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Fernandez, KJ

Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK Model )

( Reflection Paper )

It is said that, "Teachers cannot be replaced by technology, but teachers who do not know technology
can be replaced." With this TPACK Model, also known as Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge,
teachers will be given three types of knowledge on how to integrate technology into teaching. These three
types of knowledge are, namely, technological, pedagogical, and content. I have learned that this model tries to
combine all these three forms of knowledge and create a new form of knowledge where TPACK comes into

Upon the discussion of this approach, I discovered that technological knowledge pertains to a teacher’s
stock or existing knowledge about technology. Knowing how to create a power-point presentation or slides is
actually considered standard technology knowledge in education. You cannot effectively use technology in your
way of teaching if you are not skillful and knowledgeable enough about it. Moreover, the knowledge of a
teacher for the methods of learning and teaching is what we call pedagogical knowledge. As the teachers gain
more experience in the classroom, they will develop their own methods and teaching practices. Furthermore,
content knowledge is a teacher's knowledge about the subject they are handling. Among those first two pieces
of knowledge, I think this is the crucial type of knowledge that a teacher should have. It would be so hard to
deliver the lesson clearly to the students, if you as a teacher did not know and familiarize the content you are
presenting in your class. When these three types of knowledge are combined, it will give teachers an ability to
understand the interrelatedness of each type of knowledge mentioned above. Once a teacher possesses all
the types of knowledge, he or she is considered better equipped to successfully use technology in the

Overall, I can say that this model is very relevant to our classroom set-up nowadays, in which we
have blended-learning. It is very important for teachers to be up to date and knowledgeable enough about the
curriculum. Thus, it is expected that teachers will effectively integrate technology into their classes. With the
help of this TPACK model, instructors are more equipped to incorporate the growing demand for the use of
technology in the classroom and place more focus on the content and how they teach it.

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