halsey congratulate them. what does she say to congratulate BTS..

A. Congratulate to BTS!

B. Thanks, i will do my best

C. Congratulations BTS

D. Well thank you

Congratulation boy, your graduation proof all your work hard. Well done, keep up the good work.

What the writer purpose?

A. To congratulate boy eho just graduate

B. To determine if the boy has graduated well

C. To prove boy has worked hard

D. To infor boy graduation

What is the underline meaning

A. Ork hard for the graduation

B. Maintain his achievement

C. Proof all his hard work

D. Show his determination

Joni : from what i can see, i think social media gives the bad impact to us.

Yeni : ....... in my opinion, social media also give good influence to many people.

A. I don't disagree

B. I agree with you

C. I agree

D. I totally disagree

What can we get after reading this...

A. The nutrition fact of nut

B. The detile ingridients of honey

C. The way to distribute the nut

D. Complete information of cheerios

The cereals contain

A. Sugat

B. Vitamin e

C. Cholesterol

D. Saturated fat

We can find the label on ...

A. Cosmetic label

C. Skin cream

D. Medicine bottle

E. Instant food

The label is important because

A. It give detile information abaout the product

B. It describe a ptoduct to young people

C. It advertise modern product

D. To tell tje value of medicine

What is the writer purpose of the text...

A. To advertise air conditioner

B. To convey data selling of air conditioner

C. To decribe about air conditioner

D. To give information abaout the product

Gambar kebab

The text is mainly aimed for..

A. Giving the number to buy the product

B. Persuadinh people to buy the product

C. Delivering the product to customer's house

D. Informinh people to get the product free

"Free home delivery" from the text abouve we know that the delivery of product in all area are not...

A. Need minimum order

B. Require any payment

C. Keep the taste good

D. Block anything
Paddlefish is the common name for the ray-finned fish. It is characterized by an elongated, paddle-like snout with minute
barbels, large mouth with minute teeth, and long gill rakers.

There are only two modern species of these fish: the plankton-feeding American paddlefish (Polyodon spathula), and the
piscivorous Chinese paddlefish (Psephurus gladius)

Paddlefish provide important economic, ecological, and aesthetic values. During the last century, paddlefish and sturgeon have
been commercially exploited for their eggs (roe), called caviar. Paddlefish and sturgeon are two of the most important fish for
freshwater caviar. Their unique shape and large size also adds to the joy of nature for humans, including sports fishing. However,
exploitation and habitat changes, among other factors, have significantly reduced the populations of paddlefish

After reading the text, it is expected that the readers...

A. Consume peddlefish

B. Preserve peddlefish from extinction

C. Sell and buy paddlefish

D. Breef paddlefish in aqiarium

What is the writer intention for writing this text?

A. To persuade people to buy paddlefish

B. To inform about paddlefish

C. To describe paddlefosh in general

D. To amuse the reader abaout paddlefosh story

Why does paddlefosh population decrease?..

A. They are predator

B. They are difficult to bread

C. People destroy their habbit

D. People comercially exploit them

Chamelion is the type of lizard. They are around 160 species of chameleon which can be ..... mostly on madagascar (half of the
species live there), in the Africa, South Asia, and Sri Lanka. Some chomeleon species ..... endangered due to habitat loss
because they are .... as pets.

A. Bought

B. Found

C. Find

D. Eaten

A. Are

B. Is

C. Were

D. Was
A. Sell

B. Sells

C. Sold

D. Selling

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