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Creativity and Originality (30%): Judges will assess how unique and innovative the
costume design is. Originality and creativity should be encouraged.

Craftsmanship and Detail (30%): This criterion evaluates the quality of

craftsmanship, attention to detail, and the overall construction of the costume.
Judges will look for neatness and precision.

Accuracy (15%): This category measures how closely the costume resembles the
character or theme it's based on. Accuracy in terms of color, style, and other
details is important.

Presentation and Performance (10%): This factor considers how well the
contestant presents their costume on stage. It could include things like
confidence, stage presence, and the ability to convey the character's personality.

Suitability to Theme (10%): If the competition has a specific theme, this criterion
evaluates how well the costume aligns with that theme. For a general costume
competition, this category can focus on the overall coherence of the costume.

Audience Engagement (5%): This category gauges the audience's reaction and
engagement during the contestant's presentation. It considers the appeal and
charm of the costume.

Total Percentage: 100%

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