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Reflection of Field Visit Block D.

1 Emergency
Visit to the Emergency Unit of RSUP Dr. Sardjito
Name of Student : Rajendra Yuraf Tamm hernowo
Student Number : 20/454519/KU/22021
Date : 1 September 2023
Instructor : dr. Esterida Simanjuntak

1. What have I prepared to accomplish field visit

Before the field visit I contacted the instructor to make sure about the meeting point and
did a small survey of the location in order to prevent getting to the wrong place during
the day of field visit. I also prepare my attire (white lab coat) and small notebook for
taking notes. In addition, I also learnt about the working algorithm of the emergency
room. These preparations made me have prior knowledge regarding the emergency room
and helped in understanding the materials explained by the instructor.

2. What I did
I visited the regular ER of RSUP Dr. Sardjito. There ER is divided into two zones: red
and yellow:
● Red zone: resuscitation room
● Yellow zone: consultation room, treatment room, pharmacy, isolation room, and
obstetric & pediatric room.

Patients admitted to the ER are classified according to the Emergency Severity Index
● ESI 1: emergency; need immediate resuscitation; life threatening condition
● ESI 2: emergency; could potentially worsen over time: need resuscitation
● ESI 3: urgent but not an emergency; clinically stable, does not need immediate
● ESI 4: less urgent; need 1 or more treatment before discharged from ER
● ESI 5: non urgent; clinically stable
The algorithm of emergency patients in ER of RSUP Dr. Sardjito will be shown below:

3. What I get from and proud of my performance

I am proud that I managed to come on time, wore proper attire, and was able to listen and
take notes of the materials being explained by the instructor. From the field visit, I got the
knowledge regarding emergency room algorithm and classification of emergency patient
which is an important knowledge for my upcoming clinical phase and obviously my
career as a doctor in the future.
4. What should I do better next time
I should learn and practice more about the emergency interventions that are included in
my competencies as a GP (4A SKDI).
5. Give some suggestions to improve my performance, field visit activity, and the
Emergency Unit
● Brainstorm goals that want to be achieved during field visit
● Seek hands-on experience from the hospital personnel
● Reflect and apply the knowledges obtained

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